Hospitality U IJS Luncheon for I Week End I M 1 1 ■ Alumnae' j April 11-12 1 1 O JLr 1 W 1 ijr Teachers Meet ] April 10 1 Volume X MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C.» MARCH 27, 1931 Number 20 DR. SPILMAN RELATES HISTORY OF MEREDITH A representative of The Twig dropped in to see Dr. B. W. -Spil- rnan tind asked him some ques tions about Meredith. Dr. Spil- man was in liis usual talkative mood and gladly answered sev eral questions. “0/ course this is not yoiir first visit to Meredith, Dr. Spilman. When did you begin your ac quaintance with our college? “That reminds me of a ques tion wliich I asked a woman in Greensboro once. I asked her how lon^f she had lived in Greens- b6ro. It proved quite embar rassing—.her hair was white and she was born there. I did not find out. “I was in the convention in Henderson in 1889—^^vas it?— when Meroditli had its official bii'th. I was a student in Wake Forest College at tlie lime. I was a senior there when the Gen- (Continued on page three) Miss Lili-ian Aldriikik, ok La GiIAN(!K, has SEION ET^UOTED Editor of Thu Acohk for TIIK (;OMlNC. YKAR. Lillian Aldridge has been one of the most active mcinbers of The Acorn staff' for the past two years. She was both a Sopho more editor and this year a .lunior editor. Tlie student body looks to Lillian as being an un usually fine editor for next year’s Acorn, for she is certainly quite capable along such literary pur suits. Her Ijusineas nian.’iger will Ife lluhy Johnson, who will have working with her on the business staff Annette Donovnnt and Mary Tucker. Senior editors for tins ])ublication arc Elva Bur gess and Kvolyji Squires, while Kancy McDaniel and Louise Mc Millan will serve as Junior edi- toi’S. Mai'gai'ct Olmstead and Nancy ViccelHo have been elected circulation managei’s for the com ing year for Acorn. Miss Eijzahisth Stevens, op High Voint, newly-electkd PUESmiiNT OF THK S. U. FOIl TMK ykab 1931-’32. Surely one of the most capable girls tliat could be had for Presi dent of Meredith’s Baptist Stu dent Union is Elizabeth Stevens. Althougli she has not served di rectly on the B. S. U. Council, Elizabeth has proven her in genuity and enthusiasm for Bap tist Student work through the medium of the Y. W. A. By her excellent woi'k in serving as treas urer of the Student Govei’nment last year the student body real izes Elizabeth’s capabilities in filling till, most important office next year. (Contlmiert on page font-} Ekction of Officers Nears Completion Pnuitically all the officers of the college organizations for 1931-32 have now been elected, 'riie following is a list of those I'ccently chosen, all well-fitted to take tlieir places as campus lead ers ]iext year. The Student Govei-nniciit As sociation has as its officers: Vicc- president, Charlotte Makepeace; secretary, Margaret Briggs; treasurer, Mary C. Sliearin. House presidcjits: Jones Hall, Anna Jtogers; I’airclotli Hall, lluth Sample; Stringfield Hall, Elva Burgess; Vann Hall, Alice IMcKittrick. Sub-house presi dents: Pat Abernathy, Isabelle Kinsey, a n d Marguerite Preslar. The Literary Society officers are as follows: Astrotekton, Gay- nello Hinton, president; Mar- gaj’ct Peacock, vice-])resident; IaicIIc Broughton, ■ secretary', and l\laj;y l^vinccs L'nderwood, treasurer. Philaretian; I^ottie Belie Myers, president; Vehna Webb, vice-president; Bessie Lee MEREDITH IS HOSTESS AT C. A. HOUSE PARTY “Lift up your eyes and look” was the keynote of the Girls’ Aux iliary House Party, which was held at Meredith College, March 20,21, 22. Miss Alva Laurence, state young people’s leader of the Woman’s Missionary Union, pre sided over the meetings, which wore an inspiration to the eighty- six delegates from the different Baptist churches in the eastern and central sections of North Carolina. Every girl present was very enthusiastic about each undertaking, and the conference as a whole was one of the most successful ever held by the younger girls. Meredith College was at her best, and her hospi tality could not have been sur passed. The first session—held IViday evening from 7:30 to 10:00— was opened by a short song serv ice led by Miss Pat Abernethy, a student at Meredith College. The G. A. song, “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations,” started the meeting ol^' with a true, rever ent spirit. Miss Mary Lee, pres ident of the Y. W. A. at Meredith, led the devotionals—“Look unto me, all ye ends of the eartii.” Miss Lee in her talk brought out three reasons why every G. A. member should look unto God: (1) for her own salvation, (2) for an ideal after which to fashion her life, and (3) for the transform ing ]x>wer of Christ. In discuss ing the ideal, Christ was shown to bo a true ideal in five points of the G. A. ideal: prayer, steward- shi[), liible study Mission study, and personal service. Miss Madaline Elliott, Mere dith Student secretaiy’, had the following celebrities express their hnp|nncss in welcoming the girls to Meredith: Dr. Charles E. Brewer, ])resident of Meredith; Jliss C’aroline Biggers, dean of women; Miss Irene Tliomas, president of tlie Student Govern ment; and Miss Marv Currin, president of the B. S. U. Miss {Gontimicd on page two) (Continued on page four) May Qi.ikkn Elmctku Kathleen Durliani, popu lar Mereditli Senior and president of the IMii Society, has been selected as Mere dith’s May Queen for 11)31. She has selected as lier at tendants Anno Mildred Her- ring, ]>roniinent Senior and C'ouncil member, and Anne Simms, vice-president of the S. G. Miss Prue Choate, of Bi:iiY, IS TO BE Editor of The Twroo for the year 1931- 1932. Prue luus proved that she is capable of the position by the fine work she has done as a mem ber of The Twio staff for the [>ast two years. Last year she was a star reporter; this year she is a managing editor and at the same time B. S. U. publicity director. Next year she will have the following girls as her assist ants in editing The Twio : As sistant editor, Minwal Cates; business manager, Pauline Barnes; managing editors, Mae Cami)bell, Sallic Council, Doro thy Meiritt; assistant bushiess managers, Lottie Belle Myers and Eliza Briggs. G. A. Leaders Introduced At Chapel Exercises MEREDITH GLEE CLUB TO SING IN CLAYTON The Meredith College Glee Club, whose home conccrt a few weeks ago received unusually high praise, is to sing in Clayton, N. C., on 'i'uesday night, Rlarch 31. I’he club’s conccrt there is being given under the auspices of the Woman’s Club of Clayton and M'ill be jjresented in the high school auditoj'ium, the program including the beautiful drama- tixation of Nevin’s “Venezia” which [)roved so attractive here, as well as the three groups of more formal numbers. These groujjs contain an interesting va- I'iety of selections ranging from English, Irish, and Czeciio- Slovakian folk-songs to the lovely “There’s a I.ark in My Heart,” “I\Iinor and Major,” and the amusing “The Big Brown Bear.” Before the concert the mcniberB of the glee club will bo enter tained by the Woman’s Club at a buil’et sujjper. Meredith liad the G. A. dele gates to the House Party as her guests at the Chapel exercises Saturday, March 21. Miss Elliott introduced Mis.s Alva Laurence, the State W. M. U- Young People’s leader, who spoke on behalf of tlie G. A. of thoir joy at being at Meredith. Jliss Peai’le Bourne, associate South- wide Young People’s leader, was hitroduccd. She said she had one wish to make—that all G. A.’s might have the privilege of com ing to Meredith. Jliss Pearl Johnson, one of Meredith’s mis sionaries to China, who is home on furlough, recognizes “new” Meredith as being tlie same “old” iMcredith in spirit thiugh all the familiar landmarks arc gone, After the G. A. leaders had l)ecu introduced the INIercdith Glee Club sang “What the Chim ney Sang” and “Big Brown Bear.” Miss Dorotijy Ta^ i.oh, of Wii.- soN, is TO IU-; EniTOii ok tuk Oak TiKAVKs for tiik yeai! l)31-’32. Doi'othy has shown in the past how cai)able she is. She has the ability to carry the heavy respoii- siliilitic.s which will be hers ,as editor of the annual. She lias been a member of the staff fn- the piLst tw4) years and iier work |)rovi’s her worth. The following girls will be members of Lhc Lcax'CN staff for the coming year: Busitiess nuuiag-er, U>ith Ken nedy; associate editor, Martha Vicccllio; advertising niatmger, Winifred Haggett; assistant ad vertising manager, (iweimie Crowder; photograph editor, Margaret Briggs; art editor, ITallie Mae Koilins.

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