CLUB EDITION THE TWIG BOOST YOUR CLUB I Vol. VIII Published Weekly by Students of Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., October 18, 1928 No. 5 B. S. U. CONFERENCE TO MEET AT CHOWAN OCTOBER 19,20 AND 21 DRAMATIC CLUB STARTS WORK NEWISH TO MAKE DEBUT “MOrSKTKAl’” TO HE OlVEJJ SOON The “Little Theatre" Dvaiiiatlc Club has atavtecl a successful year, by Bpon- aorins “Tlic Mouse-TrftD,” by William Detin Howells, in which the freshmen will make their debut on the Meredith stage. At the first meellng ot tiie Chib, ThiivsiUy evening, a committee was appoiiitoii to cooperate with Mrs. Siinih Blalock to coach and producc (Continued tin pace four) New Ideals and Aspirations for International Relations Club ORGANIZATION; PROGRAMS PLANNED 'I'he liuc.alic;-..,! Rc’t>-t5ono ni.,ib met Tiiesdiiy October 9. T’he plans and asnirntions of tho club were outlined by the president. Margaret Jones, This year the club hopes to come into a closer relationship with hiteruatioual affairs, to aeciuire a greater ap preciation for history. bccome a. more' important unit on the college campus. Efforts arc heiug made to obtain a room solely for thia club. Tlic books that belong to tho organization will be placed at the disposal of its mem bers, as they will have access to the proposed club home at all times. Interesting proKi'ams will be given at the monthly meetings. It is hoped that several noted lecturers may be secured during the course o( the year Socials will be kIvrh at various times, and the club will have a jolly good time together. Both tho old and new members manifested a lively interest In the club at its llvst meeting in 1938, Sui'oly the Iiitenuitioual RelaOona Club with its enthusiastic members Its capable leaders, and its cooperative Cuculty members will aceompliah a great deal this year. Call is Made for New Members in Home Service Band Tlie Home Service Band htts com pleted ita oreanization for the year, and is ready to carry out its various programs on Christian worlc. Its ot- licers arc president, vlco-preaident, secretary, and chorister. Its member ship is divided into two groups lod by Mabel Beeker and Doris Hewlitt, each of which will give programs from time to time. The meetings occur every two weeks. The last meeting was hold October 11, and the subjcct ot the pro- gram was "l-lnw Can We Serve on Our Caminis." Arc there not more girls— conaecratod and loyal—who will join ■with the llome Service Baud for study and practice in service? Phi Society Plans Reception October 20 MEN TO BE INVITED The Phtlaretian Society held a most interesting meeting Monday evening in the society hull. Tho pvoaident, Sarah Mewl)orn. welcomed the new new members and made everybody teel "at home." Ethel Day, the seci'etary, called the roll and each member re plied by telling her talent. Just watch the Phi programs. The new members have got talent! We’ll run the blues away. It waa decided that linos would be charged of all members for being ab sent without a good cxcuae. We don't think we’ll have to collect flues be cause nil the Phis are loyal. Every Plii Juat must have her so ciety pin so the price list was given and ordera taken tor tiie pins, Matilda Hollemaii wa.H elected re porter for the aocicty—to report tho meetings and all Phi business to Tiir Twiii. Last, but surely not least the Phis ii’u lu an UiLutiiial j't^c^ptioii— and that real soon. In fact, Saturday night at M o’cioclc! Then to add more color to the affair or more cream to the pie, the memliers can have their friends. No, not girl friends—real scnllemeu friends. The occasion promises to be a memorable one In the memory of each Phi, Tho meeting adjourned and cach member received au invitation to send ‘'him.” B. S. U. Council and Student Secretary Grateful for Gifts APPRECIATION FOR B. S. U. OFFICE AND FURNISHINGS The members of the B. S, U. Council anti tho Student Secretary want to use this method of thanking, publicity, the Individuals who have contriljuted to Iho furnishing of the B, S, U. oiRce, 'J'hese gifts, some of whicli are perma- Jieuc, and others loans for the year, have been a great help in making the oftlce the attractive place which it now is. We are deeply grateful to those who havo been so thoughtful and gen erous. The list of contributors and articles follows; Dr. Brower, curtains ami draperies; lluth Truesdell, book-enda; Marguerite Mason, potlci'y bowl;’ Mabel C. Hog- gard (’28), copy of "Blue Boy"; Miss Parson, pottery Jar; Mlsa Ferrell, floor lamp; Miss Stevens, one book; Miss Keith, 1 book; Mal)ol Beoker, a cush ion and seven buolis; Elii^abeth Apple, four books, one motto, tracts and pamphlets; Lillian Odnni, copy of “Lone Wolf’’; M1s.h Ai'nisti'ong, Mias Welch, Miss Diggers, flowers; Mrs Paul Davis (Winston-Salem), one pic ture. Dr. Caveness’ S. S. Class is Entertained VOYAGES; IMPROMPTU SPEECHES: FROZEN SUCKERS! Some of the members of the Mere dith Student liody have vi.slted several places of interest in the United States within the last few days. Last Tuesday evening at G:45 the Pinehiiid Limited pulled out for a traiiscontintental trip from Raleigh, M. C, to San Francisco, California by (Continued on pape four) Two Meredith Girls Receive Prizes for Writing AWARDS MADE BY UNITED DAUGHTERS OF TIIE CONFEDERACY Miss Mabel Beeker of Leaksvillo, N, C- and Winnie 'Wilborn of R()xb(»ro, .V. C. were recently awarded by the State United llaughters of the Confederacy ten dollars (.?10) in goltl for tho best articic.s pertaining to the Confederacy in 1D2S. Miss Wilborn wrote a very interest ing article on "Jefferson I'Javls’ Tour of Xorth Cni’oliua,” while I^Iisa Beeker wrote a poem entilled, "Our Men lu Grey.” Since 1023 Miss Booker has been the successful contestant for seven prizes. She is a member of the Anne Johns Chapter, the Junior organization of l^eaksville, Meredith is, Indeed, proud of these young ladies and the wish of every student is for their success. Xovcuibor I, 2, and :> arc; lliu cluk'S sor for llit- iStli senii- iiiiiiiuil iiK'ofiiig of tljo Xortli (.’aioliiiit (Vlcgitite Pro,ss A.s- .^ociatioii. All of 0111' imblicn- tioMS af ilorciilitli aro 3noni- l)i;rs ot tlio iissoci’afiou. Tlio I'Xcciilivt* cominirtc'i; uuty mopt licre Satiu'djiy ninriiinj;' to dis cuss plans for the coining coii- VL'iitioii. WiiUor Spoiinniiii, uditor of Thr. Tar If cat at U. X C. is ])Vf'Bidi'nF of tho N. C. C. r. A, fhi.s 3'onr, .Vlicn llowd is scci'c'tai'y niul A. L. i.’iu-[(‘r, biisiiioss miinfijjor of TIu’. (I'liilfordiait, Guilford Col- h’gi! is troasuroi'. One of the iufci'c'sti ug' iuldiL',^ of the corivr-ntioii will b(5 drlivovod by Di'. Dntiiols of Cloin.son on Thursdfiy night. MANY MEREDITH STODENTS PLANNING TO ATTEND MISS BIGGERS TO HAVE A DISCUSSION GROUP BASKET-BALL SEASON IN FULL SWING GOOD MATERIAL IS FOUNO THIS YEAR TKAlXI.Vfi H.VS Hi;CM'.V (lirls, do you realize that the basket ball season is here and in full swing? Just come out to the courts some Mon day or Thursday afternoon at Irdo and support your team. The freshmen arc going to have a tine showing this year, with Mary Lee Seate aa team iiianager. There Is a lot of good material in Iheir team, and with a little practice they will bo hard to beat. We are all interested in see ing Lottie Belle Myers, "Jo" Higdon and jilizaueth 'rhornion siiooc some goals. The Sophomores have a peppy team, with a lot of their "old faithfuls” bade on the job. Lois Arnctte Is the team manager, wilh Lib Ayscue and Ann Harris back. .Margaret Spears is a fine representative of tho new Rirls. The Sophs are certainly Rolns: out for the good old game, and their opponents arc going to have tii worlc hard to have a showing. Mai'garet Peele and “Lib” Apple are leading the .Juniors wilh the help of ICnzelia Smart, a new girl. The Juni ors are going to have a sirong team if they work hft)'d and get a few more to come out. Since only a few of tho Seniors are going out for basketball, they are go ing to have to put in some hard prac tice to uphold the reputation of their class. Frances Scarborough is the team manager and with Ihe help of .Miriam Daughtry will iead the team through. These going out will have to start to keep training right away, so get your slips from Miriam Daughtry as soon as possible. Those girls who haven't come out yet, como and back nj) your class. Glee Club to Broadcast Over W P T F CONCERTS TO BEGIM SOON The Glee Club expects to broadcast soon. The glee club has, in past years, given several programs over the radio. Tliis year, under tho direction of Mr. lOyor, they will begin their broad casting earlier than usual, The pro gram that Is to be given over Station ■\VPTF at an early date will consist of several numbers by a double rjuartet, two piano solos and one vocal solo. This year, tho gloe club is much larger than it has been In previous years, and we are looking forward with We are ready to go! Are you? To be original—time flies! And the tlay of the B. S. U, Conference is drawing nearer and nearer. It really is a great occasion. Meredith girls are needed! We are to have special— very special buses. And the cost! Juat ask some one on the B. S. U. if you are interested! Since last week’s Twin contained a schedule of the meeliug only Mere dith’s part will be stated this week. Saturday nmrning our own Miss Big- gera will have charge of one of the iliscusaion groups, Saturday night the stirring missionary song “Oh, Zion Haste" witi be pantomimed by some Meredith glrla. Then the Meredith B. S. U. council will have a real council meeting to demonstrate just how It is done here. Also our president, Ruth Trnesdell, will make a short talk. If you haven’t atarted thinking— wake up and think new! If you huvc •.iC/t started plannir.s- ,:-ait uov.-: li.’o never too late to begin! Mars Hill Clubs Enjoy Picnic STA'I’E AND MEREDITH CLUBS JOIN IN GOOD TIME zoo A.Ni> ?ij:i:i{«(>uM> YISITKO {Continued on page three) The Mors Hill girls left Meredith at 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon. All of them wore sport dresses. At the end of the car line they were met by Gary Digfters and A. B. Kinney. There fol lowed a happy walk through the beaii- liful campus of Stale to Pullen Park. At the pavilion Iho Mars Hill boys awaited the arrival of the girls, livery one was uxcited. There was a happy tliscuRsion of old frlendsand old times. The girls gave two yells and sang two songs. Tiien tho boys responded with two snappy sons?. Each per.'^on vr\H putting spirit Into the occasion. The twenly-onc couples then left tho pavilion for a long stroll through the park in the twilight. Tho boys intro duced the girls to the animals in the park, including the “ftngry'’ buffalo. All the thoughts of college and Its dignities were distnlssed and (ho '•kids” roile tho nicrry-gu-round, .•\ftor this there was a delicious sup per. JCvery one lined up for a plate. For supiici' they served siindwiches, salad, pickles, ice-cream, punch and cakc. For once ail tho girls and boys ion, had enough to cat. Someone built a bonlire, and while tlu^ lire was burning, forty-two happy .Mars Mill students sang their “Alma Maler.’’ Don’t thiuk that the Mars Mill Clubs i>f Meredith or State have forgotten the chaperones. They were wonderful. They are recommended by both tho girls and boys for any occasion. Tho two clubs wish to thank Mrs. Smith. Missea Blggers and Cooper. Half of the fun that the girls had is due to the chaperones, and the olhov half they owe to the l)oys.