January 18,1941 THE TWIG Page Tbre« ’39^’40 Year Februaj’y 2, 1940 (Ida Isabella Poteat, 1859-1940) h In Review February 2, 1940 (Meredith College Founded 1891) Nancy Brewer at Wake Forest reigned ov«r the May FestivaJ at Mei-edlth CDllcgc, May 4, 1940, and sIid Ib pictured here wltli memljere of her court who wore Ideiitlcul net drcasoa In i)natol sliadea trimmed wttli black lace. Front row (seated) left to right, arc: Lola Mac Stroupu ot Chorryvltlo, freahmnii In InvcndRr; Betty Cliiiean o( Covington, Vs.. ond Louise Dickie ot Henderaon, sopliomoreB, both in yellow; and Marie Sugg o( Bnow Hill, Crealinian, also In lavendar. Standing in the hack row are Frances Dixon ot South Bostoii. Vd., and Mary Lanier Seagraves o( Pnauay Springs, seniors in pink; Bebe Dickeneon ot Kinston, the luald of honor in periwinkle hluo; Nanuy Brewer, queen, Janie Parker oC Woodland, and .leun Beddlngliold, juniors in pale hlue. Junle Porker Is ttie present May Queen. Above Is a Boeue from the mad tea purly, one ot th' lilKlilishls in "Allco In Woticlorlaiid,” Rlvuii liy thi- faculiy on Marcii 31, 1940. Only oiiuc In ovui-y ci)Hu« Htti.-'nlK'ti dona ilie facnlly iireaeiit this producdon lor the studonla. Miss y\du Pfohl held Ike .loadills nh' of Ali i!. 'i'he Btiulenls iilwuya highly enjoy waKth- Int; lliclr dienined prnfesaors masciuoradc fur a night. Miss Edna I3urle CiwRina. ahovR, of Iniuaii. S. C„ was proRldenc oE Lhu Senior ChiaR composed nl! nine ty meiuiiora. Slie was choscn l>y lior eiiiSRUiales us ilif riiLusL senior; Hhe la listud 111 IVVio’* HViti Amiiiiil SlUriCIIlK of t.’Hil'CI'.V(/?C.S- fiHfJ Ciill''HCs: !>hc was n meniljur oC tllU l0|i|>ii Nn scholaailc socli'ly, and she norvpd nn the al.u- dont council. PiclnrucI at Iho rinlit an? Mra. Jiioe Hiill Yi’lvorloii Wulis, liresl- duni of lhc‘ Aluniaau AMoniatiun. imkI MIkr Xornia Itose. recording secretary, as ihi-y dlapluy dolls ilrPHKml in liiiplli iilt>a iiL' Ihe cIiikh day drcssua of fonncr RraduatInK clasHe.f, Plotiiri'd iihovo Is Dr. Mildred Mc- Afeo, iiresldcnt oE WellcaWy Col lege. Welloaluy. Mobs., who leoi.urcd Nov. 7, on "Whul ilQs Our Nation a Right to KxpocL ot Cotlpgo Women in Times of Nallonul Crisis?" »»»•••••»•' PIcLiirecl Ell left ai'o MIsa Raby PiUlKCU, Lincolnlon. N'. C., and Mr. C. G. Wehor, iialetgh. N. C„ who serve bk dining rcicim’hcisCeas and atevvard. reapectlvoly. Mr. Wehor uinie to Murudith last spring: Mlea PndKOlC. In Ihc (all ot 1D40. Kappa Nu Siguia members at tlie Old lloae Inn, Thu honor aocieiy enLui-tulned at a dinnur and I'ecuptUin on April .12, lil4D. Bhuwu above are nieniberti tit ihc Kroup, VirKiiiia Luu Wiitaon, Carolyn Crltcher. Dorothy Oreen, Ucho Diclojnaoii, Mlnctta Dartlull. li'rlcda CnUicrson, and Helen ,Ioiics. The new memlwrs »\'«rc Helen Turner and LilHuii Walklne. Honorary giiesta were Jonathan Uuniela, Mrs. CaHylo CaniplKill, Dean nnd Mi'H. ,1. 0. Hooniiiour, and MIsa Anna M. Baker. Ilclnw Ib the jiinlor hockey tetnii which pi-oved to b^ ihu chuniitioii ttiiini for the year. Pirttirod, from left to riglit, are: Myrtle I'olorsuu, Clinton: Amelin P.altt. Hickory: Lucy McNcely, Arlluglon, Vu.; Dnmthy House, High Point; Kleaiior Harroll. Hurgaw; Mildred Wnrd, WllllaniBtoii; Janie Siiwyor. Sanford; Noncy Caliowuy, CaneorU;. Virslnla Laacaatur, Sharpslmrg; Calhoiiiiu ChUtella, SUitoravIlle, H. I.; JOIiznheih I’mkt. Hickory; Margaret Martin, Mount Olive. In tiie background Is Rachel Lewis of Middlesex, who is niiinaiier o[ liuukey. J Tlic Unlicd SiHU'9 Smiicir from Korih Ciirollna, .loaiiih Wllliaui IJuili-y. tibnvo, di’liviovd ihp Cooi- iiicon'nienl addrusa on June !l, 1!M0. on which d:iy I'rpslrlont i?iir- lyle Campbell awiirded diiiionnis to i.lio Bi'adaal.lai,' cUikr. Thu hue- caluuroiua sornioii was pivacked by Almvo ia Norn Hinder oC Mount Dr, Solon H. CouBlna of Itichinond. Airy, Nora wiitt’ o nroduale of ]!)40. Vn., and the smclely night speaker Slui was preslcleni of tlit* Coicon wuH W. T. Host. JUlolRh iiewapnpor Gii!.’li«l> Club and did much toward eorrespitndonl. CKlblilisblnK ihc nrowsiiig Room. At left Ib Fruncea Spolght, Phlladolphln pulnter, wlio beiiuii his study oC art under liie iiitelaga ot Mis^s Ida I’oleat severul years ago when he was n atuden’t al Wako PoTOSt Collego. V'ebrnnry, 1940, one of IiIh Inndscnpea '‘Strawii for the City's Ilursea” was awarded llrat prize al the lH6th Annual Exhibition ol Paint- lUH and Sculpture sponaored by tlia'Penuayh’anln Academy ot Fine Aria. a a'a't. • • * • • • * •-» » • • At right wo aeo u jironp nt Bttidouts who look part in liip aiuiuul stunt day pallo. The elowua in lIiq fore ground are two ot the tour clowns, who.added to tho tund; The girla in the background are juniors wlioae wbito shepliei-d's orooka aymbollise th«lr dralro to And the real "crook", which die seniors hide from ijiein eaoli year. Tlio juulore were riwarded tUo pj'l*e tor tho most original aud attractive pallo pro* cosHlpii', uud )u tl>e'^v«nliiB tlie^- slua('‘:Kflaveal; •too w«H ,(pr.