Commencement \mT ¥ m M ■ I ■ Commencement Issue I 1 ■ I WW I A V A A A M T T JL Issite 1 Volume XI MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., MAY 28, 1932 Number 11 Rev. Forest Feezor to Conduct Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday The Preeminence of Christ to be Subject of Morn ing Message Rev. Forest C. Feezor, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of this city, will preach the baccalaureate and missionary sermons to the Meredith gradu ates, Sunday, May 29. The topic of the morning sermon will be “The Preeminence of Christ,” with the text from Colossians 1:8, ^‘That in all things Christ might have the preeminence.” That of the evening will be; “Can Wc Still Believe in World Missions?” Mr. Feezor is a native of North Carolina, being born in Davidson County and reared in Lexington. He was graduated from Wake Forest College in 1920, after having received many of the highest honors of the school. He was one of Wake Forest’s most distinguished de baters and orators, representing the college on anniversaries and commencement occasions, and en gaging in a number of intercol legiate debates throughout the South. He was a leader of the ministerial students of the col lege. He starred in athletics, being one of their leading foot ball players and captain of the (Please turn to page two) Class Day to Feature Monday Program The annual. class-day exor cises of the Senior class will be Iield on Monday afternoon, May 30, at 5 o’clock. The friends and I'eltttives of the members of the graduating class will assem ble in the grove, where the ex ercises will take place. The Soph omore class will carry the daisy- chain, singing the traditional class'day song of the even classes and the Seniors will inarch do^vn to their places. TJie pi’Ogram w'ill consist of songs by the Sophomore class, the class of ’30, and the Senior class; the reading of the class history, poem, and prophccy, and the presentation of the gift to tlie collcgc from tlie Senior class. Annette Donovant, presi dent of the incoming Senior class, will receive the cap and gown from the Senior president, Ed- wina Martin, and also tlie tradi tional shepherd's crook, which will this year still be wearing the Senior colors. As a conclusion to the pro gram the Seniors will march back through the daisy-chain aisle, (Please turn to page tbree) Sunday Speaker Rkv. Forest C. Feezor Elizabeth Byrd Gives Last Recital of Year Elizabeth Sue Byrd, of Ham let, pupil of Miss Rebeka Mac Crawford, wius heard, Fi-iday evening, !May 6, in her gradu ating rccital in piano. An appreciative audience fol lowed Elizabeth through a varied progi-am which she rendered witli fine technique and charm. Of her first group, “The Gigue” from the Fifth French Suite by Bach, and the “Pas torale Variee,” by Mozart, were received with enthusiasm. Both composers require a cleai'ness of touch and a delicacy of feeling wliich Elizabeth met creditably. The rendition of Concertstiiko, op. 79, by Weber, showed strengtli and clearness of tech nical skill. In the third group, the Etude, op. 23, No. 7, by Chopin, was interesting and (Please turn to page two) Dr. Poteat Lecturer of Kappa Nu Sigma Society “The kingdom of education is as adventurous as mountain climbing,” said Dr. W. L. Po tent, President Emeritus of Wake Forest College, Monday evening, May 19, in the annual address sponsored by the Kappa Nu Sigma Honor Society. Lil lian Aldridge, president of the society, presented the speaker. Dr. Poteat gave as his sub ject, “Scholarship Horizons.” In the course of his lecture he said, “No horizon, spiritual or mental, is extensive unless it in cludes God.” He stressed the fact that many, during the four (Please turn to page two) MEDALS PRESENTED SATURDAY NIGHT The annual Society Night, which was lield tonight in the Meredith College Auditorium, proved to be one of tlie moat im pressive services ever held at Meredith. The auditorium was decorated in the two society col ors—gold and white, and purple and white. The program "was started with the processional of the members of the Astrotekon Literary So ciety singing the society song, and the Philaretian Literary So ciety members followed the Asfcros singing their song. Gaynelle Hinton, president of the Astro- tekton Literary Society, gave the opening welcome address, giving a special welcome to the alumnae and the vi.silors. T.ottie Bell Myers, president of the Philare tian Literary Society, introduced the speaker of the evening. Dr. C. M. Green, pastor of the Watts Baptist Church in Durham, after which Dr. Green gave a very interesting address. Dr. James B. Wright, a local phj^sician of Raleigh, presented the Astrotckton essay medal to Mary Henley, and Mrs. C. 0. Abernetliy of Ralingh awarded Elva Burgess with tlie Philare- tian Literary Society essay medal. Velma Webb presented the Sopliomore class M'ith the ath letic trophy. This is the second successive year the class has had the trophy, liaving won it their freshman year. The girls winning recognition for independent reading M’ere announced by Dr. Julia Harris, (Please turn to page two} LR. C.ENTERT^NS NEW MEMBERS The International Relations Club of Meredith College enter tained at a tea in honor of the newly elected members Thursday aftei'noon. May 27, at 4;45 o’clock, in the Senior parlor. Antoinette Cliarles, president of the club for tliis year, was at tlie head of the receiving line. With lier were IMiss’ Nettie Herndon, adviser of the club, and the officers for next year, Martha Catlebury, Mae Camp bell, and Margaret Olmstead, and Harriet Mardrc, vice presi dent of this year. The ncAv members of the club who ^vere selected on the basis of scholarship and interest in in ternational affairs were: Martha Salisbury, Lula Belle Highsmith, Jean Simpson, Eliza Briggs, Emily Miller, Sara Elizabeth Vernon, Evelyn Barber, Erma Fisher, Virginia Farris, and Charlotte Gammage. Commencement Address Again To Be Made By Dr. B. C. Clausen Commencement Speaker Dr. B. C. Clausen Shakespeare Play Is Presented by Seniors One of the most popular of Shakespeare’s comedies, “Much Ado About Nothing,” was pre sented by the Senior class Fri day niglit, May 27, at 8 o’clock. The play, under the direction of Dr. Horton, was presented in a truly Shakespearean manner. The costumes, as well as the scen ery and dialogue, carried the spirit of tiic age. The chief actors of the story w'orc Hero, played by Margaret Peacock, and Claudio, played by Lina Lee Spence. Beatrice Vo gel and Lottie Bello Myers were especially good as Bcati'ice and Bencdick in the war of wit Avhich was carried on between them. Ethel Swanson, as Don John, portrayed well the character of the villain. Prue Choate as the stupid Dogberry opposite Sarah Elizabeth Jenkins as Verages proved a most humorous couple. (Please turn to page two) Head of Music Depart ment to Study in Austria I. L. llattin, head of the >[usic Department of Mereditli College will leave on the Majcstic June 3 for Salzburg, Austria where he will study choral music until August 3. Mr. B»ittin will stop in Paris for a day to visit Cliarles Marie Wider, oiganist and composer. While in Sal/burg Mr. Battin will study under Bernard Paum- gartner, Clems Krauss, and Bruno Walter. Mrs. Battin, and the children, Billie and I. L. Jr., will also make the trip. Billie Avill not have any trouble making friends as he al ready knows Gorman. Syracuse Minister to Re turn to Meredith Campus Returning for the fourth time since 1927, Dr. Bernard Chan cellor Clausen of Syracuse, New York, will again address Mere dith’s graduating class. He made the first addi*ess in 1927 on the “Art of Anger”; in 1930 he re turned, using three popular songs as the “texts” for his talk. Last year he told tho Seniors “How to Get What You Want.” This year will make his third sue- cessive appearance, and he warned every one last year that according to the “tenure of of fice” custom in the North his third successive appearance would give tlie college a claim on him as long as it wished. Dr. Clausen is i>astor of tho First Baptist Church in Syra cuse and has been since July, 1920. Ho offers his resignation every year, presenting a com plete report of the past year and a complete program of objectives for the next. Di'. Clausen, avIio was born in Hoboken in 1892, is a graduate of Colgate Univei’sity, wliere lie received his A.B. in 1915 and his M.A. in 1916; of Union (Please turn to page two) Annual Commencement Concert Given Monday The annual connnencement concert will be given Monday e%'ening at 8:30 in the audito rium. The concert, which fea tures students from the different branches of tho music depart ment, is one of the “lifgii lights” of the commenccjnent exercises, and is always cnjoj'cd greatly by tliose who hear it. This year tlie program promises to be one of unusual variety and beauty, consisting of two piano numbers, piano, voice, violin aiul organ solos, selections by the entire glee club and a trio from tlio glee club. The following program will be presented: T\vo pianos, Polichinclle, Rachmaninoff, Gaynelle Hinton, Christine Johnson. Voice, Ave Maria, Luzzi, Jo sephine Arnette. Organ, In Siunmer, Stcbbins, Ruth Winslow. Piano, Moonlight, Debussy, Mary Lee. Trio, Highland Love, For syth; Down in tho Glen, War ren; Josephine Arnette, Hazel Martin, Jlary Lucile Broughton. (Ploaae turn to page two)