IhEfiEDITH COLLEGIi IJBHARY Freshman THE TWIG Freshman Volume XI DR. LOUISCAII MHIU5DITM COLLEGlil, HAIJ-MGH, N. C., SEPTEMBER 23, 1931 Number 1 SPEAKS >PENING EXERCISES Pastors Baptist Churcl Make Wclcomlii' Talks Speaking on the inipor Christian influence on c\^ Dr. Louis Gaines, past(i Hayes-Barton chvirch, n chief address for tlie opo* the college year. Philo teacliers, and preachcrs humanity is passing thr of the greatest and mos storms. Dr. Gaines v familiar comparison of tj built on sand which Avas by the storm, and the h on rock which endured, gested that cach studcrj her college career as a ing which she was fi her life materials for tl tion of her character, “'.laract! in the unregenerate the si- total of the words iic Hi-. In the life of the Cl ian il the sum total of the of il spirit,” Dr. Gaines ... Garfield, when he i-clxed IJ Miss IvriiKL English Miss Ethel Ev^lish to Be Frcsnnan Adviser In.steai (iT : !’j. divided into small gro'.ip;i nn •,,>.,ous faculty membi^'- filvis;;j-.s, wlncli was formc^y the custom; tlie Fresh- vx'j )• will have a age of twenty, swd, M>'Mdean and ad-iicv ,ill tlioir own. wasted many opportu.tiK, jj;3 have come to this co.Jus.on: j., ^ s^,all always , have ^ l''^''''l«-fdith sVu^.'.,l ' Miss English JnmosA.Gai'field. iamllllcv^,.ad„,^j^j frum Meredith in be able to escape feluA'ship ’ i fooi ma l be able to escape felWsliip H J921 a'lKVdid pn^t grIduate\v'ork him—m time and eterni i at the iTj ' (Please turn to p«e six) Four New MemhiCf; Added to ^ v ; There are sever;'!:)C-v> members at Merediti Coiic^ semester. Miss Et'el En the new Freshman ,lean, i.s a member of the ducatioi partment. Miss Tnglish Alumna of Mercdth Col She received her (egi’ee in. class of ’SI. Miss Hesta Kibhin, an Meredith graduat- of the of ’29, has accepted the po of assistant dean. Durih^, past year Miss ICitchin 1" position in the La^;in deparl Miss Lucile Knight, . City, Va., is the now B. secretni-y, succeeding Madeline Elliott Miss R graduated fromN.'C. C. ? the class of ’31. |, Miss Aileen McMilla[ graduate of Coriverse Collj Spartanburg, S. C., has a position in t!ie Music flj ment. Miss McMillan, ajf ceiving her degree at Ci did post graduate woi-k in ' and France. Before con Meredith she held a posi Columbia College. C(‘l S. C. for a number of yea Miss Jimmie M. Han; (Pleaso turn to page si University of North Caro Siie v:i:, principal of the Mars I-fili ‘ '• ’:.’li for four I oiii- onsiderable l\i.siug” in other '•ing her teaching ' I'Ji^^lish e^ijoys the that Ereshnian yeai'.N urn- 1 “stinii'ni , scIiooIh d; careei. .Mi typo of w(M.l Dean and Adv^jj^r 'vill entail, and she is lookitig forward to work ing with the i\iu,,,aith gin-ls. She (Please turn ju ,iage Dr, Brewer’s Creeting To Freshman Class It is a great ja,y to nie to say WELCOME" to Ql,y dents. We arc t^dightcd fto sec you at McrciUti!^., Through the year it xoill tak'c uo effort to dcvionstratc our 'sincerity. ^Thc feeling is spontauf:ous. We ^va7it you to have a happy johi year in coUegel Mnn, characterized h xaork and xmrth ^ 'ous May it\ he constructive i, achievement. May your assochitions this ^ vitco yi-ar he helpful and >ead to the Ale- velopvient of fir that will become as the years pai of students testiif-i ■est friendships more prceio\is s. Gencrathivs' .'y to the vaMc of the college Bfg. They hat \ found unspeakahie pleasure aru\l i comfort from, ii through \May this he the of each of you.\ Truly experienceX Dr. Charles, yours, E. Brewer, S.G. and B.S.U. Give Joint Reception to Freshmen Honoring the new students of Meredith 'College the Student Government and Baptist Student Union entertained in the Blue and Rose parlors at an informal reception Saturday evening, September 12, at 8:00 o’clock. Tlie guests were mot at the door of the Blue Parlor by !Miss Elizabeth Thornton, Chief A.sti'otektori Literary Society Marshal, and Miss llaciiel i\Iarshbii]'n. Chief Philaretian Litcj'ary Society Marshal, who intrnduccd (hem to tlie receiving line c'onipo.si'd of Jliss Mary Lee, president of the Student Govern ment; jMiss Elizabeth Stevens, president of the B. S. U.; Dr. and j\Irs. Charles E. Brewer, Miss Caroline Biggers, dean of Women; Miss Lucille Knight, Student Secretar}^, B. S. U.; Miss Ellen Brewer, Faculty Ad viser B. S. U.; Miss Charlotte Makepeace, Vice President Stu dent Government; Miss Sara Elizal^eth Jenkins, Vice Pres ident B. S. U.; Miss Katlileen Young, Second Vice President B. S. U.; Miss Margaret Briggs, Secretary Student Government; Miss Margaret Peacock, Secre tary B. S. U.; Misa Mary C. Shearin, .Treasurer Student Government^, Miss Frances Harris, Treasurer B. S. U.; and (Please turn to page six) Miss Lucille Knichi B.S.U. Council Retreat Before College Opened The Baptist Student Union Council of M^ercdith College held a Retreat September 4-7 to make plans for the ensuing year in all tlie religious work on the campus. Practically all the council mem bers with the lU'W .student secre tary, Miss Liicillo Knight, were present dui’lDg the Retreat and many very helpful and interest ing plans wei’c made. Tlic aims c>f tlio B. S. U. for the 3'ear 1931-32 as adopted by the council -vcre: (1) to be First Magnitude, (2) to have closer ties through prayer, (3) to have every IMeredith student a Christian, and (4) to get away from median ical organization. “Dare to bo diffei-ent for Christ” was the Avatcliword selected for the council, while the song was “Oh, Love t\\at Will Not Let Mo Go.” Miss Ellon Brewer, liead of the Hoime Economics De partment, was unanimously elected faculty adviser for the council—s 11 c (|? e c d 1 n g D r. 1.. K. M. ]'’rctl!inaii, ^riie revivaj, whicii is con ducted througlji the B. S. U. by an out.standin|i each year, wa.‘ (Please tun Baptist minister planned for the n to page six) NEW GIRLS ENTERTAINED AT THREE CLASS PARTIES 3 Circus By “Big Sisters” and Pajama Party By Seniors The first of the entertainments for the Freslmien was a circus given by the Juniors in the Astro Hall Tuesday evening at 8:45 o’clock. Rachel Biggs, Junior Class president and circus leader liad charge of tlie ])rogram. Various animals introduced to the audience were: Monkey, P‘',dythe Bagby; Monkey’s Trainer, Specks Harris; High Rope Walker, Charlotte Palmer; Bare Back Rider, Martha Vicellio; Prima Donna, Nancy McDaniel; Clown, Pat Abernetliy; and fat Lady, Margaret Briggs. After several games were ydayed Jliss English, the Fresh man Dean, judged tlie best tricks and awarded prizes. Music was played during the evening by the band which was composed of Isabelle Kinsey, director, Helen Bennett, Melba Hunt, Eleanor Hunt, Lois Saw yer, and Virginia Green. Cracker Jack pop corn was served by Mary Akeis>, Pcauline Barnes, Ruth Johnson, and Jessie Martin. Some old class songs and yells were given before the entire (Please turn to page five) Faculty Give Baseball Party to Freshmen The faculty of ]\Ioredith Col lege entertained the members of the Freshman Class and other new girls at a novel reception on Wednesday afternoon. The gym was transformed into a baseball diamond, and to give still more of a realistic air to the settinfr* there wei-e the lemonade vendors. The menjbers of the faculty taking part in the game were: Gate kec])ers—MissV Potcat, Yarborough, and CrgTford. Coacli—Mrs. Sorrtfl. Home })late—Dr. and Mrs. Brewer and Miss Biii'o'ers. First base—Dean Boomhour and Jliss English. Second base—Dr. Winston and I\Iiss Barber. Third base—Dr. Prin' and Dr. Freeman. Short stop—Mf. Uili'v and Miss Allen. Right field—Mis^ Rowland and Miss Porter. Center field—Dr. I\ferrer and Div ITari’is. I .(‘S! Pield—Mr. Hamrick, J-ii-;i'v’ey. and Miss Haugen. -Misis White and (I’U'UBo .urn la I'lieo three) Miss Lucille Knight Is New Student Secretary Coming with a state and even south wide reputation as a B. S. U. leader, Miss Lucille Knight of Chase City, Virginia, was chosen as Student Secretary ?o fill the place formerly hold by Miss Madeline Elliott wlio was married during the summer. Miss Knight was graduated from N. C. C. W. in 1931, where she was an officer in several organiza tions, Athletic Associati'on, Stu dent Government, and Baptist Student Union. Miss Kniglit was a Physical Education Major her first two 3’oars at N. C. C. W. but changed to English her last two years and received an A.B. instead of B.S. degree. She did some Avork in dramatics her senior year and was active in athletics all four years, being secretary of the (Please turn to page two) Plans Made By Music Department for Concerts The music department is plan ning to accomplish even more this year than it has in previous years. Its j’urpose is not merely to train its own students in tlioir particular line of work but to encourage the love of music and to create an interest for it throughout the cami)us. In view of this various phases of music have been introduced. A college band will bo reorganized Concorts and recitals will be given, although those have not been definitely phinned or scheduled. It is lioped tliat dur ing the year the girls will have tlie opportunity of hearing famous musicians. The seniors M’ho are planning to give their recitals this year and who are working towai'd (Please turn to page two)