Raleigh, North Carolina THE TWIG Newspaper of the Students oj Meredith .College VOLUME XXXVITI MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., MAY 21, 1964 No, 16 Meredith Graduation Exercises Include Class Activity, Socials, and Speeches Leake and Gentry Announce Counselors for Coming Year The Meredith College commence ment program will begin on Satur day, May 30. The sophomore class will begin the day by picking daisies for the traditional daisy chain. At 9:30 a.m., there will be a meeting of Kappa Nu Sigma, which will be followed by a meeting of the Alum nae Association. Dr. Patricia Sma- thers of Chapel Hill will address the group. Following the meeting, the alumnae will proceed to the school cafeteria for lunch. Class Day Open House will be held in the Mae Grimmer House at 2:30 and will be followed by Class Day Exer cises at 4:30. The seniors will march into the court where they will be sung to by the sophomore class. The little sister class will carry the daisy chain, which they will have made earlier in the day. They will then procccd to the front of Johnson Hall, where they will form a ’64 and sing to their big sisters. In the evening, the Meredith Col lege Chorus, under the direction of Miss Beatrice Donley, will give a concert at 8:00. Following the con cert, there will be a meeting of the Silver Shield. Sunday Activities On Sunday, May 31, the Bacca laureate Sermon will be held at 11:00. The Reverend Carlyle Mar- ney, minister of Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, will speak. At '4:30 on Sunday afternoon, a recital ^'for organ and strings will be given Counselors for incoming students for the 1964-65 school year have been chosen by Miss Leake, As sistant Dean of Students, and Robin Gentry, Chief Counselor. These girls, mostly from the rising sopho more class, were choscn on the basis of recommendations from their own counselors, their faculty advisors, the Dean of Students, and the Chief Counselor. The girls must be on eligibility to serve. Each girl will have a group of six or seven incom ing students. They will help through out Orientation as well as in counsel meetings during the year. The new counselors have elected Julia Bragg their secretary. Counselors Named , The girls who will serve as coun- Meredith seniors prepare for the last walk on lune 1. by Mr. Stephen Young. The recital will be followed by a tea for seniors and their parents. Senior vespers at 6:30 will finish Sunday’s activities. On Monday, June 1, at 10:30, the commencement address will be giv en. The Reverend George A. But- trick, Professor, Garrett Theological Seminary, Northwestern University, will make the address. All Meredith Pays Tribute To Campbell On Wednesday evening, May 20, at 8:00, the faculty, staff, trustees, and student body of Meredith Col lege honored Dr. Carlyle Campbell in recognition of his twenty-five years as president of the college. The informal ceremony was held in the newly completed Elva Bryan Mclver Amphitheater. Speakers Appropriate remarks were made by representatives of the college community and by friends of the (Continued on page 6) I selors for the incoming freshman dormitory students are Anne Ash- I burn, Nina Banner, Kay Barnes, : Janie Bostic, Julia Bragg, Rachael Brown, Martha Ann Buller, Retta Clements, Leah Franklin, Rebecca Grant, Carol Ann Griflin, Kay Hed rick, Martha Henderson, Mary Beth Hinkle, Janie Hocutt, Ann Huggins, Beth King, Linda Laney, Sara. League, Kay McCorkle, Jan Mc Crary, Paula Marks, Rita Nurkin, Diane Pritchard, Judy Ramsey, ; Nancy Roebuck, Mackie RudisiU, ; Martha Jay Staton, Merry Swanson, Joan Thompson, and Linda Wright. The counselors for the day student freshmen are Janny Blalock and Susan Grant. Those for the boarding transfers are Mary Ann Britt and Martha Plyler. Those for the day student transfers are Fat Ennis and Nancy Jones. Class Gives Book As Lewis Memorial The sophomore class has pre sented a book entitled Washington: Capital City by Constance W. Green to the Meredith College library. This book is being placed in the library in memory of Temple Lewis, the late president of the sophomore class. Temple died in an automobile accident in January of this year. Miss Hazel Baity, the librarian, has or dered the book which will be placed in the library upon arrival. Tilley Writes Church Text And Devotions Dr. Ethel Tilley, of the psychology • and philosophy department at Mere dith, has recently written a textbook, He Was Called Jesus, for use of juniors in vocational church schools. The text is published by West minster Press for the Division of Christian Education of National Council of Churches. This work is the revision of another textbook published by Dr. Tilley in 1958. Author of Devotions A teacher and pupil quarterly for juniors also written by Dr. Tilley, is being used by the United Presby terian Church and the United Church of Christ. The selection for June 2 (Continued on page 6) N. C. Fund Selects Meredith Students Two Meredith students, Sandra Butler, a senior, and Nancy Ehle, a freshman, have been selected to work under the auspices of the North Carolina fund this summer. This Fund has been termed as the Peace Corps of North Carolina and is a creation of Governor Terry Sanford. There were approximately a thousand applicants for this work with a group of a hundred being chosen. Next summer, it is hoped that there can be five hundred open ings to be filled. The group this summer will travel to Duke University June 18 for a five-day training session. Following this preparation, the students will be divided into different groups, which will go to ten underprivileged areas in the state and help the people dircctly. Christian Studies School Is June 15-19 The Meredith School of Christian Studies will be held Monday-Friday, June 15-19, 1964. During the week there will be lectures, special guided tours, and afternoon recreation available. Three speakers will lecture Meredifh BSU Elects '64^65 Officers; Finlator and Crook Chosen to be Advisors m and Adjunct Professor at Union Theological Seminary, will speak on “Crucial Issues in World Mis sion.” He received his Th.M De gree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at Yale Di vinity School. He was a missionary The Meredith College B.S.U. has elected new officers for the coming year. They are Mary Ann Ainsley, president; Marshall Moore, vice- president; Bonnie Noel, secretary; Willa Robinson, treasurer; Rachel Owen, social chairman; Susan Grant, LISTEN chairman; Janet Brown, publicity chairman; Nancy McClen- ny, publicity artist; Carol May, pro gram chairman. The Reverend W. W. Finlator, pastor of PulJen Memorial Baptist Church, was chosen pastor advisor, and Dr. Roger H. Crook, of the Meredith religion department, was choscn faculty advisor. PrC‘SchooI Retreat Currently the B. S. U. is making plans for the annual pre-school re treat, September 9-13, at the North Carolina Baptist Assembly at South port. Dr. Edward Farley, professor (Continued on page 6) MOVIE Saturday, May 23 7:30 p.m. “High Society’* Joseph Haroutuniun throughout the week. Dr. Joseph Haroutunian, professor at the Di vinity School of the University of Chicago, will lead the theme “The Presence of God with us.” He is originally from Marash, Turkey and studied at the American University in Beruit. He received his B.D. de gree at Union Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from Columbia Uni versity. He has received three hon orary Doctor of Divinity degrees. Missionary To Speak Dr. Herbert C. Jackson. Director of the Missionary Research Library Carolina Presbyterian Synod; Claude partmcni of Religion, Meredith; Olin T. Binkley, President, South eastern Baptist Theological Semi nary; Carlyle Campbell, President, Meredith College; Harold J. Dud ley, Executive Secretary, North Herbert C. Jackson in India for six years and traveled in Asia for one year. Professor and Director of Studies at Union Theological Seminary, Dr. Robert T. Handy, received degrees at Brown University, Colgate Ro chester Divinity School, and the University of Chicago. He will lec ture on “The American Experience and the Understanding of the Gospel.” The program committee for the School is as follows: Ralph E. Mc Lain, Chairman; Chairman of Dc- F. Gaddy, Raleigh; Richard H. Robert T. Handy Baker, Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina; and Carlton S. Prickett, Minister, First Baptist Church, Burlington. Christian Century Article Dr. McLain remarked that he wants everyone to know about the school and that an article in Chris tian Century, July II, 1962, issue on page 858, might be helpful to those interested in attending. Dormitory rooms and meals will be arranged on campus for a small fee.