MAY DAY MAY 1 THE TWIG PRESS CONVENTION MAY 3-5 Volume XIII MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 28, 1934 Number 14 MAY DAY EXERCISES SHOW DEVELOPMENT OF SPRING FESTIVAL Ancient and Modern Donees Will Be Presented Under DirecHon of Mrs. Sorrell To sbow the history of the Iovelop> ment «f the festival, the May Cay exercises on May 1 this year will present examples of both ancient and modern dances. A symbolic ceremonial in pantomlne win i>e giTon by a group of Druid priests. There will be a group of Greek dances with one solo dance by Virginia Garnett. The Roman May festival, the Floralla, will be shown by the goddess Flora and ber followers with a Roman dance in ber honor. Three Old Buglish dances, two of them by Cecil Sharpe, and peasant dances from Denmark. Sweden, Germany, Holland, and Ireland will bring the exercises up to tlie Modern May Day, After the Queen, Mary Lois Parker, has been crowned, there will be a solo, "Spring's Message" by Elberta Foster, with a group dance and Anally the May Pole itself The prologue this year has been written by Ruamle Squires, who. with two of the "Green Men of England," and the heralds and Jester will lead the procession into the grove. The exerciscs are under the direction of Mrs. R. L. Sorrell, physical director, and ft very large number of students are participating, ati unusual feature being the use of SeniV?rs Druids. They usually have taken' no part except as attendants. Officers for Coining Yeor Elected By Student Body student ConncU At a recent meeting of the student body the following girls were elected as members of the Student Coiincil for the coming year. Reba Parker, Vice President. Ann Bradsher, Secretary. Prances Calloway, Treasurer. Loretta Nichols, House President of A Dormitory. PJllzabeth Jacobs, Vice House Pres ident of A Dormitory. Tod Musalnan, House President of B Dormitory. Nancy Allen, Vice House President of B Dormitory. Lunu Jackson, House President of D Dormitory. Mary McLean. Vice House President of D Dormitory. Ruby Barrett, Sophomore Repre* aontative. The following girls were elected to serve In these respective ofDces: Garnett ISighme, Editor of Hand book. Sarah Crabtree, Business Manager of Handbook. Margaret Kranjer, Custodian of Costumes. Haisel Faulkner, College Cheer Leader. B. 8. V. The following girls have been elected to serve as members of the B. S. U. Council the coming year: Elizabeth Lee, President. Bertha M. Stroud, First Vice Pres ident. Dorothy Dockery, Second Vice Pres ident. Ruth Tucker, Third Vice President. Virginia Rollins, Secretary, Louise Paschal, Treasurer, Kate Covington, Reporter. Ruth Aberoethy, Poster Chairman. Joe Turner, President of Y. W. A. (Please turn to page two) Heads Conference Eliza Brkios Meredith Student Heods Social Workers Group The Student Division of the North Carolina Conference of Social Service will hold its first meeting this year on April 29 and 30 and May 1 In Ra- leigh. Eliza Briggs of Meredith is President of the Student Division. There will be delegates from colleges all over the state attending this meet- l»K and all Meredith students are In vited. This Student Division was formed several years ago for the purpose of allowing students the privilege of knowing high officials In social and legal aeryice in North Carolina, and of becoming more familiar with social work. Dean Justin Miller of Duke Uni- verslty. is president of the Senior Con ference. He is very much interested In students having a part In the work, (Please turn to page four) Iphigenic in Touris To be Presented Soon By Nohma Rosh Work on tlie Greek tragedy, Iphii/enia hi Tauris, 1b progressing well and the Little Theater is to be commended for promoting so worth while a production on the campus. Elizabeth Lee has recently been selected to play the part of Iphigenla aluce Ruamle Squires with drew from the cast on account of her health, and she promises to portray the charactor exceedingly well. Nancye Viccellio, as Orestes, brother to Iphigenla, and Mamie Ix)u Forney, as Pylades, friend of Orestes both show skill In interpreting the charac ters. The remaining members of the cast including, Peg LeGrand, Margaret Kramer, Mary Faye McMillan, and Nancy Bunn proinlse clever interpreta tions of their roles. The chorus has begun practice, too, and from all indications will add much to the production. Mr. Spelman, who. has charge of the muelc, and Mrs. Spelman, who Is directing the dancing, are both doing excellent work with the chorus. Other departments are also in terested In this production, and if all plans, are carried out, the Greek tragedy will be a college project. In addition to the work of the Little Theater and the Music Department, the Art Department. is designing the costumes for the cast and the Classical (Please turn to page two) AMPHITHEATRE IN GROVE TO BE PRESENTED BY SENIORS THIS YEAR Work Begun On Proiect To Be Christened in Closs Doy Exercises By Hi!t,BN DoBsox The Senior Class this year is plan ning to leave as a present to the school the starting, at least, of an amphi theatre In the grove. There Is one part of the grove which naturally forms an amphitheatre by Its shape and its slope, and this spot the Seniors plan to “christen” with their Class Day exercises this year. They are going to purchase some benches and seats which can be used there from time to time, and they expect to enhance the already natural beauty with some shrubs and flowers which will form a most appropriate background for the scenes. It Is hoped that many dosses will be able to share in this present, and that this will be but a start to wards using the spots around the school for future pageants, dramas, and Class Days. B. S. U. Conference is Held In Greensboro April 14 The Spring Retreat for B. S. U. of- licers and leaders in the state met April 14, at the Baptist Cottage at W. C. U. N. C. with George Noel, State B. S. U. president, of Wake Forest presiding. The afternoon session was opened with the devotlonals by Mary Gilbert of W. C. U, N. C. The remainder of this period was devoted to the fol lowing conference gi'oups: Sunday School, Perry Morgan; Ministerial and Life Service Band, Dr. Carl Townsend; B. Y. P. U., Winnie Rickett: B. S. U. PreslcIentB, Sibyl Brame; Y. W. A,, Lucille Knight. Finally M. A. Hug gins, State Mission Secretary, discussed the Student’s Place in Devotional Programs. After supper the evening session was opened with the devotlonals by Wyan Washburn of Wake Forest. A discus sion of the summer activities of B. S. U. work was given by George Noel. Winston Pearce led the Master Minority group after which Miss Sibyl Brame gave an inspirational message. There were about 125 representa tives present, 15 of which were from Meredith. Meredith Is Winner in Annual Style Show At the Seventh Annual Style Show and the Fifteenth Annual Textile Ex position held by students in the Tex tile School at State College Thursday, Meredith was again winner of the Grand Prize. This was awarded Eliza beth Lewis who modeled a raincoat and umbrella made from cloth woven by P. A. Thomas, and M. A, Ryne. She wore galoshes lined with the same material. The umbrella which she sewed herself was complete In every detail. In addition to the grand prize, prizes were awarded to students from itach of the nine schools represented: Catawba, Elon, Flora Macdonald, Loulsburg, Meredith, Peace, Queens- Chlcora. Saint Mary’s, and W. C. of U. N. C, The Meredith prizes were awarded as follows: Cellla Ellis, first; Alice Bryan, second; Agnes Blanchard, third; Nancy Allen, fourth; and Ruby Pearson, fifth. COLLEGIATE PRESS ASSOCIATION TO MEET IN RALEIGH MAY 3-5 PROF. SPELMAN TO GIVE ALL AMERICAN PROGRAM On Tuesday evening. May 8, in the College Auditorium, Prof. Leslie P. Spelman, head of the music depart ment, will give a program of organ music. This program will be the seventh in the series that Is being given by the members of the Music faculty this year. Prof. Spelman says that his program will be an "All American Program,” being made up entirely of compositions by contemporary composers. One group of numbers will represent the moderns, including Howard Hanson, Leo Sowerby, and Brie Delamarter. Elon Music Director Will Give Recital Here Sunday Sunday afternoon at 4:16, in the College Auditorium, Professor Dwight Steere, Director of Music at Elon Col lege, will give an Organ recital. Prof. Steere is recognized as one of the most outstanding musicians in North Carolina. The following program will be rendered: Concert Overture ilfoiilanfi Intermezzo Hollins Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C Bach Pastel Kat'S'Elert Choral Improvisation on “In dulci jubllo" Karg-Elert Elves Bonnet Concert Variations Bonnet Meredith Trio Presents Sixth Faculty Concert Last evonlng at 8:30 in the college auditorium, the Meredith Trio was ^heard in a concert, the sixth in this year's series of faculty concerts. The trio, composed of Mfss Charlotte Arm strong, violinist; Miss Alverda Roscl, 'cellist; and Miss Alleen McMillan, pianist, presented the following enjoy able program: Ti'lo In B Flat Major, Opus 11 Beethoven Allegi'o con brio Adagio Allegretto (Toma con Varlozioni) Trio in B Flat Major, Opus 99, Schubert Allegro moderato Serenade Chamlnado Berceuse Iljinsky Miniatures Bridge 1. Minuet 2. Gavotte 3. Allegretto Londonderry Air Kreialer Annual Art Evening Is Held For Seniors Complimentary to the Senior Class and particularly to the three seniors majoring in art, Kathorlne Davli, Peg LeGrand, and Zellah Washburn, Miss Ida Poteat held her annual art eve ning, Thursday, April S6. The repre sentations showed artistic ability and realistic interpretation on the part of the art department, Miss Poteat and Miss Tillery, who planned and ar ranged the figures. The portraits were as follows: Charles W. Peale by Benjamin West, represented by Elizabeth Lee of Flor ence, S. C.; Mrs. Joseph Allen by John Wallaston, represented by Vir ginia Moss of Littleton, N. C.; Co'tton (Please turn to page two) Meredith ond Stote Will Act As Hosts to Defegotion from ' State Colleges ' The Collegiate Press Association will hold its annual spring convention May 3, 4, and 5 at Carolina Pines, popular resort three miles south oI Raleigh. State College and Meredith College will act as joint hosts. Representatives from most of the North Carolina schools having publica tions are expected to attend the meet. E. J. Lassen, past editor of The Tectinician, is chairman of the com mittee on arrangements; J. B. Mc Intyre, past business manager of The Technician is having charge of the en tertainment; Cornelia Atkins, business ihanager of The TvAg, Is also on the entertainment committee; and Raw* lings Poole, business manager of The Agromeck is In charge of transporta tion. Among the speakers who have been secured are John Park, publisher of The Raleigh Times; Jonathan Daniels, editor of The News and Obset'ver; and Dr. Edwin McNeill Poteat. Awards will be given the best newB> papers, magazines, and annuals at the convention. The program of the convention follows: Thursday, May 3: 2:00-0:00 p.m. Registration—Caro lina Pines. 7:00-8:30 Wiener Roast— Carlton Auditorium. 9:00-1:00 Dance. Roof Garden of Carolina Pines Club House. Friday. May 4; 9:00-10:00 a.m. Appointing Com mittees. 10:00-13:00 a.m. Discussion Groups. 1:00 Lunch. 7:30 p.m. Banquet. 10:00 p.m. Dance. Roof Garden of Carolina Pines Club House. Saturday, May 5: 10:00 a.m. General Business Meet* ing. Dr. E. C. Herrick of Boston Speaks in Chapel Dr. Everett Carleton Herrick, Pres ident of Newton-Andover Theological Seminary of Boston, Mass., was the col lege speaker April 21. A connection has existed between Meredith and the Newtoh-Andover Seminary because Dr. L. E. M. Freeman of the college faculty and Dr. L. J, Peacock, father of Miss Carolyn Peacock, also of the faculty, formerly attended it. Dr. Herrick spoke of the present world dilemnm, in which there Is a superabundance of what people want, but can not obtain. The college stu* dent's task, he said, is to bring to bear on the problem, a trained imagina tion, to see whM others can not see, faith that can be put Into use and ability to see how much and where the world needs him. Freshmon Class Entertains "Big Sisters** Fridoy Friday morning, April 27, the Fresh man Class entertained Its Big Sister Class, the Juniors, at a breakfast at the old ohimney ou the campus. First, the Freshmen gathered In the court and sang a “wake-up” song to the Juniors. There was a fire In the old chimney and the girls toasted bacon and cheese (Please tiira to page two)

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