WELCOME VISITORS THE TWIG HAIL TO THE MAY COURT Joanne Brown To Be Crowned May Day Qneen Meredith Is Host To New Students May 1 and 2 is Hospitality week end on the Meredith Campus at which time new students will be the guests of the college. The old stu dents will act as hostesses to the guests for the events of the week end. The girls will arrive on the cam pus Saturday morning, and will reg ister between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Following lunch there will be a horse show at 1:00 p.m. At 3:30 the May Queen and her court will be presented, followed by the crown ing of the queen. Five o’clock will be the time for the day students’ picnic, and 5:30 p.m. the dinner hour for the other guests and resi dent students. Sunday morning the guests will go to church with their hostesses on special buses leaving between 9:00 and 9:30. Sunday dinner will be served between 12:30 and 1:15, officially ending the weekend. The various committees are: placement, Betty Vance, chairman, Emily Newman, Raye King, Beth Morgan, Barbe White; tags and pro grams, Becky Barnhardt, chairman, Ada Lou Worth, Joanne Selley, Peggy Bennett, Ruth Jeanne Allen, Ann Cashwell, Ernestine Cottrell; invitations, B. A. Aldridge, chair man, Elizabeth Jones, Sara Sue Rob erts, Mimi Royster, Myra Bristol; day students, Jackie Norris and Joyce Burns, co-chairmen; open house, June Vann, chairman; and hostesses, Susie Rucker, chairman CONCERT POSTPONED The annual Spring Concert of the . Meredith Chorus, which was sched uled for May 1 at 8:00 p m., has been postponed. Miss Beatrice Don ley, head of the voice department, announces. It will be held on -May 28. Music Majors To Give Recitals Seven graduating music majors are planning to give their recitals during May. Mary Bryan Reid of Whitakers, N. C., a voice major, will hold her recital on May 7 at 8:00 p.m. Among the songs that she plans to sing are “Ah, Perfido” by Beetho ven, “Ave Maria” by Schubert “Hymne Au Soliel” from “Le loq d’Or” by Korsckoff, and “Ah, Je Veux Vivre” from “Romeo et Juli ette” by Gounod. Also on her pro gram will be “Four Children’s Songs” written by Joan Neighbors, a Meredith graduate. She will con clude her program with “A Feast of Laterus” by Bautock. Her ac companist is to be Hortence Wiggs. Mary Bryan is president of the Mc Dowell Music Club, and soloist at West Raleigh Presbyterian church. Carolyn Hall, who has a double major of public school music and voice, will give her recital on May 11 at 8:00 p.m. She will sing five groups of songs, some of which are “Stizzoso mio stizzoso” by Per- golesi and “Sei Mia Gioia” by Han del, “Hear ye Israel” from “Elijah” by Mendelssohn, “Will o’ the Wisp,” by Spross, and “Floods of Spring” by Rachmaninoff. Her accompan ist will be Betty Miller. Three majors of public school music will hold their recital on May (Continued on page four) Miss Schwartz Plans Visit to Meredith Miss Margaret Schwartz, assistant dean of students at Meredith, 1950- 53, will be a guest of the college during Commencement Week, Mrs. Vera T. Marsh, college registrar, an nounces. Miss Schwartz’s room will be in either Stringfield or Vann where she will be glad to receive friends on campus. Miss Schwartz is the donor of the Freshman Citizenship Award, an award which she is sponsoring again this year. Jo Workman was last year’s winner of this honor. Infor mation about qualifications for the award may be obtained from Mrs. Marsh. On June 1, Miss Schwartz will be leaving with a group of Meredith girls for a tour of Europe. Those Meredith girls on the tour will be Nancy Hall, Ruth Jeanne Allen, Pat Bowen, Dot White, and Brooksie Stone. Juniors Plan Banpef To Honor Seniors Plans for the annual Junior-Senior Banquet are under way. Co- chairmen of the committees work ing with Susie Rucker, general chairman, are as follows: theme, Sandra Peterson and Bess Peeler; menu, Vivian Stanley and Frances Patterson; program, Ann Cashwell and Margaret Brunson; decorations, Becky Barnhardt and Ernestine Cot trell; entertainment, Mary Dare Moore and Hortense Wiggs; wait resses, Carolyn Riddick and Sally Drake; and arrangements, Ruthe Tyson and Nina Ruppelt. Others working on the commit tees are as follows: theme, Jean Forbes, Nancy Hall, and Anne Jane Barbrey; menu, Lela Melvin, Patty Melvin, and June Vann; program, Jane Spence; decorations, Ruth Jean Allen, Virginia Mumford, Joyce (Continued on page twol SENIORS TAKE GRADUATE EXAMS Seven seniors are taking gradu ate record examinations Saturday, May 1, in preparation for graduate school either next year or later. Tak ing the examination in history are Ruth Barnes, Salty Salter, Koris Knott, Barbara White, and Pat Loftin. Lorette Oglesby and Vivian Byrd will take the examination in English literature. Besides the test in the individual’s field of concen tration, each girl will take a general intelligence and knowledge test. The examinations will be given at Shaw University. Several other girls will take the examination in July. j ! MEREDITH GALLERY DISPLAYS ART The graduation art exhibit of Bet ty Gardner was given April 14 in the Meredith art gallery. Her pic tures ranged from oils to pencil. The work was both realistic and abstract, showing a diversity of tal ent. Betty plans to teach art after her graduation from Meredith. Dorothy White also gave an art exhibit April 21 in the Meredith art gallery. The majority of her work was semi-abstract and divided al most equally in number into oils, water colors, casein and others. Betty Edwards’ art exhibit was April 30. Betty is a realist al though a few of her paintings are abstract. Betty plans to teach art after her graduation from Meredith. Barbara White’s art exhibit is to be May 13. Lib Crenshaw to Reign As Maid of Honor Joahne Brown will be crowned May Queen tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock in the college court; Lib Crenshaw is her maid-of-honor, and other members of the court are Evelyn Taylor and Jane Campbell, senior representatives; Jo Bond Brock and Dorothy Swisher, juniors; Iris Merritt and Pat Riley, sopho mores; and Janet Fulcher and Sal- lie Roberson, freshmen. Train bearers are Benny Sim mons and Wingate E. Swain, Jr. Marsha Ruth Taubenhouse is crown bearer, and Frances McPhail Keith is flower girl. This year’s theme is “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody,” and this theme will be carried out with mu sic from Irving Berlin and dances by the Folk Dance Club. The pro gram will also include the Maypole Dance and the traditional song by the sophomore class in honor of the queen. Miss Doris Peterson, head of the health and physical education de partment, is the director of the exer cises, and the sophomore class is in charge of decorations. Joanne, our brown-haired queen, is a religion major from Southport. She is a member of the Freeman Religion Club, the Sextet, and the Playhouse, is chief marshal of the Phi’s, and is president of the Col lege Chorus. She lists horseback rid ing, boating, reading, and Chapel Hill as her chief interests. Lib Crenshaw, the maid of hon or, was a member of the May Court during her sophomore year. Lib is a business major, is golf manager of the AA., Astro Marshal, a typist for the Acorn and a member of To morrow’s Business Women, and en joys the leisure time activities of reading and cooking. She is from Lockhart, S. C. Jane Campbell, a religion major from Fieldale, Va., is a member of Silver Shield, the Education Club, and the Religion Club, and is third- vice-president of B. S. U. Her name has appeared in Who^s Who in American Colleges. She is interested in music, and, we might add, furni ture manufacturing. Evelyn Taylor, the only married member of the court, is a home economics major from White Plains, (Continued on page four) Horse Show Scheduled May 1 A parade will start the annual' Meredith horse show at 1:30 p.m. on May Day. Some of the classes to be in the show are the pair class, the beginners’ class, the interme diate class, the advanced class, and the costume class, in which the horse and rider both will be in costume. A naming contest for the new colt whose parents are Kenmare’s Sensatim Dimple and Captain Dan ger will be part of the show. The winner and the winning name will be announced at the end of the show. The girls that will ride in the show are Betty Jean Blackman, Mary Cole, Lela Melvin, Patty Mel vin, Becky Sawyer, Fannette Gore, Suzanne Davis, Janet Miller, Susie Roberts, Jeanne Grealish, Mary V. Newsom, Pansy Lee, Emily John son, Patsy Grigg, Kay Marshall, Betty Rand, Carolyn Reid, Kitty Brown, Ann Barwick, Mary Alice Simmons, Lo Rae Taylor, Eliza- (Continued on page four) Pictured as they get Silver IV^e in shape for the May 1 show are Lihby Wehunt standing; and Liz Jones. ’ Meredith College T.-v„ Baleigii, N. C.