Raleigh. N. C. NAMES FOR DORMITORIES THE TWIG HOCKEY MANAGERS ELECTED Volume X MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C, OCTOBER 17, 1930 Number 4 Philaretians Have Official Installation I'tio itiiiuia] nj' tlK? Plilliu'i'fiun LKcrai'.v wliich is by u sim plicity that is cliai’iniiij^: anil a qnietiK'ss in wliicli one is snvai'o fil' u (li'ptli ol' fc‘e!in>^ liepin 4it 7:30 ()’('lock in Saturiltiy, Oc- t(il)in- 11, in till! Philafctian {So ciety llall. Kallilc'vn l.)ui-1iaiii, jiri’.sidunt of tii« socii'ty, tonk (.-liiU-jic of tin* sofvic'OH, whii'li wei-c sln-ondcd in so{!i-(‘cy, hnt tlie soft i-andle liulit synibuli/iOd many iclfuls troiis- nml in tli« lunii-( of (.‘vei-y sot-it-ty nuMubt*]’. Tlii* pi-osiilent was as- siKtcnl in IluMnstallation by lii(> (vtbi'i* ollicorH of llie Hociely: Mamie L*(! Kimball, vice-i)i-csi- (liMit; \'(*lina \\'('bb, H*i-i-(>lai'y, ami -Mai'tba Vici'Jllo, tvoasnm', The niMV «>1f}s woiv nsluM-wl in by t lu' .Marslials, A'ivy;lnia (’raw- ford, Iia-li(‘l .Mai'slilmi-n, Mary;- ai-el Jnnl l-’i-anws Wbile* lu-ad. Afl(‘r tli(! ])iH’limiii)iii‘y t.'X'i'i’- cisi's fcli(‘ iraililidiiary sn-vici* lii“- J^an, at wliivii linn- a lai’i^t* nnni- bt'i- of obi mumluii's wo.vo in-c‘si>nt to assist in Ibc installation of sc'V(‘nty-(liM‘i‘ of 3lotlu*r IMii'y yniiiji(‘sl ibin.u;Ut(U'S. II was v‘i-y intci'cstinj; lo note* tlu‘ numlKji- iif sis|(M-s in iiu‘ .so- cicly. Sist(M-s in llu*socij‘ly ai-e: .Martha anl Xamy** A'ccllio, Sarali and 1‘Miza liviji.ns, Janu and l’'ran('«‘s .Tones, Scarab Jilixti- iH'tb and Lillian lii'll .li*nkin«. ((’cjiifjiiu'rt- 071 i)uge four) VIRGIL'S BIMILLENIUM OBSERVED AT MEREDITH On Wcdnt'sday morninji at t.lio I'l'jiiilar 4-ha]i(‘l time Virjiil’s bi- lailU^nium was ollii-ially obsei-vt'd iin(U-*r tlK*.aus]»iccs of the Classi cal (Mub and tlu‘ hin.iiua^c, both classical and modern, di-part- mouL A sburt play, “A >'ir»il- lian F.antasy,” was i)i-(‘sent(Ml. 'riiis was in the iorm oC a 4lroani, in wliick ^'arilni, a I‘unniu ])oet and Llu! I'l'iend of ‘N'ii.-j^il, s(k?s the (,’nnniean Sibyl, wlio culls ii]) thif shades of fiitni'O poets lo l.ell of Viri*irs inlUience (ni them. jMartha Vicdlio was Vai-ius, and Kditli'Kandolpli took the part of Vii-«>'il, the dlslinjjiuislied poet, Sarali l'jlizal)(!tli Jenkins, as tin* Sibyl, chanted 1'rom the I'^onrth Ecloj>ne nmj-ic i'ormnlas, and the folUnviny: ixiets ai)peared: l^ede, V'an Veldoke, Dante, ('liancei', 'I’asso, Spensei', iMil- ton, Voltaire, Tennyson, liryiint, a modern sclnilar, and unmercnis atlmirer.s of A'iryil. IhMle was l)ortrayed by Arline Dalniels, and ITenricli von A'eldeke, by Jriici Carr. I'roderick Harba- sosKa, of wliose conrt von {Continued on imye four) HOCKEY MANAGERS FOR | Eighty-three New Astros YEAR ARE ELECTEDi Are Welcomed in Society l[ock(!y practice bas starle'l and the clas« manajfers scli’cH’d, Alice Stratton was elected I’l-eslunaJi inaiiaiier; l]>h‘n Jjen- netr, So[ilioniore manager; and LUlian Davis was clioson for tin* •fiiniors. The Senior mainij>'cr was not el(?cl:ed. ilisH Anderson reports fluil there is quite a bit of material from the b'veshnuin class and that (here are {pille a few wlui have shown real athletic aliility, Probably tlie most capable of these is Alice Stratton, who c«)me« with a fine athleJic record fmm the llicliard -T. Keyuolds Iliiili School in \\’histon-Salein. Slu! was on the luM'key team four y*ars; Oie basket ball team, fonryi.'ars; swintminji' team, two yoars; track, one, and (ctinis, (MIC year. Durin”- these funr .\'ears in whiclt sin* starr(!i so, she won a letter ainl nim- stars— toi-'ellier wicli both a school and Slate niiinoj;i'ani. I lel(Mi I’eiuiett, manajfer of the i^opbomore team, has a ]>erson- ality and ability tha( in'omisc's much for her cbiss. She was n» the hock(*y s«juud Iasi yea.]\ wo!i a letter for varsKy hockey, and made liie basket hall sijnad. Lillian 1 )avis, the dintior man- a.!i(!r, came to ns from t'oker ('fil- ley:(‘ and is a new otie in the ranks. Sh(! has air(‘ady proven herself capable, however, of ]nit- tin^ her tdass amons;- (he first. .Miss Ander.sonannounced rhat those ji'oin*-- otit for hockey are re(|nifed to ]>ractii'e at li'ast l>\-ice a week iintil the sipiad is picked, (’ntil these jiirls are selcetel tin.'pracli(‘e will be held every day at 4:45 o'clock, and n :4r> for th(kse who are nnable to come at the earlier honr. Music Supply Store Located in Music Bldg. Tiie iluredltli Mnsitr Supply Stori‘, which was formerly in the Administration I’niklinji', has Iwen moved to Uoom l.'^orty- foni* in the -Music Jiailding'. Tliis arrtiuj'innent is more convenient for the sl.iidenLfi. He.sides music 8uppU!Si for mu.'^ic stadents, the store liax Ibree hundred dollars in Vic- tr4)la r(?c(nds on library llle. Thi'se may be taken out over- uight or foi- two weeks by uuisii- and A.15. students to be iilayed and studied in Iheir bnstire ti]ji(^ This is entertaining and iieni!- Iicial to all student«. Te.vthooks IVu' various music cla.sses will Ik‘ kept t)n;re, which wil [ be less o.vpensivo for the stii- dt'nts and a step i'nrlhi>r towards (Continiifid on paye four) \\’it!i what seemed to he I lie loud raj tlin^i' of cha ins and clank- in^^ of iron and with many yells and similar .noises, tin; new A-s- tras were -reet(‘d Saturday nij^hl at llie annual iuiiintion. To an outsi([i‘v in the coiirt, or espi!- cially in Strin';liell ilall, an im- ])ressi(jn »'as i^iven as of Dante's /iifci'n'o. 'L’o f>ne of the waiting: Freslimen such'an idea seemeil most ap])ro])riate, Alxnit ‘i^^]ity new 4'irls appropriately attired in their ildest clothes lilled the first lloin’ anl era>\'d(*d the sleps lo the “tunnel.” A Sophomore or two saw to it that the suspense was kept up siiflicienily while till' linisliin.u'' buiches wen* made in the low‘r rey;ions and while the \\-anderinji: mascot, tiu* yoat, was caiitnred for the iu>w yirls to rid>. Charlotte J'almer was in charye of (he So]dioiiiore‘s ])ari of the iiihiatbin. She comlncted (‘ach iiK'mber to tin' siarlin-:' point, when' .Muryaret l>ridjj:er ami Loaise .M(r.\Iillan *i:ave them their instrndions jind started them on the way. All ihe d*tails of the entertainment and amuse- au'nt planned, by the So]ibo- mores and -Tniiiors foi- their b*n- etit must be l(‘ft to tin- iina^iiiia- tion, since ‘‘all yoo^l Astras” are pledji'tHl to sc‘crecy on this ])i>iiit. -VI tlie end of about tiffi-en niin- nli's after siartiny out the m*w members i’nierj,;i:it in \'aiin llall (Conliniicd on pmjc four) Permanent Names Given to Meredith Dormitories Moncrief-Bostic Weddinj^ Solemnized October 7th Dr. Brewer is Speaker at Dedication Service On Sunday, October 12. Dr. iJrewer went to l.e.vinytoii where he was om^ of Ihe ju'ineipat speakers at the Junitu- Order Orphanayt!. Dedication e.ver- ci.ses were held int - ::H) p.m. for the new amliiorinui that will bi‘ used as a cluircli for the or- plianaji:e. -Vn interesting pro- {.n-am of special music and talks by ollicers and friends of the or- idianajiu was pvesenlod. Every one enjoyed the inspirinji' mes- •stij^'e that Dr. Hrc»'er bad lo jaive tlieni. Somii few girls here at Jleru- ditli were fortunate enough lo Ha’i! in Lexin.ufon or sojuewliin'e ni’arliy. These not t)nly imjoyeil a lonji' aut(mioblle drive, but also a lilorious day at home. i\.mon^' those that accomiianied Dr. hr(‘wer on liis irip were -Jesse >rartin, frojii Li'xinjifoii, I'Mi/a- belh JJarnus, from Clmrcldanil, I’rue ('lioate, from Salisbury, and her y’liest, .Mary Lee. No doubt, there are many girls who would like to g(.‘t Dr. llriiwiu* a pernnnient job of speaking at their home or nearby every Sunday. A we'Iling of yreal; intcN'st thronghont tbi* stale and of es pecial interest a; .M‘j-editlt Mas that solemnized on ()cif»b{»r 7 at !i>’e o'clock n'hen .Miss Oreftn I'.ostick and Kev. Adiel .Tarett .Mon'rlef, .Jr., were marriel In 11 ayes-Mar ton Haptlst Churih. Tht» favht'rs if flic brifU* and bi'ideyroom, Km*. Wade i), P/t)Kficic of I’o ('iiow, (’hina. aint \\ ake !-'o)'esl; and Dr. A. .1, .Mniu'cief of Atlanta, («a.. oHI- ciateil at the servife. which was i>ne id' nnnsna! In-aiity. Till* ])i’incipal music, was strikii!,i>ly a]>]iropriate ami b»v4‘- ly. A lirief organ n-ciial hy W. A. I'ofter was fulloweil hy llle sinking of "Ib'lieve .Mi' I f All Those 1'hidi‘ariiig o a n !.i ('harms," “It Is Xot Jl(*cansi‘ Vmir llearf Is Mini-,*' and "‘I'he N’oice That Mreallied O'er i:len." by Dr. 1C. .MacXcill l/oteat, a lifi!-long friend of the family d' ll*t> bi-ide. ,Mi-. i’otter played softly ••U Pure and Fiiir" from thi; 4>]M‘ra, •‘Martha,” dur ing vlie ceremony. The in1ej'i(ir of ihe church was sid'tly ligliled hy candles, l-'erns iiiid palms forni(‘d a iiai-k- gi'ouiid for tin; altar which was cent4‘rel with a tall basket of \\’hite lOasici- lilies, Four seveii- l)]-anc)ied I'amlelabras holding whi({? Oathedral tapi’s, wer»; iM'ined with similax and sho\\- ered wilh b(»ws of white moii'e ribbon. 'I'he bride was a1 tended by OJi iJCKjc four) Stand as Monument to Memory of Benefactors CHRISTIAN EFFICIENCY IS B. Y. P. U. SUBJECT “All the doi-mitories now have pernianenr names and from now on they will not bo called A. n. r, iiml D bai .fone.s. Fair- cloth. Van au4l Striiiglield, hav ing b(‘en named afl(‘r various ]n-e-eminenl Ix-nefaciors of the school. i “A" (jormilKry. oi- .Jones llall, 'is named after Imili Mi-, juul i.Mi's. \\. .Jttm*s. 'I’his was so named beciiuw of lh(‘ interi'st sli(»wn in I he colh*g4- by the.se two Irit'uds. .Mr. .lon‘s was jiri's- ideiii o( (ln> J5oard of Triistc'es f"r a]i])ro.\itaately ihirty years aniJ also serv(*d as attornev fov tin* l>i»ard. Dr. Prewer says. ■•Il4» nev.er sparel him.sidf in |secvin;i the cidlegi,'. 1 never w*nt |t(t him alxmt anything but that ! he saiil, ‘all right: I'm ready.’ [‘•Fnrtliermor,'.’* I'elates l)r. jl>rewer, •‘hi« always weal to tin* Imeetinys «»f the Uoard of Trii.'-tl4-es in prefci-i'nee l» any jotlici- ixiard jsu'cihiy: l>ank di- Irocltir's, for example." .Mr ;-Iones no| only "'aH*' his lime to :1Ih‘ colh'gi* blit -oii(i-iliiited jmiin4‘y als*, making a very jgcm‘i-4nis iliinatioii ii> rhe centen- jiiial fund which is i«i I,,* closed 'Ihis fall. Doi'iiiiiory ‘-i;." Fair.-loih Mall, is namrd lor .hidge ^\■, T. I'aircbith. who was loi- (jni((* a whih' (’hief .Tu.sitcf of ilu* Xoi-th t'ariditia Siipreini' Cimri. .Iud->e I'airdotJi was genecitns in his thoiij^ht of .Meredith in a fini4‘ \>hei( funds won* ncedel. In lbo4 I'aircbitii llall was ei-ect(‘d (.'iiiili)}Hcif on /taiff /lire:) “\\’alking with (lod*' was tin* subject Oertrnde King used in conducting th(> d*\'otii)nals a,t the generiil meeting of the It. V. P. r. \V‘dnesday evening. ()'tober S. Sbe gave varioas reasons why we should walk with (lod which were: U is a safe walk, a useful walk of ,s4-rv- li'c and a hapi)y walk. After tin' dev4)tiomils ^’elma I’reslar M. 1’. V. i>resid4‘ni annonnced Ihe olticers 1 raining camp wliicli is to take ]da4'e Monday, Octobi*r lik (’ontinning a series of talks being given (‘iieh ^\'edneHday (‘Veiling i'l'uc* ('Imaie spok4* ni (’hristian l^iTiciency, in whi(di she emijhasi/etl stewardshiji. She told hoM’ we might. ilis4-»iver [Oontinued on pfiyc thrcej Current Happenings Discussed at I. R. Club The hitei-national Uelations t'lub li(‘ld a \'e)-y interesting imnilhly mcetiuy 'I'nesday. Oc- lobi'r. 7th ill .lones Mall with (ri-iimdi* Il4istie, jiresident of the club. j>ri*si4ling'. Aftc'r a W4‘ll organi/,‘d r(*vi4‘w nf (he work tif (lie International U(*lat i(nis 'lull for t he jiast year by Nelela. Wilson several iu- struclive and 4lelightful talks wei-i- made on suhji'cis of Inler- natlonal int4-r4'st. -Margaret Doibl spidce on “The J‘alest ine Outbreak" ; Fannie Pailey cm 'ijecent Kvents in linlia", and Dcdphie Harris on “lOuropi* at the Cross lioads." Miss Hendon is faculty a4l- vi.ser 4)f tlu‘ club.

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