MEREDITH COLLEGE LUWitJ ItALFJGH, «. C SPORTS WEEK! BIG SISTER PARTY! Volume XVIII MEREDITH COLLEOB, RALETGH, N. C., SATtlKDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1043 Number 2 Tennis Stars Hold Clinic Sports Week Pi'ograiii Features British Stars Dorothy Round Little, twice wom- Hu’s tennis eliftmpiou of tlie world, and Ruth Mary Ilnrdwick, three times representative of Groat Britain in the Wightman Cup mafclies, will be at Meredith Monday, October 18, to give a demonstration and hold a tennis clinic. The demonstration will he held under the auspices: of the Athletic Association from 2-5 in the afternoon, and all students and faculty are invited to attend. Stu dents from Pence, St. Mnry’a, State, and the Raleigh high schools are also invited to the exhihitioii. Mrs. Little started her career of championships by winning the Wor- cestersliire junior championship in 1927 at her first attempt. She re peated this victory in 1928 and 1929, the first time that this ahainpionsTiip hal been won tlireo years in suc- ce.ssion. She played at Wimbledon in the All-England cliampionahips for the first time in 1929, but it Avas not until 3931 that she achieved her first major \’ietory against a world renowned player. At that time she de feated Seuoritft D’Alvarez, the Span ish champion and soon after was .'se lected to represent Great Britain on the Wightman Gup team which was to visit America. During the SPORTS WEEK Big Sisters To Give Party For Little Sisters Tonight from five-thirtv until Shown ttlMive are Dorotliy IIoiiimI LHtIc »n1 Kiith Mar> Hiinlwlvk, world itiiiioiiK tomils plnyerK, who will lie at 3f‘rcditli Octnher I§. Orchestra Hfembern r^. i- i ~— rirst Education The joint orchestra, made up of Club Meetine students at Meredith, Pence, and P Saint Mary's and directed by Mrs. 'I’he Educintiou Oluli hoUl its first Edgar Aldeii, urges interested stu- meeting of tlie j'enr in. the Hut on dents to see about joining. The joint evening, October f», at 7 orchestra meets once a month on iiew officers,; who were Wednesday nights; ti.e Meredi.h ‘’'“'“'I I’™’"'''"'' division meets on Tuesday nights at 6:45 the other weeks. A list of the orchestra members and the instru- meuts which they play is as follows : next two years, 1932 and 1933, she IAyers, Evelyn the club decided tiuit its. .meetings are: (!!arolyn Allen,- presidentj Mil dred Colvnrd, vice president; Doris Jones, secretary, jind Doris Hamrick, treasurer. After H short business meeting, Kappa iVff The Kn]>pa Ifu Sigtna held the first of its regular meetings on Thursday, October 7, in the student eouiicil room. Ann Kramer, pi*esi- il'ent, presided, and the club dis cussed its plans for the year, which include ifs luinual chapcl progi-am, big hmiquet, and Kappa . Wu Sigma i •'*'’ters will entertain their little sis- seholarsliip. Members present were | ters in the freshman elas.s and the Virginia^ I Ayers, vice president; | transfers at a .supper party to be served cafeteria style. The juniors are to take their own little si.sters a^id the seniors are to take their little sister in the junior class who tr«nst‘erred from other schools. The supjier will be served eaiie- teria style with potato salad, •slaw, sandwiches, hamburgers, cold drinks, find lee cream. Records and h; c , "’>11 l>e enjoyed. \W9tO (Susie ^ Those in charge of the party are l^l •! 7~o • Doniphan Gilkeson, secretai’v of llir Klm.l.ty ot Suwe i) re- (he Junior class, ami Doris TuLrt, treasurer of the class. Annie Cath- Betty Miller, secretary and treas urer; Ann White, Mary Hill, Annie Mary Matthews, and Charlotte Green, faculty members attending were Dr. Mary Yarbrough, Dr. Helen Pi’iee, Dr. Mary Lynch John son, Mias Margaret Kramer, Miss Ellen Brewer, iitid Miss Marjorie Rurrus. vealed'Friday afternoon, October 8, in the rotunda, at rhe first meeting of tlie Student League of Women Voters. Susie Q, this would-be lady of intrigue, appeared in the person age of Hannah Savage. By her entrance, she interrupted a history of the elub being given by Catherine Puwcll, but by her questions Susie Q and the othei' new members learned the of the Student League of Women Voters .and its ])laee on the Meredith campus. At this meet ing, Susie Q made her first step toward becoming an intelligent voter and civic leader, and the programs for the year wilt be based on her erijie Barden is to be chairman of tile food committee, Eileen H^- gard, chairman of entertaiument, and Laura Ellen McDaniel in charge of arrangements. was a member of several British in- Fannie Memory Farmer, would be held on the first Friday progress toward achieving her goal. -].p Mary Elizabeth Wrenn, Juliette ot eaeh mouth nt 7 o’clock, and then ! teniational teams. In July 1933 she readied the final of the women’s uhampionehip ' (iti Wimbledon, bent- ing Helen Hull Jacobs and Madam Matthicu, only to lose to Helen Wills Moody. In taking the sccond set, she' wag the first player for eight years I£ambis, Mildred Blackman, Flora Ann Lee, Rosalind Sannella,. Char lotte Green,' Riith Kntachinski; violu, Ann White; 'cello, Murthu Ham rick; clai'inet, Ruth Vando Ivieft; saxophone, Rachel Strole; trumpet, Carolyn welcomed all new methods' teucliers, oiul iriembers of the edu-;GIVE PARTY Ruth Wyman;’ piano, Betsy Jean Holt. that had given Mrs. Moody a close hattle. In the fall of lOHH she again toured tlie United States winning the Pacific South West Tournament iit | TrilStceS Plsilt DHVC Los Angelos, defeating Alicc Mar-' - hie. She then continued this tour^ journeying to Ja[)iin, Cliina, and the jiulay I’eninsuln, in company with On Friday, Oetn'ber 8, the Mere dith College boHfd ol! trustees met, and as a result of this meeting, the eation department. The program consisted of a com- numity sing followed by a talk by Miss Marjorie Kciger of the music department on “The Place of Music in Modern Education.” Avis Branch played records for the entertainment of the members, and the meeting end ed Avitli a social hour. other English stars, lu 1034 she won ! college will launch a drive for her greatest victory, defeating Helen ^565,000, heginuing November 15, Hull Jiieobs in the finals at Wimble don and was proclaimed woman chanipion of tlie world. Durin;' the winter of 1!J34 and 1935 she toured ifew Zealand, Anstrnliii, and Ta.s- nuuiin, winning the New South Wales championshi])s and Austra lian ehamiiionshi])s, and was rnnked officially No. 1 in the world. In 1935 she visited the United States for the third time, representing Great Brit- aiii in the Wightman Cup matches and defeated Helen Hull Jacobs and Sarah Palfrey. In 1937 she again won the Wimbledon championships, and also won the nii.xed doubles ehani])ionship with Frcid I’orry, as she liad done in 19H5 and 1936. In 1037 she married Dr. Douglas Lit tle, and in 1940, when he joined tho British army, .she brought her son to America and turned professional to earn her own living. Since then sho has been tennis instructor at Lake Erie College, I’ainesvillc, Ohio. Kuth Mary Hardwick really atai't- *d her tenuis career when she reached the semi-finals of the junior elitim- luonship at Wimblodon in 1031. In 3935-36 she toiirod South Africa with the BritisJi tioam, and in 198C, ’37, and '30, sho roprcsouted Great Brit ain in the Wightmaii Cup niatcliea. In 1937 and 1038 she won tho dou bles and mixed doubles of the Scandi navian champinoships at Copen hagen, In 1937 she won tho South of Franco singles championaliip at Nieo and tho British covered court ohampioiiships and Scottish eham- |)ionship. In 1938 she defeated Helen Wills Moody at a tournament in Weybridgo. England, wliich was tho (Conilmiert on page four) Host of this hiud will be used for the eonstnictioii of a chapel and mnsie building, a gymnasium and swimming pool, and a library build ing. Approximately iii50,00() will he ii.sed for alterations and im- [u-ovoments on presonl buildijigs. The college already has $65,000 of the needed amount. The 4;ani|)aign will be directed bj' Mr. W, H. Weatherspooji, presi dent of the board of trustees, and Mr. LeRoy Martin, clmirman of the board’s executive connuittee. At the meeting, Chairman Martin re ported on the findings of a recently completed survey of the buildings at the college. The proposed new buildings will eliminate nuiiiy of the temi^orary buildings that have been in use since the college was nmved to its present site. According to the pro posed |)la.u, all classrooms will he of permanent brick, and tho science laboratories will ‘be housed in tem porary buildings.- FOR NEW STUDENTS Fall Production Planned Members of the Little Theatre arc busy now in preparation for their fall ])roduction, LacUes in Retire- ment; which will be presented K"o- \ ember 12, Try-outs were hold Mon day, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights by Mr. Rembei’t, who is dii’ector of the i)rodnetion. Tho Littlo Thoati’o, with Lib McNeill in chargo, also plans a party for froshmon on No vember 13. Iiiitiatioii Ln§t Night Novices in the classical language le]>art3nent were made members of the Classical Club last night, Their initiation consisted of a descent into Hiido.s. Betty Miller was in charge of the jiroeecdings. Hannah May Savage is president for the year, and Di-, Helen Price is sponsor. WAR DRIVE RESULTS The Raleigh Merchants Bureau gave a party in Needham Brough ton Higli School auditorium last night in honor of new students of R.{ileigh. Meredith, Peace, St. Mary’s, State, Wake Forest, and business school students, who are attending school here for the first time this year, were present. A stage entertainment was provided and there was a social period. Fred Fletcher was in charge of the party. This event has been given for new Raleigh students for several j^ears, by the Raleigh Merchants Bureau, At Ihe eloKc of the Third War l.oan drive, Mrs. Vora Tart Marsh, cliairnian of the women’s college division, announced that Meredith C’ollegc had bought bonds to the amount of $31,837.50 issue value. Of this amount $35,000.00 was a college investment, leaving tlie amount of $6,837.50 bought by the Meredith faculty and the adminis- trative staff. Mrs. LoRoy Allen was faculty solicitor for the drive. B.S.U. CONVENTION TO BE OCT. 22-24 CORRECTION 'I’ha B-Hive schedule for Smiday ia 5 :30-6:00 instead of 5 :00-5 :30, as was published in Thk Twio of Oc tober 3. World Fellowship Plana Many Projects For Year The World Fellowship group is a volunteer oi-ganization made up of those girls who wish to do definite Christian work here in college; for e.\-ample, teaching a Smiday school class in the jail, mission, or in one of the churches, or leading In any phase of the religious life. Meetings are lield once a month, with teacher’s meetings being held weekly. 'I’he woi'k of the World'Fellowship is wide-.spreail and includes many phas('.s of Cliristinn service. One group ol girls teaches rlassos, in tho connty jail; another group goes, to the pri.sou farm and aiiother gronp conduct.s Snnday school, junior choir, ami hirtluiay parties at the Mission. Still others teach, classes in the I’hnrehcs. Plans are being made for a eontinuution of each of these phases of tho work this year. The work at the Mission ia progress ing rapidly. There is a board made up of representatives from the Bai>- tist churches in town, that helps di rect the work and provides funds which arc needod for the work. Ofticei-fi of the gi'ou'p aro: pres ident, Olciie SinulaLr; vice president, HaiJcl (irady; secretary, Zelina Murrey; and social chnirnian, Julia Hoover. The Infirmary is Your Protection The State Baptist Student Union Convention will bo held in Winston- Salem, October 22-24. Registration begins at throe o’clock Friday^after- noon. Worship service will begin at seven o’clock, tho speaker being Rev. Friincis W. MePeck, director of tho departmon of social welfare, Wash.- ington Federation of Cliurehes, speaking on “The Church versus Crime.” Some of tho forums to be held are: “Spiritual Peril and Moral Compromise,” led by Dr. O. T. Bink ley; “Private Devotion and Public Worship,” by Dr, Bill Marshall; (Goutinu«d on page three) Some of- tho Meredith girls think that the infirmary is a place to be afraid of, that it will catch them when tliey. aren’t looking, and shove them into bed for a week or two. If they have lo stay up there for any length of time, however, they come to realize the gentle and protecting coueern of the infirmary spirit. They are made to feel that they don’t have to wori-y about anything, that all they have to do is to lie back- on soft pillows, rest, and do their best to get woll. They eomo to love the nurses, who aro real friends of every Meredith girl.' Lastyoar thg reception room of the infirmary was re-decoratcd and dedi cated to throe women who aro im- ])ortant in its history—Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, Mrs. Olivia Norwood, and Miss Nora Kelly. Pictures of those three “angola of mercy” aro being obtained for tho reception room. Dr. Carroll aud Mrs. Norwood began work together as the baekbone of the infirmary whoii Meroditli Col lege was first opened in 1899. Dr. Carroll was the beloved college physi cian until her death in 1934; Mrs. J'iorwood, n practical nurse, honored and loved by all alumnae, who knew her as “Son,” cared for Meredith girls until she retired because of ill health in 1932. Miss Nora Kelly, a graduate of Mississi])pi Infirmary, had charge of tho infirmary from 1933 to 1943, under Dr. Bessio E. Lane, college |jli,vsician. Miss Kelly organized the infirmary and started it working on a businoss-Hke basis. She started keeping records of oflice and bed patients, and individual files concerning each student on the oam- pufi. The present infirmary staff ia cpmposel of Miss Myrtle Barnette of Bre>ard, a graduate of the Bap tist Hospital, and Miss Annie Wil- sou of Wiusloii-Salem, also a grad uate of tho Baptist Hospital. Dr. Bessio E. Lane, of Raleigh, is the college physician, giving all tlie stu dents physical examinatious annual ly and visiting tho infirmary daily, (Continued on paee four)