THE CjuXQE UmAity c Society Volume XII MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., OCTOBER 1, 1932 Number 1-a Phi Society Wins Lead Over Astros in New Members By One Seventy-four New Girls Join Phis and Seventy-three Join Astros It was Phi “year to go fii’st” in move ways than one for 74 new girls joined the Phis, giving them first place by one point over the Astros. One of the original juniors in an attempt to be brilliant suggested that Annie Mae Taylor, being fresh man president should be counted as two Astros. The competition really was unusually close, how ever, and enthusiasm and yells ran very Iiigh. The Phi society entered first this year, led by Nancy Mc Daniel, chief Phi marshal, and Sue Hester, Gwennie Crowder, and Louise Martin, marslials. Pauline Barnes, president; Nancye Vicellio, vice president; Jessie • Martin, secretary; and Elizabeth Lee, treasurer fol lowed, leading the line of old members. Pat Abernethy led the singing and the Phi call. Miss Branch was accompanist. The Astro line was led by Mary Francos Snead, chief marslial of the college, Max’y Akers, cliief Astro marshal, Knox Hood, Mary Bess Van (Please turn to page two) Astros Entertain New Students The Astrotekton Literary Socicty was liostess at a tea Tues- daj'^ afternoon in the Astro So cicty Hall from five to six o’clock, complimentary to the faculty and new girls at Mere dith College. Mary Akers received the new girls and Astro Society members on their arrival and Knox Hood presented them to the receiving line, which consisted of Rachel Biggs, president of the Astro Society; Catherine Davis, vice president; Grace Carr, treas urer ; Miss Caroline Biggers, Miss English, Miss Hartness^ Miss Mary Tillery, and Mrs. Tyner. Assisting in entertaining were: Marguerite Warren and Eleanor Hunt, who played soft music during the entire tea. Tlie society hall was decorated in the color scheme of old gold and white. The beautiful after noon tea gowns lent dignity to the occasion. A delicious course was served by Bill Harrelson, Melba Hunt, Frances McManus, Catherine Hicks, Vera Lee Thornton, and Emily Miller. Social Calendar Oct. 1—^Astro initiation and Phi installation. Oct. 4—B. Y. P. U. officers meeting at 6:45. Oct. 7—International Rela tions Club sponsoring lecture— Dr. Chas. Lee Smith, 8:00. Oct. 8—Meredith Wake For est B. Y. P. U. Social at 8:00 o’clock. Oct. 11—Mr. Spelman’s organ recital at 8:30. Oct. 14—Service Band at 6:45. Mother Goat Rhymes Theme of Astro Meeting The Astrotekton Literary Society entertained the new girls as guests of the socicty, at a mooting Monday night. The program, under the direction of Virginia Garnett, consisted of Mother Goat Rhymes. Humpty Dumty, Little Miss Muffitt, Lit tle Jack Horner and numerous other members of the Mother Goat family made their appear ance. Rachel Biggs, the pres ident, made an attractive door tender in her little gix-1 costume. After tlie program the room was cleared and the rest of the time was spent in dancing. By the time that Bill Harrelson had finished peddling her carnival toys the hall became a gala party. It was also announced that Billy Goat would make his annual appoaranco on the cam pus about Wednesday which is decision day for the new gii-ls. Faculty Members to Present Concerts Members of the faculty and the student body have something in store for them this fall. Prof. Leslie P. Spolman, head of the music department, is arranging for a series of concerts which will be presented by members of the music faculty. Prof. Spel- man stated that no definite dates liave been decided upon as yet, but that the concerts will prob ably come on Tuesday nights. There will be several organ concerts, and also concerts by the Meredith Trio which will be remembered as giving enjoyable programs year before last. Miss Edwina Martin, pres ident of last year’s senior class visited in the college Sunday. Miss Martin has accepted a position with the Reconstruction Finance Committee in Washing ton, D. C. MEREDITH GRADUATES OBTAIN POSITIONS The Senior class of ’32 lias left a vacancy on the Mereditli campus as well as all others leav ing—even though they are out in the world “on their own” the spirit of their class will never fade from the heart of Meredith College. Perhaps consolation would be best attained by plac ing some membex's of that class. Tiie leader of the class of ’32, Edwina Martin of Winston- Salem is working in Washing ton, D. C. Prue Choate, former editor of The Twig, has a position teach ing with Burlington city school. Last yeax*’s editor of The Acorn, Lillia Aldridge of La Grange is teaching in La Grange. Sarah Elizabeth Jenkins of Roanoke Rapids is teaching in Four Oaks. Susannah S. Meixer of Ra leigh is taking M.A. work in science at Chapel Hill. Evelyn H. Squires of Wake Forest is taking M.A. Avork at Wake Forest. Antoinette Charles of Alioskie is staying at home this fall. She attended summer school at Wake Forest. Elva Burgess of Raleigh is now holding a position in Ra leigh. Mary Lucille Broughton of Hertford is now Mi's. Cliarles E. Johnson. Ruth Winslow of Hertford tauglit Public school music in Wake Forest summer school and is now teaching in Burgaw. Dorothy Taylor of Wilson, the Editor of ’32’s Oak Leaves, is (Please turn to page four) Sophomores Give Pajama Party The Freshmen were enter tained right royally on Monday evening, September 17, at a pa jama party in the Astro Hall by the Sophomores. Each Fresh man was escorted to the hall by a Sophomore wh5 made sure tliat lier guest was known to the oth ers. The Sophomore president, Catherine Mosely, welcomed the guests and announced the pro gram. An amusing farce was directed by Mary Carter Noey, and Minnie Warner, a Fresh man, sang several popular num bers. Then the president an nounced that before the guests could come to the punch-bowl they had to get fifteen signa tures of Sophomores for a meal- ticket. Soon punch, cakes and mints were served. Freshman President Annie Mae Taylor of Oxford, convicted of umisual execnivoe ability and leadership. 'Dally Squawk" Extra Puts Phi's in Spotlight Flashing and odd was the “Extra” published last Tuesday cA'ening by The Daily Squaxak, newspaper sponsored by the Philaretian Literary Society. An unusual fact about this newspaper was that the Society scction came first. Mrs. De Fraud entertained at a masquerade. Two of the most interesting people present at this party were Jo Arnette and Pat Abernethy, in disguise as Gypsy lovers. Most romantic indeed were they as they sang “Little Gypsy Sweetheart” from a scat is a moonlit corner of the garden. The scene was then changed to the “Want Ad Department.” Lib Leo, in the person of a job less man searching the papers for an offer of work finally saw the following ad: “Wanted: A man who is M’ill- ing to M'ork—one who is eager and strong.” The young man recognized at once these very qualifications as (Please turn to page two) Former Teacher Returns to College Miss Annie Mitchel Brown lee, assistatit professor of science hero three years ago, lias re turned to the Meredith campus. She resigned to get her Master’s degree at the University of Michigan. Since then slie has been teaching in Mississippi. Tlie resignation of Miss Barkley left open the position of assistant professor of science, which Miss Brownlee has accepted. Annie Mac Taylor Freshman President Junior Class Sits at Court to Pass Sentence on Freshman On Thursday night, Septem ber 22, tlic Junior Order of ’34 convened and found Annie Mae Taylor of Raleigh, guilty of being capable and sentenced her to six weeks term as president of the class of ’36. Tlie court was hold in the Astro hall, Virginia Garnett, president of the Junior class, being the judge. The attorneys, Evelyn Barker and Ella Lee Yates presented their witnesses for tlio case, and those witnesses were sworn in by Emily Miller, the clerk of court. After the witnesses from both sides gave their evidence, the judge dismissed the jury to let tliem consider the case. The jury returned in a few minutes and the foreman, Katherine Davis, stated that the defendant was found guilty. Tlie judge then asked the guards to place Annie Mae Taylor in Cell No. 36, where everyone went to con gratulate hei*. Cell No. 34 was filled with balls and chains, or ratlier, green apples with chains of kisses. Colonial Charm Revived at Phi Teo The Philaretian Society was “at home” to the new girls and to tlie faculty at a Colonial tea on Monday afternoon from four- thirty till six in the Philaretian Hall. Pat Abernethy introduced the visitors to the receiving line composed of Pauline Barnes, president; Jessie Martin, secre tary ; and Elizabeth Leo, Treas urer. Sue Hester, senior mar shal, pinned old-fashioned nose gays made of verbena on each of the guests. Nancy McDaniel chief marslial; Gwennie Crow der, junior marshal; and Louise Martin, sophomore marshal con ducted the girls to the tea table and assisted Miss Biggers who poured tea at a table arranged with little pompon dahlias and white roses. On the stage a living picture was represented by Nancye Viccllio dressed in Colonial cos tume seated in an old-fashioned chair, with a spinning wheel by her side. An oval rug, an antique table, lamp, and chair further helped to carry out the Colonial idea. Throughout the afternoon, musical selections were rendered by Hazel Martin, Josephine Arnette, Elizabeth Lee, and Louise Correll.

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