Volume XVII 1942 GRADUATES ENGAGED IN VARIOUS ACTIVITIES MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, C., WEDJSTE8DAY, DECEMBER 9, 1042 Teaching, Scientific and Defense Work Among Occnpations Members of the class of 1042 arc carrying on the traditions of Mere dith College and are taking an ac tive part in contributing to national defense. Consisting of one hundred and thirteen members, a large majority of the class, fifty-two, are teaching school. Ruth Adams is teaching at Leaksville, N, 0.; Mildred Askew at Pittaboro, N". C.; Anne ISarrow at Sauford, N’. C.; Dorothy Beale at Norfolk, Va.; Helen Betts at Wake Forest; Ethel Brown at Greensboro, 2^". 0.; Frances Buchanan at San ford, N. 0.; Annie Ruth Oaison at Warsaw, iN". 0.; Nancy Calloway at Bee Log, N. C.; Nancy Carroll at Goldsboro, N. C.; Catherine Chif- fello at Kenly, N. C.; Mary Eliza beth Coleman at Winston-Salem, N. C.; Mary Frances Cooper at Wil kinson, N. 0.; Ruby Craig at Pitts- boro, N. C.; I^u Denning at Fuquay Springs, N. C.; Ellen Ann Flythe at Rockingham, N. C.; Frances Foster at Madison, N. C.; Virginia Franko at Walkerton, N. C.; Rachel Fulton at Garner, N, C.; Eloise Garris at Sanford, N. C.; Virginia Gilliland at Bunn, N. C.; Virginia Greene at Woodsdale, N. 0.; Eva Grice at Youngsvillc, N. C.; Bertha Marie Harrell at Lueama, N. C.; Cornelia Herring at Zebulon, N. C.; Claire Hill at Williamston, N. C.; Mack Howard at Newton Grove, N. C.; Nancy Johnston at La Grange, N. C.; Peggie Royster Jones at Raleigh, N. C.; Madeline Kivett at PfafFtown, N. C.; Virginia ^ncaster at Middle- burg, N. C.; Jode Lassiter at Louis- burg, N. C.; Virginia McGougan at Chadbourn, N. C.; Margaret Martin at Rockingham, N. C.; Nancy Nuckols at Louisville, Kentucky; Martha Olive at Hope Mills, N. C.; Alice Page at Henderson, N. C.; Nauwita Page at Star, N. C.; Gwen dolyn Parker at Windsor, N. C.; La Rue Pearce at Norlina, N. C.; Ce leste Perry at Goldsboro, N. C.; Myrtle Peterson, Bellarthur, N. C.; Cathryn Porter at Siler City, N. C.; Mai^ Hester Powell at Kinston, N. C.; Jenois Proctor at Concord, N. C.; Elizabeth Pruitt at Kinston, N. C.; Aileen Rogers at Speed, N. C.; Janie Sawyer at Sanford, N. C.; Nancy Stroup at Youngsville, N. C. 5 Mary Swann at Winston- Salem, N. 0.: Mildred Ward at Wil liamston, N. C.; and Mary Cooke (Continued on page- four) NOTED PIANIST GIVES CONCERT Russion Artist Appeors Here (Alexander Brailowsky, celebrated Russian pianist, wlio was heard in recital in Raleigh in the Memorial Auditorium on the evening of De cember 4, was born in Kiev, in south ern Russia. His father, a musician of achievements, was quick to recog nize the bov’a extraorfliiini’v nWlUv nize the boy’s extraordinary ability, and he himself supervised his early pianistic training and studios at Kiev Conservatory. At the age of thirteen, young Brailowsky was taken to Vienna to become a pupil of the great Leschet- izky. It was Lesehetizky’s custom to invite the elite of the Viennese musi cal world to his house to hear his out standing students. At one of these “house concerts,” the celebrated teacher had presented his first world- famous pupil, Ignace Jan Paderew ski. At another, he introduced Brail owsky, who was destined to be the last of Leschetizky’s disciijles to achieve international reno\vn. At the outbreak of the first World War, the Brailowskys moved to Switzerland and later to France. Not long after his arrival in Paris, he made his first public appearance. The boy’s debut recital created such a sensation in Parisian musical cir cles that offers of engagements be gan to pour in from all the capitals of Euroiie. One of the first of these engagements took place in Brussels in the presence of Queen Elizabeth, who repeatedly invited the young man to the Royal Palace to play son atas for violin and piano with her. The bonds which bound Brailowsky to Belgium were later to become even stronger. In 1936 the Belgium gov ernment added to the “Kreisler Prize” and tlie “Casals Prize,” the “Brailowsky Prize” biannually awarded to Belgium’s most gifted young pianist. His European reputation estab lished, Brailowsy embarked on his first concert tour of South America. Two years later, the pianist made his North ^American debut. Audiences and critics alike voted him a place in the front rank of the virtuosi of his instrument. Since 1922 Brailowsy has revisited South America on eight different oc casions, climaxed by a Jubilee tour of the continent. Since 1924 he has (Continued on page three) Dr. Elliot Heiili Number 4 CIVILIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE SPONSORS DEFENSE PROGRAM Meredith Professor Reports to Navy Dr. Elliott Healy, professor of modern languages at Mereditli since September of 1940, paid his final farewells to the college on December 1 as he made preparations to take on his new duties in the service of his country. Dr. Healy lias a com mission in the Navy as a lieutenant, (jg.). His plans at present are such that he will leave within a fe\^ days for his assigned station. Because ho is required to live in a dormitory -v\'hile at Ids post, Dr. Healy will be unable to lun'o Mrs. Healy accompany him. Ho stated that for the present she would return to her home in Denver, Connecticut. Dr. Healy formerly taught at the University of North Carolina whore he did his graduate work. His under graduate M’ork was completed at Wil liam and Mary. * Meredith Student Honored For Poetry MEREDITH LASSES PONDER OVER COMING CHRISTMAS VACATION Either you have a lot this year or not much—^Christmas holidays, of course. The' OPA or WPB or one of those innumerable Washington agen* cies decided that they did not want college students “gumming up the. works” _ of what they call a snl6oth‘running transportation sys tem. Subsequent suggestions arrived at all colleges that they either dismiss from December 15 to January 15 or just December 25. Colleges being col leges with very definite schedules and students being students with very definite ideas about Christmas vaca tions, these suggestions had to be ,7ust suggestions to all with, perhaps, the exception of Duke which gives its students only Christmas Day. Meredith angels (you all know thw) receive a little extra, being dis missed from December 17 through Jannary 6. This has one drawback —spring holidays were out to one day. Those boys in red and white across Hillsboro Street have exactly the same holidays as the lasses from Meredith. What a coincidence! Wlio’s going to have fun witli whom traveling to and from home or where- ever you go (Christmas. The other schools in Raleigh have similar holi days, too. What you are going to do during the vacation is a problem for many and not a problem for others. Some have part-time or even full-time jobs. Several have said they wore going to build up the morale of the armed forces (some will probably help tear It down). A great many girls are just “gonna sleep an’ EAT.” Just to make the Freshmen feel naj>py, they ought to know that, while the upperclassmen at William and Mary have exactly the same holi days as the Meredith girls do, the poor Frosh have from December 19 to January 4. You all can go home now and have a good time. Sidney Anne Wilson, a Meredith day student from Raleigh, has been honored by the Paebar Publishing Company of New York, having been asked permission to print her poem, “Retrospect,” in their AnihoIoff_i/ of Verse published every ten years. Sid ney Anne, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John Wilson of 1808 Park Drive in Raleigh, has attended Peace Junior College for two years, Greensboro College last year, and is now finishing at'Mere dith. While at Peace, she was the poetry editor of the magazine, Voices of Peace; and at G. 0. she was a re porter on the newspaper, TJie Colie- (jidn. Slie has in her own collection of verse around fifty poems. “Retrospect” was first published in the News and Observer as the North Carolina Poem in October this year. It was soon after that that she re ceived word from the Paebar Pub lishing Company and that the poem was printed in the Meredith Acorn. More of her poems will be published in the next issue of the Acorn, the Christmas issue. ORGANIZATIONS I TO ENTERTAIN Orphans and Blind Children To Come On Soturday, December 12 Mf'mlith College will entertain with a play, “Heidi,” given by the Little Theater and a party by the tlii-ee other campus organizations, for Orphans from the Methodist, (DatlioHc, and Oxford ' orphanages, children both white and eolorcd from the blind school and a few other less fortunate eliildren in Raleigh Satur day afternoon, December 12 from 2;30 to 4:30. Formerly, a Christmas play by the Little Theater was taken to the different institutions, but this year the children are invited to come to Meredith to see one. The Little Tlieater, Student Government, Ath letic Association, and the Baptist Student Union are all working to gether on the event. A general coni- inittee composed of the following girls are working on the plans: Elizabeth Coleman—representing the Student Government. Gloria Anderson—representing the Baptist Student Union. Sue McNeely—representing the Little Theater. Rosetta Purvis—representing the ..Vthletic Association. /Iho east of_ the play which the Little Theater is working hard on is: Frances Crane Dayre Davis ^cter Eliisabeth Shelton Uncle Aim Dorothy Turner Heidi Nelda Ferguson Granny. Mary Jo Clayton Elva Glenn Miller P«stor Betty Miller COUNT SHOWS 134 FRESHMEN The following statistics have lately been released from the ofiicc of the dean: Freshman Class, 1942-1943 ' No. of resident freshmen 114 No. of non-resident freshmen....' 20 Tliorough Plan Covers All Phases Of Home Defense Total.. 134 16 48 ANNOUNCEMENT! The “Oak Leaves” requests that all snapshots for the annual be turned in to Ade laide Charles in room 220F. No. of out-of-state freshmen No. of states represented No. of N. C. counties represent'd Other States Florida 1 Pennsylvania.. 1 Kentucky 1 Rhode Island.. 2 Maryland 2 South Cai'O..... 4 New Jersey.... 2 Virginia 3 Senior Class Announces Selection of Rings The Senior Class ring and pin committee announces that the rings have been selected and ordered. Sheila Gulley is chairman of this committee, and Minnio Morris Hug gins, Evelyn Bowers, Hazel Stewart, and Dorothy Boone are her com- mitteo members. The rings are of the same pat tern used by last year’s senior class, having^ a black onyx stone with the Meredith seal in the center. On this seal is the date and the name of the college.^ The pins are like the center of the rings with a guard of either the year or degree. About one-fourth of the class or dered rings which are expected to ar rive after Christmas. The date of arrival is uncertain because of the present labor and transportation problems. Another order will be tak en later. With an efficient and well-planned Civilian Defense program that was begun last Decoinber, the students and faculty of Meiedith are again co operating wiUi tlie College Defense Committee whieli lias as its chairman Miss Margni-et Kramer of the chem istry department. The faculty members on the De fense Committeo who were appointed Ijy Di-. Carl.yle Cani))bell at the be ginning of the program include Miss Kramei-; Miss Myrtle Barnette, head nurse of the infirmary; Miss Ellen Brower, head of the home economics department; Miss Annie May Baker, Dean of Women; Dr. Benson Davis, Dean of Administration; and Miss Christine White, head of the physical education department. Each year, a Student Defense Committee is appointed ;to represent eaeli class. Carolyn Duke, president of the Student Government Associa tion, recently appointed the follow ing as representatives of their re spective classes; Kathleen Clarke of ScA'evn, senior; Eleanor Vereen of Raleigh, junior; Frances Snow of McAdenville, sophomore, and Mil dred Blackman of Raleigh, fresh man. In order to carry out their three fold aim—training people to take part in defense work at eolloge, train ing students to be ])rei-)ared to. take part in defense work iii their own communities; and making students, and faculty iriore conscious of Civil ian Defense and its place in the war effort—numerous projects have been undertaken. Among ^hem has been the teaching of defense courses. Because tliese courses ai-e taught by .specialists in their fields, students are \irged to take every possible advantage of them. Miss White is the first aid instructor; Mi.ss Barnette, the home nursing in structor; Miss Breweri'the insti-uctor in nutrition; and Mis.s Eliza Dick inson and Miss Elizabeth Cameron are instructors in preliminary train ing for life saving. TJie courses in first aid, nutrition, and Jiome nursing will be repeated next semester. A more advanced life sa.ving course will be taught as a fol- low-up of the present one. The latest project of the Civilian Defense progi*am at Meredith ia the forming of first aid sounds and posts on the campus with Miss White and Miss Barnette as co-chairmen. Sta tionary first aid posts will be under the supervision of Miss Barnette and Miss Gladys Shipman, assisitant in firmary nurse. Mrs.' Mary McOoy Edgei'ton and Miss Dickinson will assist the supervisors. Traveling taehments will be supported by Miss White and Miss Cameron. After these stations are organized and pre liminary eoui-ses are completed, they hope to be qualified as a Volunleci* First Aid Detachment under the American Red Cross. Tlie scrap metal drive, which has been going on for some time, is still m progi’ess on the campus. A drive for scrap silk, rayon and nylon hos iery will be started soon. The committee wants,to remind all campus residents that the next black-, out for this area is to bo a surprifle blackout. Sinoe it will not he an nounced in advance, students arc. re minded not to leave lights on in thek rooms or bathrooms when they Icav^ the room for any period of time.