THE TWIG Vol. VIII Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., September 27, 1928 No. 2 FACULTY MEMBERS REPORT ON THEIR VACATIONS SEVERAL INTERESTING TRIPS ABROAD NEW OFFICERS ELECTED NOMINATIVG COM- MITTEE HAD MANY OFFICERS TO ELECT VAUIKTY OK I'LACCa VISITKn From an interview with the mom- bers of the faculty it seems that one o£ the most interesting vacations for Iho majority of them has just como to a close. Misaes Ida I'oLeat and Mary Tillery vlslteci many of tlie countries abroad this summer, traveling with the Bureau of University Travelers under the guidance and lectureship of some of the greatest of University Profes sors. After a stay In England they visited the gay Paris, thon went to Holland, Belgium anfl Germany. At Prague they attended the luternational Art Conferonce, one of the greatest events of the summer. Vienna, Floronce, Home, Pisa, Milan and va rious cities of Switzerland were stop ping plai:ea along the way, In Venicc they were fortunate in being able to attend the Annual Festival on the Grand Canal. In Geneva those com posing the party were most interested speotatorB of the League o£ N^Qtions where each detail concerning this great governing body was carefully ex plained. Prom Klorence they continued their course to Sienna and on to Palio, where annually the Pagonnt. a custom of medieval times, is held. Another most interesting tour abroad wa3 that of Misses Mary J. Spruill, Lucille Burris and Annio Cooper, Tak ing the Mediterranean Oruise they stopped for a lianite^ tinje at Gibraltar Algiers, and Palerma, lauding a1 Naples. After louring the oontinent they spent two weeks In Loudon. Miss Gault, of the music departmeuL, visited the foUowing countries o£ Knrope: iOngland, Franco, Holland, Swi{zerland, Scotland, Belgium and Italy. Those studying during the summer C'ere: Miss Nottie Herndon, the Uni versity of Chicago: Miss Iconise Ous ley, New York University; Miss Ellen Brewer, the University of ■WiscoMsiii; Dr. Lula Gaines Winston and IVIIss Mary' M. Johnston at Cornell; Miss Horho, , Columbia University; Miss Ruth Armstrong at the University ol Illinois; Miss Walaworth in New York; Miss Crawford, Washington, and Mr. Pei-ry at Duke University. iSpeDdlng the summer at their homes wei'ST Dr. Brower, Dean Boomhour, MIsb Royster, Dr, Carroll, Mr. David son, Dr. Freeniau, and Mrs. Wallace, Ualelgh; Dr. Price, Swarthniore, Penn,; Miss Brownlee, Mississippi; Miss Stevens, New York; Miss Allon, (Ooniinued on page four) The following new officers were choscn by tlic iioniiiiuling comniit- tcG, and cilcPtocl by the stuilont body for the year 11)28-29: Stvdent Govkknment Lillian Wheelev—TTouso President of A. Siilinda Povry—Sub IToiisp Pres ident of A. Mary Loui,«' ITvifftrnui—Soerp- tiiry. Oak Ljsavics .'iinie Sarii Bf’.i'kwell—Jiiniov Editor. J3. S. TJ. CouNcn. Sara J3rigg.s—KcjDortci'. Y. W. A. Snlinda Perry—Keporter. B. Y. P. U. IClizubeth I3oomhoiir—Kepoi'tcf. •Suva (/ummiiiga—Pep Leader. l.-’liri.AltKTIAN SOCIETV Kthel Day—Secretary. Virginia (Jrawfoi'il—Treasurer. Murgnorittc^ Mason—Marshal, I rni!i Motto—Mai'shal. AsTitoTKKTOjv Society I’aiiline Kitchiu.—Mar.slial. Tabernacle Class | Astro Society Entertains New Girls Entertains Saturday Night GIPSY TEA UNIQUE IN EFFECT flAiHKS .\>n llONriRE 1^ GROVK Among the many otiier delightful outortainnients which have? been g '■en for the now girls, a gipsy tea, given by the Meredith Class of the Tabcrnaclo Baptist Church stands ont as unique. At about four forty- five o’clock j\ jolly bunch of girls mot in a triily beautifnl spot in the grove. Mr. Mooneyhani, our teacher, wilh Mr. and Mrs. Davis, our pastor and his wife, and their two children were also present. Everyone participateci '‘iti lively and amusing game; led by Miss Madftline Elliott, until it was lime lo starl the most intoreatiug feature of the pvogrnm—seeing to what good n.sf! pronged atieka, ii fire, and srnh things as rolls, weenies, bacon a 1 it-iHr^hniiillnwR mil hti jnjt tn. At sunset when evnryone had had her fill of food and fun, we returned to onr rooms, nnd conmion everyday life. MINSTREL AND DANCES FEATURED SOCIETY DAY SEPTEMBER 26 PROGRAM PEPPY AND INTERESTING HAS NKW MKMii:us Pearl Johnson B.Y.P.U. Welcomes New Members MARION HARRIS TAKES CHARGE OF MEETING REAL SOCIETY SPIRIT ON OUR ^CAMPUS ASTROS AND PHIS SHOW TH1-:iR LOYALTY On Wednesday evening at seven o’clock the first meotiug of the l-’enrl Johnson B. Y. P. U. was held in the Gymnasium. Many of the old mem bers were back and the Pearl Johnson was vory glad to have so many new members and Several visitors. This union feels very honored and is ex ceedingly slad to have Miss Madalinc Elliot, the student secveitary, as a members, Miss Marion Harris had charge of the meeting and the program, which was very interesting and very much enjoyed. OltKiLNAL SON(!S AM) YULLS; AWE INSiMltING CEKKMOXY TI'i:SI>A¥ MIJIII’ Hepurters for this issue; Alice Dowd. Davie Bell Eaton, Ethel Day, Mabel Bagby, Salinda Perry, Evelyn McCall, Blondie Morse, Elizabeth Boomhour, Matilda Holleman, Roberta Royster, Eleanor Lamm. Tuesday iiiglit and Wednesday Hioj'ning were times of umisual .school spirit, )je]j, and fun on our (Uim]nis. All of tlu; gayely was causc'd by the fact that Deeiaiou Day for the new girls eoncurniag iheir eiioiee of societies was almost hero. Foi' mauy days and nights at dif ferent iutervala the loud and sonie- timos musical songs of A-S-T-it-0! Astrotekton ! and P-H-I-L-A! Phila- I'utian! have sounded forth from our coxjrr. On Tuesday night the Phi’s had snappy looking lavender and white balloons placed on tho tables. In fact, every loyal Phi has been work ing for new nicmbera for her society, .{Continued on page four) Lovely in its simplicity was the? party given Saturday night by the Astrotekton Literary Soeiety in honor of the new girls. .\s the guests arrived they were met by Hesta Kitehin, pre.sideiit of tho so- einiy, Davici Belle Eaton nn] An-: iictle Honey. Soon after the guests arrived two doll.s were summoned. 'I’hese dolls proved to be none otlier than Roberta Royster ami Nell linker tiressed in neat pajanm suits, Tlm,y iireseuted a eharniiiig “Doll Danee aecom- ]ianied by Blondie The gue.sts Iheii fouad tluunselves wil- aessing a meeting of the “Bhudi Ileart Lodge.” This was really a good old fashioned negro minstrel pietnred to erfeetion. Margnret Craig, i Pagby, and IVuliuo Kitcliin. fi'jd porfeetly natural! 'I'lie ndy difl'orenee wi* noted was tlie faet that iheir faces were hlae.ked. Salinda Perry eertainly “lived-up” to lier pari. In fael .some of file ladie.s may join A1 0-. Fields al sonu' future date. Paulitie New ton was what Jiiight hr' 1i‘nnel a “.sercatn.” Slie inventel an iustru- meat with wliieh she could hear oi' see anywhere ia rh’ world. I’auline is to be eongratnla(ed beeause just as ,«he predicted liei- mother’si arrival Dtrlla Robeson entered in a charm ing Parisiaa gown. She was ae- eojnpanied by a naniber of hags that look(i if tbey had beea “stnek” new and then, Those who weri! fortunate enough to be |treseiu. will not soon forget the graceful .setting up oxcreises. Nor are they likely to foi-get the lovoly .solo rendered by Margai'et Craig. Miss Craig has had so nuiay ee’'*racta oifei’od her that she is sulfe>i-.j5' xvom a complicated ailuation. We understand .she bought a new bottle of ink in order to sign contracts. Al ttie eonclusiou of the program delicious punch and sandwiches were served. At last, Society decision day has come! All the year both the old and new girls have been looking forward to Wednesday, September 26th, the day when each new girl must choose one of the societies for her own. The Phi’s and Astro'a have been hurryiug around trying to persuade some other girl to ,ioih them. Wednesday morning both societies were bubbling over with en thusiasm and Interest. The Phi’s marched luto chapcl first uuder the lavender and white, singing the Phila- retian song. And tho Astro's followed under the gold nnd white singing the Astrotekton song. Then each society Bave Its call, trying to make it louder and more enthusiastic than that of the other society, A peppy spirit of rivalry and competition prevailed throughoar the whole sei’vice, and each soololy proudly boasted of its new members. When the numi>ers were counted, it '.vas Inujul that 115 had joined the Autro society and 74 the Philarotian. The Astro society sacoeeded in securing more new mcmbovH this year, but that will bo jast a stronger incentive for the Phi’s to work next year. An Unsolved Mystery THE MAN WHO WORE A GR1:Y FELT HAT STlU.N(iliR OX Ol'It rAAIFIJS i There was a distingnisheil looking nnm seen on oni- campus this week. 11 is distingni.shcd ajuiearauce wa.s lull'd to analyze, I hat i.s to say, eliaracteriFtieH which made him look unusual are even now hard “put your finger on,” Wo immixlialely iioticod lluit he wore a tjri-ij hut. Jiverybody Wanted to know “who i.-; he?” “Is Jio iiiarrier?” ete. ele. There was a volley of whis])ers. Tlie man who wore the grey hat looked to bo about forty-five years of age. During tho niornitig sweet sounds of riHil iniisic came from our elia[K'l building. Our oi-gan sounded better than we have* ever hoard il before. Thcro were a series of coiil'erences in Dr. i3rewer’s office on that very .morning and nho on tho following niorniiig. Wo wonder who the distinguished looking influ is who woro tho grey hat? J