mmin^ hjmm, I iVoiume XVIII ok JONES SPEAKER I AT FORMAL OPENIMG : The forty-fifth session of Meredith iColIege was formally opened on • Thui'sday evening, September 16. Dr. Brotdus E. Jones, pastor of First ; Baptist CHurch in Baleigh, was the . principal speaker, j Tlie students of Moi'cdith were 'foi*maUy AWlcoroed • by ft-esidont Campboll, Mayor Graham H. An- ■drcwa, and Mr. W. H. Weathorspoon, ■president of the Board of Trustees. ■Rev. M. y. Sommers, pastor of the 'jFirst. Presbyterian Church, read the 'IScripture lesson and. prayed. Mrs. •iDorothy Alden, violinist, played the .Grand Adagio from “Raymonda,” ae- icompanied by Mr. Stuart Pratt at jthe piano. :. 'i Dr. Jones spoke on “The Develoi>- Iment of Our Capacities.” He stressed I the fact that our inherited capacities jshould be increased hy our own per- i sistent efforts, with a divine aspira tion, or goal, provided by Christ. , The obstacles that may hinder us from achieving that goal, Dr. Jones said, are slothfulness, dospondency j (the_ opposite of courage), and fears. I Ohrist is the means of overcoming I the?e obstacles and developing our- .; selves to the highest capacities. i l.R.C/s Plan for Year The first meeting of the I.R.O. was • held Thursday evening, September : 30, at 6:45, at which time Ruth Rau- ■ tenatrauch introduced the series of programs for the year. The I.R.C.’s have planned a group of programs this year which consist ' of studying international relations V with a different part of the world at . each meeting. . , .i—-The officors-for the year are : preai- dent, Grace Alexander; vice presi- ri'dent, Lois Edinger; secretary, Janie i;' Cash; librarian, Olene Sinclair; program chairman, Alexandria Kambis, and adviser, Mrs. Lillian P. ' 'Wallace. I Meetings will be held evexy sec ond Thursday at 6:45 with discus- : sions every fourth Thursday. Associations Hold Formal Reception I The annual formal reception, Saturday night, September 18, in tlie college parlors, was given by the Student Government Asso ciation, the Baptist Student Union, and the Athletic Asso ciation. In the receiving line wore June Baker Rawlins, chief marshal; Gloria Anderson, S. G. president; President and Mrs. Carlyle Camp- S- .,be]l; Charlotte Green, B.S.TJ. presi dent: Dean and Mrs. Benson W. [^jP'iviV'* Genevieve Chiffelle, president .(^DtiQued on page three} MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. 0., 8ATTIRDAT, OOTOBER 2, 1943 Number 1 New Additions to Meredith Faculty Meredith obtained fourteen new faculty members this year, including a bursar and a nurse. Almost all of the departments ere represented by these new members. In the art department. Miss Mary Elizabeth Crenshaw is the new act ing assistant professor of art. She has studied at Louisiana College, Columbia University Teachers Col lege, and at the Art Institute of Chicago. Last year she taught at Florida State College for women. Two new faculty members joined the biology department. Dr. John A. Yarborough, as a professor, had taught for eight years at Baylor Uni versity before joining the Meredith faculty. Ho received his Ph.D. at the University of Iowa, Mrs. Joe W. Clark is a new instructor, having been a gi-aduate assistant at Baylor and Oklahoma universities. The business department also boasts of two new teachers—Dr. Estelle Popham, an associate pro fessor, ^yho received her Ph.D. at New York University and taught last year at Bucknell University; and Miss Amanda Lee Thrasher, instruc tor, wlio taught at Mississippi South ern College. Mrs. Le Eoy Allen takes the place of Miss Mary Spruill in the English department. She is now completing her doctorate at Duke University and taught at North Carolina State College last year. In the modern language depart ment, we now have Miss Mary B. MacDonald who last year had the Roosevelt Fellowship to the Uni versity of Chile. She formerly taught at Macaloater Collar ■ Miss Marjorie Keiger, instructor in the music department, is a native of Winston-Salem, N. C., ha^'ing studied at U.N.C. and Eastman's in Rochester, N. Y. Two new faculty members come to the physical education depart ment. Miss Doris Peterson is asso ciate professor, having been at Texas State College for "Women for the past five years. Miss Nell Forbes, assistant professor, received her B.S. degree at Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina and has been at Berea College for the past year. The physics department has been combined with the chemistry depart ment. Dr. Mary Yarbrough ig head and Miss Kramer will teach physics. Miss Cleo Mitchell, assistant pro fessor, comes to 'teaoh religion, hav ing been student secretary for the Baptists at W.C.U.N.C. . Miss Marion Brockway is the new instructor of sociology and econom- (Continued on page three) Today Is Decision Day and End of Week of Rushing By Astro and Phi Societies SOCIETY LEADERS Carvijn Kenyon •lullu Mni^tte Bryan OFFICERS ELECTED YELLOW OR LAVENDER? T ] \ Astro or Phi? That, is probably I the most frequently asked question ,! ' oh the campus today. And today is the Day that this question will be i finally answered by all' the new stu- dents at Meredith. They have had all 1 the thrills^ of rusli week, from cor sages to picnics, from fashion show to wedding. Today they decide. In high excitement they don yellow or lavender sweaters to proclaim their choice. Today they are cheered on their way into the dining hall and into chapel as they have never been cheered before. ‘Whichever way they decide, they are proud of their deei« sion and they firmly resolve to make tJieir society the best. But decision day is not over at eleven o’clock when they have signed those little Blips of paper, and proud ly pin on the emblem of their sooiety. The whole day has an air of excite ment, colored yellow and lavender and white. Those are the colors you see on Meredith students, even down town. The Astros find yollow and white tissue paper, or cut-outs of Billy Astro to stick on their doors; and they feed Billy their history' notes. The Phis carry around teddy bears, and collect lavender streamers. And then tonight there is the spooky hilarity of the Astro initiation, and the solemn ceremonies of installa tion. But—Astros and Phis, new and old—don’t forgot your sooiety after tho excitement of this week is o\’er, after that inspii-ed and solemn feel ing of devotion to Mother Astro and Mother Phi has cooled. Support your society all through the year. Go to all the meetings, and take part in the programs that are planned for you, Talk about your sooiety, especially to the girls who are coming next year. Remember, as long as you are a Meredith girl, you are an Astro, or you are a Phi. The following girls were nominat ed as new officers: president of the Aatrotekton Socicty—Avis Branch and Peggy Brewer j treasurer of the ^istrotekton Society — Janie Allen and Jean Chesson; and junior mar shall of the Philaretian Society— Don Gilkerson and Evalyn Allen. As we go to press there is a tie be tween Avia Branch and Peggy Brewer. Janie Allen is treasurer of the Astros, and Don Gilkerson is Phi junior marshall. Orientation Program The week of September 13-18 was devoted to the orientation of new stu dents,, under tlie direction of, Betty Rose Prevatte, vice president of Stu dent Government. Mrs. Lillian Park er Wallace was faculty chairman of orientation. Freshman counsellors and faculty advisers are: IsabeUo Dillon, Miss Godwin; Sue Mc- Neely, Miss Donley; Nancy Harris, Dr. Moore; Doris Hamrick, Dr. Lan- ham; Becky Lassiter, Miss Cameron; Eleanor Loftin, Dr. Harris; Margery Pitman, Miss Burrus; Evelyn Ray, Dr. Mary Yarbrough; Hannah Sav age, Dr. Price; Dorcas Stanley, Miss Kramer; Dorothy Turner, Miss Brewer; Eleanor Vereen, Miss Baity. Day student counsellors and faculty advisers are: Flora Ann Lee, Mrs. Egertonj Priscilla Nance, Ih’. Winston. Transfer counsellors j and faculty advisers are: Annie I Catherine Barden, Miss Hanyen; Lois Edinger, Dr. Johnson; Mary Lou Nance, Miss Baise; Mary Eliz abeth Wreiin, Miss Grimmer. Dr. Alice Keith is faculty adviser to Betty Rose Prevatte. New students were divided into groups for training in the use of tl;e library, and in student government. Physical examinations in the collego infirinary, psychological and English tests were scheduled during this week. ;' . Eutertainmehts pro^’ided for the new students during orientation week included an informal party in the Hut with re_^resentatives of cam pus organizations on Monday night, a Baptist Studerit Union, party Tues day night, organized sports under the direction of the Atliletio Association "Wednesday afternoon, an Athletic Association party Wednesday night, and a formal reception by the three major campus organizations Satur day night. Freshmen Heads Last Saturday night the freshmen class selected-Ivanoy Gates as their president for this year. Other candi dates were Mary Martin and Jean Griffin. All the candidates for presi dent were selected by the junior class. Mary Martin is vice president: Tes- sie Finch is secretary; and Jean "Witherspoon is treasurer. 233 New Girls Here Registration of special and part- time students along with that of resi dent and town students brings the enrollment this year close to the five hundred mark. Thci-e are 233 new girls, of which forty-two are transfers. There rtre girls enrolled from the following col leges: Mars Hill, Louisburg, Faasi- fern, Gardner-Webb, St. Mary’s, Wingate, Campbell, Coker, Pfeiffer, Radford State Teachers’, Lees- McRae, Peace, Mary Washington, W.C.U.N.C., E.C.T.C., and Calvin. Yarious states in the southeast and noi^th are represented. There are also enrolled two students from South America. Parlies, Pageants, and Favors Given New GirU BOND DRIVE ANNOUNCED Mrs. Vera Tart Marsh, cliairman of the women’s colleges for the Third War Loan, announces that the drive of the Meredith campus has been liiglily successful with Mrs. LeRoy Allen as faculty solicitor. During the drive, Mrs. Marsh spoke to the students in assembly suggesting that they complete their war saving stamp books and cash them in as soon as possible. A great deal of interest and enthusiasm has already been manifested. College Orchestra Plans The first meeting of the college orchestra was held Tuesday ovoning, September 28, at V o’clock. Anyone who can play an instrument'and is interested may become a member of the orchestra. This year the orches tra will be composed of girls from St. Mary’s, Peace, and Meredith. *‘Pauae tor Poiuer” Obgervanee Beid As a result of a discussion in tho B.S.U. Fall Retreat, which was held September 10-12, the period, “Pause for Power,” has come into being. It is held in the social room of first floor Faireloth every week day from 1:40 until 1:55 and on Saturday from 1:00 until 1:1S. These times wore decided upon with the hope that more students will bo able to come for a moment of devotion and inspir ation. Soon now, there will bo mony changes in the social room. It is to be turned into a worship room after the fashion of a small chapel. New curtains, drapes, and chair covers will add much to the atmosphere of tho room. Today is the culmination of the rushing activities of Meredith’s two societie.s, Astrotekton imd Philare- tian. Each freshman will enter throngli one of the aociety doorways in chapel this morning and thus de clare her allegiance to one society for her college career. Tonight will mark the rough initiation of the.Aatrot*- ton neophytes by Mary Jo Clayton and the sophomore members and then tlic formal reception of wel come. The new Phis will be formally installed by their oiBcials and ■will be honored by a reception afterwards also. The process has been carried on from the first day of freshman orien tation when respective society mem bers wore their tags declaring "As tro” and “Need some lielp» Call on a Phi.” The rushing, Ijowever, W’as es pecially intensive during the past two weeks. Mojiday, September 20, the Pbis, in their traditional manner, held their bonfire. Julia Margrette Bryan, president, and Richie Har ris, vice president, %vere in ehar^ of the hobo gathering. Russian tea and cookies were served. The annual Astro picnic took place Thursday, September 23, at Allen’s Pond. This event was planned by Carolyn Kenyon, Astro vice presi dent; and she was assisted by Mar garet Jordan, Annie Cathenne Bar den, Caroline Jones, and EHzabetli Shelton. The menu consisted of ham burgers, potato salad, slaw, soft drinks, and popsicles. Last Saturday evening the Phi pageant and Astro wedding were staged. They were followed by a formal joint i-eception of both socie ties. Participants in the pageant were Julia Margrette Bryun, Richie Har ris, Betty Rose Prevatte, Mildred Thornton, Jane Watkins, and Mary Elizabeth Wrenn. The annual wedding of Ima New- girl to Mr. Astrotekton was directed by Sue McNeely. Tho bride was Gloria Anderson, and her maid of honor was Peggy Brewer. Brides maids were Hortense Liles, Laura Ellon McDaniel, and Helen Crain. Susan Crump wos ring bearer while Jean Allen Brooks was flower girl. Carolyn Kenyon and Virginia May nard portrayed the mothers, Dr. Yarbrough, the new biology profes sor, officiated. Groom and grooms men ivere Army Air Corps cadets from State College. Tho annual Phi style show was Monday night. Mary Jo Hughes was in charge. Following it the joint Aa- tro-Phi candlelight service was held. During the last week the societies iiltornatod days and presented little gifts. The Phis gave corsages to boarding students Sunday and de fense stamps to town students. They ga\’e shoe strings and powder puffs on other days. The Astros gave doughnuts, nabs, and glasses. Miss RarbeF Miss Lena A. Barber, professor of biology at Meredith from 1932 to 19*^0, died at her homo on Clai'k Avenue, Monday, September 27. Miss Barber was born in Adrian^' Mich., and graduated from Adrian CoHe^e and the University of Michigan. Funeral services were held Wednesday aftei-noon, September 30, with the Rev. Leo 0. Sheppard offi ciating. Pallbearers wore Mr. 0. G, Mumford, Mr. S. G. Riley, Dr, £. P, Canady, Dr. L. E. M. Freeman, Mr. B. Y. Tyner, and Mr. Miles I. Hart.