Attend the Freshman ■ Play THE TWIG Book Week November 13-19 . ■Volvune XII MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., NOVEMBER 12, 1332 Number 3 The Little Theatre to Sponsor Freshman Play November 19 Miss Ethel English to Direct Rostand's Forcial Comedy 'The Romancers" The Little Theatre yv'iW make its initial bow for t)ie season «)f by spoiisoi'ing tho Freslnriaii pJay, “Tlu’ Koiniinc- crs,” a fai-dcal comedy by Ecl- rnuml JioHtiuid, to bo giv'ii Sat- nvda.v, Noveuiber 10. Mias JCtho! K. Elnjflisli, who wjis lai-gely I'osponsible Tor llu; splendid success of the fresliinan |)hiy of laaf yoai* Ik to rViai-li fliis ymv’s prodnctioii also. A hivjjcj uunih‘i- tvied onl; foi- liai-Ls in tliR play, mid an nn- UHUiil in(.(>vftst iu draniatiirs Iuih boen iloniunstrated by 1bc cbiNS as a whole. -MInk aKsiatod tlu; iiicnibors of the; Tbeatre in wlftctiii}'' tho rollONvin'j caHt: a lovcj': Kathh;on •l(»bnijuu. Strafai'ol, a Inavo, Kaiy Sams. lienjaniin, fathcVv of rtU'civet. (Please turn to page two) Weatherford Speaks At Chapel Exercises Little Theotre President Elha Hriggs, Heads Little Theaue, which is to x/tonsor Frushmun Play I. R. Club Discusses World Problems On If’iiday nioininj^, Xoveiii- her 1, l>v. fT. VV. '\V'ert.tliei*f4)rd, l*i-osi(h!n|. of Uic* Y. l\l. C. A. (Jriid\ial(> School and also a spe- fialist. (»n race pvobhMiis, ad- di-«s'Ki,‘d lluf stndcMit body in I'hajM'l .on tlio i-tMmn-kabloiicss of (lie i-lianji'i; wliicb has taken plac(^ ill Lbe attitndu of |k*oi)1c toward cai-li otliev. l l'e cited ex- ainplos of ancient times in u lilcb fbe 3ife of ijevHons was not re,- ^ai-ded as valuable and eontra.'^l- *d witli tliesH exajnides (lie hi^^li value wbieh is phu‘el upon life tolay. He said (liat eivili/-a(iou lias j>onehaek to the l)asie pi'ini-iples of Jesus as to tht; value of Im- nuui life. Josns s^ive the “^iireat- sinjjlo contt‘il)iition itiade to (Please turn to page two) Wake Forest Gives Play A. hirge audience euthusiasti- *ally received the three-act farce, “I(. Happened in Hollywood/' l>i*eseiit(»d by AVake Forest Col lege Dramatic Clnh Saturday tiveniug. The play was directed by Tom Dysai'd. The cast included Franklin Smith, Sam Hejiuett, Jack Hiimphries, Heleir Eukes, Ixuilse Whims, Dwight MoEwen, Jam(is Willia, Margar(it Craig, Jessie Ruth Cinniiiigham, An nie IRienee PowelJ, and Charles Leonard. The presentation was i^ponsored by the Junior class. The iiK'clinj* of the jjitcviui- fional IJelaliouH t-lub on .Vo- vciuher 1, wan opened a •‘History of liitcrnniioiuil Keiii- tions .’lu!tjs,” wliirb way liivou liy .Mis.-j >,'(i(:tie Merndiiii, faMjiry udvistM- of Ihc i'hil). Miss Hern don also read n li'ttci’ to the clid) from .Mis« Amy Hcininway .ron(‘s, exei'iil ivc .secretary oTthe Intcrntttional Rclation.s Clubs, which iucludejl a disiii.'^siuii of t li e books i-ecently i-ecelvel thron^ili till* endow- llUMlI. Afti‘1* llie liiisin(;ss session, in which the -oiistitulion oT fh(^ clnh wiis reiul by J'h-nia Fisher and the innv ineiiUK'r, I'^dythe Kagby, Avfts wL'lconicd into the '1iil) by the president, JTartlm Castlebury, the following pro gram was given : “Present rroh- Icms in Japan and Ciiina,” Mnr- thn Salisbury; “Ulsarniameiit,” •Martha (’astlehnry. ami ‘‘Ouv- rent ICventa,” i)y lOrina l-'isher nud KniUy Miller. The books wliicli have heen re- (Pleaae turn tu page lour) Society Anniversary Celebrated Y esterday at Wake Forest Society Day was celebrated for the ninety-eiglitli year at Wake Forest College on Friday with a schedule of events which Avas ithc most entertaining of any had for a number of anniversa ries. The program was begun in the morning when ]uembera of the Euzclian and Philomathceian So cieties debated. Probably the most interesting feature was the cbisb l)etweon the Demon Dea cons and the Carson-^sowmau (!l(!ven on (Jore fiehl in the aft ernoon. On Friday night !ift(!r iiii infoj'niiVl baiMinot orn tions wei-e given by so(.-iety in Wingate ^!en\oria1. Hall, and Jtt niiu‘-lliirty the guests were r(n‘mafly j'cceived in the gynina- sinm. (lordoii-Grant, of the Philo- miitliesian Society, presided, and George Griffin of the Kuzelians acted as secrctai-y in acc-ordanee' with the yearly alteration of (iie so(Moti(^s. Afany of'tin; Aicreditli y;irls altonded the celebration. Student Government Sponsors Carnival Acco]-ding to information re ceived from :Mary (,1. Sherin, President of (he Sfnilent (!ov- ei'iiment, that orgiiniKJition will .s])onsor a carnival in (hecoiie.y;e aiiditnriuin on Xoveniber 22, I'm- the cnl.ire sludent body. Printed invitations will Ih‘ s(Mit to fiM{!iK]s of the students. 'riie Student, (lovi'i’nment is planniiiji a. soi-iaf iilTiiir of some kind mouth of the year so (liat th(‘ stndcnit.s may be-ome b(>tter iinjuainted with eiich olhcr and the. students of tlm nearby, colleges. .Martha V'icfc^llio is in eliarge (»f the social plans. Kate Allison Presides Over N. C. State B. S. U. Convention State B. S. U. Head Kale Allison, who presided over the I9.VJ su.ision of ihi‘ H, .S. //. C.nnwntion Meredith Winner of Poster Exhibit for Past Four Years Tliniik5ig:lvh)!!,' IIollduyH JTot. 23-38 'J'IiIk is iho «ccoii(l year th»t McrodJtli students liAve en- .iojeil the prlvJlege of Tliaiiks- glrlii^' liollilnys. The iiolMnys begin tills ycnr at noon on Xoreniijer 29, and until noon o» A'^oremlfir 2S. Lefler Gives Present Politicol Policies Dr. Hugh I’, i^cflcr, [irofessoi of history at Slate ('olh'ge. spoke ro the League of "WonnMi >’o(ers at -M(‘reditli Thursday uvenin iu tlie Phi Hall, on the subject “The Present Political Sifua- tjon.'' He opened his s|ieei-h with the s(al(*nienl (hat imfoT- tunately iiitcdlijieiit iM'ojile do noi lie term ini' ]>oli( ical elect ions. He siiiiltlmt (lu»r(‘liad hern vei'v few elerlions where ]-e;il issues have lieen fouylit since iln> |io- litical bal:tlp.s luive been cbieHy ([ui.-^e of }iersonalii ies. s])eaker continued wi(h thi* re nin rk that tariff is the (nily issui which has run continually througli jiolirical histtiry. fii both ]iaj-lies (he ])hitfornis hrtve. been brilliant generalities. Al though the party platforms reaclietl the pi*ak of hazint'ss in 1920 tlie platforjiis oC are ninning a close second. In (his campaign botli major parties have failed (o men(.iou nitsiand- ing problems. The otln'r candi- da(is Xorman 'riionuis, has been (Plense tiivii to poce four) Properties of **34 Words** Sold at Auction ‘‘Pight this way, Juniois, to get your money’s worth,’' or words to that effect, called the Juniors to a corner of the gym- irnsium Wedneschiy night. No- VGUiber 2, to an auction sale ol' tiie properties used in the stunt, “ *Si Words,” which avou the cup for tho class of ’34. Kefore tlin luictioneering be gan, the orchjestra gave the se- loctlon which they played in tho -stunt., aft(n‘ which the auction eer, Peg Le(.jraiid, first nuc- fcioned off the tables wliich were used by the "famous stcnogrn- phers and daneoi's.” Then the hatrauk, on whicli the stenogra phers Imd “allowed” their hats to l>e piucecl, was sold “'at quite a bargain.” Tlie “Heart ’n Love Kepuir Shop,” and the shelter which was in front of it were then nnctioned, njid now grace ihe entrances (o the boudoirs of Katherine Davis and Peg l.*- (Irand. After tho stnnt pi-oi)crtics had all been sold, tlie orchestra played again, and the Junioi’s en joyed a social lumr, during which cider was served from tlie athletic i;up and tlu* stunt cup, lioth t>f wliicJi are in the pos session of th(* Junioj-s at the pi-esent tinu‘. The aniiual North i.’arolina. Bajitist Student Conference was licld at the J' Baptist Church in (’liapei 1-1 ill, Noveinher 2-4, at whi-h time \^'inst(ni Pearce, Wake For(*st (Jtdlege, was elect ed ))resident, and Marguerite ^V^ll■ren, of .Meredilli ’ollege, was elci-tcd secretary. Approxinialoly two hundred ami scvenly-(ive yonng people from eh'vcn Haptist and State colleges in the Stal(^ yatliercMl in (’ha])c‘l Hill for thcstndenl con- rerencc, nmler (lie Icad‘rship of Kate ..Vlli.sjin, .Mi'redith, ]jresi- dcnl, jiU4| Sue- Kay. AVoman’s Otllege, secretary. I>r. Fllis l'ulh*r. jjnstor of (lie Firsi f>a])tisf (’liiirch of Atlanta. Ja., who \>ns one if the:main «peaki*rs of the I'onl'ereuce, de livered the in-inc-ipal address 1' rid 11 y nigli t at I Iu* opening ses sion. on '‘Present Power and Survival ’\':dni‘ of C'liristian (Please turn to page two) HOBBS ADDRESSES MEREDITH STUDENTS Hr. •). 1{. Ht)l»bs. paslor of the I'Mrst llaptisl, (.'hurch of Bir mingham. Alabama, was the -liai»el speaker of Thursday, No- veiniicr :>. Me usi’d a ])arfc of •Indges :;il as the snbject of a Iii-i(!f (alk. ‘‘Let them (ha(; love him l>e as thesan when be uroedi forth in his might." ‘'‘JCvoryhody." he said, •'•'is hi- t(*re.slc(l in liv', and llie iibject of love has niucli lo «lo with the iinalityof thepei-son. Ifyon tell me winit you love. I ran tell you \\ liat yon.are.'* '‘To love (!od/* In* contiuiied, (Please turn to paRo three) Book Week Nov. 13-19 Book Week is to be observed Xovember 1o-l!>. The club wom en in lialeijih are taking a lead in (his movement. Liln-arians in the State have been inve.stigating, and their stalistics sliow that more North C’ai'olinians are reading today than evei- biifm-e. hut. that only about one-third (jf them bavo ac- ce.sK to libraries. In Corty-scven eounti^'s there- are no libraries at all. Mook A\’eek has monnt a great ileal in this great further ing of reading, daring its short existence. -^leredilh has always observed’. Book ■\A'eek, and is planning to ohs(*rv(‘ it this .year. However, definite plans luive not af5 yet Iwc!} made.