) ■ ' RALEIGH, N. a Commencement Moy 28-31 Volume.XV Commencemenf Moy 28-31 WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB DIRECTED IN CONCERT MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C,, MAY 22, 1&37 Varied Program Included Classi cal and Popular Selections The. Wake Poreat Oiee Club, under the direction ot I>yman Seymour and accompanied by Howard Ross, pre sent^ a concert in the college audl- loriuij) oil .Tuesday evening, Ma/11, This was not the flvat appearance .6t the 0)ee Ciub^t Meredith this. year. On M^rch 21 the Meredith and Wake rorest 01^ ;,.ciuba presented the ora torio, the ' by Mendelssohn. B^BidesileTeral renditions .by. the Qlee Oliib, two numbers were 'sun^ by a' double qiiartei and (wo Instru mental s^lMtlons, a cornet solo bj; Walton Harrel and a piano solo by. Ly man Seymour, were rendered. The program presented was as fol lows: I . ‘Wow Let Every ToDgue”...........,..Bach “Where’er You Walk”....Handel Spross “ilohn Peel” Andrews Glee Club *'0 Peaceful Night" German '‘Rolling Down to Rio” German Double Quartet "Sounds from the Hudson" Clarke Walton Harrell, cornet solo "The Two Grenadiers"- Schumann “You. in a Gondola" Clarke "MosqultoeB” Bliss Glee Club "Poiohinelle” Rachmaninoff Lyman Seymour, piano “Standtng in the Need of Prayer’* •i-iTi-rr/Spiritual- . “All Day on the Prairie" Guion "The Drum" Gibson “Morning" Speaks Glee Club As encores the Glee Club sang "Home on the Range” and "Dear Old Wake Forest." During the evening meal, previous to the concert, a quartet composed of Albert Simms of Raleigh, Bnice Steves of Massillon, Ohio, David Morgan of Creedmoor, and Ernest Byrd of Dur ham favored the Meredith students with a spiritual. NUMBER 13 Commencement Speakers —t DR, T. F. ADAMS TO DELIVER COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS MEREDITH STUDENTS RECEIVE HIGH HONORS Blind Organist Winner of Scholar ship Offered by Curtis Institute Faison Chai'lton, pupil of MUs Ethel Rowland, recently tied for first place In the State Music Contest held in Greensboro. Last year slie won second place in this contest. - On Saturday, May 15, she won first place in a con test sponsored by the Woman’s Club of Raleigh, Bernard Williamson, blind orgaulst, and pupil oi: Professor Leslie P. Spel- man has won an organ scholarship offered by tlie Curtis Institute of Phila delphia and will study with Alexander McCurdy. Willia^sou was one of the fifteen out of five hundred candidates chosen for the final tryouts which were held in Phtludeiphla. This scholarship In cludes free tuition in organ, piano, and any other musical subjects, unlimited pi'actice facilities, and a paying church position while he is continuing his studies In Philadelphia. Mr. Williamson studied organ and theory at Meredith during IftSd-SS, and has coutinued to come for organ lessons while enrolled at the University of North Carolina for the past two years. DB. 0. T. HIMKIiEV DR. LUTHEH LITTLE DR. THEODORE F. ADAMS CLASS DAY PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED IN GROVE MAY 29 Society Night Will Be Held In College Auditorium Sat- urday Evening The annual class day program will be presented in the gvove at four- thirty o'clock on Saturday afternoon. May 29. The Eophomores will carry the daisy chain and sing the traditional "Odd class" song to their big sisters. The seniors will walk through the daisy chain and present a play In the amphi theatre. After the play the sophomores will sing again to their big sisters, and the seniors will respond, and then sing to their big sisters, the class of '35, which is having a I’eunion this year. The procession leaves the grove with the seniors leading. Society Night will be at eight o’clock oil Saturday evening. The societies enter alternately singing their songs. The main speaker of the evening has not yet been announced. Following his address the society awards will be presented. The Minnie Jackson Bowl ing medal, offered annually by the Philaretian Society for the best essay submitted will be presented by Dr. E. H. Bowling. Mr. Z, V. Turlington will present the Carter-Upchurch medal which is offered by the Astrotekton Bociety. Included in the program of the eve ning will be the following: Silver Shield tapping ceremony, annouucemQnt of awards In the English department and athletic awards, and announcement of new members of the Kappa Ku Sigma Honor Society. Following the nrograni a reception will be given by the two societies. LAST IN SERIES OF FACULTY CONCERTS GIVEN MAY 14 John E. Toms, Tenor, of Caro lina, Sings Group of Songs The last in the series ot faculty con certs was given by the Meredith Col lege Trio on Friday evening, May 14, at 8 o’clock, in the college auditorium. This concert by the trio, which Is com posed of Edgar H, Alden, violin, Pauline Wagar, violoncello, and Aileen McMillan, piano, was the ninth of the series. The trio was assisted by John B. Toms, tenor, and David Beaty, ae- conipanist. The selections in the program were as follows; Trio in B Minor Haydn Allegro moderato Andante Rondo II mio Tesoro (Don Giovanni) Mozart Mlnnelied Brahms Lerchengosang Brahms Thy Dark Eyes to Mine Griffea To a Hill Top ; Cox Trio in C.Major Brahms Allegro Adante con moto Scherzo Allegro giocoso COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM FINAL STUDENT CONCERT TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY, MAY 28 The iinai concert of tha year to be presented by the students of the music department will be given on Friday night, May 28, at 8:}0 o’clock In the college auditorium. The progi-am will consist of organ, piano, and voice selectlouB. Those stu dents taking part In the exercises are as follows: May Marahbanks, Rachel Leonard, Ruth Nowell, Louise Daniel, Llsette Allgoqd, William Barnard, and the members of the Glee Club. Acoom* paniats will be Evelyn Britt • and Dorothy Lowdermllk. Friday, 3Iii)^ 38 4 {80 Stiulor Art Exhibit. 8j00 p.ni.—AniMK;! ('oiicort. Satiinliiy, Itlny IhSU H.III.—•Aiiiiiitil of Khiiini >'h Slgnta Huiior Society. 10:210 —Aliiniiiao Assuclh- tion. —Aliiinuiic TiUiiclieon. 4tllO iMiii.—Class Dlly. ihiii.—Society Sight. Sunday, May SO IIHNI Uaccaluureato Ser> ninii, Dr. Lutlier LIttIo, Cliarlotto, jr. c. 4:00 Art Exhibit. 6:S0 pan.—Step Singing. SjOO |i.»i.-~AIl8sloDary Sermon, Dr. 0. 1'. Binkley, Chnpel Hill, N. C. 9I6nday, Huy 81 IOjSO iMn. — Coiiimeiicement Exvrolsee, Litorury nddroHs, Dr. Tlieodore F. Adams, Uloliinoud, Ya. Conferring of degroes. DeUverlng of lllbles. ELIZABETH RETHBERG, EZIO PINZA APPEAR IN CONCERT Final Concert of Season Pre> sented by Civic Music Association On Wednesday night, May 19, at 6:30 in the Raleigh Memorial Audi torium the final concert of the season was presented by the Raleigh Civic Music Association. Featured in this concert were Elisa beth Rethberg, soprano, and Ezio Pinza, basso. Metropolitan opera stars, who have recently completed a tour they have been niakins in Australia. Edwlr McArthur was the accompanist. The program was as follows: Aria: QuI sdegno non s’accende (The Magic Flute) Mozart Alma Mia Handel O Bellissimi Capelli... Falconierl Che flero costume LegrenzI Mr. Pinza Come Again! Sweet Love..... Dowland 0 Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me? Handel Alleluia Mozart Miss Rethberg Duet: La ei dareni lu niano (Don Giovanni) Mozart Miss Rethberg and Mr. Pinza Wohin? .Schubert Du bist wie eine Bluine Schumann Im Herbst Franz Standchcn Richard Strauss Miss Rethberg Fiocea la Neve Clmara Aria: Mephistopheles' Serenade (Faust) Gounod Aria: II lacerato splrito (Simon Boecanegra) Verdi Mr, Pinza The Swallow Duet (Miguon)....Thomas Miss Rethberg and Mr. Pinza Baccalaureate and Missionary Sermon to be Preached by Dr. Little and Dr. Binkley Dr. Theodore F. Adams, pastor of fae First Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, wiir deliver the graduation address Monday, May 31, at 10:30 o’clock in the college auditorium. Be fore his call to Richmond, Dr. Adama was pastor of the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church In Toledo, Ohio. Dr. Adams Is very much interested in young peoples' work; last summer he was at Ridgecrest as one of the princi pal speakers during the Student Re* treat. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached Sunday morning. May 30, at 11:00 o’clock by Dr. Luther Little. Dr. Little is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Charlotte. Mr. 0. T. Binkley, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Chapel Hill, will deliver the Missionary Sermon Sunday evening at 8:00. Mr. Binkley works with the students at the Uni versity of North Carolina, where he conducts an open forum. Following the commencement ad dress by Dr. Adams Monday morning Dr. Brewer will award the diplomas and give his farewell message to the graduating class. After the singing of an anthem by the college choir. Dr. Brewer will present to each senior a Bible with her name engraved on the cover. The commencement cxercIses will be concluded with the singing of the Alma Mater, and tlie audience will be dismissed with the benediction. ANNUAL ART EVENING HELD IN HONOR OF SENIOR CLASS PAINTINGS OF SENIORS AND STUDENTS TO BE SHOWN An exhibit of the work done in the art dopartmont during tha year will be open to the public in tho parlors of the Admlnlfltratlnn Building during the week end of commenconient. Sched uled for Friday afternoon at 4:30, May 28, is tho senior art exhibit which will be hung in the blue parlor. It will IncUulG the best work of tho senior art students who are Abie Wilson, Bffle Ray Calhoun, Margaret Blanchard, Helen Hilliard, Peggy Perry. Ruth Abernathy, and Nina Hackney. Living Portraits Reproduce Works of Gainsborough in Program The Art Department of Meredith, College presented a program of living pictures Monday evening. May 10. at 8:00. This program has for years been given In honor of the senior class. Those seniors ospecially honored were the following who nmjored in art: Ruth Abernethy of Raleigh, Bffle Raye Cal houn of Scotland Neck, Ella Ruth Pen-y of Colerain. Margaret Blanchard of Rose Hill, and Addle Belle Wilson, of High Point. Pictures presented this yenr were all by Gainsborough, an English artist of the eighteenth century, who was noted for his portraits, espociully those of women. A family group of Mr. and Mrs, Gainsborough and daughter was posed by Miss Warner of tho faculty, Frances Olive and Mary Mar tin. A remarkably true presentation of Mrs. Slddons, a famous actress ot the day, was given by Miss Doris Tillery of the faculty, and the dashing Duchess of Devonshire was posed by Sadie Massey. Other portraits were Eliza and Tommy Lindley, posed by Addio Bell Wilson and Waldlne Bass; Sir William Pitt, by Elizabeth Eillot; Sir William Hlackstoue by Misa Lena Barber of the faculty; and the well-known Blue Boy by Elizabeth Poteat of Raloigh. Miss Ida Poteat, hoad of the Mere dith Art Department, gave an Intro ductory sketch for each picture which was accompanied With a i-eproductlon flashed on a screen. The final picture. “A Portrait of Today a la Gains borough,” was arranged by Dorothy Horne, and Kate Mills Suiter posed for tbie picture.

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