October 1, 1932 freshman Thoughts on Meredith PALACE THEATBE Tlierc arc varioua and sundry opinions among the freshmen re garding different phases of col lege life. The rising,bell seems to be generally unpopul|ar for some mysterious reason. Some girls complain about it’s forlorn sound. Several freshmen have been considering starting a peti tion for cheaper rates to and from town because when they have paid the bus fare they have nothing left to spend. The numerous fees and extras con tinually keep a freshman’s purse flat. The idea of unpacking their trunks in the attic and lug ging tlieir clothes all the way down stairs does not appeal 'to many freshman either. As to the frcsliman’s idea about study. A typical fresh man said that she couldn’t con centrate because all the time she felt she needed to be recreating and she couldn’t recreate be cause she felt she ought to be concentrating. But in spite of the petty wor ries and tribulations whicli the average freshman would encoun ter anywhere the freshman love Meredith already as a patriot loves his country. They like the ice cream on Wednesday and Sunday dinners but wish it were perpetual diet. There is- some thing very impressive and in spiring about the chapel pro grams and religious activities. The friendliness of the girls is on an equality basis and there is not a better spirit any where than exists on tlie campus. The cooperation and sympa thetic attitude of the faculty to ward the student body and the old students toward the new is beautiful. Perhaps the general consensus of opinion might be summed up best, by Annie Mae Taj'lor, beloved president of the freshman class, who says that “Meredith is the next place to heaven” and the garden spot. Patronize our advertisers The Mary Ellen Tea Room I LUNCH 12—3:00 DINNER 6-9 Special Prices for College Student$ | ^miiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiniiuiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiS iiiiiun:iiiJiiniiitiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiib Alfred Williams I Welcomes Meredith Girls to our store in Roleigh ond in Chapel Hill Col I ege Gi ris have used our | stores to secure Books, | Writing Supplies, and Gifts for many years. ■IMIUnUUWIMiailllimallUBIBIIIINIHillHlliailUIIUIIHIIMIIWIIIIwJIl “The Last Mile” with Howard Phillips and Preston Foster. Within their confines of som bre prison walls, what do those souls in agony and despair think? What do they say? What do they do? The answer to that question makes the drama, and teaches an everlasting lesson in “The Last Mile” which plays at the Palace Theater Monday, Tues day and Wednesday. Based on one of the dramatic sensations of the stage, “The Last Mile,” in picture form. THE PERMANENT MARCEL SHOP CAPITAL CLUB BLDG. TELEPHONE 2716' THE TWIG drives home like a mighty sledge hammer the value of the restraint of human passions. It will tell you what they think. It will tell you in power ful terms what they say. And in tense, dramatic, moving action you will see what they do! Sam Bischoff directed this World Wide film with a superla tive cast including Howard Phillips, Preston Foster, George I UTEST APPLIANCK | I fytODERN PRICES I I It Costs No More to Have Your | I Jfork Done by Experts | I RALEIGH I I BEAUTY SHOP | ill Ill mill CURIOSITY TEST! E. Stone, Alec B. Francis and many otliors of equal note. “What a Knight” a comedy. THIS OOUFOH AND 26e wn.T. ADMIT ANY MEBBDITH OOLLEOS STUDENT Uatlaee and Night to tlio S-T-A-T-E Uonday—Tuaadsr—WedooscUjr OK THE STAGE SocoDd Edition of "Chicago Follies" Wltb CHE8 DAVia and “HONEY GAL*’ COBB An AU New Show With SINGING —. 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AS FAR AS ROOM 214-A You want to be well dressed, You want to wear individual clothes You would like the chic sim plicity this season requires Then Buy Your Clothes Conforming to CUSTOM Lucielle's apparel is certain to score ot every college function , . . that is why Meredith students in the past hove always shopped at this populor store . . . ond will continue to do so . . . know ing that Lucielle is olwoys first with the NEW! COATS - SUITS DRESSES SHOES and MILLINERY Shop ofOrf^iaal/wdta 112 Fayetteville Street Qt 0 Store where you find the finest quality, the newest styles that ore the first degree in foshions. Look at our Polo Coats $9.95 Knit Suits $4.98 Suede and Leather Jackets $5.95 In Red, Green, Brown and Blue And to make yuor ensemble complete see our Kid . Gloves at $1,95 ALL AT Hiidson-Belk's The College Girls' Store