RELIGIOUS FOCUS WEEK Volume XVIII MEREDITH COLLEGE, EALEIGH, N. 0., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1944 ELECTIONS Number 7 GOVERNOR SPEAKS AT FOUNDERS’ DAY EXERCISE Mereditli College celebrated the forty-fifth Founders’ Day on Fri day, February 4. Dr. Carlyle Camp bell preaided at the morning exer cises. President Campbell >velcomed the visitors and read a message from Mrs. L. R. H’arrill, president of the Alumnae Association. A short memo rial service was conducted for the trustees, faculty members, and grad uates who died since the Founders’ Day of 1943. They were Lena A. Bai'ber, professor of biology; Joseph D. Boushall, trustee; May Craw ford, associate professor of music; Evangeline Cole Edison, class of ’31; Fuller Broughton Hamrick, bursar and treasurer; Catherine Mosely Love, former instructor in art; and Elva Currin Robertson, class of ’32. Rev. Carl M. Townsend, pastor of Hayes Barton Baptist Church, read the Scripture lesson and led the prayer. The college choir sang an anthem, “The Silent Sea.” Mr. W. H. Weatherspoon, president of the Board of Trustees, brought greet ings from the Board and introduced the speaker of the morning, Gover nor Broughton. In his address the Governor paid tribute to the f!i>unders of the collie' and outlined a program for the ad justment of institutions to the chang ing world. Dr. Carl Townsend pro nounced the benediction. In the afternoon the Alumnae broadcast was given over WPTF. The annual Founders’ Day recep tion was held in the college parlors Friday afternoon. The trustees and faculty were at home honoring Go-^- ernor and Mrs. J. Melville Brough ton, friends of the college, and mem bers of the senior class. The Student Government Council held a student reception in the eve ning. President and Mrs. Carlyle Campbell, Dean and Mrs. Benson W. Davis, Miss Anna May Baker, Miss Leah Godwin, and members of the Student Government Council composed the receiving line. The offt^- cers of the four classes assisted in serving. Sociology Club Honors Graduates An informal coffee hour was held by the Sociology Club in the college parlors on January 28, honoring the four sociology majors who gi*aduat- od at the end of the first semester. Etta Taylor of Whitakers, Ann White of Wilmington, Cornell Brunt of Winston-Salem, and JTathalie Woodward of Anderson, South Car olina, were honored. Margaret Hollis of Laurinburg, president of the club, introduced the guests to the receiving line which was made up of the lionorees and Dr. Ellen Winston, head of the so ciology department. Miss Marian Brockway, assistant professor, of .sociology and Miss Georgia Brewer of Pittsboro, pre sided at the coffee table and were assisted in serving by Betty Miller of Irvington, New Jersey; Carolyn Bass of Rocky Mount; Ruth Rau- tenstrauch of Raleigh; Helena Baker of Norfolk, Virginia, and Virginia Maynard of San Jose, Costa Bica: Sandwiches, cakes, nuts and candy were served. Guests included mem bers of the senior class and of the Sociology Club. Judy Bryan Chosen May Queen Recently IVew Students Enter Meredith This Semester Several new students have been added to tho student body during the past week. Among them are Augusta Lue Elmore, a junior transfer from Appalachian State, and Mary Rotu- la, a junior transfer from Mars Hill. Augusta is a music major, while Mary is majoring in sociology. There are two new day students. Rose Mario and Jacqueline Witner. Veronica Britt and Rebecca Ed ward, who left earlier in the year, have also returned to resume their studies. Julia Margrette Bryan from Gar ner was overwhelmingly elected by the student body as May Queen for this year. Julia Margrette has held many offices during her four years at Meredith and is now president of the Phi Society. She was a part of the May Court her first year here when she was chosen as one of the at tendants. The other candidates for May Queen were Elizabeth McNeill, Betty Rose Prevatte, and Mary Sor rell. Gloria Anderson Cranford was elected maid of honor Thursday. Special Program Held At Day Students’ Chapel At the day students’ chapel meet ing on February 3, 1944, a special talent program was presented. This program, which was given in Phi Hall, was arranged by Cornelia Mimms. Taking part in the enter tainment were Martha Hami'ick, avIio played a piano solo, “The Little White Donkey”; Margaret Wilson, who gave a ballet dance; Connie Red- wine, who sang “Tho Song is You,” accompanied by Florine Ledford; and Mary Lee Holder, wlio sans “Night and Day.” RELIGIOUS SPEAKERS Religious Focus Week to Begin Feb. 20 Baptist Leaders Coming To Campus Dr. ClnuAe U. Broach, Dr. J. >V. Marshall, Miss Mary Nance Daniel and Dr. Lverett Gill, Jr., are four of the workers wlio will be here for Religions Focus Week. DEAN’S LIST ANNOUNCED Focus Your Mind and Heart Everyone is talking about Religi ous Focus Week and tho thirteen re ligious leaders who will be on our campus tlien. What n wonderful op portunity this will be for our devel opment, as Christians and as leadei's! To see Christ at work in these lead ers, as they eat, work, and play with us on our campus and in our class rooms is to see Christ Himself and to know and love Him more. One of the most valuable additions tliis year to this week set aside for religious study and worship is the opening of our classes to these Bap tist workers. Meredith is fortunate in having already a Christian facul ty and administration. Some of our teachers point out, as wo go along in our studies, how this or that is re lated to Christianity and the teach ings ol Christ. In studying evolution in biology classes, and in studying the creation in Genesis we are find ing it easy to reconcile and har monise these ideas, which are not really opposed. In studying litera ture, wo find that the Bible is a model for good writing. Some of the best painting of all time have had religious themes. Law, polities, wars, social conventions, music — in all these studies we find strains of re ligious thinking, religious conflicts, wap, rules, customs. In studying philosophy and psychology we find the influence of God on man, even before Christ or where Christ is un known. The ministers and other church workers who are coming are inter ested and eager to enter with us into our studies, and to show us further how to relate every phase of our studios and our lives to Christ. We are looking forward to this experi ence. (Effective Spring Semester 1944) Included in this list are the names of all students taking twelve or more semester hours who have made a number of quality points equal to twice the number of semester hours taken plus three. (Current Cata logue, p. 33) : Allen, Janie Sue; Ayers, Vir- gmia; Baldwin, Mabel; Ballentine, Lucille; Bedon, Helen; Blum, Mar jorie ; Bowman, Doris Geue; Branch, Avis; Branch, Joan; Brunt, Cornell; Burchard, Elizabeth; Cash, Janie Mary; Clark, Ernestine; Clayton, Mary Jo; Edinger, Lois. Farmer, Fannie Memory; Ferrell, Marilynn; Gilkeson, Doniphan; Glover, Cleo; Green, Charlotte; Hamrick, Martha; Harris, Richie; Hill, Mary Lassiter; Hino, Emily; Hobbs, Ethyleen Bryson; Jennette, Mildred; Johnson, Mary Elizabeth; Jordan, Margaret; Krahnke, GAven- dolyn; Kramer, Ann Ray; Lassiter, Margaret; Lassiter, Stella; Lee, Flora Ai\n; Loftin, Eleanor. McIntyre, Mary Catherine; Mc Millan, Betsy; McNeely, Mary Sue; Matthews, Annie Mary; Maynard, Vii-ginia; Middleton, Beverette (All A’s); Miller, Elizabeth Jane; Mil ler. Emma Ruth; Mills, Gertrude; NEW BSU BOOKS Moore, Frances; Murray, Elizabeth; Nance, Priscilla; Olive, Emily; Pre vatte, Betty Rose. Rautenstrauch, Ruth Purdy; Robertson, Mrs. Norma B.; Savage, Hannah; Shealy, Dorothy; Shelton, Elizabeth; Showalter, Mildred; Small, Miriam; Stanley, Dorcas; Teachey, Mary Elizabeth; Thornton, Mildred; Toms, Anna Lou; Turner, Dorothy; Vando Kieft, Ruth; Van Sant, Claire; Wallace, Frances; White, Ann Carolyn (All A’s); Woodwai'd, Nathalie; Wrenn. Marv Elizabeth. ^ The B.S.U. library has recently received a new set of books. They are the Hazen Books on religion, a series of twelve fresh interpretations of Christian philosophy as a guide to Christian living today, written espe cially for students who want to un derstand and apply their religion. No book exceeds one hundred pages. Their titles and authors arc Chris tianity and Our World, John C. Bennett; Jesus, Mary Ely Lyman; God, Walter M. Horton; Religious Living, Georgia Harkness; Toward a World Christian Fellowship, Ken neth S. Latourette; Prayer and Wor ship, Douglas Steere; The Church, George Stewart; Christians in an Unchristian Society, Ernest Fre mont 'L'ittle; What Is Man, Robert Calhoun; Chi'istian Fadth and Dem ocracy, Gregory Vlastos; The Bible, Walter Russell Bowie; Religion and Reality, Henry Pitt Van Dusen. These books, as well as the many other books in the library that will pro\'e both helpful and enjoyable to you, may be taken from the B.S.U. ofllce at any time for a period of two weeks. f. K. C. MEETS The regular meeting of- the Inter national Relations Club was held on Thursday night, February 10. Rita Paez spoke on “The Relations be tween the United States and South ibnerica.” Two moving tpictures on South America were shown. Re freshments were served. New S, G. President Elected We have just learned that Martha Jeifreys was elected to serve as president of the Meredith Student Government for the year 1944-45. Martha Jeffreys and Christine Webb were the candidates. Religious Focus Week, an out growth of the former Religious Em phasis Week, will be held on the Meredith College campus on Sun- day, February 20, through Friday, February 25. Speakers who will conduct discus sions and mingle with the students throughout that time will be Dr. Claiide U. Broach, of Nashville, Tenn., Secretary for the B.S.U.; Miss Mary Nance Daniel, of Nash ville, Southwide Student Bap tist Secretary; Dr. Everett Gill, Jr., who has just returned from a tour of South America and is Secre tary for Latin America on the South ern Baptist Foreign Mission Board; Dr. George C. Heaton, pastor, of Myers Park Baptist Church, Char lotte, N. C.; Mr. Richard T. How erton, State Student Secretary; Dr. J. W. Marshall, Personnel Secretary of the Baptist Foreign Mission Board; Miss Cleo Mitchell, B.S.U. Director of Roligious Activities at Meredith; Mr, J. W. Pearce, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dur ham, N. C.; Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Washington, D. C.; Mr. Howard D. Rees, Student Secretary of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Cai’l M. Townsend, wife of the jjastor of Hayes Barton Baptist Church of Ra leigh; Dr. James Maurice Trimmer, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia; and Mrs. J. O. Williams, of Nashville, Tenn. They will live in the Meredith dormitories and will eat in the dining hall with the students while here. These team leaders will arrive Sunday to take part in the various churches of the city in the activities of the Sunday schools, morning wor ship soi’vices, B.T.U., and evening worship services. During the week they will be in the classrooms, to re late the various class subjects to Christianity, and in the chapel serv ices each morning a team member will speak. The afternoons will be given over to conferences and recre ation. At night after dinner there will be evening worship services, with seminar discussions following, led by the team members. Also, at ten o’clock the leaders will be invited to hold iiiforinal discussion groups on every hall. Subjects of the seminar discus sions to be held every night will in clude “International Relations,” “Love, Marriage, and Home>” “Ra cial Minorities,” “Daily Campus Living,” “Faith and Doubt,” “Place of Women in the New World,” “Mis sions in tho New World,” “Social Trends,” and “Personal Religious Livi}ig.” Each morning at seven o’clock the committee of 100 students will meet to discuss with the leaders the plans for the day. There are twelve committees. They with their chairmen are: program, Chp-lotte Green; hospitality, Genny Chiffelle; personal conferences, Sue McNeely; publicity. Page Rankin; musio, Mary Elizabeth Wrenn; books and literature. Dot Bowman; continuation, Gloria Anderson; classroom, Elizabeth Shelton; semi nar, Virginia Ayers; arrangements, Lois Edinger; informal discussions, Nelda Ferguson; faculty, Dr. Alice Keith.