Selected THE TWIG Volume X MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., FEBRUARY 20, 1931 Dr. Porter Conducts Revival Number 15 STAR PLAYERS CHOSEN FOR VARSITY SQUAD Fresh Have Four Represent atives on Varsity Team The varsity basketball team was selected Monday, February 16j following the championship game Thursday, February 12. iVIartJia Davis, Virginia Gar nett and Virginia Green were se lected as guards while Alice Stratton, Katherine Davis and Elmer Currin were selected as forwards. Martha and Kather ine Davis and Alice Stratton will receive stars, as they were given letters in hockey. The Freslimen arc represented by four on the varsity while the Sopliomores and Juniors have one each on the squad. Stratton, the left-handed for ward of the Freslnnan team, made 48 of the 89 points, which M'as the total score for tlie sea son. She is an excellent player, moving about quickly and smoothly witli her eyes always on tlie ball. Katherine Davis of the Fresh man team was a good all ’round player. She is able to take up any i)osition and hold it with force. Her good shooting ]>roved quite an asset to the Freshman team. Virginia Garnett was all over the court. She was noticeable for her long balance passes. Even though she got rather ex cited and inquired about the score frequently she proved to be a'steady player. Martha Davis, manager of the Fresimian team, intercepted {Contimied-on page ttoo) Honor Society Revises Croup’s Constitution Uevision of the constitution was the chief feature of the semi annual meeting of the Kappa Nu Sigma Honor Society on Friday, February 13. Two. new offices were created: one, faculty; one, student. One faculty adviser shall be correspondent in work ing for the Phi Beta Kappa, and general advisership shall be the duty of the other faculty mem ber. The office of press reporter is that created for the student inembersliip. This will go into effect with the election of officers for next j-ear. The basis for membership is to be scholarship nly, and leadership and person- lOontinuei on ]>aae two) Two Meredith Cirls Are Elected Sponsors Margaret Briggs, popu lar Sophomore Class presi dent, has recently been unanimously named sponsor of the Sophomore Class at Wake Forest. Mai’garet is' a reporter on The Twigg staff, Phi marshal, and well known Meredith student. Elizabeth Stevens, one of tlie most popular membcj’s of the Junior Class, has been made sponsor of the Kappa Phi Kappa fraternity at Wake Forest. Elizabetli has taken a leading part in student activities on the campus; and the offices which she holds and tlie many friends which are hers attest her popularity. Class Spirit Shown In Basketball Games The Annual Basketball Tour nament of the College took place in the gymnasium the first four cvor.ings of last week, February 9-12. The opening game of the sea son was fought between the Freshmen and Sophomores with a result that the Freshmen won 27-12. Stratton of the Fresh- {OoniinMei on page four) FRESHMAN TEAM WINS BASKETBALL TOURNEY It seems that the Freshmen must liave a jinx on the other classes. They won the champion- shij) in Hockey, came second in stunt night, and at the last game of the basketball season Thurs day evening, February 12, were made basketball champions by their score of 30-8 over the Soph omores. Stratton was again high scorer for the Freshmen with 17 points to lier credit. Sawyer and Har ris divided the score for the Sophomores. This was a fight- ing game even though the score sounds as the Soj>horaores were coiiqdetel}' swamped. T li e guarding was particularly good in this game. Even though the Sophs did their best they could not cope with the excellent teani- woi'k of the Freshmen. The line-up was as follows: Freshmen Sophomores Stratton Abernethy Forward REVIVAL SERVICES HELD BY DR. ALFRED PORTER (.Continued on page two) A most enthusiastic and suc cessful revival, conducted by Dr. Alfred Porter, pastor of the First Baptist Church at CJiarlottes- ville, A'^irginia, was held at Mere- ditli College from February 16 to February 20. Dr. Porter delivered a scries of inspirational messages, at the night services, oil “The Glory of the Cliurch,” . “The Ghu-y" of Youth,” “The Glory of Person ality,” “The Glory of Marriage,” and last, “The Glory of Re ligion.” The morning services were held at the regular chapel period and at night tlie services began at 6:45 o’clock. We were indeed glad to have Di'. Porter hold our meethig again this year as all who heard iiim last year were greatly im pressed with his splendid mes sages. J. M. Broughton Speaks On Baptist Emergency Speaking in behalf of the emergency campaign to raise $75,000 for the Baptist State Convention in order to meet a note, Mr. J. M. Broughton, pi'ominent Raleigh lawyer and Baptist, made a talk at the chapel exorcises on Wednesday, Febru- ar}' 11, to the student body, facult}’, and all emploj’ees ou the college payroll. Ho stated tliat “all Nortli Carolina Baptists are looking to Meredith for its answer in this emergency.” He referred to the meeting at Wake Forest for the same purpose and said that the State Convention is “woxi:h a million dollars but hasn’t a cent,” which is, natur ally', a serious and grave mat ter. The question of saving the colleges and other Baptist insti tutions is, of course, impoi’tant, but the greater issue is that of preserving the integrity of the deiiomination which is far more iniportant than the loss of college {Oontlnued on page two) Sympathy to Margaret Wells The faculty and student body of Meredith College extend their deepest, sympa thy to Margaret Wells on the death of her mother. New B-Hive Manager A new B-Hive manager has recently been selected; because of Pearl Hodge’s illness the choice was meide in order that someone might be responsible for the man agement of the B-Hive other than the committee. Elma Currin and Eleanor Hunt were the two applicants, Elmer being appointed by the committee, of which Vida Miller is chairman, as the new manager. It is prob- able that a head clerk will l)C a}i})ointcd \rithin the next few weeks. Any of the reg ular clerks may apply for tills -j^osition. Chamber of Commerce Banquet at Meredith On Thursday' evening, Febru ary 12, the llaleigh Chamber of Commerce held its annual ban quet at Jloredith College which marked the close of tiie admin istration of N. E. Edgerton and the beginning of that of J. C. Allison as president. Govei'nor O. Max Gardner [)resented Mr. Alexander Legge (Continued on page tioo) OLIVE HAMRICK PLAYS IN STUDENT RECITAL One of the most interesting re citals of the year was given last Thursday afternoon, February 12, in the college auditorium. 01i\ e Hamrick showed talent and skill not often found in a child so youn)- in her violin solo, “Fifth Air Varie.” Lucile Hamby played three piano solos, which we3’0 interest ing and displayed good technique and interpi’Hive ability. The Grieg Sonata, Op. 7, was plaj^ed especially well. The numbers were as follows: Violin—Fifth Air Varie (Danela), Olive Hamrick. Piano—S o n a t a , Op. 7 (Grieg); Allegro Moderato, Al legro Molto, Lucile Hamby. Piano—Moto Perpetua (Mac* Dowell), Mabel Yarborough. Piano—Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 1 (Chopin); Maiden’s Wish (Chopin-Liszt), Lucile Hamby. Piano—Waltz, C Sharp Minor (Chopiji), Blondie Morse, i LIBERAL SUM IS RAISED ON CAMPUS HERE Faculty, Students and Em ployees Contribute to Emergency Fund -A. campaign to raise contribu tions to the North Carolina Bap tist Emei-gency Fund was con- fhicted here clu)-ing the chapel lioui’ Wednesday morning, Feb- J’liary 11. Tlio total fund raised ninouiited to .‘[52,335.55, and there are still some more contributions to be made. At this time J. ]\r. Broughton, sccietary of the Convention Ad- visoj-y J>eht Commission, spoke to the assembled facu%, students and employees, and stressed tlie importance of Meredith’s taking a lead in this critical move. When tlic contributions were iiinde, piactically every member of the college, from janitors to pi'esident, made some donation. Some of these amounts will go tiu'ough the Jionie churches of the studojits, as designated. In the Baptist Centennial Caiii])aign, whicfi was conduHeST in the fall of 1927, Meredith pledged $10,01(j, practically all of which has been paid. The col lege is anxious for the Baptists throughout the State to know how vitally interested it is in rais- itig this emergency fund. The following are the amounts contributed by the different groups Wednesday morning: Senior Class, .$115.70; Junior Class, $88.00; Sophomore Class, $93.25; Freshman Class, $102.60; Faculty, Sl,902.00; •Help, $34.00. It will be remembered that the (.Coniiiiucd on page Itco) Westminister Choir Gives Superb Recital Perhaps the finest singing ever heard by a Raleigh audience was that done by the Westminster Choir, presented in concert at Hugh Jlorson High School on February 13, under the auspices of the Ualeigh Music Club. The singing of tliis noted choir gen uinely thrilled the throng of music los-ers that almost filled the auditorium, a gathering that ap plauded with such enthusiasm and sincerity that mcinbers of the choir said they had rarely re ceived such a warm appreciation. Arranged in four tiers, and in vestments of white and scarlet, the choir itself, composed of {Continued on page four}'

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