/! JUcui £.ooh Who could forget the dizzy doings of Lois Harmon and Fran Thompson? Here they are all decked out for their rag doll dance as “Raggedy Ann” and “Andy.” All dressed up for the Jr.-Sr. is Barbara Johnson and her escort, David Parnell. “Bobbie” was chosen “Cutest” by the Senior Class. Jean Bradley, seated at the easal will long be remembered for the art work she did while on the TWIG staff. Jean was named “Most Original” by the class. Campus leaders were entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell. Seated, left to right,, is Mary Beth Thomas, Virginia Campbell, Ella Mae Shirley, Margaret Moore, Frances Alexander, Lib Jones, Louvene Jordan, Lois Harmon, Fran Thomas, Gloria Mayer, and Harriet Neese. MilORS Sarah and Susan Fleming made a hit for they were chosen “Friendliest” by class members. Susan was Vice Presi dent of the Senior Class. Palio was held on a cold day in November this year, but President Fran Thompson was happy as she reigned over festivities. Her pages are Meredith Liles, Lois Harmon, Anne Wallis, and Cathe Wishart. Seen above is “Lefty” Pugh and her escort for the Jr.-Sr., A. B. Barefoot. “Lefty” was dubbed “Most Athletic” by her class. Mary Beth Thomas, better known as “Tommie,” was President of the Senior Class this year. When superlatives were chosen, Mary Beth was named the “Most Versatile.” Above is Doris Harris, President of the Day Students. Doris was also elected by the Senior Class as the “Best All-Round Town Student.”