HALEsCH, ri C. WAKE FOREST SOCIETY DAY THE TWIG CELLO RECITAL SUNDAY Volume X MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., NOVEMBER 7, 1930 Number 7 DELEGATES ATTEND N. C. PRESS ASSOCIATION E. C. T. C. Is Hostess To Success ful Convention Reports from the ilelefjates to the North (Jftroliiia Collegiate Press Association which met at E. C’,. T. C. ill (Jr(*enville indicate that tho ineethi}^ was one of the most siiccessfnl the association has ever lielil. Hegiiiuiu}^ Thurs day, October 30, and closing Saturday, November 1, the program was ttlled witii varied and interesting events. Jferedith delegates left Uahngh Thursday afternoon and arrived in (ire(*nville in time to attend the tea given the Asso ciation through the courtesy of the V. W. C. A. at E. (\ T. C. The tea was a fitting opening event foi- (he Convention, for it alTorded a good means of having everyone get better ae|uainted. Thursday night the Associa tion was invited to a dinner at tlie Woman’s Club, given through the courtesy of lienson Printing Cmipany. ^Music for the linn^r was f\irnished through the courtesy of the “Tecoan,” the annual ])ublished at 10. C. T. C. Fi'iday morning the first busi ness meeting was held. ICverett Couch of State (.'ollege, Presi dent of the Association, presided at the meeting, and Evelyn U’right t)f 1']. C. T. C., Secretary of tlie As.sociation, read tlie minuteK of the last convention, which was held in Higli Point last spring. Keports were made froju each publication repi-e- sented, giving the nature of the p\iblieation, its aims, its aecom* plishnients, and any other de tails that might interest people from other schools interested in tlie same work. Following this genei'al iiu*etiiig, the delegates met in sej)arate groups, where probleuis of the publications were discussed. Each group was under the direction of a leader who could assist in the discussion and otfer possible so lutions to any prol)lems that (Continued on pa(/e three) MR. BATTIN IN BRILLIANT AND ARTISTIC RECITAL '['Ik* first of tb? lDHO-31 series i)f faculty concei ts at .Meredith (’ollege was presented Suiulay afternoon at -1 o'clock Ity Isaac Lucius Uuttin, head of the School of Music and ])rofessor of organ. The first nunilHU* on the pro- giam was a ’horale Prelude by liach in which t;he deeply re ligious nat«ir? of the ‘omposer was exjnessed. The (|uiet dig nity and sympathy with which this was played indicated the d(‘(*p a1fectim of Mr. Battin for this nuisfer. In the (’’ae.sjir b'ranck -oiu)jo- sition, “(Jrande IMece Sym- plioniiiius’- Mi-. Hattin showed an intelligent gras]> of tlie work as a whole, each movejiient showing a fine understanding of dynaniit: shading. J^'rom the (]uieting (HTect in the “Anchante Sei-ioso*' t(» the b(?auty and grandeur of the “Allegro non 'I’rap))o e mastoso,’' each mood was e(|ually well defined. Tlie poetic charm of “’laire d(‘ Lum*” of Karg-Eliert, was given with imagination and in- sijrht as was the jiopular “JiOr- go*' l»y Hamh'l. The biilliancy and abandon with which the “'I'occato'' by >Vider was playei matle a fitting climax to a progi-ajii so varied as to make possible both an eU'ective and (oijoyable recital. CLASSICAL CLUB IS ON A. U. W. PROGRAM On Thursday night, October ;iO, Jleredith College was host to the Association of University Women. At 0:15 after a brief but interesting program by mem bers of the Association, the (’classical Club presented the Virgiliun Fantasy. At the eon- chision of this part of the evening’s ei;^iertainment, punch and cake were served by Miss Yarborough and Miss Brewer. Social Kalendar Friiliiy, iftor. 7, 4.210 CInssi* cul Cliil), l8t floor, Falrclotli. Siiliirday, Nov. 8.—Wiii(!riitc Club cnterliihis Wake Forest Win* },'ate Chill. Suhinlaj-, Nov. 8.—Bertie Coniity Cliil> of Wflke Forest and Hlere* ditli, party, Allen’s Pond. Sunday, Nov. 9.—Y.W.A. Circles, p.m., eaeli dormitory. Tuesday, Nov. 11.—Len(,nie of Women Volerf), >:45, .Tones Hall. Wednesday, Nov. 12.—B.Y.l'.U., 6:4i> i>.m., College Andltoriuni. Wednesday, Nov, 12.—Faculty and Students at home to »a|>- list State Convention. 'I'hursduy, Nov. i:i.—Dramatic Club, i:4i> |>.m., 1st floor. Fair- cloth. SHlurday, Nov. 14. — B.Y.P.U. Study Course, 3 sessions, after, noon and evenhi);, Society Halls. CELLO RECITAL BY MISSES GALT AND ROSEL Delightful Party Given By Wake Forest Societies After much anticipation, Sat- uj-day night, November 1, tinally came wIk'U the literary societies of Wake b'orest entertained the societies of Meredith as a pre- liminai'y allair to the annual Wake 1^’orest Society Day. A gi'cat d(*al of enthusiasm, which began with the tii-st talk of a social and prevailed until the last boy had long been gone, made the occasion a great suc cess that reached to the highest expectation of all that were present. After gathering in the parlors in order to divide up in couples, (he guests went upstairs into the Astro Hall, which was beau tifully decorated in gold and black. Having become ac- (]uainted with each other, the couples separated to form two circles which marched in oppo site directions until tlie music stopped, then the boy and girl opposite each other formed an other couple. In this way, the boys and girls were able to be come acquainted with a great many more people. ' (Continued on page four) Tlie second in tlie series of faculty concerts is to be given Sunday by Jliss Kosel, accom panied by Miss (Jalt. This is -Miss JJosel’.s first ye.a at Mere dith, but she comes liere with a fine record. She is a native of Ohio, and graduated at tlie Con servatory of Cincinnati in 11)25. She studied piano under Thal- berg and cello under Ivirksmitb. After graduating she studied with Courtniann, Walleusten, and Hanz Hess. She tuught in ririchsville, Ohio, from 1925 to (Continued on })age three) REV. HERMAN T. STEVENS TALKS TO STUDENT BODY •Mr. Merman T. Stevens made an address to the stmlent body in ( bap(*l Satuiilay, October 25, on I’ellowsliij) Week. In his talk he discussed four jiliases of Bai)tist work: work in the world as a whole, in the United States, in th! South, and in the State of Xorih Carolina. Il(!said that the aim of l^'ellowship AN'cek was to encoui-age members to pay their pledges, to draw them closer together, t» inform tluMii on tluiir church history, to en courage inactive nieml>ers to take moi(* interest in church work, and lo get each cburcli to provide itself with a name ]>late for tiu* door. He touched lirielly on the beginning of the various P>aptist ColUtges, nien- fiojiin>' especially Meredith and \\'ake l-’orest. He recalled that Samuel Waite, grandfather of Dr. (’Iiarles E. Jirewer, mort gaged bis ])i'oper(y in order to get money to start work on tlie alniinistration building at W'ake I'orest. ALL-SOUTHERN CONFERENCE ATTENDED BY 25 DELEGATES NOV. 22 IS DATE FOR W. F. SOCIETY DAY The Annual W’ake Forest Society day will be held this year on November 22. .Many girls are invited over to >\’ake l''orest for tliis occasion. 'JMie Meredith gii-ls with permis sion from home are given the privilege of going. On the after noon of the twenty-second the girls go over to Wake Forest by way of bus. When reaching there they are met by their boy friends and are taken to the athletic field where they see, with great excitement, the foot ball game: xVfter the game they go to the various club houses for linner. In the evening the oratorical contest is held after which a lovely banquet is given. h]veryone who expects to at- t‘iid this society day is looking 'forw'ard to it with much antici pation. The girls are beginning now to get their new sport suits and evening dresses ready for the occasion. Meredith Retains Many Old Traditions l>id you know we always had “cake-«'alk"—or rather, t he negro waiters did—^.just before the Christmas holidays ^ Fresh men, do you know aiiout the crook ' Sophs and Seniors, have you forgotten that “'J'bese Jiones” were always sung at Stunt Night by the ‘‘odd classes " W'a have been asking tliese |uestions quite a lot re- itently, aiul the answer to the first anl third is usually “yes,” and the answer to the second is “no." Accordingly we have been at work c(dlecting all col lege traditions for the benefit of every oiu‘, from faculty to fresh men. The ghost who was written up last w(K*k heads our list. The most anticipated tradition we have is “Alice in W’onderland.” In the spring of 15)32 our digni fied faculty will take olt (heir masks and be human long enough to present a dramatiza tion of Lewis Carrol’s famous story. lOvery college generation the students form the audience, and the faculty lake the stage and the limelight. Having seen t>\''o performances of the play already, we look forward to the third with even greater antici pation. Here’s Just a hint of what it was like in 1!)28: Dr. Price slung pots and pans at Miss llernd(ui. Mr. Poomhour had his face slapped. ]>r. Har ris, as the grifliu did the mock- turtle tiuadrille. Mr. (^xnady was the Mad Hatter, with iliss (Continued on page four) Meredith Girls Report Remarkable Convention The Second All-Southern HaptisI Stndciit Conference*, held in Atlanta, (la., October • II) ti) November 2, was a sig nificant milestone in student life of the South, distinctive be cause «)f the unusual enthusiasm and sinceiity of the 2,000 students gathered there, the nationally known si)eakei-s who address(!l (hem, and the spiritu ality which clijiracterized every nie(*ting. Th(‘ convention met in (he First Haptist ('hnrch of Atlan ta, when* students fi-om every Sontbern slate gathered in an assembly taking for its kcjynote: “’ln-is(. My Only Necessity.-' Tli(* first session ojiened on Tluii-.vday night, with Dr. I. J. \'an Xc.ss, corresjionding secre tary and treasurer of tlie Sun day School lioard, Nashville, 1’onn., sjieaking on “Southern J^aptists’ (Maim and Call to the student geu(>ration. “This was followed by an aldress by Dr. Pobcrt (i. J^ec of .Memphis, .mounding t!u- keynole uf the whole convendon as ('lirisf. the students' only necessity. On I'riday morning, Dr. S. D. Cordon, of New York, opened tii(‘ scrvice with the first of flu* wonderfullly iiis]>irational talks which he made at each of the fol lowing services. It was at this session that Miss Madaline El liott, stulent secretary of Mere- litli, gave a siilendid talk on “Tli* Paptist Student Union—a S))irituai Factor on the Local (Continued on page tlifee) VARIED PROGRAM GIVEN BY STUDENTS IN MUSIC The weekly student recilal was given last Thursday at 4 o'clock in the college auditori um. The ])rogi-am was varied and very interesting. Juanita Hinson, a freshman, played an organ solo with much artistic ability. 'Phe iirograia was a.s follows: Plano—On A\'ings ol' Song (.\l('ii(l(!lssohn-]j.'zt), Frances Cox. Organ—('i-adle Song (Crieg), Juanita Hinson. Piano—Prelude, o|>. 28, No. 10 (('hopin) ; (Jrillen (Schu mann), Lucile Hamby. A'oice—Hedge Pose (Schu bert), He's vSucli a Li’l Fellow (Dichmont), Hazel ilartin. Piano—Alh^gro f v o m the Sonata, op. 31, No. 3 (Beeth oven), Fi*ances Cox.

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