SENIORS CROOK TWIG MOTHER’S MAY 10 Volume XV MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., MAY 9, 1936 NUMBER IS’ Campus Organizations Elect Officers For Coming Year Flora Kate Bethea To Be Vice FRANCES MORRIS GIVES President of Student Council B. S. U. AND PUBLICATIONS ALSO CHOOSE OFFICERS GRADUATING RECITAL Varied Program Includes Bach, Chopin, Hiller On Friday evening, May 8, at eight Within the last weeks the officers o’clock In the college aiiditorKim, Miss of most of the campus organizations Crawford presented Prances Morris in her graduating recital. Prances is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. B. E, Morris of tiurhem. 1936.1937 I, compos.,1 of the tollowlng „ . Bonrree G Major Bach have been elected. These girls will as sume office In the fall. The Oak Leaves staff for the year girls. Associate editor—Charlotte Wester. Senior editor—^Katherine Martin. Jnhipr editor—Adelaide Harris. Sophomore editor — Barbara Behrman. Photo editors—NeJl Choate, Betty Parker. Art editor—Dorothy Horne. Typists—Margaret Fishei, Elizabeth Bullard. The girls who were nominated and elected as members of the Acorn staff for the coming year are as follows: Associate editor — Mary Fay Mac Millan. Senior editors—Kate Covington, Gay- nelte Sorrell. Junior editors—Ann Potent, Mirvine Garrett. Sophomore editors—Catherine John ston, Mildred Ann Critcher. Poetry editor—Eleanor Cannon. Art editor—Effie Ray Calhonn, . Exchange editor—Lucille Cates. Book editor—Virginia Reynolds. Business manager—Mancy Powell. Assistant business innnagers—Betty Kickline, June Crow. The girls eleced for the Twio staff of 1936-1937 are; Business manager — Kate Mills Suiter. Assistant business managers—Helen Hilliard, Mary Jane Lindley. Associate editors—Prances Pittman, Mary Johnson MacMillan. Managing editors—Eleanor Edwards, Frances Tatnm, Dorothy Lowdermilk. Reporters for this publication have not yet been elected. The Student Council for the coming, year is composed of the following girls: Vice President—Flora Kate Bethea. Secretary—Mirvine Garrett. Treasurer—Margaret Love Clarke. House President of A—Mildred Crowder. House President of B—Betty Kich- llne. House President of D—Nannie Margaret Browne. Vice Presidents of A—Emily Brad- Bher, Chai-lotte Wester. (Please turn to page foui) Dr. and Mrs. Brewer Give Formal Dinner Honoring the Graduating Class seniors were honor guests at a formal dinner in the college dining room. Dr. and Mrs. Brewer were hosts for the countries, as well as not supplying occasion. All seniors, both resident them with ammunition.” and town students, were invited to be Miss Ellen Brewer, Miss Caroline Big Mrs. Boomhour, and Miss Ida Poteat. seniors is an annual affair at Meredith and was, this year, quite a festive oc casion. The Senior Class was also entertained at a tea Friday afternoon by the Amerl can Association of University Women From fourth Sonata for Violoncello Sonata Op. 26 Beethoven Andante con Varlazibni Scherzo and Trio Marcia Punebre Allegro Adagietto from' ‘TArlesienne" Blzet-Godowsky Chanson du Chausseur Grovlez From a Log Cabin MacDowell Concert-Etude, F sharp major MacDowell Etiide Op. 25, No. 1 Chopin Polonaise Op. 26, No. 2 Chopin Concerto F sharp minor F. Hiller Allegro quasi Fantasia (Orchestral accompaniment on a second piano by Miss Crawford.) Ushers for the recital were: Virginia Morris, Alma Huggins, Hazel Boswell, and Susan Emma Sloan. Following the recital a reception was given in the college parlors, The receiving line was composed of the fol lowing: Frances Morris, Miss May Crawford, Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Morris. Miss Margaret Overcash of Statesville. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brewer, Prof. and Mrs. Leslie P. Spelman, Miss Caro line Biggers and Miss Hazel Clarke. Those who assisted in serving at the reception were: Annie Mae Taylor, Dorothy Lowdermilk, Beverly Davis, Jean Davis, Susan Emma Sloan, Vir ginia Morris, Alma Huggins and Hazel Boswell. Mrs. Bowden Speaks To Students on the Emergency Campaign "Economic depression is a small price to pay for peace," said Mrs. D. J, Bowden, field representative of the Emergency Peace Campaign during her talk before the International Re lations Club, Thursday afternoon, April 2fl. Mrs. Bowden spoke again at the chapel service Friday morning and presented the purpose of this campaign to all the students. After chapel a committee, with Mary Chandler at the head, was appointed to work out plans to send representatives from Mere dith to participate In the campaign during the summer. “The purpose of this campaign,” said Mrs. Bowden, "is to arouse pacifist sentiment throughout the nation in an On Wednesday evening, May 6, the attempt to keep the United States neutral in case of a war, by not sending raw materials to any of the belligerent This campaign numbers among Its present. Other invited guests were sponsors Harry Emerson Fosdick, as chairman; Bishop Paul Kern, chair- gers. Miss Hazel Ruth Clark, Dean and man of the southern sponsors; Dean Elbert Russell, co-chairman; President Dr. and Mrs. Brewer’s dinner for the Frank P. Graham of Chapel Hill, E McNeill Poteat of Pullen Memorial :• Baptist Church, and about 200 other well-known people. An institute at Duke University will i- offer a course in peace campaigning (Please turn to page four) In Role of Mary Lamb school age who anticipated entering college within the next year or two. The majority of the giiests were from Edna Lkb Peoram DIFFICULT PLAY WELL GIVEN BY LITTLE THEATRE During the past week-end. May 2-3, Meredith was hostess to approximately ceed Pauline Perry. Edna Frances has u 1. i guests, principally Kiris of hleh been an active member of the Little / bi i» oi nign Theater since last year, and has had several important roles since then, The other officers are as follows: _ . _ Vice President Kate Covington North Carolina, but several high school Margaret Andrews of Virginia and South Carolina were Treasurer Charlotte Wester Business Manager ....Mirvine Garrett Assistant Business Manager Catherine Johnson registered by Mirvine Garrett In the Stage Manager Ruth Abernethy Rotunda. Friday night in the Phi Hall Costume Manager ... Mary Fay McMillan they were entertained at a party under Pearl Huffman was recently elected president of the Barber Biology Club " Herring, pres- Mirvine Garrett, Edna Lee Peg- ram Splendid As,Charles and Mary “Charles and Mary,” a dramatization of the lives of Charles and Mary Lamb, by Joan Temple, was presented by the Little Theatre, under the direction of Dr. Florence Hoagland, May 5. Edna Lee Pegram and Mirvine Garrett, in the leading roles, impersonated Mary and Charles respectively. The support ing cast included the following: Mr. Lamb Nina Binder Mrs, Lamb .Susan Rudisell John Lamb Edna Frances Dawkins Becky Katherine Shuford Jane Mary Johnson MacMillan William Godwin Margaret Kramer Mrs. Godwin Annie Elizabeth Coward Charles Dudley Martha Messenger Samuel Coleridge..,,Minnie Anna Forney Wm. Wordsworth Flora Kate Bethea George Dyer Mary Fay McMillan Hester Savory Betty Claire Jennings Mrs. Bracebridge....Catherine Johnson Music for the play was written by Dorothy Lowdermilk. and assisting with the music were Miss Mary Lee, Olive Hamrick and A1 Martin, of Wake Forest. Annabelle Hollowell did the staging for the play and Lucille Parker had charge of the costuming. Charles, a most admirable character, devoted his life to the care of his sister, Mary, who was driven to Insanity by her family. George Dyer, the absent- minded poet, afforded much laughter, while the pathos of closing scenes brought tears. Following the play the cast and mem bers of the Little Theatre were honored at a reception given by Mrs. C. O. Abernethy, patroness of the Little Theatre, in the college pavloi-s. CROOK APPEARS Coiliillf AS ll clilllUX to H till}' eiioiigrh in itself (whtit witli Ho8|iitAlJty Weck>eiidors, Mny l>iiy inid (lie lV»ice Ii'orcst filco Club) tlio resurrection of tlie €rook Siitiirda}- iiiglit tlire>r the whole KtiHleiit body into n state bordering: on liysterlii. Proin|it> I}' At twelve ocl»ck Soiumv HlAhil And Kuby Harrott, itiider tiie fAsciiiAtod g'Axe of tiie $itu> dents (of Meroditli iind M’ake For* est) disA|ipeare«1 beneath tlic poreh which eonnects A dornii- t^ry wltli (lio AdmiitlstrnMon biillillngri and brought forth the covoted relic from its liidin^r iiluco hi the >vall. For the hour the invlodions Rirains of "Sturdy Seniors’* ral> lied out over tlie CAiiiiiun,. wIiHe occasionally a note or two of Mte ratlier feeble ^^Tiiese Bonos” was heard. And the crook ex'cltenient Is over for another year. 150 High School Girls Spend Week-End Here EDNA FRANCES DAWKINS HEADS LITTLE THEATRE Barber Biology Club Also Elects New Officers At the last meeting of the Little Theater, Edna Frances Dawkins was elected president of the chib to sue to succeed Melba Gaskins. Ruth Sears was voted vice president for next year and Carrie Bowers, secretary. 250 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN MAY DAY FESTIVAL Elizabeth Davidson of Raleigh Crowned Queen Miss Elizabeth Davidson of Raleigh was crowned May Queen at the May Day Festival held In the grove Satur day afternoon at 4 o’clock. This year the pageant, "Sleeping Beauty,” was presented by the gym nasium classes under the direction of Mrs. Gertrude Royster Sorrell, head of the Physical Education department. About 250 students participated in the event. The Queen's Court was made up of the maid of honor, Dorothy Dent, and two attendants from each class. The class attendants were: Rena Pearl Hamilton and Mildred Patterson, seniors; Sue Brewer and Katherine Malloy, juniors; Jean Davis and Margaret Newlin, sophomores; and Joyce Howell and Ruth Hutchins, freshmen. Heralds for the occasion were Esther Mae Lanier and Virginia Lambert; Dorothy Crawford was the crown bearer and Mary Scott Daniel of Raleigh was the train bearer. The Jesters were Pauline Davis and Ella Ruth Perry. The prologue was read by Norma Rose, Tlie opening scene of the pageant was laid on the village green on the day of the christening of the infant princess. After a number of dances by the peas ants there was a procession of the priest with the god-mothers and the princess. Immediately followIiiR the christening, the wicked god-mother, who was uninvited appeared and pro and the awakening of the princess, fol lowed by a minuet by the entire court Margaret Kramer; Queen, Irene Tuth Guests From North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia ENTERTAINED WITH MAY DAY, BALL GAME AND CONCERT also represented. Upon arrival the visitors were ident of the freshman class. At the chapel hour Saturday morning, the guests were welcomed by Dr. Brewer and the president of the student body, Ann Bradsher. Following the words of welcome, members of the Glee Club entertained by singing three numbers. In the afternoon a Father-Daughter Baseball game was held on the Athletic Field, the daughter team being victor ious. At 4:00 o'clock followed the May Day exercises in the grove. At the conclusion of these events, the guests were invited to the court, where a picnic supper was provided for them. The Wake Forest Glee Club enter tained at S:00 o'clock In the auditorium with a varied program of music, and at fl;30 the guests were invited to a reception in the college parlors. Sunday morning, special busses were chartered to convey the guests and their hostesses to Sunday school and churcii. Kappa Nu Sigma Gives Banquet and Lecture Recital Honoring New Members Honoring its newly elected members from the Junior Class, Margaret Kramer and Eleanor Edwards, the Kappa Nu Sigma Honor Society en tertained at a banciuet on Tuesday night. April 2S, in the college dining hall. Following tlie banquet the society sponsored a lecture-recltal in the col lege auditorium. Norma Rose, pres ident of the organization, presided. Dr. Glen Haydon, of the music De nounced a curse on the infant. Scene partnient of the University of North II was the celebration of the eighteenth p.,,.„n„„ , , , u. or the Seen. Ill represented the Interlude of one hun- Hansen, an instructor in the dred years, during which the princess department of the University, and her court were in sleep. The final save ti lecture on the life of Johannes scene was the entrance of the prince Brithms. with special emphasis on Brahms’ technique in some of his great est works. After the lecture a musical The cast of the pageant was as piogram made up of four groups of follows: The Princess, Dorothy Dock- Brahnrs works was given, Mr. Hansen ery; The Prince, Lucille Davis; King, at the piano. Dr. Haydon and Mr. Hansen then played a sonata from 111; Pages, Juanita Glossou and Sada Brahma for the clarinet and piano, Louise Clarke: Priest, Nancy Allen; wicked God-mother, Louise Bolus; God- INTERMEZZO OP. U8, IN’ A MINOR mothers, June Crow, Betty Lyon, INTERMEZZO OP. 118. IN A MAJOR Marjorie Collins. Alice La Roque, RHAPSODIE OP. 119, IN E FLAT (Please turn to page two) (Please turn to page two)