January 20, 1950 THE TWIG Page three STUDENTS CHOSEN FOR “WHO’S WHO” Betty Moore, Betsy Ann Morgan, Jo Snow and Emily Pool, pictured above, are the four Meredith seniors whose biographies have been chosen to appear in “Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.’’ SHERWOOD EDDYS TO HOLD FORUM TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Eddy will speak at a joint meeting of the Freeman Religion Club and the IRC this afternoon from five to six in First Jones Social Par lor. Any students who are in terested may attend and join the discussion. Mrs. Eddy, the former Louise Gates, has been working and traveling with her husband for the past few years and has been in great demand as a public speaker. She spoke in the chapel period here last Monday. Dr. Eddy, who has traveled ON STAGE IN PERSON WEDNESDAY ONLY, Jan. 25 2 Night Performances—7 & 9 P.M. //- THE HOUR OF CHARM" Under Direction of PHIL SPITALNY All Seats Reserved State Theatre MORRISETTE ESSO SERVICE 2812 Hillsboro Street Raleigh, N. C. PHONE 9241 “Our Care Saves Wear' extensively, has served in India as national secretary of Y.M.C.A. He has worked among students of India, Japan, Korea, China, and Near East, and Russia. He is author of Revolutionary Christianity, India Awakening, The New Era in Asia and about thirty other books. His work has brought him into contact with leaders all over the world. Dr. Eddy was the chapel speaker on Wednesday. Take An Afternoon Walk Sports Talk By LOIS HARDER Basketball The long-awaited basketball season at Meredith has finally arrived. Miss Cunningham re ports that more students have turned out for all practices for each of the four classes than in the years previous to this. Prac tices are being held every night, Monday through Thursday. The freshmen have turned out in largest numbers for prac tice; the senior team is reported ly much improved, although all classes will have to play their best games in order to beat the strong juniors, who have won for the past two years. Jean Johnson is basketball manager on the A.A. Board. Badminton Badminton practices started recently for the tournament, held in the individual sports class to determine the winner in the sports. Ten monogram points per hour are given for practices, ten points for entering the tournament, and five points for each match won. Fifty points will be given to the tournament winner. Riding The Hoofprint Club started the New Year off right with a moonlight ride during the first week after return from vaca tion. Those taking the night tPrlbble^ and tPrabbleA By MICKY BOWEN to ARNOLD REXALL DRUGS 3025 Hillsboro Street WILNONT CLEANERS 3015 Hillsboro Street DEPENDABLE DRY CLEANING Prompt Courteous Service Dial 2-2071 NEMAN’S Jewelers & Silversmiths 109 Fayetteville Street 'for your every jewelry need' RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Thursday, Feb. 2 at 8:30 P.M. CHARLES F. WAGNER Presents THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Rossini’s Gay Opera ALL STAR CAST ORCHESTRA AND MALE CHORUS Tickets; $1.23, $1.85, $2.46, $3.08 (Tax Included) POOLE MUSIC COMPANY You know, there are people who delight in responsibility, either from a perverted desire to feel important, or a fear of hav ing nothing to do, or even per haps because they feel it is everyone’s duty to contribute to the life of those about them. They are often thrown into an ecstasy of work and usually do things far ahead of the time they are expected to and are very fine ones to have around. Also, there are those who do about half of what is positively required and expect a worried expression or a self-confident smile to fill in the rest or else help whomever completes the job to adjust him- ride, under instructor Mrs. Hitt, included Patsy Spiers, Jane Slate, Anne Creech, Anne Can- nady, Shirley Cliatt, Anne Bru ton, Sally Massey, Betty Jane Hedgepeth, and Lois Harder, all advanced riders. NOW PLAYING! The Story of a Girl Who Could Pass As White "PINKY" With JEANNE CRAIN Starts Sunday! JOHN PAYNE 'CAPTAIN CHINA' Added Attraction Sunday Only JOHN PAYNE ON OUR STAGE 3:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 AMBASSADOR self to his fate. And then—there are the rest of us. What our trouble is, I don’t know; but I’m sure it's more serious than any of the preceding. However, rest easy, I’m working on the problem. Well, now that the emotional blocks are cleared, we can pro ceed to important things. The spech, choir, or Meredith Liturgical group, if you prefer, is becoming quite popular, she said. We were regarded by the Canterbury Club recently and have been successful in forcing our talents on several groups here at school since Christmas. Meredith is really being put on the map this week. Porter field’s theatre is the best of its kind in the country and I’m sure we may say the same for the Creative Rhythm Group. You can bet your life the old leg-line will be back this week, just when it would be advisable to remain inconspicious. Always the way, isn’t it? Nationally Known TOILETRIES at EFIRD’S ^‘Elizabeth Arden” “Coty” Evening in Paris Yardley Old Spice IVEY-TAYLOR’S America’s best-dressed WOMEN WEAR ARCHER Ask for Archer Nylons with the one ond-only NELINE® Neline®—the fine white stripes at the top that add distinction, reduce the hazards of runs, identify them as the one-and-only Archer nylons. Ask for your perfect size in Archer Fitted Lengths—Trim, Medium, Long. $1.35 $1.50 $1.65 rcner Stockinqs ^O’aiikv) ’’O' l\ ‘ 1 The Showplace of the Carolinas I n