HALEIGH# N. '►o Religious 'T'Mir 'T \A7 I Attend the Emphasis 1 1 1 1*^ 1 W 1 Emory Week Concert Yolunie XII MEREDITH COLLEGE. RALEIGH, N. C., FEBRUARY 17, 1933 Number 7 RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK CONDUCTED BY DR. S. D. GORDON Annual Religious Week Under Auspices of B. S. U. Dr. S. D. Gordon of New York, one of tlie world’s leading Christian characters, will be the speaker of the week of deeper spiritual thinking which is sponsored by the B. S. U., February 19-25. Dr. Gordon will speak two times each day beginning with Vesper Sunday evening and last ing through chapel Saturday morning. Dr. Gordon will speak at chapel and at 6:45 o’clock in the evening. He will be available for personal con ference three hours eacli day by appointment. Dr. Gordon has been a pub lic speaker since 1895 and spent four years on a speaking tour in Europe and the Orient. He is the author of a number of books: “Quiet Talks on Power,” “Quiet Talks on Prayer,” “Quiet Talks on Service,” “Quiet Talks About Jesus,” “Quiet Talks on Home Ideals,” and a number of othor hooks. College students are familiar with Dr. Gordon through his “Quiet Talks” in The Baptist Student. A number of Meredith Stu dents heard Dr. Gordon at the second South-wide li. S. tJ. Con ference which met in Atlanta two years ago. Annette Donovant (Please turn to page two) Educational Syst’em Discussed by Students After u number of tho leading students on the campus have been intei’viewecl and each one asked what she considered the greatest defect in the present educational system at Meredith, the following synopsis of stu dent opinion has been compiler]. Of course this may be critizod in view of the fact that it is only one side of the subject and stu dents do not have the perspec tive that a more experienced person would have. May this article be accepted in the light of a student’s perspective. The students as a whole agreed that there is too nmch system and not enough educa tion. In some respects, more emphasis is placed upon the method of presentation than ma terial. There is too much li brary method and not enonjfh laboratory method. Under sucli a system, the students are prone to accept, without question, the (Please turn to page two) “The property of this commonwealth is pledged for the education of all its youth up to Buch a point as ■ivill save them from pov erty and vice, and prepare them for the adequate per formance of their social and civil d'Uties. ttOBACB Mann. MEREDITH STUDENTS MAKE HONOR ROLL Approximately 16 per cent of the student body made the honor roll for the fall semester of 1933- ’33. Forty girls made first honor roll and twenty-two made second honor roll. First Hokor Roli. Blan-che Allen, Ruth Couch Allen, Cornelia Atkins, Elizabeth Austin, Evelyn Bai’ker, Kather ine Blalock, Margaret Briggs, Jlartha Castlebury, Jane Eliza beth Cates, Mary Chandler, Mary Creath, Evelyn Crutch field, Mary Florence Cummings, Elizabeth Davidson, Ann Early, Catherine Farris, Arabella Goivj, Frances Gray, Elizabeth Harris, Charlotte Hooper, Eleanor Louise Hunt, Melba Hunt. Mary Louise Johnson, Merc- ditli Johnson, Grace Lawrence, (Please turn to page four) J. H. Fletcher Speoks At I. R. Club Meeting '‘The failure of social and eco nomic relations of life in the modern world today is not the resxdt of internntional compli cations but of domestic incom petences,” the Reverend J. H. Fletcher, chaplain of St. Mary’s school, told the combined Mere dith and State College Interna tional Relations Club Thursday evening, February 9, at the State W. M. C. A. “ ‘International complica tions’,” he continued, “is the present diiy politician’s chief alibi. When domestic problems become too great for them they can ‘pass the buck’ to this new genie.” “If we are to adopt a rational approach to the problem of in ternational relations, we must recognize that tlie points of cou- troversy are fundamentally eco nomic,” he stated. At the conclusion of the speech the State College quar tet sang several selections, and an open forum was held during which time Mr. Fletcher an swered questions on Interna tiona] problems. JUNIORS TO SPONSOR EMORY GLEE CLUB The Emory. Glee Club, inter nationally known as the “South’s Sweetest Singers,” is arranging for its 16th concert season, a tour of Georgia, North Carolina; Soutli Carolina and Virginia. In connection with this tour, the club will appear in Raleigh at the Meredith Col lege auditorium at 8:30 Febru ary 22. Since its origin in 1019, on the old Oxford campus, the Emory Glee Club has established an enviable record. During its comparatively brief career, the club has conducted' two success ful tours of Europe, a Cuban torn', frequent toiir.s of the South, and also appearing in most of the cities of the East, including New York, Washington and Ral- timore. While in Washington, the club had the distinctive honor of appearing before Pres ident and Mrs. Cooliclge, the con cert having been given in the beautiful ballroom of Washing ton’s exclusive Mayflower Hotel. Miss Rowland Gives Concert in Voice COLLEGE CALENDAK Febi 0:S0 p.ni.—‘‘Hnshrooms,** lllutftrotcd lectoro for th« Biology Clutiy by Dr. R. F. L’oole, professor at Sta(e Colley. I7t 6:S0; pjn.—Meeting of Colton Kngilsli Club. Feb. ]9>25—Series of rellglouii scrvicos conducted bv Dr. S. D. Gor* don of New York. Feb. 22, 8:15 pjii.—Concert by the Emory Glee Club, sponsored by tlie Junior Class. Feb. 2S, 7:30 p.m.—Social at the First Bnptlsl Chnreh given by the College Department. March 3, p.tn.—Leagne of IVomen Voters. March 3, 8:i}0 p.m.—Grndnatlng Recital in Flano by Sarn Herring. Mnrcli 4, 8:80 p.in.—Meredith* Wftice Forest 1). Y. P. U. Socful at Mercdltli. Tuesday evening, January 31, at 8:30 o’clock, Miss Ethel Row land, professor of voice, gave one of the most delightful of the con certs to be presented at Mere dith this year. Miss Rowland was accompanied by Miss Vir ginia Branch. The program consisted of songs of unusual beauty and variety, some of them being of a light, cheerful nature, while others expressed a deeper, heart felt emotion on tho part of the composers. The following numbers w’ere rendered; “Sc to m’ami” by Fer- golesi; “In Q uesta Tomba Os- cura” by Beethoven; “Lehn’ deine Wang* an meine Wang’ ” by Jensen; “Connais-tu le pays” from “Mignon” by Thomas; Songs from an Arabian Song Cycle, “The Heart of Farazda,” by McMillan; “The Hills of Gruzia” by Mednikoff; “A Page’s Road Song’^ by Novello; “Shoes” by Manning; “A Mem ory” by Ganjs; “Little Star,” a Mexican song arranged by Frank La Forge; “The Nightin gale has a Lyre of Gold” by Whelpley. “I call therefore, a complete and generous education that which fils a man to perform, justly, skillfully and magnani mously all the offices both pri vate and public of peace and war.”—John Milton. L. P. Spelmon Presents Program of Bach Music The fifth in the 1032-33 scries of faculty concertH was given :^r(mday evening, Feln-narv fi, at 8:15 o’clock, by Prof. Leslie P. Spelman, head of the Music De partment. The concert was giv en in the nature of a lecture re cital on “Pre-Bach Organ Mu sic,” and was giveu esi)eclally for tho members of the Raleigh Music Club, however members of the Meredith faculty and stu dent body and their friends were invited to attend. The progra m ^^'as made up en tirely of compositions by com posers who lived during the six teenth and seventeenth cen turies. Composers of Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and Eng land were included. Some of the earlier works, whicli Prof. Spelman explained and played, were crude and simple in form, due to the limitations of the or gan at the time they were writ ten; but as the instrumGnt im- (Pleaso turn to page four) Chamber of Commerce Gives Annual Dinner The annual dinner of the Ra leigh Chamber of Commerce w'as given in the Meredith College dining hall on Friday, February 10, at 7 jOO p.m. The members of the Legislature wore invited, and approximately three hun dred guests were seated. The noted economist, Dr. Vir gil Jordan, president of the Na tional Industrial Conference Roard, delivered the main ad dress in which he gave a clear diagnosis of the present eco nomic conditions—but lie lefti the cure for them to the “sur geon” coming into otiice March 4. Mr. John Evans, former pres ident, gave a reix>rt for t?>e clos ing year. At the conclusion of this report, Mr. I. M. Bailey, presented a set of goblets to Mr. (Please turn to page four) MEREDITH FACULTY DISCUSSES PRESENT COLLEGE CURRICULUM Majority Think it Foils to Meet the Needs of Students According to the opinions ex pressed by various members of the Meredith College faculty one of the weaknesses, if there are any, the pr(;sent day college curriculum is its failure to meet tho real needs of the students. Professor B. Y. Tyner, head of the Educational Department expresses the following opinion as to the weakness of the present day college curriculum: “Paradoxical as it may seem ‘the greatest defect or weakness in the modern college curricu lum’ is not, in my opinion, in the curricnhnii perse. It should be remejuhei-ed that apart from Na ture itself, ail otiier possible forms of cuiTittnla are the out growth of human achievement. Knowledge of any part of hu man achievement—any part of a possil)le curriculum, or subject —may, in and of itself, be neither good nor bad; neither helpful lior harmful. We must then look elsewhere for strength or weaktiess. Knowledge, like other values, is measured in terms of the purposes served by it. From this premise it .may reasonably be assumed that the greater the service the great‘v the value. Assuming that all knowledge as passed down through human experience— whether in the form of lan- (Pleaso turn to page tliree) One Hundred Thirty-six Students Take Education There arc apjiroximately 156 Meredith students taking work this year in the Educational De partment of which Professor B. Y. Tyner is head. In the Senior class, 42 are completing work for high school certificates and 10 obtaining credit for grammar grade teach ing. Tliere are 58 Juniors tak ing courses for credit on teach ers’ cei’tificates, 39 of whom are planning to do high school work and 19 of whom are planning to teach in tlio grammar grades. The Sdpbomoros who ax‘e taking Psychology number about 45, but the records do not show how many of these will teach. These statistics indicate an excellent showing for the Educa tional Department in comparison with other departments in the College.