m «sda KAlJjCH )f Tonight- "The Truth” ''f PU&lJSBBp By I^E STUDENT BODY OF MEREDITH COLLEGE ^er^ith College, Raleigh; N. G.j Tuesday, May 12/1942 Number 12 MajeM^ 'iii'S-viviiiiB mm i>''' Faculty Compete with Students In Play Day Afoye’att-,th9if'Yoy{J’li{ghhew8.Dbke‘'DK;'Gcor]^:.Om and Duchees Carolyn.Duke with th^ heralds Betty CuthjelC'lrft'and Jane^Btyah 'Pu'l^j^^^^^ Qak jU:av(^ Mas St^ Breakfast Old staff W Pete New^ Staff on . ' Morning of 14th The old Oo^ Leaves, mcunbers • are giving ‘the new. OaJ^- LeavM ..^Caf/ a-breakfast .out by the'.ch^t ; ney,.;on the morning of May W. They will have as-their guest; Miss • Kramer, who was the editor of th& Oak, ^-eaves her senior yiiar here at Meredith. Dr. Harris, the ad visor of the editorial staff, and Dr. Cahaday, the advisor of die bua*. ness staff, will alEo.be present. Tlie outgoing staff is; ' Martha Olive Editor Elisabeth Riggs Asso. Editor Katherine Kerr .... Senior Editor Florence Olive ...... Junior Editor Martha Anri Aden, Sophomore Ed. Eleanor Gibbs.,... Photo Editor Charlotte Green .. Photo Editor Gretchen Fanny ...... Art Editor Evelyn Bowers ... -Bus. Manager . CContinued on page two) . c^^es May .Qtiie^ S^iors, Atfendwts. Are : HpiiOKd,,.. Ma^ On the morning of May 2, the Sophomore ClaM honored tbe May vQueca. and . li^iaCtendaaU' 'it the. annual brukf^ which ia held in the coUe^ dining loom^ After the Seniors sang to the Queen, they presented her with a large basket of iria, the coUege flower.' The .Sophomores then sang to the May Queen, France Buchanan. Beside the Senior class, the guest list also included Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, Miu Baker, Miss Christine White, and the May Queen and her. attendants. This year, the Sophomore Clw continued one' of the Meredith traditions-r-that of leaving a coT' saigc at-the door of their "big sis- tus," the seniim, on K^y Day morning. - Visitors Throng C^pus May 2 College Grounds Overflow on May Day — May 2 On Saturday, May 2, our cam^ put .'overflowed with high school .students,, aluama^' parents, ^d friends, present for the annual Hospitality Weeksind and May Day exercises. Approximately 7^ high school students and three alumnae were registered, and our guest list also included many par* ents and other friends. Each year many higlt school, seniors are in- vited as pnwpc($ive Meredith stU' dents. Tl)e program was opened at 4:30 p. m. by the -May Day ex' ercises, hdd in the Outdoor The ater, wliidi was reigned over by Frances Buchanan of Laurinburg, attirarl in the traditional white, and attended by her court. The court included: (Continued on paoe imr) Freshman Act^e in Production Of Lost Colony 0t Mtnteo ., ^“i don’t belteye T'fi'e Los^tiplony witl,.be 'prese'nled,'&la surhmw,". .was 'tiie; opiiiion of- MolHe'- Fear, • , ing, a,;,fre8hinari.:'fjc^ Man^o,;F^^ " four years’rJow tMoliifevh^ pa^^^ pated in', this prqductipn i iiS;"a'-'T^: . map coloiiist. ,-'Sh’e;added,^ho .‘th^t\the..peqj)le',on ti^e situation '-'g?j^]irie\iiMi6^i\mg^^ the' '' Isl^k^outB land'- iiiijwti^v.'of . miipy,;' pIsD^rl: ;lhtQ; 'tfie^-Amy "'m drawbaclM- (^' pvjng'-jAe • : Asked Mi^jHc ppw.ibllity^ ptodurtion'eVji^^rjgf’n^Ild^ iIipyK,';flhi.'8i^id,";N^^ il- i^ji’t.'thi^' thej'/p'epgle.voji'ife ey^'' cQr^du:». letei^ Wprk for .the. biother in^e concee- ,Bion.' . in relating interestiiig .Mpcti- etices, K^lie^ted ^ ,had .met all k^i^si of> celebn^M ^ Preudent taiMi. Briah/Afee;itw,'.‘and»CScil: B: • .li'" ". '.''.V-- ^ei Me^.;'Pi!^ng^^^ ClM-\^t^,inu..;:,un^.;^ lunchroh;'>9n1:rai^ ur. teVf ■if djrec^,^%e^i^ peMille are a few whom she has met. lUustrikting chat old .raying, “Tlte ^pw.,rnust go on," she told how t^jpli^ .was pr^ented whw a caur ’tiad; hit :a light; [^le. pd the. .li^ts were.;ao: dim' ^at 'imy ..faint' oiit- of the^t^rs^wuld ,be 6»n by .^/aiiidieiue/ She' related'that ;the aw^ce^ ^ dwlared tliitt',^ey t|w^n^jnj^e;0r.'iAat ;o^^.,''j^Aiao, -:^_ni^;told ■ Mw[Jhrr^y;;'weit^^ ^wce,: .wuid w^tch' ^til.-^e pia)--, •ers;;left ,^fc-,8tkge'?ve5';t^ Players arid audierice 'were .w w^. • Mollie said- that all the non^pro-: f^on^-players;'^eiv^ a lump '«^-^n^;.|alary, at.tlUi end..of :the In Spite of Kain Spring Event Is Great Success- In spite of the rain, the Second annual Play Day was held on Wednesday afternoon^ May 6. The events began at 2. o'clock, with the crowning of the Duke and Ouchess. Although elected by the students, the names of these mon- urchs were kept secret until the .moment they iMalked out the din* ing'h%ll door, and 'turned out. to be Dr. Christenbcrry and Carolyn Duke. , Immediately fallowing the wel come by Dr. Campbell and the crowning of Duke Christeaberry and Duchess Duke, the entire ga thering proceeded to the volley ball court, where the faculty started the day by nipping tlie students 7- 6. The extraordinary si?e of the ball gave everyone plenty of fun and exercise. 'Shift one began at 2:30 with. everyone playing his chosen game, and in most of the sports the faculty showed themselves supei^ ior. Mr. .LaMond defended the honor of the faculty at ping pong, by defeating not one, but two of our students. But we redeemed ourselves on the ^ tennis courts, where Dae Bullock and Shirley I Butler took two sets from Dean Davis and Miss Dickinson. At 3:15 everyone gathered on the softball court, and the usual game was organised. However, the clouds gathered too, and after two snappy innings, the “rains came” and everyone ran for shel ter. From then on, the activities were rather limited to the gym.. How ever, this still |>ermitted badmint on, bowling, darts, shuffleboard, and ping pong, and these games ^^'ent on at a lively pace. By 5:30 cv::ryone had worked up a splendid appetite fot the pic nic supper, which had to be served in the dining hall because of the slightly damp coiidition of the grnuijds. At supper it was an nounced tliat the, faculty were winners of the 2nd annual Play Day, by a score of 23 points over the • students' 12. ' Tlus called for congratulations from the student body, which started, the singing. After a regular conununity aing, it was a tired group that left the dining hall. AnoAcr Play Day had come to a successful closer' even with the rain and a tradition took another step towards being- estab- lislied,.' ‘ Nia, «wk, Faculty, but watch out forsus next year. . Colkge Little Theatre s 'Truth” Freshmen Plan Hayride for Annual Party ^ Class of '45 Is Planning Gala Affair Here The class of '45 u planning ita annual party which will be a hay ride to the Tar Heel Club on Sat urday, May 16. Each girl is in viting a date. The motif for the occasion has not yet been dedded upon; but committees have been appointed to work out the details. The com mittee for planning the hayride includes Carolyn Kenyon, chair man, Mary Catherine McIntyre, Lillie Belle Pryor, and Fanitie Belle Futrell. Margery Pittman, chairman, Hortense Liles, Betty Lutz, Carolyn Bass, Evalyn Allen, and Shirley Dickinson arc charge, of the entertainment, The committee on invitations is composed of Frantes Sowers, El- well Joyce, and Bobbie Mayfield. Carol . Jones, Maitland Kinlaw, Hattie Ward, and Priscilla Nance are in charge of providing, the transportation. Emma Charles Foster as chairman with Gerry Dawkins, and Margaret Long are working on the refreshment com mittee, Student League Meets April. 28 y^ie Student league of Worncii Voters, met April 28 to elect its qffi^erifor the coming year. They are;'as ..follows: 'President, Iris Cuiler; vicc-presidwt, Dorothy Bppne; .^sMretai^. and\;treaeui^, Etorcaa'. ,. Stanl^; :: and: p,^ram ihwrmah,-.' E^rii 'Harjirick-.: 1^9'.'!^gue'' had. chi^ge■: 0^^ .ejeicticm -.ipubH^lty .duriAg jHe spring electioi Jr*-r Y' AH 1 J [HT .frtrrT^ —v-*f n—'n Freshman Breakfast Last Wednesday Old tradition as well ai new held sway last Wednesday morp- ing at 7:15 as the.Junior “big sis ters" were honored at a breakfast at the Chimney by their Freshman "little sisters.” The “big sisters” were summon ed by this notice: “We, your “little sisters,” in vite you, our “big sisters," to a family breakfast Wednesday morning at the Chimney, We’ll be by for you at 7:00 sharpl" At 7f00 the "big’sisters" were callcd for by their “little 'aistera" and escorted to the Chimney where they were served a breakfast of grapes, pigs In blankets, dough nuts, Jelly, an^ coffee. Besides the girls, Dr. George Christenberry, Junior spoiuor; Dr. Elliot Healy, Freshman sponsor; Dr. and Mrs. Carlyle Campbell; Dean and Mrs. Benson Davis; Miss Anna May Baker; Miss Edna Frances Dawkins; and Miss Addie Davis \yere present. The plans and preparations of the food were made, by Margaret Jordan, assisted by Heidi Caison and Leta Hamilton, Laura Ellen McDaniel was in; charge of invi- ^tatidna and was assisted b/Radiel l^mpeon, Mascots Give Tea Jean. Hobby and Billy Jim Pow ell,fl^'.-^^ior. fflii^t8,:.':^Ui'-to 3|ui^' and,Xwj| MM Jr,-Sr. Banquet Held May 9 In Dining Hali Hall Decoratcd Representing Di^rt Tiieme The Juniors ■ entertained the Seniors at the annual formal ban quet at 7:30 o’clock on Saturday evening. May 9, in the college din ing hall. The hall was decorated respre- sendng. a desert which was the theme of the banquet. Desert flow ers surrounding an oasis were found at the entrance and a sand dune was visible in tl^ back ground. Each table had as a cci^tcr piece a pyramid, and palm! trees. The menu was written in desert language on mummy pro grams. Miss Ilachel Lovelace of Cant on, N. C.,- president of the Junior class, gave the welcome and'the toast to Seniors was given by Miss Elizabeth Kiggs of Durham, N. C., incoming senior class president. Miss Nancy NuchoJs of Louisville, Ky., tliis' year’s senior class presi dent, responded. Giving the toast tb the faculty was Miss Jerry Couch uf Elkin, N. C., incoming Acorn editor and Dean Benson W. Davis responded. Miss lone Kemp Knight of Madison, N. C., incom ing Athletic ABSOciadon president, toasted tlie dates and Mr. Tructt Bennett of Carolina responded. Miss Mary Lee Holder of Gar^ ner, N. C., and Mr. E. H, Easter of Lexington, N. C,, sang sulos and Miss Elisabeth Riggs of Durham. N. C., rendered several piano se lections during the evening,. Lil boural Minshew of Boykins, Va., gave a reading. After a half-hour intermission, members of the junior's little sister class gave a skit in tlie form of a take-off on desert life. Those tak- Alpha Psi Omega Pledges, Members to Be Recognized Play To Be Giv«i Tu^ay Night, May 12, Here Tuesday night, May 12, is the date for the Meredith Little The atre’s spring production, “The Truth,’; a play in four acts by Clyde Fitdi. The play concern* Becky Warder, played by Nan Davis, who seeks to tell the truth but cannot; thereby complicating both sociaj and matrimonial mat ters. How she manages to right these upset conditions makes a very enjoyable play. Other members of the cast are Tom, Broughton, of Bruughton High School, as Tom Warder, Becky's husband; Frances Sowers os Eve Linden; her hus band, Edgar Bunn, who plays the part of Stephen Roland, the father of Bec£y; Doris JeaA Leary, Laura Frazier, a friend; Evelyn Bower# as Mrs. Genevieve Crespigny, the land lady of the boarding house; and Hilda WiUon, playing the part of Jenks, the maid in the Warder's home. .The first two acts take place in die Warder’s home in New York, a house expensively funushed. A boarding hous room in Mrs. Cres pigny s house, the apartment of Stephen Roland, is tlie scene of the last two acts. Rhodea-Collins, a local furniture store, is furnishing the sets. Committee members and tbeir chairman arc as follows: Progranu: Nancy Calloway, and Shirley Dickensoi). Costumes: Virginia Lee, chair- man; Dorotliy Lane, Hannah Sav age, and Annie Lide Gilbert. Set: Elisabeth McKeil, chair man; Louise Sawyer, Nelda Fer- g.ison, Eleanor Lofton, Mary Fr.inccs Kerr, and Rosetta Purvis. Properties': Betsy McMillan, ing part were Miss Laura Annel Chairman; Grace Alexander, Car- Cavendar of Charleston, W. Vs., and Miss Helen Flack of Ruther- fordton, N, C. The evening’s entertainment was concluded with popular music furnished by an- occhcstra from olyii Kenyon, and Eleanor Vereen; Make-up: Ida Mae Pettigrew, chairman. Business Manager: Martha Aim Allen, assisted by Dae Bullock. Bach year at this time, the niglit Fort • Bragg with Rut, Ricliard i of the play, new pledges and new Harding Danis, Jr. as Master of! members of the Alpha Psi Omega, Ceremonies. Faculty members who were gu^ts of the Juniors were Dr. and Mrs. Carlyle Campbell, Dean and Mra. Benson W. Davis, Miss An na May Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Bun- yan Yates Tyner, Dr, and Mrs. J. Grego^ Boomhour, Dr. and Mrs; George A, Christenberry, Dr. and Mrs. G. Norman Price, Dr. Julia Hamlet Harris, Mr. Har ry K. Dorsett, Dr. and Mra. Har old McCurdy, Dr. and Mra. David A; Lockmiller, and Dr. and Mrs, Sanford Winston. la:;' Psi Omega , ]|I^t May 13 ..';jThe, A|pjii,]^I;Omega,will have the 8ck tb« .cveoing of May Witlifn:^ honorary dramatic fraternity, are . recognised. This information Is .. . . ’ not revealed until the night of the ', play, May 12. Miss Greene Gives Recital in Voice Miss Virginia Greene of Shelby,. ; N. C., senior.in the College Music Department, presented in her graduating in 'voice Friday evening, at 8 o’clock in the Mere(fiA^Au*:\i;"'^pj ditorium. ' • - ' i' Miss Greene,:-the ,dau^^;,

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