THIS IS THE TWIG Vol. VII BAPTIST STUDEI HOLD CONFERl STATE AND MERE] TEBTAIN FIVE BERS 01 S ^ JL Ill'UK Vtll.l. F>r l> .MbM- AIION N. C. State Collegi?W4 Meredith College will be host u|p' hoatcae to^ the State Baptist Couffr« ence on Friday. and day, Octobcr 28-30. Over five hundred ers, and student secretaHoa,. jepro- sentiiig all the schools of North Carolina, are^^ecte attend. ^ Last year at the Southern Baptist Student Conference, held at Bir mingham, it was decided that similar conferences should be held in each southern state during the months of October and November, for the purpose of carrying out the challenge received at Birmingham to “Make Christ Master of My Generation.” Taking as the keynote of the North Carolina State Con ference, “Christ Adequate,” they are striving for a rededication of the lives of all the students of this generation to Christ; for a new vision of the missionary spirit; for a burning zeal for soul-winning; and for' a quickening gleam of Christi anity. This conference is pi*omoted joint ly by a st which Mr at Wak man; b sion; antf the Bapl Among the the confei'( veil, Chinj (( Meredi, eigh, N. C.) October 28, 1927 INSTALLATION {HIS PLEDfijT'rHj MintESSIVJ ICES 'myv fims ^ItEHONY le dreams^l^thoiio new gtrls who ilHl^sely the '‘l.nveiMJcr aiid WhU^ic^nelr .soeiet3f:sxa>lQgsg&-^^- w«r« realised ^^day wt. 22, when the iost^fllation 8erTic^'^t>olc : place.: ;Ali^a|tertfi}on an air ol :ejci>ectatloti fattdfiMpeftem?^^ the you^est 4au$Utera: ofPhilaretia, as girl girl :4nXBi a slip of paper la'het tn»U:: box^M the time and ■jvlaceiBheiWaa exp^^ to appear. “Oh, :l:rdO: :wteh'f;^ififij^|^^^been sent for at •r thans^l.’' some were lEo say; "8:31 sounds so mu ^■e fearful." And so on the'^&„.^ UPhis continued to discuss the ceremony, until 7:30 finally and an old Fhl with solema^cej and arrayed in pure white, ^h.e beautiful Philaretian the entrance of the first pleS£q..> With trembling han|$;^4 chattermg teeth, one after one ^’^edges etrugr gled through the or(JeaI; wkh'the help of ap old Piii. the last pledge was broug^ift>r4ttd^|n a Bhort: while 113 new d|w^tsfS;: were. adtied to Mother Phll^^a?S'already large' family. When all su9|te'nse .was at last re lieved, the re^s^ilc; hegait.. Dainty refreshments servecl by little maids wearing wllUe dresses and la- vendar caps with a heaij^^ci»fe«‘ !fo^ '‘Phllaretia,'’ both new ai^|^;^menibera eame away, bubbling (JjBj^s-wltb^enthUaiasni and resolved tff'i'econie worthy members of their £l(£rj;ptie society. P Tradition has given Meredith a I ghost—for who ever heard of a that tvasn’t real! I shall try to tell you about it just as' it has been told to me by those who knew the people who actually saw the ghost. It all came about something a vers«filiSt)[ody who lived la a^Kttlc !^.ckTrhotiae?quil>e;;near the -of' old Meredith CoH^e. I j^eo^le.often tried: to: btjy the“littie but the; old lady ^ always ^i;:viU-v fact, '■ '^e was^ hpraified lit the.: very idea^ that t^e uo' bne was able to undOTstahd,. jiist why the lady was so reluctant in giving lip her abode—it seemed a mysterious aedret of hers alone, which no one els^ijbuld ever know. But as the years passed oil, the old lady of coux'Se ^ew more aged, stopped, and helpli^s, uuitii finitUyi wfen.shc lay:ph her death-bed,: ;the mystery-was deepened: still niore by her' dyingl^ish that: the; ghost, had been her solo companion, Blibuld never he frightened, or diaturbedj^ student committee, of Caudill, a student ''f^i^Board .Odiamibs- b^he Board'of ^ Stata 3ox|vcntloa. grading- speakers if or )r. George Lgar On bfifeJtir ate Twro wislyfs Cadillac Company^^tejfei^^ our expression of tion in the generosity sJfWn in the lending of cars to bo usecT in jneeting the guests. Through the agency of Davie Belle Eaton, member Twig staff, two spacious cars, well supplied with gas and oil, and wearing appropriate wel come signs, were offered for use during the three days of the Press Association. The kindness of the Cadillac Company will not be soon for gotten, and enthusiastlo boomers of that make of car will be found henceforth among State boys and Meredith girls. rsTUDY comii^X COMES TO GtOSE ll'irKR AJiD KELLOM )i:HTS liNJlOLLFl) Iw. - A;': Study/Course Weelt,;; to'a (ao3e;.on Prlday nigljt,; as ..a-'^iwat:: success, Apptbxlinately 250:.givte.^ere. enlisted. :in... one of, the 'twdv'iela^ee.: Onlu a' was iau^ifjp^y Mias Juliet Mather* ■ Soitth- .wiiKsJ^uag peoples leader for the Bap- lil^gjienonUnatiou, .and' :2'fae; bni^Hf w-as-taught'By^ Mlsa pw.othy ■T W.' A, leaderV' No more liTt'&^tlng books or^ wondnrful teachers couTft have been secHVCd th.aij these two, who nmie to n6 I'roHiOrocua- boro whore they h^ been conducting: a similar Study C(9Ul'se Wook at N, c. c. w. Both Miss Kollain a*^ Miss liifatlier^ were generous with tlTOT. tlnie energy and Ipd our nioiKb^ ■worahife on several occasions. Matbor' also conducted chapel duw^onal on Friday morning. Her topl^^aa ‘'I'H Tell the World," and in hoi^winuing way she brought lo the studeiy^hody ® practical message gained f campus expression ‘‘ril World.” It was with regret that Friday come, and witnesHed parture of Miss Mather on 1 trip home to Arkansas. N. C. C. P. saw he {ntti A REAL GHOST TRA I>ITION OF MJiKTinri’ll I JiiiRioDinrs owN wiiost ASTROS HAVE INITIATION A'O SILKiM' AFIAIR—HECEPTIONf Ab’'l'ER,WAUn,S One hundred and four pledges to the' Astrotekton Literary Society were Ini- tiated Saturday night, October 22. Tl| initiation was a secret and hidden rit'l but, judging from the bloodcurdling screams and shouts echoing over the campus. It was by no means a affair. Immediately after the initiation all; Uie Astros, both old and new, as- Jn the hall for a reception.^ i^fy^n -lli"h9ho(' of the newly-made mem?| biire. 'Thft."'^lUant lights and thel many glrla.their rainbow- hued frocks to the appear- anoe Of the beaotlfu^^^orated room. • ■ Miss Lohnte Gord©4^:|r^dent of the society, attired: in .bla^|^yet with silver trimmings gave a fi^^^^ut Im pressive welcome td a!l. '^i^^.this, delicious refreshmente' v^p^^^^ of punch, ice' cream, cakai,;:.'^ti;n^^^^ts were served. Toasts weriS: various girls as follows .. ■ v' New Astros—Eloise Greenwo^,W Deans—Ellen Broadwell. ‘. Dr. Brewer—Mabel Bagby.: > ; . Alumnae—Davie Belle Eaton; Billy Goat—Edith Rowe prady. ?a:] Mother . Astro-^Sarah Cooke. ' ■ ^Ajt&fi&Ilss OooKe had paid iiie lovel^* tribute to Mother Astro the old 'mei^ bet.l ,'^tHei^d in ■. a group and 'gav«, ftfteeniraJi’3 for .the ■New./Aetyos^'^tii^': itho^ auothor fifteen rah’s for Lonnh\ ^'•fbne of tlie ■ , .' ntieen ran a lor.. jjon^w caviae she was a. harmless atti^^auti- ^jrdon» tho a»‘o.iUy admired presidout. ful charaoter. ;• -tintil • tha;4:. tfrne, no Mte0ITH TOLCOMES PRESS ASSOCIATJOS i^st' 3 ex- one else knew »f th??., | isteuce. -, Then, since---.l3ier0’.-:jdl5-c no heirs to the,.'littie since the col lege wanted fth6.::la^ on whicli it stood, ;.:l3i0:k0'U®&;M^s at last sold to Meredithi .-.It h^^pcncd at that time thtit.a moth.eaN^a;^ her small daugh- t(aV ^S«zftnne^:s.i;^%d the house from Mer;edithvancl^i:^f,v\ to live there. One night wltSJ^^uzanne was ill sho suddenly M'K^ilfuiglit up in bedj called to hei’.'.i^wior in a strangt£’:^^itenod, voice, a- asked, who ,was^ her i'oom. tried to a Su2!Jinnc had i.jig, hut Ui«» ly well that': She desfsrib that filially flldld rtrnlb purition- J the 6^'0Bi (probsed,.! ■ ■ er w/'' ithoug]^ little • Th^": vas bet«! Id lady in brOA^ passetl throu{ astonished niotht tlial perha}] leep and dreani- rl kntiw perfcct- 7wt been asleep! old lady so vividly other knew i liat the ad seen the same ap- she herself had. seen before. What had im- Suzanne and her mo- 10 sweet and beautiful, and sad, face of the -lady. xt ap]jearance of the ghost e room of one of the niem- e faculty. As she sat read- '.teKy COtLEGK.S BEPBE. ‘TED HERE—ESTTERTAISfi Q l»ROCRAJr ARUAVfiEO ia;, so glad to welcome, the, s.sof the N. C. Collegiate Press ;^loa to her campus, llils Is the t'inie that • she . has been ' joint': |s'’tvi& N.,0.',State since the Col- .t«; impress : Association was'or^: In 1D22. Approximately t;orty Irll^aye expected to attend and to he. the college. I'^fTbe: tfoUowlng program has hoeti- “|^afged:..hy the Entei-liaiimient^ Cflmf .^tUasi ot- State and Meredith:,;::>;1:^ «;>'sCbursday Afternoon—guests. ar.ti^. ■^«SgJ^ter- at Y, M. C..A-, at State^Go^go assigned, ropms', ai^^'dith. Ktrsday, - 6:30-8! SO-r^Dinnea;/ given ifie;wspaper..Bnd MagttzinexJSpoups by Printing Co l§^'W^day,:6t50-St30r-:-BW'«»t glvon Ai^^^so« .Sir: Woltejx'j^pt^el Ed%ffja & Biovtghton Co Tft%May, 8:00—-Theatre ' pjfti:*, State ^^tsre. FrldaVrJJonUntf, 0:00-iifi0—Dusinpsa Session. Friday by and Ohsei-vi i .North Carolina College at Hotel, ^ Friday ’ ’’ ® sion. Friday Allt-iuoon, 1 IIWjOO-' lit- seeing Tour of Raleigh—bwupl its of Raleigh Chamber of ri ntlnucd on page }our) (.Coniinuecl on pao E WELCO i \MI'report bPPER HELD IfeUAKB SpipRS PRESENT IIEMOR Cr^^^EFORTS $4,500 The final :rep,^t meeting for the i^entenninl ^^ipaign was held in Meredithiipin^ng hall on Monday at;|5^pb. Approximately hundfe^ts’orkcj's were present MIf:Of theseJfcofkers were members ^i|ihe Centj^’and Raleigh Associa- ' m. ■ sm9 ^lief attractions of the ffcning wi^f ^ delightful three- cliirse dinnfljj^-Iiicli was served by ni%iibers o£^|^:sljuIent body. Added ^Jthis, ;wa^|p particular treat of h^ng the ,:^^gjiard singers, mem- beliVpf •Mr/^'^B. Ci-ow’s famous Vail^ard . ^ass^ render several sele,c|ipus foi^ua' roporffi Avhich wore made wer^l.quit©' ^f}/omlsing. Especial I'ecog^tion eS^u^d be given to the ^Ari^larly c ’^rge subscriptions urM,;by raelnbors of the Civic Di- pn,^ith Mri'E. B. Crow as ehair- 'fhe efforts expended by these aplist friVds is greatly ap- teI. -I i I iralt.pliurchcs reported as liav- e ^oyer the top” in the rais- |th^r qudta, anKing these be- " U~- . page three) aijiyh^y^ c—3 A WOJtri OF THANKS I I aiiaj^elUth and State, as joint i the Collegiate Press As- | isoc^^mi, to take this of puljlicly rei'ognlzing thy^^'vice rendered ns by Ed- »t- Bro:j}iloti and Cai>ilal Pt^^pne/ Compavicn. To the .i^craer we owe all printing niat- programs, badges, place ^‘ds, menus, etc., and free of ;:^harge. To the same company wo are indebted also I'or the use of several automobiles during the throe days of meeting and for a delightful hanciuot given to the members of the Annual Group on Thursday evening at 6:30. Es pecially do we wish to recog nize the individual services of Mr. A. M. Beck, agent tor that ^house, who is so generously de- :jv^lng the entire three days to of nmking the Press soeiatlou a succcss. To Capital Printing Co. do we wish to extend our sincere thanks for and appreciation of the banquet, given on Thursday night, in honor of the newspaper and magazine Groups. Doth com panies have coSperated most ex- thuslastically with the colloges in their attempts at acting aa host and hostess to the Press Associa tion. K- .«.Si YOU! I*, t