DEDrCATED TO CLASS OF ’28 THE TWIG DEDICATED TO CLASS OF ’28 Vol. VII Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., May 25, 1928 No. 28 SENIOR IDIOSYNCRASIES Kutli Abcc—sorioiisness, ahulyltig. Lcnn Allen—foolialincss, liiugliter. Mildred Allcti—pc-'i.soiutlity, chann, ability. Lenli Andi'ows—likes to study. I'loc’lla Askow-—a good time. Alberta Atkinson—Wjikc Forest today State tomorrow. Bcrtlui Betlifa—looking forward to Jinic. Marginvt 13roiidliurst—industry. Caroline Bostic—dignity. Rutli Bo\vk'n—goo] annuals. Elizubetli Brcwor—smiles. ilinnie Briley—Hipimncy. En«*n Broadvv(jll—dreaming. Rntli Brooksliire—sagno.ily. Annie Brown—dotnnreness. Mary Browning—atblotie. Murgurct Bnrgin—att'cefion i'or the inasciTliuo. Virginia Branch—unisical. Elizabeth Biiffaloe—plays the piano. Mary Brockwoll—fiddling. Mar^' Cheves—diligence at base ball praetieo. Nell OoU'ey—studying English. Charlotte Curtis—cleaning up. Lora Dills—nmkos a good “broad caster.” Madaline Elliott—helping. evei*y- body. RALEIGH ALUMNAE ENTERTAIN SENIORS TEA AT HOME OF DR. DELIA DIXON CARROLL (Continued on page Sour) Phi Society Installs New Officers PROGRAJVI SIMPLE BUT INTERESTING OL’ES't'S lUiCEIVEU AJil) KNTKlt- '1ALVEI» ly GARHEiN Oho of the most beautiful affairs in the Jiistory of Meredith College was the lovelj' tea given by rhc lialeigh Chapter of the Meredith Ainuinae Association at ihc home of i)i'. Delia Di.von Carroll in Xordell I'leights ^VedMCdda.Y afternoon I'roin 4:;{() lo 0:00 o’clock in honor of the Senior class. As the guests arrived tliey were very cordially welcomed by Dr. Carroll, Mcsdanies U. Is. Simms anI .r. W. Bunn. Directing them on the path to the pool were Mes- dfime.s J. S. Fiirincr, Carey Mumford anI Mias Annie Jones. U])OJi ar riving at the pool they were greeted by Mis« Eusehin Marshbanks, Mes* dames Wade Morn and R. T. Coburn. As they sannlcrud on down to the lower gate they were met 1 .. - TIT X TXT. •• "NT 11 •J.) o. >» , Paschal, and Mrs. Graves Vann Avho ushered them into the lower garden. Receiving here were Mrs. Lorna .Belle Broughton, Misses Janie Parker and Leonita Denmark. Misses Carolyn Peacock and Olive BETURTiINO PIIKSIDENT LEATE8 BBAimFUl RUG The inatallatloii of the officers of the Philarotian Literary Society for next year was held Saturday night, May 19th. The society hall was softly lighted by tapers burning In tall, vhite, wicker candelabra which stood on either side of the stage. To the strains of the society song, Philaretia, the procession of old and new ofHcers entered. The procession was led by the retiring chlct marshal, Psiige Leonard, who represented Honor, the watchword of the society. Sho was dressed in a soft, white robe of Grecian style and wore a white crown. She was escorted by two mar shals. Behind them came the old of- fleers followed by the new, all dressed in white, Ab they reached the stage Honor was seated in a largo chair draped In white and the old olHcerB arranged themselves on her loft and the new on her right. Madeline Moore, retiring President, made a lltting and (Continued oji page three) (Continued on page three) Art Evening and Re ception a Big Success SENIORS ENJOY REPRODUCTION OF CLASSIC MARBLES On Monday evening, May 21, the Seniors spent a mnst pleasant and en joyable evening at the art exhibit and the reception which was given in their honor. The unique Idea given by the art department of the classic marbles was carried out beautifully. The statuary reproductions recalled classic Greece in the beauty of their repose. The musea were represented as fol lows: 1. Calliope—the Muae of Epic Poetry—Sarah Cook. 2. Clio—The Muae of History—^Vir ginia Penny, 8. Molpomene—The Muse of Tragedy—Evelyn McCall. 4. Thalia—The Muse of Comedy— Kate Higdon. 5. Polyhymnia—The Muae of Sacred Song—Maisie Patterson. 6. Urania—The Muse of Aetronomy —Sarah Cook 7. Terpsichore—The Muse of Dance and Gayety—Evelyn McCall. Mildred Allen Presi dent of Class of’28 MEREDITH’S MOST CHARMING DAUGHTER HAS PROVEi\ A CAPAHLE l»RESn)E> T The e)ftss of ’2S has been e.xeeed- ingly fortnnatf- rhis year in having such ii capable !>nd^ nttrnctjvo prns- ident. Mildi’cd Allen, of ‘Wiirrun- ton, 2^. C,, was the choice from several prospects for the iniportnut (C(inth)ii,ed on paoe four) COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Satckdai- May 26 4:00 p.m.—Art Exliibit. 8 :00 p.m,—Society Exercises. Sl'Nday May 27 11:00 a.m.—Buccalnurente Sermon, Rev. Solon B. Cousins, D.D., Richmond, Vu. {Continued on paffe four) SENIOR CUSS ENTERTAIN FACULTY AT WOMAN’S CLUB BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS OF SPREVG FLOWERS MANY GUESTS (Conlinued on paoe three) The members of the Senior Class en tertained the faculty at a lovely tea, Thursday afternoon, May the twenty- fourth at the Woman’s Club. The club was beautifully decorated with a profusion of spring flowers. The re- coiving line included Misses Mildred Allen, President of the Senior Class; Mary Willis, ani3 Musette Kitchln; Dr, and Mrs. Charles E. Brewer, and Mibs Lawrence, ilean of women. Orange sherbort, cakes, mints, and nuts wero served to the guests, who called between four-thirty and six o'clock. SENIOR CLASS PRESENTS “NO TIME FOR PlAY” MUSICAL COMEDY GIVEN BY ’28 OJtKVINAL I'LAY—TAI.EJiTEl) ( AST On Suturdny night, May 28 the, Senior class delightfully entert!iini.'d II large and upprocintive iiudienee with an original musical eomody. Ail of the work along all line.s was done by Senior.s, the niu.sio, (lancing, costuming, and plot were all n product of tln> ingenuily of the 'I’he cast of chnracters is as fol lows : Elizabeth Jirewer—P r n d c n e e Brewster. Jivclyn liliea Wood—John Gray. Lois Jacobs—ilrs. T^rewster. Lonift Gordon—"Mr. Brewster. Rutb Jones—ilr. Paine. Ploward Mumford—Mr. Clayton. I'auline Huff—Sue. Mary Browning—Jaclc. Tlic chcruscs added it great deal to the play thru their catchy words, tunes and puritan costumes. Evelyn Rhea "Wood and Elizabetl Brewer were e.specially good as the hero and heroine. Lonie Gordon, and -Ruth Jones ran them a close sec ond for honors in dranuitic ability. Tbu presentation of n Musical play during eoimnRiiccineut is a tra dition of the even classes. Seniors Hold Annual Vesper Service IMPRESSIVE PROGRAM IN THE GROVE Just as the sun sank behind the western hills and the little birds were twittering in the tall trees, the Class of ’2S closed the page of another day's work at Merdith, The Veapor Sunday night waa con ducted by the Seulora and the im- presaiveness cf the ceremony was felt by everybody present. This annual occasion was held in the grove of the college. The Seniors Were led by the mascot, little Miss Mary Elizabeth Phianey. She wore a cap and gown Just as the Seniors. The program was as follows: ProcesBlonal—Alma Mater. Hymn—"Day is Dying in the West.” Devotional—Ruth Brookshire. Pause Prayer, Solo—Dorothy Turlington. "The Parting Gift”— Mother Meredith—Annie Mildred Kelly, SENIORS’ PLANS FOR jei YEAR Kafhei'ine Mtiddry —Study Uni versity of North Cjirolina. isabelle MacLeod—Study. BerlLa Bcthcu—Lnniberton, X. C. Lois R(—Tcafb. Alni'v Pct'blcH—Teach. Mai'tha Alayiuird—Tench. Eutli Bowden—Teach. Winona Hooper—Te.nch Sylvu Collegiate Jnstitufe, Sylva, N. C. Eula IJodges—Teach Jligli Point, N. C. e) I C.'offey—’I’ ea t-h. Eluise Greenwood—Teach High Point, N. C. Lena ruffle—School, Penn. Acad emy of Pine Arts. I'biladclphia. Eulh Jones—1022 W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Lois Jacobs—Teach Lewiston, C. Lenim Giuubill—Tench Pilot Mountain, N. C. Vera MeUbuguii—Lunjber Bridge, N. C. Evelyn Veo.sey—liaeford, .tf. C. Bess Tbonuis—Study, Yale Viola Thomas—Teach. Evelyn Johnson—Teach. Alma Webb—Teach. Sarah Wisetnuu—Teach, Foun- (Continued on page four) Installation of Astro Officers FAREWELL ADDRESS BY LONIE GORDON LASl' MEETING OF THE YEAR Tho Astrotekton Literary Society held its last meeting of the year on Monday evening, May the fourteenth. The main purpose of the meeting was tho installation of the incoming oflicera of the society. Following tho “Astro" song, the now officers took the oath of administration in an impressive ceremony, over which the President, Lonie Gordon, officiated. In appreciation of the co operation she had received from the members of the society, the retiring president made a few well chosen re marks and then welcomed the new officers, wishing for thoin a very suc cessful year. In response to this wel come the incoming President, Hosta Kitchln, addressed the society. She expressed the appreciation of all for the faithful services of the President (Continued on fiaue four) (Continued on page four) Commencement Guests and Alumnae, We Welcome You!

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