)' "PLAIN LIVING, HIGH THINKING' THE TWIG Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College "HE BUILDS TOO LOW WHO BUILDS BENEATH THE STARS" Volume XXVI Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, October 5, 1951 Number 1 Decision Day Climaxes Rush Week Activities I . Annual Membership Drive Features Phi Fashion Show and Astro Wedding This was the scene in chapel on “Decision Day” last year when the Philaretian Society counted a majority of new students to b« hailed as “the winner!” Seen at left is Virginia Jones, president of the Phis in ’51. This year’s winner, Astros or Phis, will be decided tomorrow morning at 10:30 as another “Decision Day” rolls around. Twelve New Members Join College Staff i' Meredith opened the fall term with six new members of the faculty and six members of the administrative staff. Miss Ethel Tilley, a native of Pittsburg, Va., replaces Dr. Park as associate professor of psy chology and philosophy. Miss Tilley comes to Meredith from Brenau College in Gainesville, Ga., where she was professor of psychology and philosophy. She did her undergraduate work at Ohio, Wesleyan Uni versity and holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Boston Uni versity. Miss Tilley will be at home in her apartment here in Raleigh. In the Art Department, Miss Marian Davis is serving as in structor. She was formerly a member of the Alabama College faculty in Mantevallo, Alabama. She earned her A.B. degree at University of Arkansas and her M.A. at George Peabody College in Nashville, Tenn., and Colum bia University. She is living on the campus in Stringfield Dormi tory. Music Department Two new members in the music department are Miss Janet Anderson, a former teacher of piano, voice, and theory at Marion College, and Miss Phyllis Weyer who was formerly an in structor in violin, theory, and piano at De Pauw University. Miss Anderson received her B.M. degree from St. Olaf Col lege in Minnesota while Miss Weyer learned hers from Hast ings College, Nebraska and her M.A. in theory from the East man school of Music in Roches ter, New York. (Continued on page six) FRESHMEN ELECT PRESIDENT FROM NOMINEES SELECTED DY JUNIORS At a special meeting on Mon day, October 1, Nancy Doherty was elected to lead the fresh men class. Her election was based upon the nomination by the Junior Class of four girls to lead the 1955 graduates. The committee of the Junior Class, headed by Betty Anne Highsmith, president, debated long before deciding upon Nancy Doherty from Troy, N. Y., Patsy Cromartie from Dunn, N. C., Jane Faires from Charlotte, N. C., and Betty Jane Wells from Hiddenite, N. C. These girls were chosen on the basis College Alumna toAddressCouncil Mrs. Bernice Kelly Harris, well-known writer, novelist, and Meredith alumna, will be the guest speaker at the 1951 coun cil meeting of the Meredith Alumnae Association, which is to be held tonight in the Hut at 6:00 o’clock. According to information given by Miss Mae Grimmer, alumnae secretary, the follow ing plans for the meeting have been made. A buffet supper will be served to the represent atives of the council by the Raleigh chapter of Meredith alumnae prior to the introduc tion of Mrs. Harris. Following her speech a workshop will be held in which various problems and ideas will be discussed in small groups. Each group will (Continued on page five) of their personalities and pre vious high school leadership. Southern Yankee Nancy, who claims herself to be a real rebel, although she comes from New York, was for merly from the Capital City of N. C. Her family then moved to New York where they have been living for five years. Infer est in coming to Meredith began when her sister, Jane, came as a student. Playing the piano is one of Nancy’s main interests along with the student forum club, a club in which she took an active part in high school. She was a member of the Adelphian Society and its president during her last year in Troy. Nancy wants to be a primary education major. Business Major Pat Cromartie, who hails from Dunn, has heard of Meredith from the large number of Dunn girls who attend it. She wanted to find out what Meredith was going to be like. * From a look into Patsy’s high school annual, one can readily see that she took a prominent part in many activities there. Basketball, cheerleading, Tri-Y, journalism, and glee club work were among her extra-curricular interest. Although Patsy is interested in business as a major, she is an ardent lover of mathe matics! Religion Major “Because Meredith is a good Christian college,” is the reason Jane Fairer decided to come (Continued on page five) Rush Week is one of the big gest events of the school year and is apparently enjoyed by all. Both Phis and Astros work long hours preparing for the events that make this an im portant week. Tomorrow, De cision Day, will determine the success of each society’s rushing. The calendar of events includes varied entertainment from the Phi fashion show and the Astros wedding to the climbing of the water tower by Miss Cunning ham and drinking of Phi juice. Rush week began officially on Tuesday, October 2, with the Astros having first chance at influencing new students. Bright and early the Astros claimed the day by singing wake-up songs and then treating new students to oranges and peppermint sticks. Astro hall was open all day so that new students might go in to meet and become ac quainted with old members. At dinner that night the Astros presented entertainment by a professional ' hillbilly group. Coca-colas and donuts were served to new students later that night. The day ended with singing in the court and music on “Our Best To You.” Wednesday belonged to the Phis, and they began it by sing ing in the court and making the new students’ beds. During the day Purple Locks and the Three Bears treated new students to Phi juice. That night when freshmen came to their rooms they found “sweet dreams” mes sages and refreshments from the Phis. Thursday found the Astros singing in the court and this time giving out yellow plastic cups containing Astro juice. At noon all eyes were agog as Miss Cun- ningham climbed the water tower, and at night the Astros presented a colorful and exciting pep rally for the new girls. On Friday, it was Phi day again. Phis gave a little Phi teddy bear to each new girl. At dinner will come the really big event, the Philaretian Supper Club, for the new students will receive white carnations tied with purple ribbons. Prior to Rush Week the Astros and Phis entertained on several occasions. On Friday, Septem ber 28, at 5:00 p.m., the Astros and new students hiked to Allen’s Pond for a weiner roast. Afterwards, Astro comedians presented skits. Later in the evening the Phis held a bonfire in the grove with the Sigma Chi fraternities from North Carolina State and Wake Forest enter taining in skits and a minstrel show. At 7:00 p.m., the Phis pre sented a Fashion Show with Phi girls modeling their own new clothes and f o r m a 1 s from Miriam’s. Sigma Chis from State served as escorts for the models and modeled mens clothes. Flowers for the occasion were given by Mr. Parkerof’s Rain bow Florist. After the fashion show, new students attended a mock wed ding in Astro hall. Dr. John Yarborough officiated at the ceremony and State boys served as groom and groomsmen. Only the freshmen and trans fers can determine the outcome of this busy Rush Week. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION PRESENTS FESTIVAL FOR NEW STUDENTS Big plans are underway for the Autumn Festival to be given for the freshmen and transfers from Meredith and State to night, October 5. The BSU councils of Meredith and State are giving this party in the old auditorium from 7:30 p.m. until 10:00. Misses Billie Ruth Currih, Louise Stewart, Janet Stallings, Mary Evelyn Brown, and Jean Dula of Meredith and Bob Las siter, Harold Lominac, and Roy Congleton of State met and made the plans for the enter tainment and refreshments for the festival. The two BSU Councils are dividing the re sponsibility for the decorations and the food. Secret Festivities Louise Stewart and Roy Con gleton, the Social Chairmen are in charge of this festival. They are hoping you will come and enjoy this fun they have planned for you. The festivities for the evening axe secret, but you can be sure there is plenty of fun in store. One hundred Meredith and two hundred State boys are ex pected. Plenty of fun, food and fellowship at this big State- Meredith Autumn Festival. The State - Meredith BSU party is annual events that stu dents have anticipated and at tended through the years. CIVIC MUSIC SCHEDULE October 23, 1951 ..Strauss’ opera “Die Fledermaus,” starring Irra Petina and sung in English November 7, 1951.— The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson conducting January 3, 1952 Gina Bachauer, pianist January 21, 1952 Leonard Warren, Metropolitan baritone February 29, 1952... Ruggiero Ricci, violinist March 27, 1952 Kirsten Flagstad, soprano

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