February 26, 1932 THE TWIG Three I ALUMNAE COLUMN OlTlCEKS PreBldent—Mrs, J. WiH)ur Cnnn, Ra leigh. Vice President—Mrs, Handolpli But ler, Rocky Mount. Recording Seci'etary—Mrs. W. L. Wyatt, Haleigh; Commencement Speaker—Mrs. E. B. Barnshaw, Wake Forest. Alumnae Secretary—Mae Grimmer, Meredith College. RAI)H> PlHKdtAM I.VCBNTIVIO KOR MAN-^ M»rniros The alnmnae program broadcast over station WFTP, Raleigh, 6:15.fi:45, on Pi-iday, February 5, concluded the PoHnders’ Day exercises of Meredith College in commemoration of its thirty- third year of operation. While Mere dith does not have an alumnae home coming on Founders' Day, the college was carried to them by means or this broadcast. The College Gloe Club, under the di rection of Miss R’thel Rowland ,of the voice department, opened the prog^m with two lovely numbers, “Rain” and “Dawn,” by Curran. After these, Mrs. Maude Davis Bunn, president of the general Alumnae Association, extended greetings to the alumnae. This was followed by a violin solo by Mlsa Mary llrocliwell, of Qoldaboro, accompanied by Miss Virginia Branch, of the college wiHBlc faculty. Then name the reading oC telegrams, and messages received during tho day from chapters, clubs, groups, and Individual alumiiae. Fol lowing these President Brower spoke. Dr. Vann's boautitul "Alma Mater,” dear to the heart of every alumna, was. the concluding number. The fact that In approximately forty communities in North Carolina and sevoral centers in other states, alumnae held meetings in honor of Founders’ Day to hear the special broadcast, gives evidence that the Meredith sphit pre vails throughout alumnae ranks. The variety of messages sont by former students from within and without the State, and from those who in thelv student days knew the college as Bap tist Female University, Baptist Uni versity for Women, and Meredith Col lege, gives further evidence of their loyalty to and love for the college, Messages were . received from the Asheville Chapter, alumnae of Boone, Charlotte Chapter, Sampson County Chapter, aUminao of Edenton, Colum bus County Chapter, alumnae of Fort Lee, N. J., Pitt County Chapter, Hen- deraon-Warrenton Chapter, High Point Chapter, alumnae of Itiiaca, N. Y., Kinston Chapter, alumnae In ‘‘House Beautiful,” Louisville, Ky„ alumnae of Mars Hill, Mount GIlead-Troy Chapter, >Jorfolk, Virginia, Alumnae Chapter, ahimnae of Raeford, Richmond County Chapter, Rocky Mount Chapter, Wake County Chapter.^Washiugton, D. C. Chapter, alumnae of Wilmington, Wins ton-Salem .Chapter, Durham Chapter, Mrs, Mae Hinsoti Portor, ot Rocking- liam, Grace Francis, of Hendersonville, Hud^re. Lillian Allen Hart, of Fay etteville, Ark. Niaw JlSltSKY Al.lI.MKAB JHekt On Detiember 5,19S2, Mrs. Edna Earle ffinton Porter entertained several Mere dith College alumnae at her home in Port Lee. New Jersey. • Mrs. Fannie Paul Mulpasa was guast of honor. And other alumnae enloying tho evening were Mesdames Beulah /ioicland VanSant, Elma Fleetwood Moore, Thelma Ficelicof>d Moore, and Misses EmmS Loulso Kehoe and Ber nice White. The husbands of the mar ried members, together with Mr. Harold Ludus and Mr. Donald Hartman, com pleted the gathering. During the evening the musically artistic guests rendered a beautiful pro gram, recalling some of our favorite re- Meredith Alumnae was organized on the evening of Friday, January 2fl, at tho home of Blondie Morse, ’3L Miss Mae Grimmer, Alumnae Secretary, was present and acted as chairman until the election ot the following oHlcers: Bloudle Morse, president: Mrs. Male mnsoH Porter, vice president; Brnce Gore, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Agnes Crec Deane, chairman of pro gram committee. The chapter decided to hold a second meeting on Founders’ Day at the home of Mrs. Porter, at which time a special efl’ort would bo made to have present all tho alumnae of Richmond County. The meeting terminated in a social hour during which the hostess served a delicious salad course. Those present were Mrs. Ruby nic- Inif/sJi McNair, Mrs. Vanule Hawley Byrd, Mrs. Male Hitiaon Porter, Mrs. Jewell Hem-!/ Reynolds, Mrs. Agues Crce Deane, Misses Loretta Seawall, Bruce Gore, Biondie Morao and Mjie Grimmer. Faye-xtevillb Alum.vae Meet The Fayottpville Meredith College Alumnao met at the home of Mrs. T. M. Hunter on Stedman street on Founders’ Day to listen in to aspeclal radio broad cast for the alumnae over WPTF, cele brating the thirty-third anniversary of the college. A spirited meeting was held immedi ately after the program witti Miss KJdith Hall presiding. At the angges- tion of Miss Hall, the alumnae voted to' organize a local alumnae chapter, \nd the following olHcora were elected: Miss Mattie Belle Rogers, president, \nd Miss Lucille Martin, secretary and treasurer. Those meeting with Mrs. Hunter were Mrs. R. B. Case, Mrs. O. L. MacFadyen, Mlsa Blanche Rogers, Miss Mattie Belle Rogers, Mrs. A. S. Lawhorn, Mias Edith Hall, Miss Mildred Youngblood, and Miss Lucille Martin. Other alumnae in Fayetteville are Mrs. iO, J. Wells, Mrs. Alleu Poe, Mrs. Fannie Jones, Mrs. G. S. Quillen, Miss Annie Lou Rogers, and Miss Nita High- amltii. SooTi.ANi> Neck Chavtek The local cliapter of the Meredith Alumnae and a few guests had a de lightful meeting- Friday evening, Feb ruary in tlie dining room of the hotel. Tho spccial alumnae progi’am broadcast over WPTF was hoard, and then a din ner was attractively served. Mrs. Raymond Madry was elected president and Mrs. E. H. Leggett sec- retaiy. Those present were Mesdames R. C. Josey, Sr., R. C, Joaey, Jr., L, H. KItchin, L. L-, Cherry, Billy Clark, W. H. Kitchln, E. H. Lflggett, C. J. Shields, W. H. McDowell, Raymond Madry, J. A. McDowell, S. A. Dunu, Claude Kitchln, James A. Pittman, Misses Bessie Fu- trell and Geneva Benthall. ernion Trantham, Mrs. Mary lAttle Henley, Misses Ruth Liverman and Margaret Broadhurat, all of Norfolk. GBE3>N.snoK0 Ar.tj.\tNAH Meet at Tjxa Renewing the bonds of college loyalty about thirty alumna© accepted Mrs, Annie Cfraig Phillips’ hospitality and met at tea at her home on,Cypreaa street to celebrate the thirty-third birthday of Meredith College on Founders’ Day, Miss Netta Liles reviewed the life of Thomas Meredith, the founder ot the College, and Mrs. Grace Olive Lane gave bits of current news. The Alma Mater was sung by the ahimnae, who represented classes from 1907 to 1930. Mrs. Phillips was clected general chairman of the local chapter. Other officers will bo elocted at a called meet ing in early spring. The hostess, assistodi by Mra. J. Lester Lane, Mrs. C. A. McKeel and Mlsa Netta Liles, served dainty refreshments in keeping with the approaching Valen tine's season. Those enjoying the occasion were Ml'S. J. Edgar Holt, Mrs. J. T.,e8ter Lane, Mra. Clarence Powell, Mrs. C. A. Mc Keel, Mrs. W. P. Clegg, Mrs. Julius C. Smith, Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Mrs. Minnie Middleton Huaaey, Mrs. Edward Rogers Goodyear. Mrs, S. A. Yates, Mrs. E. C. Tatum, Mrs. ,T. I. Wagoner, Mrs. Allan Hall, Misses Magdalene Monroe, Bes sie Matthews, Paige Leonard, Lily Mat thews, Notta Liles, Elizabeth Apple, Dorothy Satterrteld, Pattie Marks. Letia Bullard, Mary Ferroll, Bees Norvell, Bessie Jackson, Annie Gibson and Ruth Jones. the Philaretian Literary Society, Mar garet Peacock, the Astrotekton Liter ary Society; Luclle Johnson, the Town Girls'Club; Evelyn SiuircB, tho Grand- daughters' Club; Velma Webb, the Ath letic Association, and Prue Choate, the three student publications. Mrs. J. W. Bunn, prealdont of the general Alumnae Association, made an interesting talk, oontrasting the organ izations of “oldi” Meredith with those of today. Mrs. Bunn’s talk was follow^ed by the singing of collcge songa by a gi-oup of students led by "Pat” Abernethy, and accompanied by Miss Virginia Branch of the music faculty. The meeting terminated in a social hour, during which tea and wafers were served by the hostesses of the after noon. We extend deepest sympathy to Mra. Rosa Jlocutt Powell, Mra. Berta Ifocatt Scott, Mrs. Zelma Ilocntt Dawson, Misses Olivia, Naomi and Alma Hocutt, in the bereavement of tlieir father. Rev. J. D. Hocutt, who passed away at his home in Ashton, N. C„ on February 8. Makbiagh Beulah Kvelyn Allen, ’30, of Cary, and Mr. John Hilton Pnne. on December 2G, 1931. At home, Enfield, N. C. HuxnratsoN-WAnttioKTON Ciiai-tct Meredith Collego alumnae menibers of the Meredith Chapter here, together with several invited guests, held their regular February meeting PVlday, Feb ruary 5, at the borne of the president, Mrs. W. W. Parker, and observed Pounders’ Day. The feature of the gathering was the special radio pro gram broadcast over WPTF for the alumnae. The hostess served a tempting salad and hot chocolate, candy and salted nuts before the business meeting, which was short In order to hear the radio program at G:15 p.m. Members of the local club present were Mesdames W. W. Parker, M. C., Miles, K. H. Patterson, W. H. Kimball, KKtiu, jcuniiJiiB Buiiio UL uur luvurjie re-1 Garrett, N, T. Harris, Clyde :ltal numbers. Tliis was followed Tumor, H. P. Protheress A ^ . 1-J A mIh ^i) 1 WiwsroN Ai,umnak Mef?i‘ Witii Mi.^s Mason Mi.ss Marguerite- Maaon, Mesdames Undine Futrell Johnson, Hattie Davis Fntrell, and lilva IVaH Davis were hostesses to the local alumnae on Fri day evening, February 5, at the home of Miss Mason on Reynolda Road, the occasion belug to celebrate the thirty- third anniversary of the opening of Meredith College. In the absence of the president, Mrs. J. M. Kcsler, Mrs. W. M. Johnson pre sided over the meeting. Alter the special alumnae radio pro gram was heard, the guests were in vited into the dining room, w^here a delicious buffet sUpper was sei-ved. Those present besides the hostesses were Mesdames Mangum Turner, Paul Walker, Frank Cllnard, W. S. Chris tian, Tom Mewshaw, Cary B. Taylor, J. H. Early, E. L. Davis, and Misses Martha Davis, Katherine Johnson, Lil lian Haislip, Mary Heudri.'c, Dorothy Davis, l>auline Tuttle, Louise Ledford, Katherine Secklcr and Glenn Ward, refrains of the Alma Mater. Astro and Phi aongs. Delicious rofroshments were served in two courses. Reported by Bbknicb WiHto, ’28. Htoii Point CuAi-iUK The High Point Chapter of Meredith Alumnae held ita second meeting since organissatlon at the Greon Lantern Grill on January 16. Annio Bello Noel, '28, vice prosident, presided at.the meeting. She read a letter 'from Miss Mae Grimmor, Alum nae Secretary, In regard to the Fonnl- ers' l)ay exeroiaea'to be hold on Feb ruary 5. Mrs. Charlotte Nelson Gift was elected president of the local chapter, and Mabel Andrews secretary, at a previous mooting. The chapter voted to hold monthly meetings in the form of luncheons at the Greeu Lantern Grill. New CikAPTEB OnoA^MZISl• The Richmond County Chapter of Henry A. Dennis, aJl of Henderson, and Mesdames H. A, Moseley, Walter Gard ner and W. D. Rogers, of Warr©nton,( Misses Lillian and Bessie Evans, of Henderson. Invited guosts were Mes- dames R. H. Duke, Kermit Combs, Ralph Thompson, W. D, Daniel, Jr„ C. E. Page, Al. B. W'ester, H. L. Candler and Miaa Mary Speer of tho Dabney school, and Misses Sorrell and Baucom of the Middleburg school. The next meeting of the chapter will be held with Mrs. Walter Gardner in Warrenton. Wakb County Chaitkb Tho Wake County Chapter of the Meredith Alumnae met in the college parloi-s Wednesday afternoon, Febru ary 10.' In the absence of tho president. Mra. G. O. Abernothy, Miss Mae Grimmer presided. At the conclusion of the busincs-s ses sion, the meeting was turned over to Miss E'llen Brewer, who Introduced those on the program, the aubjoct of which was "Introdncing to Yesterday's Meredith, Miss Meredith of Today." Those taking part were Charlotte Make- pcace, representing the Student Gov- ornment; Elizabeth Stevons, the Bap- tlst Student Union; Lottie Belle Myera, BlRTIIfii Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kesler {Annie Mercer, ’18), of Winston-Salem, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Anne Mercer Kesler, in January. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Potter (Crystal Davis. '26), of Hertford, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, Fel)ruary 7. MEUEDlTir Al.CIMNiVH Lu.VCtlTON Tho former students of Mere dith College will havo a luncheon on Wednesday, March 2, 1 p.m.. in the dining room of Grace Methodist Protestant Church, Greensboro, North Carolina. Plates will bo 50c each. It is hoped every alumna attending the annual W. M. U. meeting will bo present at thla luncheon. All those who wish a plote reserved, plonse write at once to Mrs. J. Lester Lane, 709 Asheboro Street, Greensboro, N. C. Mokr Ajiout Coupons The Octagon people have recently sent the alumnae ofTlce the encouraging news that we may count the coupon found In packages (tins) of Luzianne :;offee and Tea, and Votan Coffee. These Luzianne-Octagon vertifloates ar© val ued at four (4) Octagon coupons each, and are so marked. Also labels from ' Borden’s Premium Brand Milks are interchangeable with Octagon coupons. Following are the milks having redeemable labels: “Mag? nolia," "Star," ‘‘Darling." “Standard," '‘Peninsular,’’ ‘'Challenge," and “Lead er" Condensed Milk, and "Pearl” Evap orated Milk. Even with this opportimity to in crease coupon accumulation, we'll have »IIM 1^ “STATIONERY” KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Memory Books, Albums, Poems, Loose Leaf Books, Fountain Pens JAMES E. THIEM 125 Fayetteville St. Phono 13S NotattLK ALVltlKAK Miss Louise Mays, president of tho Norfolk,, Virginia, alumnae chapter, entertained the local alumnae at a birthday supper at her horn© on Web ster Avenue, In Portsmouth, on Found ers’ Day. The speoial alumnae radio program broadcast over WPTF at 6:15 was well receivod. Those present besides the hostoss were Mrs. Phyllis Maya Nottingham, of Bxmore, Virginia, Mrs. Martha lAv- J. C. BRANTLEY, Druggist AGENT for ELIZABETH ARDEN’S TOILET PREPARATIONS MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT OUR FOUNTAIN That The Twig and The Acorn from Meredith— as well as The Technician, The Wataugah and Agriculturist from State—^The Old Cold and Black, Student and The Howler from Wake Forest—are all printed by us—must be an indi cation of our ability and desire to render service. Edwards & Broughton Company 107-109 W, Hargott St. 210-214 S. Salisbury St. to do some real work to rea^ our goal of 1,000,000 coupons by December 31, 1932. Beginning with March wo should send to the Octagon people approxi mately 100.000 coupons each month. It Just means that every chapter, every gi’oup, and every individual alumna will need to exert their vei-y l»at ef forts for this project. COSTUME JEWELRY Fellow gold taaa bocome tbe popular Bolor ftgalu for jewelry. See our Brace- lotg, Earrluss ftud Nocklocos Id tMs appropriate uiiaerlal. LjnAfK Mvmwmt euMow anart EXPCB'T WATCH BBPAIRINa VISIT THE NEW JEAN’S H8 FayeHeville Street COATS SUITS DRESSES MILLINERY Individual Styles S-T-A-T-E Monday—Tuesday—Wednesday “VARIETIES OF 1932’* OtTiteANTBBD R. K. O. VAUDEVILLE DNIT Ou the Stage Mat. & Night Featurlne JOAN MAMMEBS AND HBE GISLS Delightful Blackface Act NOVELTY JAZZ OECHBSTBA Oil the ScTDoa—RX7PEET HITCHES ‘*N0 ONE MAN” with OABOLE LOMBABD - PAUL LCEAS Thursday—Friday—Saturday “BROKEN LULLABY” Formerly Titled “MAN I KILLED" With LIONEL BARBYUOBE Nancy OarroU • PhllUpe Holmes —Also— OOMEDT—rOABTOON—NEWS PALACE MoMay and Tuesday “She Wanted a Millionaire” With Joau Beunett • Sponcor Tracy Wodnasday aud Thnraday “Are These Our Children” Draaft of SOtli Oantury Toath Also Comedy aud Audio Review Friday and Saturday CBABLIE* CHAPLIN — ill — “CITY LIGHTSH Also Ohaa. “Ohio” Sales lu “Ex-BoMtet”