Alumnae Supplement to The Twig MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1946 Elizabeth City Division Holds Regional Meeting President Campbell Speaks; Rocky Mount Chapter Entertains At Tea The Elizabeth City Division of the Alumnae Association held a regional meeting at the First Baptist Church in Rocky Mount on Saturday, May 11. Annie Sarah Barkwell Abbott, regional vice-president, was in charge and a representative group from the five hundred alumnae in cluded in the division attended. The meeting convened at 2:30 o’clock with the Rocky Mount Chap ter serving as hostesses. Featured on the program was an address by Dr. Carlyle Campbell, President of the College. Marguerite Mason Wil kins, President of the Association, also spoke, taking as her subject “Keepers of the Light,” which has served as the theme for her ad ministration A short business session followed, after which senior girls from the high school joined the group for a special program on college life and activities presented by a group of students from Meredith. Ruby Greene, of Boons Mill, Virginia, senior in the college, spoke briefly on campus life. Rebecca Barnes, of Black Creek, soprano, also a senior, sang three selections, accompanied at the piano by Betsy Jean Holt, of Raleigh. Following the program, alumnae and guests were entertained at a tea given by the Rocky Mount Chap ter, of which Mary C. Shearin Waters is president. This was the first such regional meeting which the Association has sponsored, and much credit for its success is due to Annie Sarah Bark- well Abbott and others who worked with her on plans and arrange ments. Cards of invitation were sent out to every alumna living in this district which covers a large area in the northeastern section of the state. REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT Portrait Gift Will Honor Miss Crawford Of interest to hundreds of alum nae who .studied with or knew the late Miss May Crawford during her twenty years at Meredith is the an nouncement that her portrait will be presented to the College on Alumnae Day. Miss Crawford, who came to Meredith in 1922, served as head of the piano department until one year before her death in 1943. During that time she taught three hundred and fifteen piano students in the College. The oil portrait, painted by Isa belle Bowen Henderson of Raleigh, will be presented with suitable ceremony at the annual meeting of the Association on June 1. It is a gift from students of Miss Crawford, who at the suggestion of Ruth Heatherly Everett of Raleigh chose this method of commemorating Miss Crawford’s devotion to her work, her students, and the College. Assisting Mrs. Everett in soliciting funds from former students were Louise Correll Tripp, Virginia Coun cil Gibson, and Peggy Royster Jones. Annie Sarah Barkwell Abbott of Elizabeth City. Executive Committee Meets At College Eleven Members Make Plans And Hear Committee Reports The spring meeting of the Execu tive Committee of the Alumnae Association was held in the alumnae office of the College on Friday, April 26. The following members were present: Maude Davis Bunn, Maude Wall Cheek, Foy Johnson Farmer, Anne Simms Haskins, Margaret Craig Martin, Elizabeth Hostetler Ponton, Marguerite Mason Wilkins, Lulie Marshall Wyatt, Mary Yar brough, Clarice Bryan Holder, and Mae Grimmer. Matters presented to the group included plans for Alumnae Day during commencement, the regional meeting at Rocky Mount, the cou pon and magazine drive, and re union class activities. Among items of general interest was the report from Lulie Marshall Wyatt of the Doll Committee that after investi gating cost of materials and labor, the Committee deemed it unwise to proceed at present with plans for permanent cabinets for the dolls. A motion was carried that Meredith have an alumna representative at each of the ten W. M. U. divisional meetings in October. Recommenda tions were drawn up for presenta tion to the Association at the an nual meeting in June, and the sug gestion was made that an alumnae orientation program in the form of a talk by President Wilkins be planned for the College seniors. A committee was appointed to select a gift to be presented at com mencement by the Association to the faculty. Mary Yarbrough, re porting on the Ida Poteat Loan Fund, announced that the fund now amounts to approximately $3,000. There was a discussion of the pos sibility of changing the Fund from loan to scholarship and a commit tee was appointed to investigate the matter and present recommen dations to the Association. 1946 REUNION CLASSES Elizabeth Hostetler Ponton General Chairman 1906-1911-1912-1913-1914 1921-1930-1931-1932- 1933-1936-1944 CHAPTERS REPORT VARIED PROGRAMS Varied programs have been fea tured in reports of chapter activi ties since the last issue of the Sup plement. Chapters have entertained high school girls, heard visiting speakers from the College, and held elections for new officers. Eight chapters have reported meetings. Brotherly Love Chapter The Brotherly Love Chapter (Pennsylvania) had a luncheon meeting on Saturday, April 27, at the home of Fannie Paul Malpass in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Five members attended. Informal dis cussion of chapter projects and Meredith news constituted the pro gram, and plans were made to send clothes and gifts to the student at Alexander School, Union Mills, N. C., whom the chapter is helping. The next meeting will be held in June, at which time Madge Daniels Barber will report on Commence ment activities at Meredith. Come one! Come all! Commence ment time is here again. Let every alumna begin today to plan to be at Meredith for Alumnae Day, Satur day, June 1. It will take real effort on the part of some of you. There are husbands to be left, children with measles and mumps to be cared for, meals to be prepared, and houses to be kept. Let me urge you to make whatever effort is neces sary in order to be with us at Mere dith. Make some arrangement about the children! The rest can always wait. We need you at Meredith, and you need the inspiration of youth and high ideals. So come! The program is already planned, and bids fair to equal those won derful Alumnae Days of recent years. Bring coupons with you! Maude Wall Cheek, chairman of coupons, is urging that every chapter finish its quota. Then, if every individual who comes to Alumnae Day will bring a few extra ones along in her hand bag, we can swell the total a great deal. Remember, there are lots of coupons on other products besides soap! We chose a theme for our alum nae activities this year. At every meeting we have talked about this theme: “Keepers of the Light.” Be cause you and I spent some years of our youth in a Christian college, we forever have a light to keep burning brightly. We have the light of high scholarship. Have we kept our minds alert and busy in recent days by reading and studying some of the best books? We have the light of high ideals of Christian living. Are we living up to those ideals in our homes, churches, and communities? We have the light of Christianity itself. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works. Burlington Chapter The most recent meeting of the Burlington Chapter was held on Founders’. Day at the home of Dolly Byrd Vernon with Melba Hunt Greene as co-hostess. Twenty-five alumnae were present. The pro gram, arranged by Sarah Elizabeth Vernon Watts, consisted of a history of the College from its earliest days. The following officers were elected for the year: Melba Hunt Greene, president; Helen Plybon Bailey, vice-president; Sallie Cates Vernon, secretary; Estelle Wilkins Riden- hour, treasurer; Prue Choate Ed wards, reporter. (Continued on following page) Occupational Survey Made By Secretary Alumnae Day Activities Are Scheduled For June 1 Smithfield Alumnae Honor Senior Girls The alumnae group in Smithfield entertained the high school senior girls at a dinner and program on May 9 at the Gabriel Johnson Hotel. Lois Morgan Overby was in charge of arrangements, and eight een high school guests attended. Featured on the program were Elizabeth Warrick, Evelyn Straughan, Peggy Parker, and Christine Kornegay, students from the College who talked about cam pus life and presented a musical program. Movies of college activi ties were shown by Mae Grimmer, who accompanied the group. The decorative scheme used Meredith colors, and each guest was pre sented a miniature corsage. On the same evening, the Smith- field group organized a chapter, electing Lois Morgan Overby, presi dent, and Dorcas Stanley, secretary- treasurer. The following alumnae were present for the occasion: Sadie Massey Aycock, Nora Tew Baggett, Mattie Lassiter, Elizabeth Johnson Lassiter, Evelyn Little Reynolds, Lois Morgan Overby, Sara Oliver Skinner, Dorcas Stanley, Mildred Oliver. Betty Brown MacMillan and Madge Daniels Barber Will _ Be Featured On Program Chapter Is Organized By Elorida Alumnae A recent mailing from the alum nae office to all Meredith alumnae is the postal questionnaire concern ing occupations. The alumnae sec retary reports that a file will be set up in the office for the use of any one desiring information on the training, occupations, and activities of the alumnae. The survey is being made on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, presented to and adopted by the Association at the annual meeting in June 1945. The questionnaire was prepared by Frances Pittman Woodard of Selma. Three Alumnae Receive Advanced Degrees Three Meredith graduates en gaged in advanced work in the fields of music and of religious edu cation have received degrees in recent months. The W. M. U. Training School at Louisville, Kentucky, at commence ment exercises on May 2, conferred the Master of Religious Education degree on Marjorie Ailstock, ’43, of Covington, Virginia, and Olene Sin clair, ’44, of Clinton, N. C. In Au gust Olene will assume her work as full-time associational fieldworker in the South Fork Association with headquarters in Newton. Mary Brockwell, ’28, of Raleigh received her M.A. degree in music at Columbia University in Febru ary of this year. Miss Brockwell, a violin major, received her B.S. degree from Meredith in 1938. She is now serving as head of the De partment of Violin at Connecticut State Teacher’s College in New Britain, Connecticut. Coupon and Magazine Drive Needs Support At a recent meeting of the Execu tive Committee of the Alumnae Association, Maude Wall Cheek, coupon and magazine chairman, re ported that this year the Associa tion had realized $51.00 from maga zine commissions, but that coupon collections had been small. Alumnae are requested to make a special ef fort during the next few weeks to meet their quotas in this drive. At present only one chapter, the Brotherly Love (Philadelphia), has reached its goal for both coupons and magazine subscriptions. The Greensboro Chapter has sent a check for $4.00 in lieu of its quota of 1,000 coupons. In order to keep the matter before alumnae a prize will be offered at commencement to the person bringing the largest number of coupons, and a special display of the coupon-bearing prod ucts will be set up in the rotunda. The Florida Alumnae Chapter was organized on April 26 at the home of Emily Boyd Garrison in Sanford, Florida. Mrs. Garrison, assisted by Gladys Boyce Cooper, entertained the group at a buffet luncheon. The morning was spent in informal discussion of college experiences, and the formal organi zation of the chapter was completed in the afternoon. Emily Boyd Gar rison was elected president and Ivy Horne Rucker, secretary-treasurer. As a special feature of the pro gram Annie Brackett of St. Peters burg reviewed the history of the College. Plans were made for a meeting in April, 1947, at the home of Bernice White Goodman in Lake Alfred, Florida. Florida alumnae attending were Louise Bennett Satterwhite of Seb- ring; Ruth Williams Bragdon of Leesburg; Mattie Griffin Clark of Deland; May Baldwin Turlington and Bessie Howard Wynn of Gainesville; Gladys Byrum Book- hardt of Winter Park; Gladys Boyce Cooper and Ivy Horne Rucker of Sanford; and Annie L. Brackett of St. Petersburg. Alurnnae Day, June 1, at the Col lege will feature Lt. Betty Brown MacMillan, USNR, as the speaker for the annual meeting of the Asso ciation, which will be held in the Phi Hall at 10.45 a.m. Her subject will be “The Fields Shall Blossom.” Marguerite Mason Wilkins, presi dent of the Association, will pre side at the meeting. The Executive Committee has drafted the following recommenda tions for the year 1946-1947 to be presented to the Association: Wake Chapter Presents Gift To College A recent gift to the College from the Wake County Chapter is the large service sink to be installed in the serving room at the west end of Johnson Hall. Laura Weatherspoon Harrill was chairman of the com mittee which investigated needs at the College and recommended the gilt at the April meeting of the chapter. Additional funds were raised at that time, and the sink was purchased and delivered imme diately. Arrangements have been made by the College to have it in stalled. 1. That the Loyalty Fund in its full significance be stressed. 2. That the goal for active mem bership remain at 40%. 3. That the Association publish its own magazine four times a year rather than the eight issues of the Alumnae Sup plement to the Twig as of this year, 1945-1946. 4. That the alumnae continue to help with student enrollment. Other matters slated for discussion are the Swimming Pool Fund and the possibility of converting the Ida Poteat Loan Fund into a scholar ship fund. Special music for the occasion will be furnished by the College Sextette, composed of Rebecca Barnes of Black Creek, Jean Davis of Selma, Betty Jean Donley of Davistown, Pa., Virginia Holcomb of Winston-Salem, Jane Watkins of Durham, and Jean White of Cole- rain. The Sextette is directed by Miss Beatrice Donley of the Depart ment of Voice and will be accom panied by Emily Hine of Winston- Salem. As an added feature on the program the granddaughters will be presented with their mothers. The annual luncheon will be held in the dining hall of the College im- (Continued on following page) Nominating Committee Announces Candidates The ballot for officers of the Meredith Alumnae Association for 1946-1947 is being made up by the alumnae secretary and will be mailed out in the near future to all members of the Association. There are four general officers to be elected this spring for a two-year tenure. The following nominations have been presented. President of the Association: Mrs. Zeno Martin (Margaret Craig, ’30) and Mrs. J. C. Woodward (Frances Pittman, ’37). Vice president of the Greensboro Division: Mrs. D. Glenn Auman (Henrietta Castleberry, ’36) and Mrs. James Gerow (Betty Kichline, ’37). Vice president of the Charlotte Division: Mrs. Frank Fulghum (Erin Bloodworth, ’30) and Mrs. Herbert C. Dixon (Lucille John son, ’32). Alumnae-at-large: Mrs. Hilary E. Bryson (Amorette Byrd, ’34) and Mrs. Guy Phillips (Annie Craig, ’17). The Nominating Committee is composed of Melba Hunt Greene of Burlington, Lois Sawyer Pritch ard of Greensboro, and Prue Choate Edwards of Burlington. FUND CHAIRMAN REPORTS Margaret Craig Martin I cannot realize that this is May and that commencement is fast ap proaching. Our Loyalty Fund has done very well, but we still have a long way to go before we reach that coveted 40% goal. However, I be lieve we can make it—if we try. Those of you who plan to pay at commencement, send in your money now, please, because it really will help us to see how we stand. You know there aren’t many in teresting and exciting ways to ask for money, especially when we are all so scattered. But when we send in a contribution, that makes us feel as though we are a vital part of Meredith today, which, of course, we are. So send in your Loyalty Fund now during these next few weeks so that we’ll have a really wonderful report to make at the alumnae meeting in June. Don’t forget the awards at that time, too. Please let me thank all of you who have helped in raising our Loyalty Fund, particularly you class chairmen who have so dili gently prodded your fellow mem bers to swell our Fund. We are hoping to see you at commence ment, so be sure to come. The plans sound most interesting. May each of you have a grand summer and may you feel just a little closer to those old school days by having a part in Meredith-Liv- ing-Loyalty Fund. The following names have, been added to active chain of names since the last issue of the Supple ment: Madeline May Allen, Vir ginia Gilliland Bailey, Barbara Bau- (Continued on following page) ■\

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