Merry Christmas THE TWIG Happy New Year Volume XII MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., DBCEKBER 16, 1932 Niimlier 4-a Hockey Season of 33 Closes With Awords Juniors Receive Cup; Award Hockey Stick to Eaton The Athlctic Association liad charge of the chaiicl exercises Friday morning, December 9. After the student body Imd sung “You’re the Queen of Our Hearts, Alma Mater,” Pat Abei-- nethy, president of the Athlctic Association, expressed lier a])-, preciation to the faculty niem- 'hers, especially Mrs. Sorvell, Mr. Spelman, and Miss Kniglit for their cooperation in helping to make the hockey sdason a suc cess. Mrs. Soi'rell then awsmled the letters and stars to those players from the various classes who had shown all round good s])ortsnmn- .ship and loyalty as well as the ability to play hockej^ and who had therefore been chosen for the varsity team. The following girls received lettei’s: Juniors: Mary Catherine Hayes and Eleanor llozar. Sophomores: Mae Marshhurii, Virginia Scott, and Undine Weeks. Freshmen: ITjizcI Boswell, Henrietta Castlcbury, and Mil dred I'iaton. Those wlio I'l'ccived stars woi’e; Sonior.s: Pat Abernethv atid (Please turn to page two) Philoretians Present Christmas Program Tlie IMii Society li(^ld its 1nst iiKM'MiIg before the holidays in (he Society TTall on ;Monrlay evening-, Dee!nib*r 12. An iiii- usual pi'ognini typical of the Christmas season wa.s pve- «p,nted by Mary (,'arter Now. The scene was laid in :i fam ily living room wlieio "Nancy McDaniel, l:l»e inoth*v, Wiis tell ing her two -liihlrt*n, K(;h!i PmkiM- and IMary Allyn the Htory oi the first Christmas. As-she (old them, ahont it, the lil1‘erent scones wei-* silhou etted on a. screen across the 1*00111. Virginia Ko^ev« was the Vir}>;in Mary with L(n'etta .Nichols as the Angel. The “Wise Men’' were li'rances Al derman, Elizabeth Lee*, and EHizabetli Harker, and tliesliep- herds were ICliza lirigjvs, Lil lian Belle Jenkins, and Lonise -•''’ J)nrinj»' these .scenes Jo Aviiette sang “0, LiUle Town of Bethlehem'’ and ^‘Si lent Night.” After the i^hi^ dreji and, their niothei- had left the room, Santa Clans, Pat j\.bernethy, distributed kisses throughout the andienc*. Meredith President /)/•. Charles E. Brewer, ioho allevded iSoiclfiem Association of Colleges att(3 Secondary f^cJioolt in Neio Orleans. Dr. Brewer Attends Meeting in New Orleans Dr. Charles E. Brewer attend ed the meetings of the Southern Association of Colleges and Sec ondary Schools in New Orleans November J38th to necember 2nd. There was a full attendance of member institutions, 'rhere was the usual number ()f visitoj’s. The work of the Southei-n A.ssociation is done largely thrt)ugh two com- njissions. One is the Commission on Institutions of Higher Kduea- tion. The other is the C\)mmis- sion on Secondary Schools. From liitie to time institutions are ex- IPlease turn to page four) Classical Club Meets at Home of Miss Price Tlie Helen lldll Law Chissi- cal ('Inh had their annual Satni-nalia meetiny; at Miss il’riee’s on Saturday, IJeeenihor 10. One Peatin-e of the ])r6’irain whicli was in charj^e of Peggy Til'i,Y“’an was a .seanee with .‘\nne Bradsher as Aladiim .Mira- cula the medium, in which ghosts ot: departed l{omar?s were called lip to discuss their lives and works. Tacitus, represented by Katlileen Sears, was the shade to appear. Pliny, the younger, was (Please turn to page six) Professor Spelman Gives Organ Recital Miss Charlotte Armstrong Assists in Violin The third in a series of faculty concerts was presented by Prof. Leslie P. Spelman, organist, as sisted by Miss Charlotte Arm strong, violinist, Tuesday eve ning, December 6, at 8:15 o’clock, in the college auditorium. The concert was attended by a large number of the college fac ulty and student body, as well as outside friends from Raleigh. The program was opened by a group of French compositions, possessing the naive grace and charm so peculiar to the French music of the 17th and 18th cen turies, The first number in this group was “Suite Du Premier Ton,” by Clerambault; and the second number was “Noel Sur Los Flutes,” by D’Aquin, a com position so descriptive tliat it en- (Please tuni to page five) ' N. S. F. A. TO MEET IN NEW ORLEANS Amorette Byrd and probably Louise Thomas of Llu; 'Mcri-.dil.h Student (loveriunent will repro- sejit the Collej^o at the Eighth Anmial Conj^ress )!' the Na tional Student Federation of America whitli will convene December 2S, 11)01 Ni'.w Orleans. IIead(|uaiH(*rs for (lie convention will h(* at the Roosevelt Hotel w-lth Tu- lane and Sophie New.comb stii- 1eiits, as hosts and hostess(*s. A number of (Mit.'^tinuling speakers have heen secured among whom are Presi4leni. Blnwiddie, Dean Butler, Mrs. l']'li.Ziuh(;th (xilmer (Doi'othy l)jx), and Itabhi liinstock. (ironp discussioius will be held on tin? honor sy.>«tem. interna tional relations, student gov- ernnient, athletics, and publi cations. Social plans for the conven tion include a luncheon, regional dinner, and a dance given hy the Phi Phi honjirary fraternity. The students will he taken sightseeing' around the cam puses and the city. Chrlstmas'Holidays TIig Clirlntiiias iKiIidiiys of tbc College Mrtll licglii ioniori'ow, December 17, inul Inst until •Motidny ut nooii on Junnnry 3. Duke University Musicate Sponsored by Seniors The Duke Musical Club, with a pei’sonnel of 58 in glee clnb, symphony and jaz» orchestra, gave a performance in the auditorium at Al»;redith Col lege on Saturday evening, De cember 10. The GJee Club was under the direction of J. Foster Barnes and the orches tras were directed by (_t. E. J^ftwich, Jr. Dae to the fact that Lawrence Clarke Apgar was called out of town, Carlos Moseley took his part on the program and played one of the tw'o piano selections for which Mr. Apgar was scheduled. The program was as follows: I'AUT I 1. (a) iylght Cavalry Over- tun,—F. von Svppr. (h) Bene Aiig^li(|ue (,Kam- iiici'ai'Ostrow)—A. Ituhcnstein. (Incidental Solo l\y t\'irlos Moseley). . (c) Seh'clion fi-oin •‘I’olu*- mian (,5irl’’—JJiilfv. Symphony Orchestra. -. (a) .\merica (Anthem I'rom Hie symphony “America/') —I-Jnicfil Black. (h) Th(‘ Holy Ahithei- Slugs (Chri.slu.ias Carol XIA’ (’en- tiM-y). ArrangiHl from Howard I"). Srclviiniey's hnrmoni/,n(i(tn by W. Uhya—JJcrhn-t. (,4-) Grant Us tt) Do With Zeal—liacfi (KJSa-lToO). .Ar- rang(‘d liy A. T. Davisou. Glee Club 8. Trio from •‘I'attsl.'' (The duel) —(lOKiiod. Jfe.ssrs. Phil- li]is. '(^(>rrell, and Stanley. 4 (a) Prelude in G. .Major -- Racli maiilno /f. (h) Valse in E—]\foa~koir- ski. Lawrence ('lark(> Apgai-, Pianist. a. (a) Joshua Fit de Jiatlle oh Jericho—Arranged by Hai'- vey Gaul. (h) The jMusical Trust— (Please tuni lo page Ilv«) Dr. Brewer Gives Greetings to Meredith Students The happiest season of the year is almost here. Wc jcel the thrill of it ahr.adij. For each and all of i/ou I am hopinf) that the hoUdai/s mai/ hritni Itapp!/ re unions and joi/ons meditations on the mcaninff of the day toe ccJehraic. I iiyish for you safe joiii'neys, a> merry Christmas and a happy. Ncio Year. Yours sincerely, ailASi. K. Christmas Concert Rendered by Choir Carols Broadcast Over Radio Station WPTF Lost Sunday Sunday afternoon, December 11, at five o’clock, the Meredith choir prc.scnted its annual pro gram of Christmas music in the college auditorium. The choir, under the direction of Prof. Les lie P. Spelman, rendered one of the most beautiful and effective programs ever to be presented at Meredith. Aii organ [jrelude, “Rhapsodic Catalanc” by Joseph Bonnet, opened the program, after which the hymn, “0 T^ittle Town of Bethlehem,” wa.s sung. Follow ing the invocation, the choir ren dered its first number, “Break Forth 0 lieauteous Heavenly T.igV.t,” a choral from “Christ- ma.s Oratorio” by Bach; and this was followed by a solo, the aria from the same oratorio, sung by Miss Kthcl Rowland, professor of voice. The hymn, “Silent Night, Holy Night,” probably the best loved bit of Christmas nmsic over w]-ittcn, concluded the first part of the program. Beginning at 5:‘M) o’clock, the concei-t was broadcast through the facilities of station WPTF, Raleigh. The .second part of the program wasoj>oiied witlia grnip of traditional cai’tls from differ ent countries, sung by the choi)-. I'lie first in this grou]> was aGer- man cai’ol, “Good Christian Men, Rcjoicc”; and the second was the (Please turn to pafte four) Freshmen Give Novel Astro Program 'I'lic “Baby Astros” presc^nted a very unique and attractive pro gram at the regulai- meeting of tile .iVstrotekton Literary Society on Monday, December IS. 'Fhc meeting was called to oi'dcr by flic presidonl, Uachid liiggs. and aftei- the hiisiuess bad been finished the program was turned over to tiu' l’i-esli)iun> Astros, '^riie program consisted of an original play depicting a night at Meredith College. The girls taking pai’t were Kathleen John son, Annie May Tftylor, Isabelle Ross, Ifatlu-ine Hudmon, May- belle Wheeler, Hazel Boswell. Christine Adams and Susan ma jSloan. ?t)pular .songs wotc sung throughout -IIk’ pkv -.itHl several clever jokes v.-cn- j.viillcil on other Astro mcmber> A>- a ii-limjtx of the ]n-ogi*am. i !n' girls sang an origir»aI song ^ibout the Astro initiation. 'S'iiiN was one of the most interesting and anmsing progr)t:!i>> of the year, atid the Freshni'ui emnnn’ttco is to be connnende l for thfir work.

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