THE TWIG EXPLOSION IS’ COLLEGE KirCIlEN (Conlinned from page one) piece from piece, breaking out nil the ■window lights in the kitchcn, aiul knocking Douglas completely down. Douglas, however, wns un hurt and went for Mias Wcleli. l!ic dietician, at once. Tom, on the other hnnd, bad boon struck heavily on a bone in his fore head by a pieeo of the stove. He was knocked senseless, of course, and his brains were even visible. The covering of his brains howcvor waa not broken. Ho was having con vulsions when the doctor ai’iivod and was thought sure to die at first. He was takeu at once to St. Agnos Hospital, which is run in councction with St. Augustine school for train ing colored nurses. Late Sunday afternoon, Tom had regaincnl cioii- sciousness. By Monday norm liope of his recovery was exprossi'd. Wc regret the accident and siiicercly hope that Tom will soon be com pletely well and ublo to tnkc up l»is work again. GLEE CLUB GlVliS PROGRAM AX CLINTON 3rAl)ALINE ELLIOTT TISIT8 STON-SALEM (Continued Jrom page one) audience- Two of the girls on the club are from Clluton. The program was as followa: Stars, Brightly Shining Bronte Goudola Song Robei'ta The Club Nyraphs and Fauns Bemberg Annie Grey Boney Tlio Angelus Lieuranoe JSvolyn Rhea Wood Flowers, Awake! Warner Songs My Mother Taught Me Dvarak Tlie Club .The Swallows Cowen Pauline Powell Angels' Serenade Braga Dorothy Turlington Violin Obligalft Mary Brockwell Beauteous Morn Ed German Larkspur and Lillies Fall Harris The Club Birthday Woodman Pauline Powell Little Orphant Annie Thomas The liJlophant and the Chimpanzee SimB Double Trio Lullaby Jalcabawslcl Dortliy Turlington and Chorus Valso Trieste Sibellero Mary Broclcwell Love's Old Sweet Song Malloy Annie Gray Boney. Charlotte Hatcher and Chorus j)uet—Sleepy Hallow Tuue ICountz Dorothy Turlington and Evelyn Rhea Wood Peggy ^0* The Old Family Clock Schaerer Sing a Song of Sixpence ' Barnett The Club Accompanist—Virginia Branch CAVINESS CLASS LEADS FOR TKIim TIME (Continued from page one) phasizing the percentago oE the Sun day School Classes too much, hut if we are making high grades In school work why can we not strive toward this end In the Sunday School Work? Let's wake up and' move on to a greater and more efllcient Sunday School Department. (Continued from page one) here she hurried to Madison, was metj by Mr. Martin, and spoke In Uie| church services. Miss EiUot was a| gucat of Mr. and Mrs. Brown for lunch j aiter which they immediately began a| long mountain drive to Ayrebvlllej where Miss Elliott gave another lalk, | III Winston-Salem Miss Elliott had | dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Martin and I tti'torwarda caught the 9 o’clock train | £(ii’ RiUcigli bringing with her a box | oi candy and a magazine. j The enthusiasm and interest of the | reople was'Shown in the publicity or I •VTisa Elliott's work. Two Saturday! l>apers ran her picture and an an-! nounoement of her speaking engago-| luunts. We havo the good news that Mayo- .lan Church has gone over the top and Jiat tho same results are expected .'rom Madiaou. TIiq last report-auiv ;iar oi! Madison Church will be held Pebruary 28 in Winston-Salom. How-| over, Mr. Martin says it will be tho laaL 2)roviled tiipy go over the toy also. We know that good work is being don'e for the campaign In the western yart of the state by the wouderful spirit of codperation £hown by people. STATE Theatre Friday and Saturday Richard Dix - -IN— “SPORTING GOODS” Monday—'I'ue&day 5—ACTS—5 KEITH AND “LEGIONAIRS IN PARIS” Wednesday—T hiirsday Greta GAnuo —AS— “THE DIVINE WOMAN” A fraternity is rated according to the girJa who wear tho pins. SULLIVAN’S /f/iVC OF SHOEMAKERS I 124 S. Salisbury St. EUROPEAN TOVR of Eight Countries. Conducted by Dean Rosa Paschal of Greenville Womans College, Gruenville, S. C. June 30-August .^0. Cost $665.00. Itineraries and other information sent on request. DROP IN AT BOON-ISELY 'WE SERVE MEREDITH GIRLS" WILMONT DRUG STORE 3100 Hillsboro Street WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE MEREDITH GIRLS PHONE US YOUR SUNDAY NIGHT ORDERS The Newest in Ladies Spring Coat Suits, Coats aod Dresses. PRICED FOR LESS MONEY A Look Will Convince You it Pays to Get EFIRD’S Raleigh's Bargain Center 1867 MEREDITH! e Appreciate Your Patronage SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS RECENT FICTION ETC. ENGRAVING DEPARTMENT Established 1867 ALFRED WILLLVMS & CO. Mirediih HeadquaTters for Many Years Misses sizes 14 to 40 Navy Twill Suits In single and double breasted styles are now one of fashions popular items We feature them at $14.95 Hudson-Belk Company NEW SPRING SHOES ON DISPLAY $ ONE PRICE ; ^ WORTH MORE CINDERELLA SLIPPER SHOP Successors to COMET 113 Fayetteville Street STAT10NEI5Y STATIONERY” KODAKS AND SUPPUES Memory Books, Albums, Poems ^ Loose Leaf Books, Fountain Pens “RADIOS” R. C. A. and CROSLEY JAMES E. THIEM 125 Fayetteville St. Phone 135 Raleich, N. C.