COLLEGE fiAimn. « a State Fair October 12-16 irnniitrm Patronize Our Advertisers Volume XVn PuUUfhed Biweekly aa the Official Or^n of the Student Body of Meredith Collese Meredith Stunt Day fTo Be October 30th Class Stunts Crowning Feature; Athletic Contests October 30 has been decided upon by the Meredith student body as the date for Stunt Day, which Is one of the biggest events ol the Meredith year. Many ot the alumnae wilt return for the day and Uke part in the activities. Tbe clasB having the largest per centage ot students present (or the Pallo and afternoon events will again be rewarded by reserved seata (or Stunt Night. This Is a distinct convenience as well as an honor. * . Tbe afternoon activities begin with the Pallo, a parade ot the members of each class, The girls wear clever and original coatumea, and a prize. will be given to the best costumed - class.' After the Pallo, there will be exciting con tests and races between the classes. Then there will be the alumnae- student contests In various sports. Margaret Kramer, ot the class ot '37, will' be in charge ot alumnae sports, and Betty Vernon, minor aports manager, will direct tbe students. One ot tbe features ot the afternoon is the Impromptu stunt presented by the alumnae. After the contests there will be step-singing on the steps of the Administration Building. This is ^iih- presslve events ot the day. Each class will sing its class song and will be judged by the way it la rendered. The Athletic Associa tion also present a prize ot five dollars to the elrl who writes tbe best music for the class song. The crowning event ot the day will be tbe presentation ot the class stunts in the evening. There is always the keenest ot competition between the classes over the stunts and some remarkable and excel lent dramatic productions have been given. The classes have begun work on their stunts and have tbe next month in which to prepare them tor presentation. They will be Judged on the basis ot originality, production, and ability to stay within the time limit. When the stunts are over the Judges will make their decision and a silver loving cup will be . awarded to the class which wins first prize. Then tbe winners ot all afternoon contests will be an nounced and prizes given. To take honors on Stunt Day Is the aim of all Meredith classes and the cup is the moat coveted ot all tbe col lege trophies. Stunt Day is sponsored by tbe Athletic Association and will be directed by Harriet Rose, presi dent of the association. The Acorn Presents Two New Features TheArst tssueof "The Acorn,V students’ Ut«rAry magazine, wil) be (listrlbatcd October 10. This Issne ot “The Acom” will Include several new features. There will bo • new fenture colnmn, ‘'Qnlps and Qoiddl- ties,” written by Jane Yelver* ton. This column wlU be writ* ten in picturesque speccli and will matce use of boners. The exchange coliimn, also written by Jane Yelverton, will be different this year. Instead of giving excerpts from sevenU college newspapers and maga zines, It will bo more of a dl« gest. The editor of this column will suggest several ortlclee that she thinks will be interest* ing to the students. There will also be the regu« lar stories, essays, poems, and book reviews. Juno Pay Sewell is tbe edl* tor, and Mary Herring Is the business manager ot “The Acorn.” DR. COOPER TO FRESENTORCiN • LL MEREDITH COLLEGE. RALEIGH, N, C„ OCTOBER 15, 1937 ilQR SUPERLATIV (1) Mirvlno Garrett, “Miss Meredith”; (2) Margaret OBrlan, most beantlful: (8) Anne Pot„i.t. wittiM, (7) Annlo Long Bradsher, catest; (8) Frances Tatum, most Intellectual- Darnti.v’ Howard, most original, ,0) Haze. Bass, most stylish, („, j«^e Pay JZSZ Program Will Include Compostions of deBricqueville, Bach, Franck and Vierne. HANY SENIORS TEACH IN THE an SCHOOLS 34 Meredith Girls Do Supervised Teach ing During Fall A large number of Meredith stu dents have gone into tbe public schools of Raleigh to do supervised teaching. Among those teaching in the graded eohools are: Annie L. Bradsher, second grade, at Fred Qlds, Leola Gray, fourth grade, at Pred Oldsi Helen Edwards, third grade, at Boylan Heights; Mary F. Mills, fourth grade, at Boylan Heights; Jennie R. Newby, second grade, at Boylan Heights; Harriet Rose, fifth and sixth grades, at Boy- Ian Heights; Mary B. Beil, second - grade, at Hayes-Barton; Nannie M. Brown, third grade, at Hayes-Bar- ton; Bernice Ricks, fourth grade, at Hayes-Barton; Annie Vannoy, fl^tb grade, at Wiley: Sara L. Wil liamson, sixth grade, at Wiley; Dot Haywood (to be placed), Margaret Weatherspoon, se$ond grade, at Wiley. .The following will teach In the Raleigh high schools: Betsye Ad ams, mathematics, at Hugh Mor- son: Grace Betts, BngUsh, at Hugh Morson; Bmlly Bradsher, Bngllah, Hugh Morson; France's Garriss, history, Hugh Morson; BUiel Jones, home eoonomlcB, Hugh'Mor- •on; Nellie Mettrey, French, Hugh ‘‘'Motmb; Klltpn Peele, chemistry, T^Mtlnued on page 4. Dr. Harry E. Cooper, Dean ot Music, will present an organ re cital October 22. He was former ly bead ot the Department of Mu sic at Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas, and succeeds Leslie P. Spelman, who Is now at the Uni verslty ot Redlands, Redlands, California. The program will Include: Prelude and Fugue in D major Bach This brilliant prelude and fugue were written during tbe master's Weimar period. ' They possess charming freedom and vigor and. were probably intended for concert use and not for the church serv Ice. Cantablle in B MaJor....i^rancfc This cantablle has been aptly described aa “the loving, un hurried lingering over beauty.” Cesar Franck, the great Belg^lan composer, is perhaps best known for his Symphony in D Minor and the three Chordes tor Organ.. For many years be was organist ot St. Chatilde, Paris. Christus Resurrexit..AavaneKe An Easter song ot triumph in which the trumpets are heard to reiterate time and again “Christ Is RIsent Christ Is Risen Today." Slcilllenne Weitz This charmingly polished, yet essentially dignlfled number, 1s one ot the worthwhile recent con trlbutlons to organ literature. Quy Weltz Is a great London organist. Marche Champetre Botk A delicate “rustic” march. Etude tor the Pedals Alone deBrioguevitle Intermezzo .Ferrari Qustav Ferrari Is an organist ot Qeneva, Switzerland. Oarlllon de West minster TifTne —Continued on page 4. National Collegiate Press Convention to Be Held In Chicago The sixteenthnational conven tion ot Associated Collegiate Press will meet in Chicago, October 14- 10. The convention Is a three-day short course /in all problems ot collegiate publishing, plus In spirational talks and a generous mixture ot tun. - A total ot tour hundred and four college publishers representing one hundred ,and slxty-nlne' publica tions In one hundred and thirty* five colleges and universities were present at the Louisville confer- ence last year. This year's crowd is expected to be even larger. SUSANNE FISHER WILL APPEAR IN coraM.s Jan Snneterlin, Pianist, Trudi Schoop’s Comic Ballet, and National Symphony. Orchestra Complete the Year’s Program. Four outstanding artists of music and the dance will be brought to Raleigh this tall by the Civic Music Association. The first concert ot tbe year will be given November 8, by Susanne Fisher, youthful lyric soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, Miss Fisher was reared on a farm in West Virginia; she received.her musical training at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Juililard and the Berlin Hochscule for Mu- sik. She made her debut in 1931 at the Berlin Staatsoper where she remained for three seasons sing ing lyric roles. Her next two seasons were spent at the Opera Comiaue in Paris where she sang leading soprano roles in “Mahon," “La Boheme/’ “Butterfly," and “Louise." On December 26, 1936, she made her debut at the Metropolitan in the role ot “Butterfly." She has sung In fourteen subsequent per formances there with five different roles. Jan Smeterlln, Polish-born musi cl^, will play here in a concert December 13. He Is recognized throughout Europe aa a pianist ot —Continued on page 4. SILVER SHIELD PLANS TO SELECT HEHBERS Members of the Silver Shield Honor Society will ineet soon to elect two associate members from the Junior Class. They will choose these on^the basis of constructive leadership, Christian character, and service to the school. Only six members of the Senior Class are given full standing in this organisation, which was in stigated by the class of '36 for tbe purpose of recognizing girls who have proved themselves outstand ing In perpetuating the Ideals ot Meredith. The aim is to bring about an understanding between tbe student^ and faculty, promote a well-rounded student life, and set^a hlgh standard ot honor and coiiiierBtlon in the student body, Tbe members this year «r«: Margaret O'Brlan, president, who ■~Oontinued on page 4. Kappa Nu Sigma Officers Elected For *37-^38 Sessioa At a recent meeting of the Nu SIngma Honor Socle* ty, officers current year were elected. Adelaide 'Hat*# of Norwood, senior editor of ‘‘Oak Leav^” is president of tlio society. Other offlcen are: Ethel Jones of Oary, president of (Jte. fowl 1^* Olab, Ttc«> prMidrat; Nancy Powell of Wlnston>SaIccn, vice • president of the Astrotekton Literary So* cl^y, siecretary-treasurer, and Frances Tatum, editor of “The Twig," reporter. Dr. Helen Price, professor of Latin and Greek, Is correspondent. Bach year the society spon* sors a lecture, and at this time Junior members are received. Object of the society Is to on* courage and reward good schol* arshlp, and Itie primary basis for election, other activities being token into con* sideration only In case of a tie. An average grade ot B on all work is essential for election to membership, and students of high standing are elected at the —Continued on page 4. WORKS OF BACH AltDSTOESSELIN VIOLIN RECITAL '."■■•V- .■ Mr. and Mfg. AVaeir Give Second of Fac ulty Concerts The second Id tho series of fac ulty concerts will be given Mon day, October 29, by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Alden. Miss Aileen Mc Millan will be the accompanist. The program for tUe violin recital is as follows: Suite Antique Sioewel Bourree Sarabande Rlgaudon Aria Gigue Gondollera -^fisfcojosfci-ifni'tntamt Impromtu Qoosens Andante trom.Serenade....Sin(Jf«ff Concerto In D Minor Bach Vivace Largo ma non tanto Allegro Astros and Phis Receive New Girk Into Societies The friendly rivalry between the Phllaretian Society and the As- rotekton Society reached its peak on Saturday, October 2. when all new girls on our campus made tbeir decision In favor ot one ot the societies. The new girls marched down purple and white and yellow and white draped aisles and turned right to the Joy ot the Phis or left to the happiness ot the Astros. In the crowd and con fusion all names of new members were not recorded, but to date the count gives the Astros 126 to the Phis, 94. Following this pledging each society formally took in new members Monday evening, October 4. Tbe Phllaretian Society held their traditional beautiful installa tion service in the Phi Hall. The Astrotekton Society initiated their new members in true Astro style and then held a brief celebration in tbe eociety hall. Decision Day was pr^eded by a week ot rushing by the society members. Each society gave Us an nual party on Monday, September 24. At 6:46 the Phis escorted the new girls to the "Phi Fair" In pro cess in tbe Pbl Hall. The guests were taken through all the stands In which many marvelous per formances were to be found. The singing by Alice Bruton and Doro thy Haywood and the dancing by Nell Williams and Emily Bradsher were popular attractions. After seeing all the side shows, the guests were taken to the refresh ment stand. At 8100 o’clock the new girls were witnesses to an impressively beautiful wedding in the Astro Hall when Margaret O'Brien, Miss New-Girl, became the bride of Jenny Reid Newby, Mr. Astro-Tek- ton. The musical program wns rendered by Mary Gavin, soloist, and Emily Bethume, pianist. Bridesmaids and ushers were chosen from the old members ot the society. On Friday night the Phllaretlans held their annual display ot fire works in the college court, and the Astrotekton annual candlelight singing service on the steps ot the dining hall. Then after breakfast on Decision Day a large plane flew low over the college court, drop ping small planes on which were Invitations to Iwcome Astros, A little while later; a fire truck, complete with siren, hose, ladders, and firemen, came up the drive. New girls were ridden to the gate and back at an invitation of tlie Phis. Officers of the Astrotekton Society are: Kate Mills Suiter, president; Geraldine Tuttle, secre tary; Nancy Brewer, treasurer. Phllaretian ottlcers are: Carolyn Parker, president; Mary Stewart, rice president; Mary Martin, aeore- tfry; and Sarah Oole, treasurer. Number 2 Mirvine Garrett Wins Title “Miss Meredith” FRESHMAN PRESIDENT Margaret O’Brian, Most Beautiful; Har riet Rose, Most Ver satile; Wilba Mills Unanimously Elected Most Athletic. VIRGINIA MORGAN PLAYWRITING CONTEST ENDS mmm ist Week’s Production of Prize Winning" Plays Guaranteed by Fed eral Theatre Project. Announcement ot the postpone ment of the closing date of the College Playwritlng Contest to ftovem'Der- more than doubled the number of scripts'en tered, according to the joint sponsors, the WPA Federal Theatre Project and its National Collegiate Advisory Committee, Entries received thus far In dlcate a preference tor “poetic drama" o£ tho typo Maxwell Ander son has recently brought Into prom Inence. Plays dealing with social problems, both on the campus and off, seem to predom Inate. Scripts from every region ot the country and from colleges ot all types are being read by the Judges. Originally scheduled to closo on September 1st, tho contest period was extended two months to en able student Dlaywi'lghts to rework their scripts on the advice of their drama Drofeesors after the opening ot college this fall. Any regularly enrolled student in an American collcgo inny sub mit an original full-tength script. There Is no restriction of theme but the direct observation ot con temporary American life will be preferred. "A contestant can show what is happening to people—all sorts ot people. In America today,” Hallle Flanagan, national director of the project, said In discussing the pos sibilities ot play material on the observation of contemporary American life. “Not that the plays should be restricted to a study ot the one third of our nation which is Ill- housed, Ill-clad, ill-nourished, though these millions are so In escapably a part ot America today, that they are subjects tor drama. “Even more potently,” Mrs. —Continued on page 4. ART DEPARTMENT TO SHOWNE^FEATURES The Art Department has ar ranged for two ouutanding fea tures which will be shown at the college In about two weeks. One of the features is a three-reel movie entitled, “We’re All Artists,” which Is to be secured through the Harmon Foundation. This movie will be an instructive one, dealing with such subjects as simple de sign, the Influence of machinery on art, the development and im provement of personal taste, and how art is serving a useful pur pose. The other feature coming soon Is an exhibit of color prints ot paintings by modern masters of the Intpresslonlst and past-lmpres- slonlst schools. Tbe exhibit will be loaned by the Metropolitan Museum ot Art. Mirvine Garrett of Greens boro was unanimously elected “Miss Meredith” at a meeting of the Senior Class held in the rotunda Tuesday night, Octo ber 5. Mirvine is president of the student body and has re ceived many other honors while attending Meredith. She is among “Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges,” and is a member of the Silver Shield Honor So ciety. Harriet Rose ot Wadesboro, president of the Athletic Associa tion, was voted the most versa-, tile, and Wllba Mills of Aj>ex, president of the Monogram Club, was chosen most athletic by a unanimous vote of the class. The title ot most beautiful was voted to Margaret O’Brian, Ashe- boro, president of the Silver Shield. Anne Poteat. president of the Senior Class, was unanimously chosen most popular. Other superlatives chosen were: Annie Long Bradsher, Rox- boro, the cutest; Frances Tatum ot Fayetteville, editor of The Twia most Intellectual: Hazel Bass ot Parmvllle, college marshal, was ’be.,^5'08t stylish: Lillian Poe, Oxford, a88(Kyai”eaYitr. o' The Acorn, the wittiest; Dorothy Howard of Weldon, the moat orig inal, and June Fay Sewell, editor of The Acorn, chosen best all round town student. Miss Sewell Is from SetCner, Fla. The meeting was presided over by Anne Poteat ot Shanghai. China, president ot the class. Plans for the stunt wei-e discussed and chairmen for the various com mittees were appointed, as fol lows: Jane Yelverton, Raleigh, staging; Elizabeth Henley, Ra leigh, writing; Kilton. Peele ot Goldsboro, propei-tles; Virginia Penny ot Cary, costumes; Eleanor Rodwell, Norllna, programs; Emi ly Bethume, Bunn Level, music, and,Wllba Mills, vice-president of the class, will be In charge of tbe seniors Stnnt Day. MEREDITH STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN B.S.U. CONVENTION The B. S. U. Convention this year will be held at Appalachian State College In Boone October 22-24. Of most Importance on the pro gram will be Dr, Herbert Gezark who spoke last year at the B. S. U. Retreat at Ridgecrest. The topic of his address Is not known yet. but an Interesting fact about his life is that he Is a native ot Ger many and came to America sev eral years ago because ot the con ditions In Germany. Meredith College will have a def inite part on the program. A group ot Meredith students will present a musical tableau, "My All for Christ." Dorothy Lowderwllk' will be the pianist for tlie conven tion. Two other Meredith girls will have parts on the program, “Chris tian victories In Student Lite To day." These will be five minute talks presented by Barbara Behr- man whose topic will be, “My Ex perience In World Affairs,” based on her European trip, and Mar garet Lee Liles whose topic will be, "My Experience In the State.” Miss Liles has been connected with Sunday School field work in the state this suntmer. One min ute reports will be read by a rep resentative from each campus telling some one thing that has been done in the last year that will mean tlie most to other students. A bus will go straight from Raleigh, the fare being |4.26 (dr the round trip.

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