l\00A luav PubHshed Bi-Weekly as the Official Organ of the Student Body of Meredith College MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 1, 1940 nood IHdv Number 10 No Final Examinations This Spring f Swimming Pool To Become Reality In Very Near Future Plans Finished For Modest Gym to House Small Indoor Pool; Nominations for Life Guard Turned in by Nominating Commit^ tee; Election to be Held in Chapel This Friday “Rah! Rah! Rah!” the sounds came from the direc tion of the college auditorium on March 32. It had just been announced to the student body that final ly enough coupons had been saved and the swimming pool was at last to become a re ality. Plans (nr llie Innovation coiiKist of n. Bitiall lochci’ room approxl* ntatety the siiiiie UinicDslonB os first floor A Iormtory, nn upslolrB to be enved for next year's Junior- Senior, beside the pool, wlilcli will 1)6 ’only two feel longer llian llic Indoor pool recently completed In Chapel Hni. The bli; problem now remaining Is wlio eIiiiII serve ne life guard and Instructor. Tho nonilmtllng committee hns mnde the followins nominations: Richard Gi-eene, Ty rone Power and Johnny Weismul ler, all other nominations must be in by C;00 o'clock, Thuraduy. Tlie election will be held In cimpel, Friday. New Butler Here NOT only does Meredith have a now maid, but a butler has been added to the stiitf. He will anuouiiee guests at all formal diniierti. He’s "Rhett" nlco. Isti'l he. girls? Ice Cream To BeQiven Away B-Hive To Give Ice Cream To Undernourished; B-Hive Business on D'ecline This pleo for help ciime from the B-Hlvo staff not ho long ago. The B-Hlve is kept open about ten hours a day so that whoever will may drop In for something to eat /or drink; yet they don't seem to be getting much trade. Everyone saved up their money before Gaster so that letters bugging for more travelling expenses would not have to be written, and since Easter they iiftven’t overcome their thrifty liablts. Hardly anyone slops by (or re- fresiiment, even after a half-liour workout in the gym. The staff hits noticed, too. that ■ good many of the girls arc lolling around on the campus looking week and wan. They seem thin and undernour ished, ahd one wonders if they are too miserly to get something nour ishing to eat for tliemselvcs, or whether they are too weak as a result of fo]-mer misorllnoss to make tlieir way in tottering steps to Uie B-Hive. As a result of ibolr concern for the health of all Meredith girls, the B-Hlvo manager, Joyce McIn- tyre, has onoounced tllat on next Monday Ico ci-eam will be given away. On account of the healthful (qualities of Ice cream, tiiey are putting at least three huge scoops of fee cream In each cone, and, If the person looks partlculas'ly un dernourished, slie will got four scoops full. Maybe these donations will prove to bo Incentives toward eating and drinking fn the B-Hivo onco more for better heallh. Than, too, with ©very package o( ptationery that you buy the B-Hive Is giving out little bracelets on which are spring fover thermome- Breakfast To Be Served In Bed To Girls Orders Will be Taken and Filled From 7:30 to 10:00; Varied Menus to be Posted Daily; Loyal Cooperation Of All Girls Is Asked Meredith girls noed nu longer worry aljout getting up in time for bi'cakfast, Kcir several reuHons it has boeti decided lliat each girl will be served her morniug meal in bed between 7:30 and 10:00 ci'otook. First, the cooks in the kltciicn will enjoy cooking a num ber of dishes. It Is iiwfuMy boring to tiiem to prepare food of one kind In such large ([uantlties ciicb day. Then, loo. since there 'are around fiOO girls and only ubuut tWBiUy waltresHes. then it will be easier on the waitresses to serve each individual than to serve six teen lit one lime, fOvery one Is asked to give iior complete coopera- tlon 80 that tho plan may be sue- cessfiilly carried out. The menus will be numerous and varied, and each girl is asked to piione her order Into the dining hull upon awakening. The menu for tomoi row morning bas been planned and is ns follows: Choice nf: Practice In Football To Begin Today Those Interested Are Urged to Come Out; Twenty-five Sign Up; Rose Bowl, Team Aim Spring practice for the 1940 Meredith College foot ball squad will begin this afternoon at 2:30 in the court. All those interested are urged to come out. A number have already signed up for prac tice.' The following list was recently released l)y the varsity coach. Mrs. Gertrude Sorrell and her able line coach, James Lashley: Ends— Juanita Stainback, Evelyn ‘'Dimp" Mai'sliburn, Virginia Lee Watson, Kathleen Jackson, and Mary Eliza beth HNjster. Guards —Dorothy Green, Joy Dunn, lOlUi Eddins, and Alleen Snow. Tackies—Belty Ver non, Margaret Fuquay, Helen Scar borough, Jean Ellis, and Catherine Scott, Centers—Coco Burns, Annu HuffmuM, Virginia Council, and •Fean Kreenuin. Backs — Mlnetiu Bartlett, Sarah Hayworth. Ji'rance« Grayson, Dorothy Butler, Edna fcJarle Cngglnw, Margaret Jane Chllda, and hottle Ruth Allen. The c'oaclies huve nuide the fol- I'lwing statement: "We ar« very pleased with the niaterhil wi; have to work witli this year and will do our hast to niHintain tiie records of former years. Our aim Is to play ill the Rose Bowl on New Year's Oiiy.’' Cciucii Uisliley also stated that he was very pieasei! becaase li« had 9U(!li a heavy Hue to work with this year. We hope thal lie will keep the line busy. Plays in Dining Hall KAY KYSER who, with Ills band, will nppear In the dining hall Mrst on Wednesday evening. Kay Kyser ToPlayHere Orchestra to Play For All Meals; Loud Speaker Sys tem to be In-stalled Tunes To Replace Bells Meal and Class Bells Will Sound No More; Popular Songs to Toll Each Hour Mumming bird tongue on toast Creamed Patie-de-fois gras Escolioped unions with garlic Borbeciied pig bojisier with gobs of whipped cream and: Hard-boiled eggs ters and tlic Meredith seal. Those should be especlolly attractive to Ihe gii'ls who eanio back fi'om liJaster holidays undecided as to whether the warmth around their hearts meant (hat they had spring fever or that they should say "Yes" to the adoring swain who popped the leap year |uostlon bofove tlie girl h04l tt chance to do so. Step right this way to the B- Hive, girls! Mow down that gi'ass- eaten path and take advantage of the health and good fortune at your very doorsl Remember the date! ifs next Montlayl The AcHdetnIc Council was proud to announce recently that un iniio- vaticm ha« been made In ihe l)ell Hyatuni at Meredltii. In tlie future, InHleiid of the familiar gong for meals and the class bells, tunes will be played tor each meal and chiss hour. The- fnlirtwinB schedule will be fnllowed; i/oirr Hoiij/ 7:00-"Good Morning. Good Morn ing." (Or "Lazybones.” un decided between,) 7:15—"Sing Before Breakfast." 7:30—'‘Scraping the Toast,'' SrSO—“School 'Daze,' School 'Dazo’," !); 30—"Whispering." 10:30—"How I Love To Hear the Organ," 11:00—“I'm Going to Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter." 12:00—"I Want To Bee Food, Mam ma." 1:00—"Tea For Two (X 250)." 1:46—"Sleepy-TIme Gal.” 2:46—'“Us On a Bus," 3:46—"California, Here I Como." 4:45—"Home. Sweet Home." 6:40—"Singing In the Bathtub," 0:00—"Sing For Your Supper," 7:30—“Got a Date With an Angel." 10:00—'‘I Had To Call You On the Phone." 10:80—"Thank You For a Lovely Evening." 10:45—“Lights Out, Sweetheart.” At the sound of the musical note you will know the time. So make a note ot It. Dll yim wiiki' up in thu early hours-ai'uunil seven liells, foelliig like you bit the bed only a few mlnulBH Itfifon;, and your mood i;lo8oly respiiitjies thiil of a "aavdgu beast"? Wen, you have heard tiiat iild saying—"SiaNic liatli charms tn sooth that iirnverhial aiihiial.” This Is merely a rounil.nboiit uii'thrid uf telling yiiii lliut you arc giiliig lo iiear iliaL lamillar .saying, "l.,es dance, I'niks," overy nuiniing from nuw on In liie Muredith dining Imll. Yes, gals. Kuy Kyser Is going to Ik! at liieakCast and lunch iinel din ner. In fact, li« uud ills band arc suing lo be regalar Ijciai ders at this abiide. Tb- Idea si'eiuH lo bi- ihal inusii' mil only will IniprovK the dispcmi- liun but also the digestion. And iinutlKT foiuure attiaclion will in.* —merely lake ap Hint private tnle- phnno In your room and your re- nuost for the latest luui: will he gladly played hy ilic boys over the load speaker aysiein which fuuc- tions iilsij In every room. Kay uNpresBSB the lielief tUat lie certainly Is going lo enjoy ills stay III. ML'vt'dllh. anil wo share his opin ion. Another Idoii Is that our dining rnoni will lie a popular place with tlio swains of the vicinity, and that no longer will the Inlirniary repriniarid Meredith girls for not al lending meals, Phone To Be Installed In Every Room Administration Ben efactor in New Proj est; Numbers To Be Assigned Soon The miracle of all miracles is happening! Telephones are now being installed in each room in the dormitories. The great and increasing demand for more telephones than the regular two telephones to a dormitory is one of the causes that has necessitated this new installation. It also seems that a few students have failed to receive calls during the year because of the lack of pri vate phones, and ro, nither than have tills happen again, which might lead to complaints before very long, the administration has decided tn donate to each room a French dial telephone. There will be no extra cbargcs to the girls, as the pliones will be included in llie tuition or (be l)udgKt fee. How- ever, there will probably be somo girls who will hnv« to buy night tables for their rooms so as to have their phojies near iheir beds for early morning and nlgiit calls. Prom now on liiere will be no call ing of people lo the telepliones, as everyone will ruwlvo her i-uIIh over bur own phone. Tliis will greatly reduce the noise on the balls c-aused hy girls running to liio leieinione booths or calling other girls. The telephones will niso servo in the oiilce and parlor work. Instead of a girl working in ihi> iiarlor or oiilce going lo Hie I'oom and lelling .someone that she is waniGd la ihe ofllce or that her date has arrived, the oillfe girl will merely lelephcine iind leil the girl over Ihe phone wiiat is wanied. Considered from ail points of view, tile addition of tbe telephones lo tile rooms will iio .-i very conven ient. mitlKfactory, and labor-saving project. Telephone nainbers have been assigned and are now posted on the hnlletin boards. All students are urged lo ilnd ibeir iiuinhei's at Ihe ilrst possllile moment. Mere- iHih is pmad lo tie the (irsi wiin- an’8 college In the Stale to try this new pliin. Faculty Announces Surprise Decision Affecting All Classes To Address Seniors I'illSSIDliN'r FRANKLIN ROOSE VELT wlio will Kpoak In senior fornm on Wednesday. April :S1. i’rlvaie confereneeK may ixs scheduled following hiii address. Faculty Gives Minstrel In Auditorium Dr, Campbell Directs Fac ulty In Annual Minstrel; All Number.s Received Cii-eat Applause and Calls For Encure.s Petition For More Lectures Entire Student Body Signs Petition For More and Longer Required Lectures Ail records o£ petition-signing were bt:oken yesterday when the petition for more required lectures was signed by every student at Meredith College. Studeuts have Ijogun to realize more than over the necessity of having such lectures, The girls are also asking that the lectures bo lengthened and that subjects of a deeper luiture be dis cussed. In order to fulfill the wishes of the students the lootnrers who have been Invited to speak and their topics are as follows: Charllo McCarthy —“Politics In Hollywood." Melaha Auer — "Bringing Up Baby," Tyrone Power—"How to Make Love." Artie Shaw-"Classical Swing of Today," Zasu Pitts—"The Art of Being Natural," Jack Payton — '‘Symphonic Rhythms,” History Maps To Be Banned Mr, Riley Changes History Department Reqin’remenl.s For 1940-41. "The History Department Iiiim de cided to baa nil map-maliliig from their courses." slated Professor Samuel Qayle Uiley in a surprise statonient this morning. '•For years we have required our students to turn In a specllied num ber of maps In practically every course," he conlinued, '"nnd because these maps have been so promptly and willingly comi>leled hy our studeniR we have decided to re ward their earnest efforts by n change In rcnuireuients," Mr. Riley ontlined the Hpeciflca- lions for next yciir’s history coarses. "We will keep parallel rendlngs of courses, however due to the heavy wear and tear nn the library books we are forbidding any history student lo read more than 150 pages during (he se mester," In regard to term papers. Mr. Riley inaiie no deiluite statement. It was evident that he must enjoy reading these original and most In teresting contributions, and would hate lo omit those from course sug gestions. However, he did indicate that the papers would bo nmch shorter In the future, perhaps to run around 200 words per paper. Tile ilrst III ihc annual fiiculiy minstrels was presented in tiie col lege auditorium on March 2T. Thi’ student body ri'tnrned a day early from spring holidays to witness this long-awaited i>eifonnance. .'\ctlng IIS intciliicator and end man wen- Dr. Carlyle Campbell and Dr. Isaac .Mercer, neither of whom were ri'cuignizalile. what with the tilack grease piiint on their f«ces. Their Jokes iietween aels were received with gnies of hiagh- ter and kept the studeiit.s rolling in the aisles. The Ilrst nuniIjMi- on tiie program wiis a song n-ndered l>y Mr. H. I-’. Canadiiy and dedicated to Mrs. I.il- lian Wailacre, •■Mad at You. '('iiusi- Vour Kei-t’s Too Hlg.'- Tlie ap plause was .so great Ihal Mr. Cana, day next favored Ihe audience wiih the popular dilly, "Take a ,Vuinhpr l'’roni One to Ten." Miss ..\nna Mac linker iiext ap peared witii a recitiiiion entitled, "DIttle Orpliaiit Annee," h'rom the moment that she walked uii im ihe stage anil dropped iier dainty little curtsy until she linislied with, "Tile tioblhis will i;el you ef ya don’t watch out." she heid her aadiencp enihralled. As an encore she was persuaded lo sing her ravorile number, "in the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," Next on the program was a num ber by that rapidly rising ilancu team, Menderson and i.ittlP, in tiio tune of, "Tiuiy All l.augiied," It literally took the house ]>>■ storm iiml ihey were foi'ced ti. give sev eral encores. A ehorns composed of Misses Lena Harlier, Klhi Slagg, Mary Louise Porter, Margaret Cooper, and Mary Jane Spruill gave a lap dance lu the tune of, '‘Tiie Dark Town Strutter's Ball." Miss Margaret Kramer then gave 11 soulful rendliion of ''Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life." She followed this number with, "Indian Love Call." Dr, Helen Price next performed her famous ventrilonuisl act with her dummy, ‘‘Julius Bcezer." Following this came the grand llnnle by the entire troupe. It was the rendering of tlie number, "I feel a Song Coming On." followed with. "Good Night Ladies," Seniors Will Receive This as Graduation Gift; Junoirs, Sopho mores, Also; Fresh men Are Forced to Miss Exams; Faculty Feels That Spring Fever Should be Cured Here With Plenty of Sleep Due to the fact that spring fever has invaded the cam pus, the members of the fac ulty have decided that it would not be right to pile the extra weight of final exami nations on the poor, already t)ver-burde»ed scholars who sit at their feet day after day. Also, they t'ed that because tliey will niiss the dear, smiling faces of till* dear class of ’40 more than ^bat (I class can Inuigtne, they will, IIS a special graduation gift to the class, just forget all about such nighiniai lsh tilings as exami nations. Hat, in vii w of Hu- fact that tlie Jiinliirs are almost seniors, and in foci will lie wlii'U the seniors, at stcp.slaglng mari'ii do»vn tiie 11. Iiraiy steps and disappear Into the grove, Du. I'ncaity feels tliat It would lie (juiie fair to Include the Juniors In tlmir favor. Then, too, since the sophomores are almost Janiors. and In fact will soon Ik' giving a banquet lo tlie janlors who uic really not Juniors bill alinnst.scalors. tiiey might as wiill tic c.vchided fioni exnmlna. tion.s. iiIko. Aad when liicy recall tiow hard the freshiiieii have worked ibis year, and liow swcet ihe dear giiis itave hiTU iihoat writing paiM-rs, iviiding parallel, and actually going to^ bed one nighi a nionth wlien tiiey were sapjiosL-d to, ibe faculty Jnsl eannoi bciir ihe tlioughts of inflicting e.Naniinatfons on them alone. So, in view of all these iialiui^inallons, no Meredith girl will take ony exaiiiliiations on the spring KonicsterV work. Dn Henderson Lauds Speaker Professor Declares Chapel Speaker Shows Thought Behind His Statements In a most unusual declaration lo ills class In Chapel Criticism 49. Dr, lOdgar II. Henderson declared that Mr. Twiddle Dum Dee showed evi dences of a remarkably thoughtful ihinker in bis chapel talk ot .S’o- Veniher II, IA40. Speaking on the Isolation policy of tlie United States, Mr. Dum Dee. noted aalbority on foreign airairs. declared tiiat this country slunild have no Interest in International relations and should absolutely Ig- noi'e the Buroiiean “mess." "The way lo keep your feet from getting burnt is to keep them out of tiie ■•(ro," declared the orator. In commenting on this remark able lilibuster, Dr. Hendei'son point ed out the stinlty and inlelligence of such IV policy by Ute United States. "Idealism is a thing for the llsh ot the sea and not for democratic Americans.” The phllos- oplior made no bones lu his praise and laud for the colossal, stupeD* dons, and magniflcent speech.

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