THE TWIG I Vol* VII Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., May 11, 1928 No. 27 Virginia Branch Presented In Well Planned Recital OUTSTAMHNG MUSIC STUDEM’; UNUSUAL TALENT—LARGE AUDIENCE On Friday evening, April 27, at 8:30 o’clock Miss Virginia Branch of En field, N. C., gave lier Graduating Re cital ill the college aiulitoriiini. Ever since Virginia entered Meredith four years ago, she has been an outstand ing music student. She lias accom panied' the Glee Club for the past three years, has appeared in many recitals, and has shown great talent In every performance. All the students had been looking forward with the greatest anticipation to the time for Virginia’s recital, and indeed they were not dis appointed for her whole program was attractively planned and beautifully rendered. Every number was com plete within itself. She captivated her audience im mediately with her pleasing smile and usual grace and charm. Her dress was tuvQuoise blue taffeta made with basciue waist and bouffant skirt, an overskirt of blue tulle with ruffles and tiny bunches of forget-me-nots. She A'.M-e ac' ssories to match and carried a corsage of pink roses. (Continued on page lour) SENIORS GUESTS AT DINNER PARTY DINING ROOM BEAUTI- FULLY DECORATED UK. A>'l» MKS. UKEWEll (ilAl»l- INO HOSTS On Monday night. May 7, there oc curred for the Seniors one of the most important and most brilliant events of their final year at Meredith—the dinner party given by Dr. Brewer to the members of the graduating class. One-half of the dining room was oc cupied by a long table decorated with many beautiful flowers. At C:4D, Miss Mildred Allen, the charming President of the Senior Class, wearing a lovely evening dress of black taffeta and a shawl of black lace which enhanced her youthful loveliness, entered the room on the arm of Dr. Brewer, happy and smiling among his “girls.” Behind them came the rest of the Senior class, each one dressed in a becoming evening dress, creating the effect of more flowers added to those on the table and the place cards. The menu consisted of fruit cock- tall, salad, chicken with dressing, potatoes, English peaa, beets, hot bis cuits, stuffed olives, tea, and straw berry short-cake i\ la mode with salted almonds. At the conclusion. Dr. Brewer con gratulated the young ladies upon their present attainments and wished for them much success and happiness, but {Gontinued on -page four) Mabel Claire Hoggard Retiring Editor-in-Chief Under Ihe direction of Miss Mabel Claire Hoggard, of Ahoskie, The Twig has taken its place among the foremost ranks of the college news papers in North Carolina. As editor, Mabel Claire has given freely of her time and energy, striving always to (Continued on page four) HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT HOLDS HOUSE WARMING EXHIBITS MUCH AD MIRED BY GUESTS >riSS ELLEX ItKEWEK CHARM- IXG HOSTESS aiembers of the Home Economics Department wore “at home” to mem bers of the faculty, student body and other friends, on Friday afternoon. May 4. Guests were received into the sewing-lab. by members of the sewing (Continued on page four) N. C. C. P. A. Honors Meredith Girl ALICE DOWD ELECTED SECRETARY Walter Spearman, Junior at Uni versity of North Carolina, was elected President of the North Carolina Col legiate Press Association at the clos ing session of the fifteenth semi-annual conference, held at Duke University, April 25, 2C and 27. (Continued on page four) SEE THE LITTLE THEATER PLAYS SAT. NIGHT! MAY DAY EXERCISE HELD IN GROVE DOROTHY TURLINGTON IS CHARMING QUEEN UAXCES AXH MAYIM»LE HRILL EN.IOYEI) Saturday afternoon was' the scene of the celebration of an old, old festi val at Meredith. The rites of May day were performed in the grove, whose lovely green foliage offered a natural and beautiful background. The ceremonies were opened with a pro cession, formed at the chapel and pro ceeding from thence to the grove. It was formed of all those taking part In the exercises—the heralds, Mary Browning and Alberta Atkinson came first. They were followed by the dancers in costumes differing widely In design. There were Scotch lassies, shy German girls, dainty jonquils, butterflies, and dames and gentlemen of colonial times. These were followed by the jesters, E'dlth Rowe Grady and Annette Boney and after them came the maids of honor—two from each class: Seniors—Mildred Allen and Paige Leonard; Juniors—Marion Fisko and Janie Burns; Sop'ioinores—Fran ces Fulghum and Lucille Gibson; and Freshmen—Sara Whitley and Nelle Baker. These girls vere attired in sheer organdy dvesse? of harmonizing pastel shades. Imnifidiately behind them came the crown . ;“irer, Eleanor Lamm, dressed in a white knicker- bocker suit bearing the crown on a large white, silk cushion. Dorothy Turlington, Queen of the festival, fol lowed the crown bearer. Her natural beauty was enhanced by her robe of white silk. Upon arrival at the grove the Queen was crowned by the two senior maids of honor. She then took her place on the throne which was a large ivory May basket festooned with green vines and spring fiowers. It was placed on a raised dais in the center of the clearing in which the festival was held. Immediately to the right of the throne the Maypole with its streamers of rose and white, was placed. The Maypole dance was given by membere of the Sophomore class. Among the other dances those of cspecial beauty and grace were: InltM’pretative dance The Blue Dan- u-bc—Hachel Hatch. Highland Fling, solo dance—Juanita Sorrell. The dancer was dressed in native costumc made of McLean plaid presented by the textile department of State College. Frolic of the Brownies—Edith Rowe Grady and Annette Boiiey. Twig Initiation Inter esting and Enjoyable VERY MYSTERIOUS JlELlfJHTFUL SOCrAL HOUR AFTERWARDS Tuesday night, May 2, was an event ful night for the new membei’s of Tde Twki staff, for it was then that they (Continued on page four) Musette Kitchin Retiring Busi ness Manager As we review the achievements of noteworthy personages on our campus, it is absolutely necessary that our ef ficient business manager, Musette Kitchin of Scotland Neck be given an important place. Tub Twig without Musette would have been somewhat (Continued on page four) ’30 ENTERTAINS ’28 CHARMING PROGRAM PRESENTED EVE.NIX« .MUCH ENJOYED The Seniors found on the tables in the dining-room Friday night, a multi tude of little orange crescents. On these was written in purple letters: "Twilight Party, in the grove, Tues day 6:30 until S:00.” The numerals '28 and ’30 indicated that this party was being given by the Sophomores to their big sisters. On account of the weather the oc casion was held in the society hall. The dignified Seniors were cordially (Continued on page four) Mars Hill Club Entertained By W. F. Boys ALL HAD A GOOD TIME The Mars Hill Club of Meredith was entertained Saturday night. May 5, in the Phi Hall by the Mars Hill Club of Wake Forest College. It was an occasion to which all members of the clubs had looked forward for many days, and none were disappointed in the good time which had been ex pected, for it was an enjoyable oc casion as old friends met and talked (Uonliimed on page four) ETHEL DAY WINS STATE THEATER TICKETS Isabelle McLeod Gives Entertaining Recital CHARMING PERSONALITY; FASCINATED AUDIENCE >IAXV OI T.OF.TO^VN OURSTS A most pleasant hour was spent with Miss Isabelle McLeod last Fri day evening May 4th 'when she gave her piano recital for graduation. She ■•was beautifully dressed in a cream- colored dress elaborately trimmed in silver lace. At her first appearance she carried a lovely corsage of roses and sweet peas which blended perfect ly with her dress. Her charming per sonality and winning smile fascinated her audience during the entire pro gram. She was very composed and rendered her entertainment in a pleas ing and attractive manner. The eve ning was greatly enjoyed by relatives, out-of-town guests, and Meredith stu dents. The stage was most effectively deco rated in palms and cut flowers. Her program was as follows: Sonata, Op. 120 Shubert Allegro Moderate Andante Allegro Soaring Schuman Why Sclmman Whims Schuman Scheryino Mosgkoioski Berceuse Karganoff I Tarantelle Karganoff Khapsodien Dohnanyi Her ushers were Misses Kathryn McLeod, Jiuiie Burns, Mary Ruth Greaves, Bertha Bethea, Pauline Powell, and Thelma Gatewood. DR. AND MRS.MADDRY ENTERTAIN SENIORS TWENTY-SECOND WEDDING ANNIVER SARY CELEBRATED ih:li(jhti'il ]{ki'resh3IE>ts AM) EM’ER I AIXMEXT The Senior Class was delightfully entertained Thursday afternoon. May the third, by Dr, and Mrs. Chas. E. Maddry at their home on Hillsboro Road. The guests arrived at four and were met at the door by Miss Kather ine Maddry who introduced them to her parenis. Dr. and Mrs. Maddry whose twenty-second wedding anni versary was lieing celebrated by the occasion. After all the guests arrived, Mrs. Maddry asked each one to tell what she would like to do during the next live years. Miss Madeline Ellioit,. who slated her desire to be a too-dancvr won the contest and was presented with a dunce cap in honor of her triumph. After this, class sta tistics wore decided upon by drawing numbers, This proved quite revealing and furnished a great deal of fun for these most dignified daughters of our Alma Mater. Dot Turlington’s play ing and singing was another most en joyable feature of the afternoon. Chicken salad, sandwiches, date roll, saltines, minis, and salted pecans were (Continued on page four)