STUDY COURSES THE TWIG STUDY COURSES Vol. VII Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., February 24, 1928 No. Volley Ball Season Opens JOE BRADLEY MAJ^AGER OF VOLLEY BALL THKEE CHA31FI0NSHIP GAMES Twenty-five girls have beon regu larly practiciug volley bnll for the past few weeks. Tkeso girls arf quiu* enthusiastic and think volley hall is just “the host apoi-t going.” The seniors and sophs compose ono team while the freshuicii unci juniors make up another. There arc going to bo three games beginning this Aveek to decido the championship. Be sure to come ont and support your class! The exact dates ami time of gaiuos will be atinouneed in the dining hall this ;wGek. The girls appreciate Miss Platt’s fine coaching in this sport. Dr. and Mrs. Gaines Visit Meredith GUESTS PLEASED • WITH COLLEGE int. GAINKS SPEAKS AT PAUEISTAL IffSTITLTE SAME EVESIXG Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Gaines oC Wake Forest, and Mrs. of , mo- tlior of the latter, were dinner guests of Mias Caroline Diggers on Wednes day Gveiiing. The i)resident of our “brother Institutinn” lias grown to be [juite a favorite with the Meredith Student Body, and we were iwite de lighted to have him visit our college. In looking over some of the rooms. Dr. Gaines seemed particularly Iia- pressetl and pleased at the sight of ii Walcc Forest penoaut, or the occasional “likeness” o£ some Wake Foresc student which ho uoted upon the tables. As a whole, he appeared very Avell pleased with the arrangement and appearance of our rooms. A large number of the members of our sociological and educational de partments attended the lecture which Dr. Gaines gave on the same evening at the “Institution for Parental In struction” that was held during the prast weke at the Woman's Club. DR. BREWER AWAY MUCH OF THE TIME MANY DUTIES OF CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN RECENTLY ATTENDED NATIONAL CONVENTION Dr. Brower, our President, has sud denly been traneformed Into a wan derer, amid all the cares and duties of the Baptist Centennial Campaign. (.Oontinxied on page four) Officers of First Baptist Sunday School Elected DR. POTEAT SPEAKS TO CLASSICAL CLUB SPEAKS ON SOME MANI- FESTATIONS OF THE RELIGIOUS IMPULSE DELUJHTFUL SOCIAL HOrR AFTERWARD Meredith girls as well as Wake Forest boys have a i^ecullar pride in and sease of kinship to the Poteets. Their participation in the two eolleges, and the interest thoir faithful service has proved, make them aeeni to belong to us. So the classical club was es pecially glad to have Dr. Hubert Po- tcat speak to them at cheir regular meeting Tnesday attornoon at 4:30 o'clock on Manifestation of tke Reli^ous Impnlsc. The subject and his treatuienf. of it were very iuterest- ing, and appropriate for students of Latin and Greek for In these litera tures are foimd various elements of the religions he spoko of—the lecture was enjoyed very much by the mem bers of tho classical club and a few visitors. After tho locture the meeting become informal, and sandwiches, cakes, and tea wore served. The lecture and re freshments Avorc both profitable and enjoyable. Concert in Durham LARGE NUMBER OF MERE DITH STUDENTS ATTEND CLEVELAND Si’MI’HONY ORCHES- TKA (ilVES GOOD I'ROtJKAM A large number of students from Meredith attended the concert given by the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra at Durham on Monday night. The bus left the college about 7 o’clock, putting the girls In Durlmm in ample time for the concert, which was schodnlcd for 8 o'clock. Among those who attended wore: Misses Nettle Herndon Cary, Char lotte Curtis, Elizabeth Wheeles, Annie Grey Boney, Lee Parker. Catherine Mitchell, Helen Phelps, Dorothy Satter- ileld, Glennie Paul, Elizabeth Hol- lowell, Geneva Yeargan, Annie Roe McGugan, Louise Sullivan. SARAH BRIGGS WINS STATE TICKETS FOR GEORGE WASH INGTON AND MARTHA WASH INGTON POEMS MABEL CLAIRE HOGGARD ELECTED PRESIDENT MAK(iARET JONES, HESS THOMAS, AND IlORTENSE HONEYCUTT OTHER OFFICERS As officers of the ilcrcditli class- os of the First Baptist Sunday .school, the following have been nominated and elocfed to .“serve dur ing tlie spring terms: GciiP7'al Oficcrs of Dppartineni Pi'csident—Mabel Clair Hoggard. First Vice President—Margaret •Tones. Program Cluiiriiuin—13'oss Tho- nias. Sunshine T)ireetor—ilortensc IToneycutt. Si'orctnry-Trcflsurcr—P a ii 1 i ii e (Javiu (Peace Institute)- AssisiDut Seci-etury-l’rcasTirer— James Johnson (State College). Class Presidents Sarah ilewborn—Dv. ilary L. Jolinaon, Teacher. Nannie C. Gihson—Dr, R, J. Jlunter, Teaclier. Mae "Williains—Miss Mary Mar ti n Johnson, Teneher. Edna Mao Duvall—Prof. Clias. E, Heck, Teacher. MISS SWANSON ENTERTAINS MISS SIMMONS A VISITOR HERE Mias Virginia Swauson entertained at dinner Sunday night in honor ot her week-end guest Mias Irene Sim mons. The menu consisted of fruit cocktail, fried chicken, green peas mashed potatoes, hot chocolate, and cake with whipped cream. She'had the following as guests, Esther McNeill, Paige I^oonard, Carrie Taylor, Verona West, Lilllau Johnson, Alma Webb, Bessie 0. Gill, and Alice Dowd. CAVENESS CLASS AGAIN WINS ORGANIZATIONIN THIS CLASS OTHER CLASSES WORKING The Caveness class for the second time has the highest percentage. It leads the other classcs with 80 per cent and is followed closely by Mr. Mooneyham’s class with 74 per cent, Probably the organization is the ae- Station FRESHMEN Broadcasting JUNIORS LISTENING IN A SURPRISE NEXT SATURDAY yiOHT if Dr. Harris Elected Y.W. A. Counselor Y. W. A. WELCOMES NEW COUNSELOR TAKES MISS BREWER’S FLACE (Continued on page four) Hello, Juniors! This is station FRESHMEN broadcasting! And, we are announcing for Saturday night, February twenty-fifth, a Hiu time for our “Big Sisters" in the Phi Hall! Since there are to be no “masculines” present, each Freshman will come by for her “Big Sister” and act as escort to the party' Every body is wanted, everybody is expected! So, everybody come! Station FRESHMKN signing off. See yon all at eight thirty Saturday night. Goodnight, everybody! Study Courses Full of Interest MR. PERRY MORGAN OPENS COURSES IN HUMOROUS WAY j»llHS HiiCK AiSI) MR. JL. L. .nOUj(AX FINE TEACHERS T)r. Julia Hnrrias, head of our English department, has recently been chosen Y. W. A. Counsolor. We nre glad to welcoine Miss Harrias to her new position and are quite sure that she will be of great help to us in our Y. W. A. work. She has always been faithful to the Avorlj and attends the Vesper services regular ly. Miss Harri.aa takes Miss Ellen Brewer’s place. On account of ill ness, Miss Mary L. Smith found it necessary to give up her place as Faculty Adviser of the B. S. U. Miss Brewer was asked to take up Miss Smith’s work. This of course. (Continued on page four) Dr. Tucker Speaks FIRST BAPl'JST S. S. AFi-RECiATES MES^AGi*. The Study Courses were begun Monday night in full swlny. :Mr. Perry Morgan formally and fa (|nite u flow- t2vy way conferred iho degroc of !)r. of G. H. B. (meaning Grand High Bugaboo) on Mias Beck. Mr. Morgan kindly explained that the teachers SHORT TALUS OX THREE WORDS (Continued on page four) Mrs. Beulah Cooper and Miss Annie Cooper Entertain ABOUT 7?i GUESTS CALL Mrs. Beulah Coo]jer mud Miss Annie Cooper were “;Vt Home” to members of tho Mereilith Faculty and a niimher of town guests on Thursday nfternoou, February 0, from four until six. The Factilty sitting room, iji which the guests were received, was lovely in its deco rations of ferns and red carnations. The guests wei’e met at the door by Misses Zelma Hocntt and Thelma Hales, members of the Senior class. Tea WHS pourcxl by Miss Annio (Con*mu4a «n page four) REFLECTIONS BY MATILDA HOLLEMAN ENDS IN THIS ISSUE Tlie niembei's of the Young reople's Department of First Bap tist Sniulay sclioul wore quite for tunate on last Sunday morning, in having Dr, Tneker .speak to them in their General Assembly. This was the iirat fima the pastor has visiteil tlie department, although on sevci’al oecasion.s lie has expressed his intcresi in the ai-tivities of the yo\ing people ot hi.s church. {Conlinue.ri iv/i page four\ MUSETTE KITCHIN MAKES TRIP ONE OF “FLYING SQUAD RON” SPOKE LAST WEEK-END SPEECHES HECEIVEl) ENTHUSIASTICALLY Last week-end Musette Kitehin one of the "flying squardron of four minuto speakers” jouruoyed alone to points west of Winston-Salem in be half of tlie Campaign. She loft Ealeigh Saturday at noon going to Mt. Airy and Pinnacle where she made speeches that have received most favorable comment. In fact she was so well liked that slie was asked to return this week-end. She returned to Kaleigh in time to re- aumo her classes Mondav,