EDITORIAL: Crook Secret Disclosed Tonight! Let’s Show Some Interest! Published Bi-Weekly as the OfflcinI Organ of the Student Body of Meredith College Volume XIX MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C.. APRIL 13, 1940 NumbGi- 11 Kappa Nu Sigma Takes NewScholars L. Watkins, H. Tur ner Are Honored for Scholarship; Jona than Daniels Speaker Jonatltan Daniels, editor oC the News a«rf Observer dehvored address on “New England and the South" In the college audltorlnm Tbursduy evenlni; nt 8 o'clock. Tills wBs file annual tectiire apon- aored Knppa Nn Slgnia, lionor society of Meredith College, At thie tlnte, Frieda Cullierson, president at the organization, nTmoiinced llte two new niemliers (al^en in (rom . the Junto)' Class ou Ihe baels of scholaratilp Cor llie past two years here. The two were LIIIIqd 'Wat kins of Manson, N. C., and Helen Turner o( Newton. N. 0. Prior to tiie lecture, student and alumnae memijere nC tlie society ' ami honorary oiemliers Irani llie faculty attended a dinner given ot Old Rose Inn In lioiior oC tiie new members. At tlto rcccptlou following the lecture, the twu Bophonioi'es with the hlgliest iiVHrages, Celeste Perry at Raleigh and Betty Lou Ander son of Fair Bluff, served. Those attending wo’o tho Bliidunt and uhmmiie , memlierB oC tlio Kappa Nu Sigma and tlie Silver ShielU. Student momliers of iCiippa Nu Sigma are: Dorothy Green, ISdnn Biirle Oogglus, ' 13ebe Ukhenson, Carolyn Ci'llffher, Oilyc i-daiuricli and Virginia Lee ’Wfitsnn. Faculty inEmbers are I>i'. Mary Lynch Jobnson, Mi^as Ellen Brewer, and AliSK Rthol Day. ilonumry mcnibom are Dr. Helen Prlcc and Miss Catherine Allen. Giv^s Senior Recital JANB WA8HUURN JuneWashburn Gives Senior Piano Recital Fourth Senior Recital of Year; Orchestral Accompa niment by Misa May Crawr ford; Chief Marshal Vir ginia Waahburn; Reception Given After Recital Oil Friday evoning. April 12, at R:15 o'clock IfUs May Crawford pieaentefl Jane Wasbliiirn, daugh ter of Mr, and Jlrs. Charles Waali- burn of Shelby, In iier gi-adnating recital In the Meredith College au ditor] iini. Tlie recital, which whb the fourth senior recital of (hie year, had the following program: Tempo 01 Ballo.. -Scarlaltl Summer School Sessions Open On June 5-6 Nine-Weelcs and Six-Weeks Sessions to be at Wake For est and Mai's Hill; Several Meredith Faculty Members to be at Mars Hill The annual MeredlDi-Wake l-'iir- est snninier school will be in ses sion again this Btiinmer iit Wuhc Poreat and Mars Hill. Practically the fiaina courses are offered ot both schools except for the pre- inel and law courseii at Wake For est. Full credit is given frir nuninier school woi'k. Nine hoiii'B of work' can bo easily done during the nine- wcoki BesBlen and six during a six- weeks session. Wake Forest Bummer sehool will have tile following calendar: Nine weeks sesBioni June 5, Wediieaiiay, reglBtratlon^ June 6, Thursday, classes hogln, 7:40 a.m. August a. Saturday, IS noon, graduation exoi'cUoB. ^ Six-weeks session: June S, Wednesday, registration, Jiine 6, Thursday, closses begin. 7:40 a.m. July 18, Thui'sday. examinations. T)ie sfx-wceks session cloaos. Mars Hiil summer sebool will have tlie following calendar: Nine-weeks session: Juno 6, Tbnrsrtay, registration, SiSO-S. Juno 7, Friday, classes begin, 7:40 n.m. August 3, Sutiirday, graduation exercises, 12 noon. aix-w«i6ks session: The prograni Ib tho same aa the nlne-weoks faes- Blon except work closes Thursday, July 18. Tho following Meredith tcuchera will ho on the >Iars Hill faeulty; Miss Frances Baliey, Mr. B, F. ■’nnaday. Dr, L. B, M. Freeman, If?. Q, Biloy, Mr. D. Y. Tyner. Mnry Lynoh Johnson. Mi-s. H Marsh will bo the denn Oaprlcoloi in n FInt nach Ou tlie Departure of tho Rolovcd Brother FuKii..—(Iniliating ihe paat-horn) The Stai'B (arr. by Ouy Makr) Schubert liitentn-zxo Op. 70, No. 8 Brahms litiidc Hcroic .'Leschclirky SoDiitn, E Minor, Op. 7 Qriug AIIeRreUo Andante Multo Minuet Concoitu N(i K Flat Mnjor Liszt Alh'gra Macsli'o (OrclipKiral Accoinpiinimpnt i>y Miss May Crawford) Chief niaraimt was Vlrginlu Washburn of Sbolby. Other ushers were MnrKaiet Jane Cbihle, Carolyn IIuiiderHon, Virginia Councit, Sara Cole, Bcbe illcklnson and Rdna liarle- Coggins, Following the recital a reception was given in (he college parlors. "Skidding’’ To Be Given , Little Theatre Spring Pro duction Is Cast: W. F. Boys Take Part The Little^ Theatre has selected "Skidding," o comedy by Auranla Rouverol, as its spring production. Tlio date has not been dellnltely de cided at this time. Tile play is based apon tlie fam ily life of 'the. Hardys of screen fanje. and It is reported that one ot the many Hardy pictures Is based upon this play. Five Wnke Forest boys are co operating with tb% Little Theater hy taking the malo parte. This Is the llrst year boys have taken parts in the productions. The cast is as follows: Judge Hardy, Jack Parker; Mra, Hardy, Virginia Greene; Marian Hardy, Nan Davis; E^stelle Hardy. Both Perry; Myra Hardy, Juanita Stalnback; Andy Hardy, “Walter Sessoms; Grandpa, to he selected; Aunt Mlliy, Mr. Hardy’s slstei', Re- bccca Vaughon; Wayne Trenton III, 13ob Howard; Pollticlun, Don ald Britt. 1940-41 EDITORS OF PUBLICATIONS BETTY BROWN MacMlLLAN The Acorn CATH13RINE SCOTT Oak Loaves RACHEL MANESS The Twig New Phi President J. Holder To Give Recital Mi.ss May Crawford Will Present Pupil on Friday Evening, ApHl 26, at 8:15 JcHsamliio Holder will bo pra- seuted In her graduating recital In piano at 8:15 o’clock, Friday eve ning-. April 26, by her teucher, Miaa May Crawforil. This will be tho fifth and las6 of the senior re citals of the year. Her program will oonslnt of: (;erjimn Dances 13eethoven No. i 111 C Major No. 2 In CJ Major No. S ill C Major Sonata Op. flO Beethoven Mlt Ivfilihaftlgkcii Nlcht 211 geKclmlnd tllrl Wlih the Flaxen Hair Debtis.^y MyeiCre cfrleg Novellette In F, Op. 21, No. 1 Scbuiiiiiun Concerto in D Minor 'Ftnbcnstoln Anihnitu (Orchostrn.l accoiunaiiiment ou sec ond piano by Mias Crawford) Mrs. Raiid Bryan of Garner will be the chief murshal, Misses Miiry Loe Holder of Cai-ner, Surah Onth New Astro Pi*esident NANCY RHADSHBR InBlRHti of the traditional Sopli- Dny-OiT. A liay ride is planned to transport (he ulaes from Mere dith to tho Tar lleol Club whore they will imvR a nieak fry. The evKut of the year for tho sophomores will begin Friday eve- erluo D,wns ot Sale.nburg, Anuio April 10, when (he class will SOjf)fiomore5 To Be Hostesses For Week-End Entertiiinment to Begin on Pridiiy, April 19, With a Freshman Eoafire; On Sat- to have Soph Week-end this yoar junior claases as to thi- uuiiibpr of Crooking To End Tonight Hiding Place of the Tradi tional Crook Is to be Re vealed Tonight at 12:00 Tonight at 13 the endless searoh- iug will cease. Who will be the searchers Is not known, but never theless the seniors or the Juniors will rcveui to the Juniors or tho seniors tlie hiding place of the trii- dltloual crook. Laat year £oi' the lirst time in. many years the juniors found the crook and were ahle to liidu It from, the seniors. 1-Iowevur, the sciihira found and rehId It, and the Junior's wore iinabl© to find It for a second time. In inOfi Mian Carolina Tljii-y Phclpa Biive to the Ssnloi- Class a shpphord’s cniok to he preaentud to (he incoming Senior Class. Re- foi'o school of the next year the preuident of the rlnss was to hide It froui the Junior Chiss. Crooking activities were contlniieil until In lOlS. when the faculty ruled It ont because of cxccsa class spirit. However, cranking was ri'vived in i!2n. , Because finding the crook was Urdny There Will be a|nl]UOst Inipossihip, nine clHns wun. steak Fry; On Sun., a Tea tl‘0 class of 'SS. From spring cak-ndar, \x 1,1, 11,0 wiy that time nn tlioru lias hoi>n nn • The sophomores are plnimlng OBrcement between tho suninr «n.l ' - ' - I'.vHck-eiiil whli-h piiis? pri-siiwilvp duos. A week is given Cor ibo lind-1 stiidi-niK in ihe llnitfllslil. Ing of Pitch clue plus a wcpk fiirj Inviiatlous lor Miiy 4-R ;iro In lio the crook. Each clue Is written ml mailed i.y Mm.dii.h staiU-nts lo cotle and Icods to t!io next ^ *' lUolr Irlcitclcs wUo woiikl J)p llkolv IDA HOWELTj H. S. Seniors To Be Quests Schedule of Events For Hospitality Week-end to In clude Many Activities I-ldspltaliiy Wi'ck-end. one ot ilir- events prinicd In IhiUI type on tin; Lee Tarleton of W«idesboro, (3raiie Croom of Kinston iind Eleanor Evans of Wingate will servo as co- niHi'slials. A reception will he held In the parlors following the recital. Spring Is Here Again With All Its Endearing ^^Young Charms'^ ontwtain the freshmen with n bonfire and a niavshmullow ruas(. The second part on the pro gram will be n hreukfast in the Merndith dining hall In honor of the sophs. ^The menu will he planned by the class. They will bo seated together in a certain section of the dining hail and will be drossed In alnillar apparel of ! white dresses . and greon socks. (Oontlnued ou Pago 2) Tho birds ai'O singing, the (low ers are blooming, the trees are budding, the snii la shining, everybody is happy and spring is here! With the advent of spring many things begin to happen at Meredith, such aa crooking, olec lions. May Day practice, daisy chain practice, and the Little The atre spring production. Of rourse, everyone bus been intoreetod In crooking during the past four weeks. Many of tho seniors have been seen peeking out thelv windows about the hour o( midnight wa'iching the (lash* lights which have been exploring every nook and cranny on tho campUH. As far as a war ot nerves la concurued Europe has not had anything that Meredith has not had. A great deal of oxcltoment has been Aroused over the elections which have been takings pltwo every Friday for the last several weeks. The girls who are to hold the malor olSceB are being elected from the lufimborq of tho rising Bflulor class. Here's to you, ofli- cersl I might say here's to you sotilio- niores In the daisy oiiain praoUce which you will soon begin to work ou tor elQss day. One sees the «i/ Diirci- Ft.Ki8t;ujiAN?! aun rising over tho hill in a dolsy Held as she picks, picks, and then picks some mors daisies from .among the dew-drenched grass. It Is hard work but fun, too, and another iiappy experience to add to mefinorles of college days that have passed. With the coming of spring, the Little Theatre has not been idlo for they have begun work on the spring production, Tho play has i>eon ehosen and a cast has been selected. Some of our brothers from Wilke Forest are going to help in this pradiiction hy taking the men's parts in the play. Just as commencement Is the oilmax of the school year. May Day Is the climax of the spring term. On May 4, onr bisauUful (]noen of May will roign over her court ot attendants and watoh, the May Day festivities given In her honor which are skillfully and beautlfiiUy directed by Mrs. Sor rell. This Is au event for which tiie new studenLs may eageiiy await. And last hut not least you will roniember that In tL& Spring a young girl's ns well a's a young man’s fancy lightly tnrns, to thoughts ot love. And then there's always spring fever—hoh(im. Junior-Senior To Be April 27 Juniors Wilt Entertain Sen iors at Carolina Hotel; Committees Are Appointed The juiiiui-s win entertain Llie seniors at iv formal Imnqiiet at thu Carolina Hotel on Saturday eve ning, April 27, from ,7:30 to 12. Plans tor the bonciiiet are now b«lng made. The following committees have been appointed; Decorations tor ttie ballroom, .Rebecca Vaughan, chairman, Rosanna Uarnes, Mari etta. McLonDon, Sarali Hayworth, Elizabeth llrltt, Boreulca Brinkley Alnift Cm'lton, Rtiohsl Lewis, Betty Baldwin and Ada'Wall; docorotlons for the table, Ida Howell, chairman, Janie Parker and Alice Falls; en* tertalnment, Helen Byrd, chali-- man, Catherine Scott and Aun Tay lor; pi'lntlng of progranie, Sadie Allen, ohuirnian, flea ISIehniann and Luclll» Wyatt; toasts, Rachel Poe; transportation, Nancy Brtid* ahor, chairmau. Margaret Dunn and Agnes Graham; menu, Jacqueline Provost anil Huldah Hall. the final one loading te the crook. The Juniors were given fnur cUie.s this year. The crook may bu hidden my- whei'c on (lie Mercdllh Mim)nis provided it is proteoted from the vveatliRi'. It was agreed this yeiir not to hide a clue under or on top »f u building. All "crnoklng" is limited to Meredith students. Pni-t of the crook must lie showing ut all times and It may not be hidden nnder lock and key. Tf the crook Is found, the class holding it Is given 24 hours In which to rehide It. In case the op posing side dlSL-ovei's tiint it has been fonml before ' it has l»on hidden, u one-hour truce is'grunted. This also occurs if the craok is found wlthlu the last 24 hours. S. P. C. To Be Held In Mo. College Delegates to Give Student Choices of Presi dential Candidates If college Hllidents wrote uiir po litical platforms and elected our presidents, wmild tho «inallty be Improved? Tiiat question will he answei'cti by delegates to three national Btu dent pollllcal conventions—Doiuo- cratic, Ropublioun and Independent' Liberal—to be held on the ^VesL- mlnster College campus at Fulton, Missouri, May 2, ii and -1. Students with n pollllcal bont will rant and rave, orate aud lobby, debate and wrnugls for tlieir fa vorite candidates, before making out tho 1940 slates for each ot the parties. More than 600 delegates from collesea and UDlversltles throughout the county ai-e oxpeoted (Continued ou Page 2) to iiiHko ML‘i-edUh Uiclr ulmn malar, Thu aciiortule i>f evynt* tor ihe \vi-«k ond will proUibly inchuUi fi i- llng ncauulttlcd wKh the oaiupus Sind ils inlereatljiB people on Snt- urdny inoinliig, the Hniiual l'\ii)ii>r- Daughter hnsebull gnmu on the athletic Held In tii« e.irly pni't of the iiftcrnoon. tho rrmvnlii); ni' Nancy Brewer ns Queen of May in the grove Inter in the nflurnumi and iL plMiIi- HHpper iin the lawn immediately after tho May Uiiy ex- erei.-'ea aro over. Plans for ihat eveulug'H entei'- tainmeut nia not yet completed, but probably will be llnished by lh» end of this week. Sunday iiioriilng wllj see tho Meredith girls und iheir guests un their way to church; and after dinner the week-end will b« over. Tho pnrpofisof hospitality week end Is to acituaint prospective stii- denta with tho possibllitiee ot the Meredith campus. It is also to raise the duality of new students who will reglBler in (he Call ot IIMO. Elections of Officers For *41 Continue C. Scott, R. Maness, and B. B. McMillan, Publication Editors; Howell and Bradsher Will Head Societies; Davis Is Re-elected On March 21. in chapel Catherine Scott of Kinslun was elected editor of the Oak Leaves for tho year lOiO-41. She won over liebccca Vaughan of 'Washington. Catherine la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott. She w«8 on the busiuess staff «t the annual her sophomore year and aauoeiato editor her Junior year. Her freshman year she was In her class etnnt, and she served on Ihe staging cominittae her sopliomore and junior years. This year she is secretary oC tiie Phi Society end a member of tlie Fresh man Council. lU'.Milis of Lntor elections Carolyn Duke of Henderson waB olocted president of the rising Sophomore Class In a class meet ing Tue-sday night, April 9. Kosanna ilarnes of Goldsboro iwaa elected president ot Little Theatre in chapel yesterday. Ruchel Mniioas wiia tiniininiouBly elected editor of Tice Twii for tho coming year In chapel ou March 21). She i« the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mniiess of Troy. Rachel wan In her class stunt her soplunnorc und Juuinr yt-ars. This ye.ir she is i manaRloy editor of Tni-: Twin, trensui'er of il»> Jnn- I'lr ClasK and a member of the Col- I'ln l-JimliKh Club. Hetty Brawn JijieMillan was I'lecicd Mlili.r nf iJjo Aroni for ihe yi'nr 1‘i.KMl. She wou over l.olcta Ivuunen. wliu wjk niiiiilnalpd by liciiilun lifjm It suilk'ient number of Jill»li;nt>‘. Ik'll.v m-nvn Ik iht* iUiukUiit of Mr. uiiil \lr,«. ,J. .\l;u-Mllhiii ot , 'J hoMKiMVilU'. SIh- mis •‘'iiilioiiiuro ,‘ditir pf ihi' iiiinuiil mid HS.U. ollin-r her KupliDniuic >—.nr Her Jllniiir vi-Hi' she Wiis vice |iiv.“iileni of tlir- '!a-^sii-iil Club, jui.inr I'lIKor ef the .IcijM,, 1111(1 pruyi-inu ch;ilr- iiiaa Ilf till' SiiKldni Lenum- of Women Viiieis, She Is a niPiiilier Ilf tlie Aairu Society. In I'li.iDil ,,n .Vin'il .Niiui'y llriidKliPr i.f R.ixli(ii-ii \vn>: f'U.ci(.(l lireHkl.-iii i,f lUe I'lij S.Tloly fer llie iimlli>: lemi ovi-r Helen Hyrd. J.'lirinj; lu-r sn[>hc)iiiiii-(. jvm- Niinov si'i vi'| Hs ii^xoi'iiiiii bUBiiii'ss liliiliiiK*’r "I Tun '[’wii; oiiU si'i-relai y nC her rliiss. This jviir sl«> |g inenibor uf ilie Slndeni l'>i«ncil. vkv prcsideui in’ ihe I’hl .Snriely and a nieinhcr ur ihe Cdlton English Club. CliiBali'.il ciui) mid dn> Slii- deiit Leiigiii:* nC Wenien Viui'ir. Idii Howi'll (if Lumberlon v\-as I'k'eted presldpni of the Astro So ciety fir the I1II0-41 lenn. Olhoi- nonilniiiioiis were Ann Taylor ot iCimtlinied on l»age 21 SPRING CALENI).4K Important social uventa from now until June: Tuesday, April 10, Alpha Phi UiiiKjiiet, 6 p.m. Saturday, April 20, Soph Day Off, Tuesday, April 23, B.S.ir, In- stnllation naiiiiuot. Thursday, April 26, Stylo Show. Friday, April 2lt. Jesaaniipo Holilor'B Recital In Auditorium, 6:1S p.m., Saturday, April 27, Junior-Sen ior aanquot. Thui'sdny, April 30. Little Theatre Spring Production, 8 p.m., Auditorium, (Tentative.) Siiturdnj-, May 4, May Day, Hoapltflliiy Week-End. n.c.c.p.a. To Meet On April 25-27 The North Carolina Collegiate Press Assochuion will hold its spring iiiuellng on the woek-eud of April 26-27 at Charlotte, N. C. lloHdqunrters for Ihe meeting will' ho (lie Hotol Clmrlotte. PreBldeut Sherwood Staton Is attenipLing co get a proniln*mt speaker for the Friday night han- fiuet. Duriiig tho convautlon otll- cers tor (he ne.xt year’s Pross Aa- aiiciation will be etocted. According to custom, 12 gold keys will be awarded to the edi tors and husiiiesa umiiagQi's of tho outslsnding publications of the year 1939-40. Schools with over 1.000 onrolled will bo lu Group A, and those under 1,000 will be In group U, This division Is made In order to make Judging easier. Meredith will be Included in groujj B, Plans ore being mad* to send repreaentatives from each of Meredith's puhlioaUona to the Press Convention.

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