iSlcrrp Vol. VI THE TWIG Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 17, 1926 Cljvisstmas No. 6 MERR Y CHRISTMAS^-’ HAPPY NEW^ YEAR DR. SHOREY GIVKS Sf-:RIKS OF iJ-C'n^HKS NOTKI) SCIIOI.AH Oh' (iKKKK AM) l/ATIN LKCTriM'S rx’i’i';i{i:sTiN(; Dr. i’uul Shorcy, Drofcssni' m' Creek at (]io I'tiivcrsily of ('liN'iif;:'*, leftiirod at Mori>iii(li ClolloKc Xovf'iiilier 112 iiml 23. In !iis (irsi lociiiro cm "'riic (!irl Proposilion in lie (r;u-i'c| tlx; iittilii(U> towiird.s woiiu'ii in (5ri‘ck Iilora(uro, .i^iviiiK s|.t'cial aUenlioH In Ifomnr. Sauplio, 10iiri|)i(it*s, luu! .Aiisio- liluitn'H. Ii(> sliowt'fl that ilh; ))c)i)uliir notion tlial fJrook women won- Uc't>t in stil)j(!Cl!on anil liaii liillc- (ir no socia! anil ititolli'Clnal cciinDaiiiniisliii) wiili nii!ii, in opp-osi’d liy nuicli in 1ln' wril- int?H ol' tins (Irook-'i tluitnsdv.'s. Ur. Siioroy’s witty aiitl oriKinul Iransla- liuiis and liis skilll'nl inrxlorni/'.aiions of [la.HsaRDs in Grotdi liloralurc I'siiccially plc-asod liis andloiicc. Dr. Siifircy'.s sooonri loi'liiii’ was on "Hdnirr and Whal 'riioy Say oi' ifoinor." III? oinpliasizcil tin- jioint iliat lloimir is not nioroly a lic’id I'nr Llmsi' inti'ro.slod in anfliri)i)iilony or |ilu]olou:y, tint tlial: al)ovo ail. it is jioclry ami. alrlionirli if, is sfi>inf'‘. I'l’^il nui-trv, imi rutif and in-iniilivc lm( liijjlily tinislii'd and artifjtif. 'i'o pidvc liis jioint, !io showoil that Honii-rii passaHi's which aro Kivcn as c.\ani)drs oi’ a savaii>- and liailiarian a;.',i' tiiay tir'llcdi’ii l)v vi-ry Kiniiiar jmssafics I'runi nnidc'i'n wrilcr.'^. Tilt' iniporiani lliiny lo do in >anilyin}i llruncr is in enjoy hiui as a Kri al (lo' l. In IIh‘ ili-ii'd ii’clin'i- on "l‘'a>liiiii in J.iti‘rauii'1 |)i'. Shofi'V sIkiuc'i! us -i'; llifri* ai'i- I'ashioiis in dirss. an, niiHir and f-ii'n'i‘. .-“o ilnTr are rasliiniis in liic ralni'i' wliicli aif cliani-'in.i; wilh in ii'i;asini', raidilii.v. Mp (lc-|ifin-ai"l iti- ^a^tlions niosl |:o|)iilar loday as jiiviii;; t Ol I Hi 1 Ii' ai I >’iii Ion III I'onii and as oft I'n sliowinK a. laxily in ihsillni.' willi iIk' Six iin«'siion uiiiili ino I'liti mni ly ^;rous I'roin a laxily ol' Ihonp.hi and s])i-ii-(i lo a laxil,v ol' ai'lioii, Iti' also iriii'izi'd a ciM'lain school j1' !i irrai hi'o !is j;ivi‘ii iivor Ion niindi lo llio use ol I'si iulii si'icni illi- toniis wliii-li ar- ri'ally iui'aninKl>'ss. ills idea. tnio|i.'-i hy |iu)lalioiis I'roni a wide raii^e of liicraniro. wa.s (liiil wliiie en.iuyinK i)i‘ (('iiiil'miml >iii \ "lOd." and his cii-woi kors, aii- iionnc'- llic usual (Uikc WalU lo ln’ p.ivrii on Satni'day nij;l>l. I*'" (•i'ni!».-r IS, al oi.ulil o'clcuit'i. In the s|ia'iiiiiH lU'W diiiini; ha'l (In'rc will ho ani|i!o room for ail I heir callers. Tlie admission is only len ci’nis. ami ihc iierl'orinanec i,-^ well worth your lime ami your dinio. jA Christincts 05ri'i'tiui^ ll /.S' (ifidin niy privilagv. to give C/irislinas and hcsi ivis/ws for a lia/>py and prosperous New Year lo siuiionts. present anil past. This nies- safie is goin^i; for the first lime from our ni>n- sitr ami our nen- haildini's. I am iiopin^- that (he season ivili hriaii to rac/i of you erery happiness and the new year will hrinfi; you its full ipiola of sunshiny ami prosperous days. ) oil. eau ueuer get so far away from ■lluia Mater that she will not follow you with, leenesl interest, and whether there he joy or sornur she will enter into your feelings with fullest svuipathy. II e rejoii e in. all that has been don.‘ for ■limit Haler in providing huihl- ings and e(piipuient. Then- is iiiiirh yel to he done in order to rompletr in a salisfactory ivay the first unit so wrll began. -I united efjort partici pated in by all will bring a speedy ami gratifying nuisummaliou in this rnterprise. H'ishmg each of yon a Merry (.hrisimas. l am \ (uirs sincerely. CHAS. E. HHI'AVIifi. IVIKHI-,!)! I tl h I I Dl.lN \> ((KKKHKI) T'KI/I'N ' i»i{. \iAi>inn «iivi;s oim'ok i i njtV 1 OK II{STOI{IA.\S s( iMiLVKsini's oi l I’rizis ;uid a siltolarslii|i have ln'i 'i oiril'i-ii III Iho sluilelll body, W'iin uill ho Mil' Ini'liV ones In lal%r :el vaiiiaui- III' iIm'M' oi>|iiii'ninii il's? I'‘iii;r ;;irl.'. ‘-iiiur li i'^Iniioi). >-o)ih(Uiiori .hiiiiors. or >-i'ni-p|-', mav ‘.\in jiri/i s lor urilin:: ihr ho;.i i-sa.\s ahoni Ah;',- diih ('ulh'V.'': hai only one Irr’sliinan 1.1II i n iIm' x'hula i'shi|i I'or ina k in.u i In tii'Si l^ralh■^ in lln' year li'lllMHliT, hr. I' iv .Madiliy. soei'olar\ ul' liir N»Hih Carolina llajili-^l Slalo Con 11'(•iiliinicil r.n iKii/f Jdtiri \STI«» nAiJ. SCKM-: (>!'■ i:!n(is'r:\i\s ci'iJciiii.AiioiN n r!;ift,Ai is; oivi;\ 'I'lioso W|||> alle.liih'd llli' .Asl rol el»lnn nieeiiiiK Saiiu'day nighl. eamc awa.v 1'oi.liiin lhai, Chi'islnias was indoed ul- hi'i'o. Ini' iho iii'oKi'ani was niv-'ii wilh inuili I'li'liiiy: and rxiiri'ssion oi Iho .('iirislnias tiiii". 'I'lie Chi’ •hir,\, '"I'he l-ill!e Mauh lirl," was lold so lieaiiiil'ully ami iintn'essively hy .Mary Kram'os lii>;Ker», lhal wo wcro all made m fool iliu (h- snow -.vas really I'allinK nntsich', and al) was lold; and wo ecnild I'airiy si'o Ihe lU- lie Kiri idodilinK along without slioo-i. tlirnuKh llie silow, and our .syiniiatliy (('oiUhiiicil on ptiiH' /«»? l ii’/H ,‘^M,ii',i ) i',i\ii L\'i i'hi'Si']'N’i'}\i> CHKISTMAS PKnCKAM It \ 1,1, \ I ri; Vi ’i'i\ Ki,v i>f ( oi{ vn ii ■'.liw^'ir hi-K'.:, jili;;!.. Ijr-ll, j i ii ■ ;,H llii‘ wa,\', (Hi wlial lun it is lo l ido in a uii'- hin ■ open sli'is^li!" Vi>. ihal v lols ol' I'lili: hill m>l ti.iil I S| milrll i'nil as .unini; 1i. Mu i. ly Wh.-ll ■Clirisi nias I.-, ill ihi' air." I.i’si so'ih o'' hi'i- 'liiili- ihihli I'll" siioold I'oi;.'!-. Miai Chri.-'imas i:- I'niiiinv,. Mo'!n-r I'liil- aii'li.’i -laj/iil ,t loo^l ip'l ii;h! Ill I Chii,-^i nia. jirniciMiii la>i Sainnl;i> iii^;ln, Hoiiii i,r Uii. yiMiiiiir-r m.'mhi'i's i.nilii s.;irril\ iii'iaiii I'roiii nniiiin!; Irn'1, alioi' ;i sioiKiim 1.1 han:'. whoa ih--,> rnii'r-.l Mil- Siieii i > I |J II I'.iol li.'h-'M ••III ll ;i '■( 'liri'J ni:i -;y" :i I tiii is|)!ii') i ' lloll> loi'aii'd a mo"l alli;o'ii\i' ih'idi-,i iMnit I'oi' ihi' idaito: iiiori' lioll\ un- ■ an isi iia lly arraii.ned iii>on ilii- siiiyo I In Dll' ei'iiler ol' (he sia|;' :i lahh- ai>- I iii'ai'i'd, oti wliii'Ii was a i.eri'i-ei cm ! haiiUiio'iii ol' holly, wilh spaei' only ' lor till- hiiKf inim 'i hi.wl (whii h iiintir iaiely iiroiisi'il ntir sus|iii ioii;-1. |)ra|i"d I I'rnm Ihe softly i-ovornl liithls lo Ihe lahli' wore sIri'aniiTS nf rc'd and ^n'.'i'ii irepo |ia[ii'r ami ('hrisimas trees of pine a|)j,eared ahoiil tiie hall and siai;>-, I'n iill )jf this rod eatnlles, here and ihero leii! ilieir ulimmerin.i; liKhl. ;i'iv- iiiK li> eoinplete liii' Chi'islnias iiiolni'--. The i-liiiirs were arranged in a senil- '•ireiilar. Iied-tiine slnry rorm: nol a wliisfiei' was heard as we sal in llu- dim candle lijilil hroaihlossly wail- iim. I'he si.iry id' the hinh of ilic ( child as rehiied hy I,like was inipr.'s- sivcly real hy tlie e!iai)lain; suddenly, (Co7Uiiiiicl on iM;n: llirct) Mi.i;i:iinii siithm''> i*i:o\i: iTMM'ir u 'i'i{}.'s';i:s I I'O in \l,l. We :n'i- lol'rei] n> lake our ll.ll'^ I.l'l In • he nil in li!i .• o!' l'‘i i inl. in win. • n ■ l'\ell> pri'Mllleri /. l/^/^;■• I " la:-l ThlH'-:i,l> I'\ I liill'.' in I I;.' ! 'lil Ih'll. Tie iii'i -I'li lal ioi; i.i 11,,- \ prt I'l eij- o li> i.M ioi|e. ,,i I 'l'pn'h • i n.;- Thi > Wen I'll I j \. 1 V. ;: !■ • ul Im i;i -i i- appkiir.. , T! I (;:ira' t"l • id' I ■ I.’ • ia I/.;,’.;. . I ll, Ul ll- I I II I" 1.(1 i,(ini I h:'i I / 'i . W . iMMVi C'i S \ i;si'l K XV i'imm;:; \m i;i:mh:j!I,ii m: m.'' Ai;oi;i) ■| 1;:' Cllcisltoa~ >}dril is li-rl a ili.I.v Hi'-', tniiiiil'i •'ii'il al .Mercdiih ihi si' d:i.' and esp.riiiilv u;is ir unili'ed ill l!i> hiVely W. . sei'Vici- lii'lil iti lln eliaiel SuinJay i'\i‘nin);. The old. hiii I'Ve)- iH u, Christmas earnj-, wei'i- smi'.; JnsI hetore .\ Doi'othy Ke||;iiu |n',. I eiili'd Ihe many awards si';ils and din- , loiiias lor Ihe -Mission Study i-oiirsi' - I lii' i'ii earlier in ihe fall, Hesidc's ilu'se ! .'I'Viinl;: shi' presi'iiii'il Ihe most inter-' osiinj; |iro|iosiiitn in stni'y writing on lilie siih.ii'ci of tllhinn'. Shi' exiil;iiiied I how very hi'lin'iil ll \\ouhl he lo maie ]-im h a simly as this [taper wotil.l w inii'e, Tlien sh‘ told of ilie pleasani I I'miUniii1 nil paijf Hirer) MKliKDITlI Ci,| li ;iVKs I'liisr mu(k;ha,m ){riir\i, \ sioKss ia;( i:r\i;i) hkaimv Ari-i,Ai'sK lieanlil'ul sln^'iiiK was uol the sole I aiDai'Mon |,resetired hy ih.> MerrMlilh jche Chih on the niKiil of Nuvc'iiilnM' Mil' I " I'nt y seven I h. To this wa.s addod |l’i'ani> in and radi;nit ea- I Ihiisi.isin, Tin- program was inicrest iiixiy afiaiii-'eil wiiti ^oiiKs hy i.ho clul^. -oi.l^, ihii'is, ;iiid ;i violin solo. ,M. lhi>oi;lr Ihe aiidieiie.' applauded for etii'oi'i"., liie )n'of,'ramitie was loo iont; 'In [ii'i'mil iliem lo he aiven, and ,iu.:i ^ll"li the iVi-tltll.L; >I'|-Iiie,| (O ho l)(.'- -innitm, the eni| ii.-ni I'luHy conu'. Katie, hy U’ilsnii, was an ainn.sini^ Isoiim, 'uni; Very eili i'i jvely hy ,Mildred Iirni | .'II aad I'liil- Ahiiihews. .Ia|iaiii'!-e se|. ciioiM, hy Sullivan . iiiaili- a I'oliifin! mill I'harmliif? climax, : Tliese \' ;'iiiii; hv Mitilrod i'.rociiwol 1, Kat lii-r i he t'artir. .Mary nrneltwell aii'l itii' I'lmni.:. \irniiii;i Ktanrli ai'ioiniutnist. aided, '■'i'll hi-r hi.;;lilv ellieieiit. I/Uiyillj.’.', 'firi'atl> ill inakinir Ihe event what ll . was. 1 ll" va l il I \, lia riiinii '. I'll illnsiaste, S' I' ''lii'li lit --III,”-,, atiil ijiii.'k sneeessiul; Iiiuelu r^• Iiiaili' I tl" r\. iiiiK; a. Ihov 'Ol." I; ! I- 'i' ' I!J||I I'll I oil,.. 'I't.' |iri':;,l'a'ii ,i- 11.1 j 11: Mav ha> Klr'ii-''' I'wi, l;,,.,. Th" 11 nil Cilh"'! '1 iH M,,,,.. , 1 l!:i' fill! 1 .Ol illi Wl.r.ij s' Ivoiiala M iin 1111 ri 111' llr'i.iv.i - ,|eU'> '11 l.illlal.x Tl'" Ciiiii 1 Iralin: - W .1 1 1 I' ! .•■il:ii.' 1'".'. :i i'hill;;" 1 l''i. II .1 1 Ih . ■ 1 III' M'l ..u", l:i'-,.'i, .'."il ■; 1 111'. Ti..-‘ . I''. :i'i', Uutia lM-ii.;i'h'| V \. 11 11 W'ie.i" I rr>"'' and l';i|>.' Maltln-'s: III' 'ii \ii"' !':i!! ' ’.-.I liiiIlia 11iiiisi'i • NOTin:! \ i Tl:r ,M eri'ij 11 h elmi !■ will ,i;i ve { it- aiiiiilal Chi'islnias Coiuala I Siitlday at'lei lieon al I ; :;u o'eloek, j Tl'i' i'- oiii Ilf Mil' luosi healiti- i fill and im|,'fessivi> serviei's of I It v-.Mi-, The f;u'uily. I simlenis, .’iiid iheir Irieiids are I I'ordially inviii'd.

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