March 28» 1936 T H E T W I G PAGE THREE Athletic News ws j Well, Playmates, seasons come nnd seasoiiB go but syorta go on forever, if I may 1)0 permitted a trite expres sfon. First Hocltey, then Basketball, ami now Baseb'ali, and after that Soc cer. Baseball manager Marsfibanlcs Is niahing around these clays urging the campus diamond atars to haul out theii* gym suits and daah out for 'an afternoon of baseball. These old eyes were gladdened by the sight of the freshman assiduously practicing catch ing and pitching out in the court Mon day afternoon. Maybe their vigor will manage , to pervade-the campus, and soon there’ll be four class teams at eaci» others throats. So limber up your pitching and Imtting muscles and come out for school, for class and for fun—no less. (And take my word for it—It certainly is funny to aeo some of these dignified deans out on a baseball field.) Well, as is onr custom when we reach the end, we'll stop. But not be fore we’ve advised you once more to be in at style and go out for the cur rent sport—Baseball. Inter-hail'basketball season was con cluded by the team from first floor D’s winning the series. The team was coached by Vlviau Buffaloe, and was composed of the following: Caralee Butler, Jessie Currln, Betty Lyon. Kate Collier. Lib Guy, and Fauny Darby. Miss Warner entertained the mem bers of the monogram clnb at anppcr in the faculty parlor the other night to discuss current campus problems (and you can bet those ladies had a few rags to chew). Members are: Mildred Eaton, Katherine Liles, Doro thy Dockery, Martha Messenger, Louise Helsabeck, Henrietta Castle berry,' Nancy Bunn, Hazel Boswell, Paulino Covington. .And here let ua Kratelully-acknowl edge a contribution by Mr, John M. W, Hickg of Raleigh—?50 for 2 bicycles. And also contributions from Messrs. Correll, Mitchfleld, and Caviness toward a second Ping Pong table. Wanted—one more! And there’s coffee and weiners at the shack every Thursday at 5 p.m. for them as wants it. Take notice For Better PERMANENT WAVES Call 3716 THE PERMANENT MARCEL SHOP Capital Club Building YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE CALLY to have Just What You Wont in the line of foods you horse-back riders, hikers, and bik ers. Bata every Thursday at 6 p.m.! They do toll us that Annie Laurie Overton is playing 52 and Mary Bell 67 at the Raleigh Golf Association Course. (Reminds us of the thrill we felt when we once made the first ball in 24 flat.) To Margaret Seymour goes the sweat shirt given each year by Mr, Lewis of Lewis Sporting Goods Com pany to the one making the highest number of points during the basket ball season. Margaret made C7. Foreign Correspondents Wanted The Rev. Harry E. Young, secretary of the Overseas Friendship League, writes for “a list of names and ad dresses of young people interested in overseas correspondence." European and Asiatic young people have for some time made use of the League to keep Informed on political and social developments in foreign countries but few Americans have participated to date. Any young people wishing to COMMERCIAL PRDVTEWG CO. — PRINTING — RXJLING — BINDING South Salisbury Street Raleigh, N. C. Phone 3950 INDIVIDUALITY and ECONOMY Signify DENMARK’S Photogrophs join the League and correspond reg ularly with friends in other countries should write NSFA, 8 West 40, New York City. At this particular time in world history it is particularly Im portant to ilnd means of information. Student editors should be especially interested in eatabliahing these con tacts for news purposes. In addition, the object of the League is to promote international good will by moans of this correspondence, , Horseback Riding Golf • Tennis Get yoiu’ equipment from Carolina’s Largest Sport Store LEWIS SPORTING GOODS COMPANY 112 West Horgett Street YouVe Always WELCOME at WALGREEN’S 200 Fayetteville Street Program Weok Marcli 29-Aprll 4 WAKE SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY Shirley T«mple lii “THE LITTLEST REBEL” WBDNESDAY Ma« Weat in “ GOING TO TOWN” THITBSDAY l''riii>ds LodQi'cr in “THE GAY DECEPTION” FRXDAY Hnsh Herbert - Helou Broderick in “TO BEAT THE BAND” j REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS WITH AN EASTER GREETING | I From I CLUB NEWS COI.TON KXGLISII CLUB The Colton English Club met March 20 in Miss Ida Poteat’a art room. The faculty meml>ers had charge of the program which proved to 1)e exceed ingly amusing and entertaining. Miss Foster read Thackery’s The Kone ajict The Rinff, and Miaa Spruill showed lantern slides illustrating the story. LITTLK TIII:A'J'KK Friday evening, March 27, the Lit tle Theatre had a banquet at the Old Rose Inn, Patronesses, faculty mem bers, and students enjoyed the occa sion, HEY, GIRLS! GENUINE GOODYEAR WELT WVITE spearts • / Every con* ceivable type... Chillies... Kilties. Be(tedType8...TaiIored Styles... with built-up leather heels... copied from high'priced oxfords! Remark' able values! The Store for Style, Fit, and Courteous Service VA]\ITY TH I EM’S This Pretty Spring Weather Invites You Daily to — SI NCLAIR’S ...•I, HEAR THE CHEERS AND SHOUTS THEY'RE FOR MANGEL'S! The clicering section, for MANGEL’S has many transfers from other places. If you like enthusiastic clothes (not too blatant) you’ll adore MANGEL’S. Tlieir Dresses and Suits are a course in modern co-ordination. They confirm your own good taste and their lingerie and liosieiy make you feel luxurious. MANGEL'S BOYLAN-PEARCE, INC. "RALEIGH'S SHOPPING CENTER" IF irs NEW, WE HAVE ITI SUIT-ed for EASTER! Coats and Suits Outstaiidiug Stales for the College Girl! Man-tailored or Softly Feminine J* N. New Easter BLOVSGS Man-tailored or Frills 98« New Snappy Easter \ 1 MILLINERY $1.98 New Easter BAGS aud GLOVES Does and Kid $1.98 HUDSON-BELK CO. “Always New Fashions — Always a Modest Price**