Official Organ of The Student Body of Meredith College. Mabel Claire TloQaAB.o....Editor-in-Ghief Alice Dowd Managing Editor BUSINESS STAFF Musette Kitchin.—Btisiness Manager Davie Belle Eaton Asst. Business Manager Pullen Belvin Asst. Business Manager Eula Hodges Circulation Manager ASSISTANT EDITORS Hesta Kitciiin Alumnae Editor Iva Carroix Literary Editor Davie Belle Eaton Sports Editor Margaret Craig Society Editor Evelyn McCall Art Editor Sarah Briggs ) feature Editors Matilda Holloman \ REPORTORIAL STAFF Marguerite Mason Ethel Day Francis Scarborough Miss Nettie Herndon Faculty Adviser Miss Ellen Brewer Alumnae Representative Subscription price |2.60 BEST BOOMS FOB JANUABY 1928 Dormitory A Room No. 101 Madeline Elliott, Mary Rodwell Hunter. Katharine Maddry, Mabel Claire Hoggard. Charlotte Brown Hatcher, Mary Dovie Floyd. Evelyn Jolly, Ruth Bowden. Virginia Crawford, Evelyn Mc Call. Salinda Perry, Mary Barber. Hesta Kitchin, Sarah Oliver. Alice Lawrence, Dorothy Law rence. Carrie Taylor, Esther Honeycutt. Anne Simms, Kathleen Durham. Sarah Cullum, Bruce Gore. Dormitory B Grace Jolly, Mary Parker Johnson. Eva Belle Johnson, Gretchen Cheek. Ruth Truesdale, Nora Tew. 102 115 116 209 210 208 213 214 215 216 101 102 103 Cbitorial OIT CHArEL CONDUCT At a meeting of the Student Gov ernment Association some weeks ago, several members of the student body expressed their disapproval of the talking, studying, newspaper reading and general irreverent atti tude shown by the students during the chapel period. For a few days immediately following this meeting, the conduct seemed improved con siderably. Eecently, however, it has been such as to provoke unfavorable comment from Dr. Erewer, a state of affairs wdiich certainly should not exist in a Senior College., Out of respect for Dr. Brewer, or whoever may be conducting the exercises, the student body should assume an attentive attitude as soon as the organ sounds. When one of the students appears on the chapel program she ex])octs, and rightfully so, the attention of her entire audi ence. How much more justly should the president or dean of the college demand the attention of the stu dents; and how willing we should be to give him our undivided atten tion when he ajipears before us to speak upon any subject. Out of loyalty to our college and consideration for her good name, the chapel conduct should be above reproach. Eecause Meredith is a denominational college and because it puts religious observances fore most in its life, chapel hour is made a part of our daily schedule. What a false impression a visitor or new comer must gather concerning the spirit which prevails on our cam pus when she notes the general rest lessness and inattentiveness on the part of the students during the chapel period! A studiious girl re flects credit upon her Alma Mater on some occasions, but not on all; and during chapel hour is one of those times when the girl who studies brings no glory upon her self, her teachers or her college. What history w'e do not know at ten-thirty, let us not know at eleven! Out of respect for ourselves and for God we should refrain from ir reverence during the chapel exer cises. The auditorium is God’s House upon our campus, and when we assemble there for our daily de- votionals together, it should be with a spirit of awe and reverence sim ilar to that with which we enter any of the churches down in the city. iSTo apjieal which the college ad ministration may make, any num ber of speeches which may be made in mass meeting, will have little effect until public opinion against irreverence in chapel is created among the students. As soon as a majority of the student body awakes to the necessity of such a reforma tion in conduct, away will fly the books and letters and perfect atten tion will be given at the first notes from tlie organ. Let’s make public o])inion too strong for the girl who talks, reads and writes during chajiel exercises! THE TWIG 104 107 108 111 112 113 114 201 202 311 312 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 113 114 115 116 203 204 205 206 211 212 213 214 220 305 306 311 312 313 314 319 320 321 322 103 104 205 206 217 218 223 224 301 302 303 304 Calypso Honeycutt, Hortense Honeycutt. Edith Rowe Grady, Lucile Gibson. Nattalie Bray, Mary Louise Edwards. Lenna Gambill, Jessie Gambiil. Ethel Day, Lena Tuttle. Mabel Beeker, Louise Sullivan. Joybeile Clarke, Eleanor Lamm. Ruth Sorrell, Katie Lee Walton. Zelma Hocutt, Alma Hocutt. Grace Kellam, Netta Cassada. Sarah Cummings, Margaret Whitemore. Dormitory D Emily Roberson, Annie Sarah Barkwell. Gerline Triplette, Carrie Watkins. Ruth Lowdermiik, Aileen Young. Estelle Wilkins, Ethel Wilkins. Elsie Brown, Annie E. Brown. Bernice Snyder, Pearl Hodges. Vivian Phillips, Pearl Jones. Fannie Baily, Effie Sattic. Christine Siedge, Ruby N. Lee. Blondie Morse, Loueta Seawell. Mary Sue Poe, Elizabeth Lindsay. Jennie Ballard. Alta Harper, Mary F. Hendricks. Maude Hutchinson, Frances Williams. Lora Dills, Bessie Snyder. Ruth Brookshire, Ethel Frye. Margaret Ricks, Tempee Ricks. Dorothy Kindler, Gladys Dehart. Hazel Wilder, Mattie Wilder. Matilda Holloman, Lucy B. Buchanan. Lucy Clyde Gray, Gladys Blalock. Janie Greene, Zelma Roberson. Irma Rogers, Blanch Sharpe. Martha Taylor, Thelma Tadlock Eunice Rushing, Lucile Walker. Cordilia Johnson, Hero Stone. Helen Stewart, Hallie Jones. Bessie G:|^iy Gill, Alice Dowd. Esther McNeil, Virginia Swanson. Pauline Fitzgerald, Margaret King. Annie S. Holland, Joy Trader. Ruth Phillips, Betsy Hartness. Lena Allen, Elizabeth Graham GOOD ROOMS Dormitory A Ruth Upchurch, Nellie Upchurch. Sarah Mewborn, Nell McCullen. Annie Belle Noel, Annie Mildred Herring. Julia Grimes, Annie Mildred Kelly. Eula Hodges, Nellie Coffee. Sarah Briggs, Martha Ruth Kendall. Margaret Trotman, Pauline Kit chin. Margaret Craig, Mabel Bagby. Elizabeth Mills, Margaret Lucas. Viola Thomas, Ha Briggs. Roberta Royster, Edna Mae Duval. Nellie Mae Baker, Mary Louise Huffman. MEREDITH RINGS, SEALS AND PINS Sold exclusively by JOLLY’S Jewelers Since 1881 (Continued on page four) MEREDITH COLLEGE RALEIGH, N. C. A STANDARD COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN Member of the Southern Association. Has membership in the American Association of University Women. Offers courses leading to the A.B. degree. Diplomas in Art and in Music. FOR CATALOGUE OR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE CHAS. E. BREWER, President pik J. J. 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