PATRONIZE OXJR ADVERTISERS 1 M J B.S.U. CONVENTION NOVEMBER 1-3 Published Bi-Weekly rs the Oillcial Organ of the Student Body of Meredith College Vol. XX MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., OCTOBER, 26, 1940 Number 8 Junior Class Wins Stunt Cup, Second Place Won By Sophs Other Cups Are Awarded to the Afternoon Events Winners—Juniors Get First Place in Palio and Win Reserved Seats—Frosh Place Second in Palip—Step-Singing Won by Seniors—Students Win Annual Sports Event Over Alumnae — Frosh Win Horse Race. On October 19, 1040, at eight o'cloclc in the eveniDg, the Mere dith College Annual stnot night was presented In the college avdi- torlum. The Ilret prize weut to the junior claas, who also won first plBce laat year. The loving cup was awarded by Mrs. J. W. Bunn of Ha- lelgh, to Miss Addle Davie of Cov ington, Va., president of the Junior class. The sophomore claaa took second place, also for the second time. Judges of the stunts were Dr, Frederick Koch ot Chapel IIlll, Miss Fat Abornathy, MIbs Anne Preston Bridgers, Mrs. Sim H. Wfllls. all ne Raleigh. The winning stunt was Heitveiilj/ Daze, the aeeno ot. which was laid in a beauty salon on Mount Olym pus. Elizabeth Tuckor of Winston- Salem was Venus, goddess ot beau ty and prorrlctoress oC the salon. Godonla played by Rulh Motelnger ot Winston-Salem, brought back from the earth the beauty prepara- tloc wliich WQB the secret ot Holon ot Troy's beauty. The proparatlon was taken by Mcrcuvy, Carolyn Redlck ot Fountain. Venus, Ro- wona Daniel ot Henderson as Mi> nerva; Snvn Justice of Columbia. S. C. «8 Juno. CuUiorlnc ChlCtelle of Slulersvillc. R. 1-. os Diana; Mnry Heater Powell ot Warsaw as Jupiter; nnil Edna Made Howard of Rosahoro as Mars In the guise ot Hitler, returned to the shop in the evening to wait for Uio thint who hart dropped his pen hnlte. Mercury’s nrrlval led to tbc dlacov- cry of the fact that lie had mis taken the preparation for his can dy and eaten some of 11, All woi’o surprised to find that tho accrct of Helen ot Troy's heauty was soap. Anne Bnri'ow of Jachaon played the part oC n. Lesser Ood- does. LoulNO DIckic of Henderson, Kathryn Chapman ot Richmond. Va.. Virginia Qreono ot Shelby, and Katbovlno Kerr of Yanceyville formed the nhorus which sang at Intervals to Indicate the passing of time, etc. The Sophomore Chiss. ot which €arolyi) Duke ot Henderson la president, gave Tfie liio Spl(w?i, Nan PavlB fit Wlnston-Salam as Mary DItlie had tried tor yoors to got Sweomio Poole, played by Lycton Tlngley of Thomaavllle, to be hers. Sweemle sprung a leak and WU8 sunL to Bix UllI bucnusu ho WAS crnclced. Tryntje Auer of Belmont, Maas, as Jeanie Naaium; Flo Hewitt of Washington, K. 0,, as Cam Purse; Kathryn Sutton «t Monroe. Coleeto Hami-lck ot Shel by, Barliara King ot Holllu, Long Island, and Lorraine Chappell ot Mount Als'y as the A, B, C, and D, Dora Mae Tory, quadrupleta; Jer ry Couch of Blkio, as Audrey Toi-> lum; Rachel Schulkcn ot Whlte- vllle as Debo Hive; and Adelaide Bunker of Mount Airy as Dloalt Hall all promised to provide s place and cetehratlou lor the wed ding of Mary Dlthe and Sweemlo Poole, Aunt Aliimoae ond Uncle Conrad Qetlon sent Mary $0,000 for her birthday. Along with $C,000 ot her own Mary used this money to have Swoemle fixed up again. The Seniors, whose proeldont la Sarah Hayworth ot Aaheboro, pre sented A 1’rainlng School Jor 7/us- bands To Bo, with Oetiswed Blumpod on the programs. The ' scone was laid In a dormitory at Meredith College about two weelta before Stunt Day. Mavietts Mac- Lennan ot Qroenaboro, Mary Bllz- nbecb Foster of Elkin, Ida Howell ot Iiumbarton, Betsy Shnw Pruetts ot Wodesboro, AIloo Falls oC fall- Btou, Betty Flelschmann ot Qroen- vllle, Helen Byrd ot Bunnlevol, and Rachel' Lfwis of Middlesex were gathered''! nund discuaslDg the atunt Vf' I were to give on * —-Con^ I' 'frge 8. Meredith Girls Help In Registration A. Carlton, B. B. Mac Millan, A. L. Overton and M. Thomas Help With Military Draft The peace time conacrlptlon for military draft, which Is a part of tbe measures adopted tor National defense took place in Raleigh on Wednesday, Octobcr Ifi, On this day all men from the iigee of twenty- one to thlrty-Ave, regardless ot protoaslou, wore required to rcg- Istflt* for possible future military training.'Tlie polls were open from 7 a. m. until C p. m. By this coDscrlptloiL law, all men registered In the United States who ure not exempted by the govern ment, will rcccivo one year ot mil- iCiiry training in tlie army campa oE the country. The first of these draCta will bo conipleled before tlie ODd ot November, Tho men will be Releriled liy lot, entering military training by July 1. There were four Meredith glrla, tweiLly-one years of iige, who helped in precinct 15 in this reg- iBtratlon. They were: Alma Carl ton, Betly Brown MncMlllnn, Aii- nlo Laurie Overton and Margie ThoniBS. Alinu and Betty Brown stayed tho whole day. Annie Laurie nnd Margie came hock ot 1 o'eloolc. All those who registered were re- (lulrcd to take an oalh before they answered any ciuestlous. Included In the liiformatioa desired were; name, address, occupation, age. date of birth, physical cbaracterls- (Ica, and the name and address of one close relative or friend wUh whom olliciula could get in touch. Many ot tho mon who registered in precinct 15 were Ncsrooa and whito trnnslonts. The latter came from Texas, New Hampshire, Con- iitic'ticLil, Alabama, South Cai'oUna, Now York, Ponusylvanlii, and New Jersey. There were also two tor c1gn citizens from Germany and Poiacd. Daughters Of Alumnae Meet Oct. 15 Club Plans For Sup per Meeting at Chim ney; Members Volun teer to Register the Alumnae Mtiry Qwln Oliver presided ovor a brlet business meeting o( the QranddaugiiterB' Club Tuesday, OC' tobor 16, at which time plana were dlacuased for the entertainment ot the new meinbora at a chlraney su|) per meeting. Definite arrange inenls hare not boon completed yet. At tho council meeting Miss Grim- iQor, their sponsor, asked tor volan teers to help register the alumnae. In responao Sarah Jackson, Nan Davis, Elolae Gurrls, Both Perry, Annie Ruth Dixon and Dorla Jean Loary assisted In the reglatratlon. The new members who are tnken lu aoon ar.e: Betty Suiter, Doris Jean Leavy, Suzanne Carroll, Martha Lindsay, Margaret Carroll, Fannlo Memory Farmer, EIolso CQBtelloe, Mary Hill, Mary Bllsa- both Johnson, Annie Mary MatUiewa, Molly ‘ Melvin. Frances Moore, Ft«a Raokln, Mary Sn)peB. “HEAVENLY DAZE” AS PORTRAYED BY JUNIORS Hickory N. C. Host To Baptist Leaders At Convention Above is a scene trom the Junior claea stunt that won flrst placc in the twenty-sixth annual Stunt Nlghti November 19. Members of Faculty Are Hostesses Misses Crawford, Eide, Dawkins, Pfohl, Byrd, Spruill Enter tain at After-Dinner Coffee The resident faculty members were hostesses at a foi'mul dinner, held in the college dining hall at fi o’clock on Thursday evening, in honor of the new Meredith teach ers who live In Raleigh. The guests were Mrs. Glenn Lasaiter, instruc tor In public school music, and Mr, Lassiter; Mrs. R. 3. McPad- den. instructor In art, and Mr. Mc- Fadden; Dr. George Clirlstenberry, head of biology department, and Mrs, Chrlatenberry; Dr. G, Nor- mtiu Prlco, iDBtruclor In Religion, and Mrs. Price; Mrs. R. S. Win ston, head ot the sociology depart ment. and Dr. Winston; and Prea- Idont Carlyle Campbell aud Mi-s. Campbell. Also included on tbc honor list were Mias Ruby Padgett, dining room linstesa; Mlaa Eliza beth Clark, head ot the modern language department, and Miss Dorothy Pheliia, Instructor lu pi ano, who ore now faculty members residing on the campus. Immedlatoly following tho meal after-dinner cotlee wos served In tho Vann Hall reception room. Mias May Craword presided at tlio A. A, Host To Past Officers Former Presidents Are Guests at Formal Dinner Given by Athletic Board In connection with Stunt Day, a forma] dinner was given for the past presidents ot tii« Athletic As sociation, Former presldenta were; Miss Katherine Matthews, Miss Pat Abernathy, Mrs. J. Wilbur Bunn all of Raleigh, and Mrs. A. T. Sey more, Sr., of Apex. Officers ot the 1940 Meredith Athletic Association present were MIbb Juanita Stalnhack of I-Iender- Bon, director ot Saturday's Stunt Day, Mias Elizabeth pruHl ot Hick ory, vice-president; BIlEahoth Brownlee ot Worcestor, Mass., sec retary; Miss Carolyn Duke ot Hen- rteraon, treasurer, and Mias Betty Fleischraaun ot QreeDvllle, social director. Faculty guests Included Preal- dent Carlyle Campbell and Mra. Campbell, Mrs. J. L, Etcliells and Mrs, Gertrude lloyster Sorrell of the physical education departmoot and Miss Grimmer. Red baskets with mints were the tavora, und eagles were used as placo carda. cnffcc table, and Mlsaes Edna Frances Dawkins, Kathei-ine Eide. Ada Margaret Pfohl, aud Lola Byrd served, Cood-byea were said hy MiaB Mnry James Spruill. The LeapYear Candidates Cook Up A Domestic Miracle. iiy Catjikkisk Swrr I always knew that if I could be patient long enough some day I would watch a miracic take place. It did—not all at ono time, but It did happen. Tbe time was on Tues day and Thursday afternoons; the place, tho cooking lab. What was the mlraclc? I learned how to cook stiinothlug worth eating. Why do 1 call It a miracle? Well Ever since I can remember I have done nolliing In tho kitchen but stand around and make myself a nuisance. Oh, I forgot to men tion that 1 did learn to Cry an egg in order to pass the Tenderfoot test MO that I could be a, Qlrl Scout, I was really proud when I broke the egg, shook out the aalt and pepper and flipped It In. Naturally, I Jumped a foot when it popped lu the grease, hut anyway, I did It nnd I didn't die. Until thiB year I have learned nothing else about cooking, but niy head was crammed with ideas about learning more. The veiT flrst thing that I ^lut on my schedule blank was Cooking 32. To my Joy I found that my suite mates aud the suite across the hall wore also taking It To surpass that Joy I learned that ”they knew no more about cooking than I did. Imme diately I began to (cel better. One of a crowd Is much more comfort ing than one without tbe crowd. I really did feel proud when I donned my white apron and the bIx of us paraded to the science buUdlDg. There were two things that happened to mar my pi'lde, and they still prick me whon I tlilnk ohout them. The flrst thing was to hear ono ot the girla who was not taking the course inform me that I looked "unglamorous.” 1 hope she wbb mei'ely envious, but I'm alriild I am too optimistic. The second hurt came that day and atm conies. Whenever t put on my uniform, I am sure to pass some one who grins that peculiar grin tliat people seom to use at certain times. “Don't pay any attention to such putty things,” 1 said to my Inner self. "Wo’ll luarn to cook and then let them grin all they want to.” (Ot course, you must realize that when I toll you that I have learned to cook,. I have not consulted MUa Ellon Brewer. Plenaa don't you do It either,) Rravety I sut and llatonsd to all directions—only ^ to have half of them ny out ot 'my mind. I really did cook something the very first day that anyone could have ealen. I w'as surprised, but Just ao very glad. After that, I had a little mors confidence In my ability. The day that my head Increased greatly in size was the day that my partner and I made a corn pudding attd it was taken as an example. She and I praised ourBolvos ao ntuch that we were completely Ignored until tho subject died a natural death. Since lhat time we have eooked vegetables and eereala that any king would lovo to have set before him. Wo have stuffed sauash and peppers that would be willing to stand before those of Mr. Wehber. It really is a miracle. It you can not cook now, you can learn. “A hint to the wlao Is aufflciont." Don't make the same mistake.I did and take it In Leap Year. The boys are beginning to get auspicious and other people are pasltlvo that I have au ulterior motive. Worse than that, they think 1 am a "wee bit teched,” Perhaps I out, but to mo cooking Is a nilraole! Improvements On Campus In E-uidence Auditorium, Dining Hall, Arts Building-, Drive, Buildings, in Quadranglf Have Been Worked On lu the last few weeks a great many chonges and Improvetnents have been made on tbc buildings and grounds at Meredith College, Fresh paint has been used lavishly, new llgbta have been Installed, and many nocoasary repairs bave been completed. In September the upperclaasmen returned to find Jonos and Falr- clotli Halls newly painted. The walla of these dormitories havo been painted a soft cream in place of tho dead white of former years. The woodwork has also been re- ftnished. Also, the dny student’s rooma In Johnson Hall have been painted. Workmen are now paint Ing Ihe new window seats and tho doors near tho alcovua In tha Ad- mlnistraUon Building. The recep tion room at the office of tho Doan of Women has bcGii palnteO and renovated with antlfluc cbaira, a full lonRlh gilt tranied mirror, nod a lino old desk. New light fixtures have boon In stalled in the auditorium nnd In tbe dining hall. The paper-Bliiulod drop lights in the auditorium have been roplacad by modern frosted globe lights which gi'eatly improve the appeurnnce of the auditorium and add to Its comfort. Lights of the same typo have been ploeed ovorhead in the dining room. By all the doors In tUe diuing room new Indirect wall fix tures havo bean placed. Outside all tbe exits to the auditorium bright lights have been put. which lesaen tbe accident huzai-da at these places. New atepa have been built to Llio auditorium and to the arts build ing. The auditorium steps aro now solid concrete. New wooden steps hiive been placed at tho entrances to the arts building. A curbing has been placed around tlie plaza In the center oC the drive. This plaza has been flllod in and aown with grass. This plot of groen iu tho center of tho drive which loads to the college will add to the apring-tlmo lovelinesa of tho drive and will lend year long dignity ond cliarti) to tho college. Along the walks loading to tho clussroom buildings, now brick gut ters havo been lain to ensure prop er drainage. Walks all over tho campus are undergoing a comploto re-surfacing with clay and gravel. This part of the work is not yet finished. Student Band Adds Color To Stunt Day Annie Laurie Overton Is Leader and Director of the Band; Many Different In struments Are Represented A collegiate atmoaphero was lent to the annual Stunt Day activities by a band composed ot various stu dents. Annie Tjaurle Overton or ganized and directed the band. Any students who wished to play took part. Victoria Wood played the mel- lophone, Eltreda Darker au alto horn, Janie Sawyer a trombone, Nauwita Page a baas horn, Nancy Carroll the glockenspiel. Theda Hopkins the saxophone, Ruth Wy man the cornet, Eleanora Pearce the bass drum, nnd Anabelle Cal- leiro was drum majoretto. The hand practiced America, Music In tho Air, Baaso March and three wultzes, but because of the limited time they only played America aud the Alma Mater on Stunt Day. Orchestra Is Organized Mr. E. IL Alden Has Charge of the Orchestra; First Performance on Nov. 23 The Meredith orcheatra under the dlreuUon ot Mr. Edgar U, Al- dCB, has had aeveral rehcnranls. Tlie prenent niemlHimhlp is alinut fifteen, but Mr. Alden hopes to get more members soon. Pi'actlce Is held every Wcdneaduy afternoon at 3:43, A few of tho town s(n- dents ulsd liGlnog to the orche.stra. Mr. Alden said that though the orchoalru la a new venture, he ho- IluveH that It ullI Im a Hucccsatui one. They already havo practically all of tho stringed inatniments and many of tho winds. The orchea- tra’s firat performance will bo at the presentation of the Meredith Mttle Theater fall production "Lady Windermere's Fan” wbli:h will talti! place on November 22, 1040, Mr, Alrten expressed the hope that oil Uiose who play either wind or string Inslruments, whether they lh!nk they play well or not, will Join tho orchexli'a aud tbnreby help ,lo make a success of Uila new ven ture. 510 Reported As Registered According to a recent report re- lotiaod from the odlce at the nco- denilc dean by the registrar, Mrs. Vorn Tart Marsh, the present on- rollnient ot Meredith is as toU lows: Seniors 118 Juniors 12S Sophomores lOS Freahmen _..... 114 Specials „. - 21 Total 610 Miss Stagg Entertains Faculty Members Present at Informal Steak Supper on Monday, October 14 On Monday evening, October H. Miss Ella McRae Stagg entertained It number of faculty momburs at an informal steak supper. The sup per consisted ot round steaks, hani- burgor I'olls, potato chips, onions, pickles, choose, cukes, I'ookiea, and mints. The moon whicli shone brightly that uight, tended to add a nolshlng touch to tho evening, making It warm nnd very pleos- aDt. Those enjoying the occasion with Misa Stagg included a number of resident (acuity members and alBO Dr. and Mrs. Edgar H, Henderson, Mr. and Mrs, B. Y. Tyner, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Drower, Miss El len, Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Aldou, Mrs. Cai’lyle Conipbell, Mrs, J. S, Farmer, Miss Lena Barber, Mies Virginia Campbell, and Car lyle Campbell, Jr. The hostess waa asaialed by Miss Louise Lanham, Miss Sallle B. Marks, Mias Myra Williams, Dr. Mary Lynch. Johnson, and Miss Mary L. Porter. Speakers Will be Dr. ‘S. B. Cousins, Dr. J. C. Turner, Rev. J. W. Pearce, Rev. E. Olive and Dr. 0. T. Bink ley; Many Other In structive Pr 0 g r a m s Are to be Presented; All Expenses Small Tbe annual North Carolina Bap tist Student Union convention Is meeting this year at the First Bap tist Church In Hickory, November 1-3. Tho program will be built around the themo “Conquer with Chi'ist,” Those attending from Meredith are; Cora Lee Burnett, Alma Carlton, Virginia Varnell ond Victoria Wood wbo make up a quartet; Louise Dickie who has charge of all the mnsic at tbe con vention; Sadie Allen, Nancy Car roll, Elizabeth Tucker, Margaret Webb, Sarah Jackson, Nancy Cal loway, Mary Hester Powell, Mari etta Price, Addle Davie, Anna Ruth Dixon, Rachel Schulken, Nancy Nuckols, Katherlno Chapman, Eve lyn Hampton, Nancy Johnston, Adelaide Bunker, Bobble Green, Elizabeth Pruitt, Amelia Pruitt, Geraldine Powell, Betty Clingan, Myra Motley, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Pi’lco. Others may add Lbclr names to Ihla list If they wish to attend. Kxrpcnscs There ia no foat for room or breakfast, and other meals will to tal approximately $1,00, Other ex penses Include bus tare to and from Mi.'j'edlth—$3.00, registration fee—51,00. and bantinet ticket—,50. Speflkcrs Tho oonvontloii out-of-Riate speaker this year will be Dr. Rnlon B. Cou.sins of tlii> University uC Richmond, Dr. Solan will be re membered as ilio Baccaluurcatc Serraoii appiikpr here .nt Mei'edlth last June, Other s{>eakers are: Dr. J. Clyde Turner, paslor of the First Baptist tOiiircb of Creonstioro; tho Reverend ,I. Wlnion Pcarcc, pas tor of tho Pirat Baptist Churfh nf Durham; the Reveruud Eugene Olive, pastor of the Wake Forest BupliKt Ciiun-b, nnd Dr, O, T. HInkloy, l^iolV.wtiv nf Uoligiou at Walip KoriMl Collpt-’p. I‘n>gi'nin Other fenturep u{ the pi'og|^m besides ibe speakorii will be; a play presented by the coiivcntlou- iti’B fvdiu MiivH Hill Collece, en- tiiUid "IXn-iBlDnn Ih'tvrniine Des tiny": an oarly uiornlng lalk con- c'Briiing nbrist'a words “Lovest thou Ml'7” by Mrs. U. K. Redwine, wife of tbfi pnaior hnRr; a confer- once eniltled "Tbo Christian Stu dent .iiid a ^Vovld lit War" lel by Dr. BinUluy, and devotlonals planneil for tbe worship periods by Mataie Castlolniry ot Eastern Carolliui TeacherH’ College. StateBoysAt Voters Club The regular meeting ot tho Stu dent League of Women Yotera was held In the rotunda on Friday aft ernoon, October 18th, at 4:30. Mary Elizabeth Foster presided, and tha club bad as guests Miss Croom from the State capitol, and tbo Young Democrats Club from State College. After the roll call nnd tho reading of tho minutos, Misa Ovoonv spolto and afterwards led in a discussion of Democratic princl- plea. Both the oietnbera ot tho Young Democrats Club and the Student Leaguo of Women Voters took part in the dlscuaslon, omcora of the Student Leaguo uve Mary Elizabeth Poster, presi dent; Margaret Martin, vlce-preal- dent: and Yolanda Leonard, seors- tai-y and treasurer. Students who at tend thvoe oonaacutlva meetings are ellgtWe for mcmbershli), and all students ar« Invited to become members.

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