THE TWIG Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College Volume XXXIX MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., FEBRUARY 11, 1965 Josey Releases Dean's List; 113 Students Receive Honor Included in this list are the names of students who last semester regis tered for at least twelve hours and who completed and passed all courses with a number of quality points equal Xo twice the number of semester hours taken plus three: Mary Ann Ainsley, Kathryn Anne Ashburn, Barbara Ann Bailey, Nina Mauney Banner, Faith Murray Bar den, Delinda Baine Barrier, Mary Ann Batson, Johnnie Claire Bolton, Dorothy Jane Bostick, Nancy Kay Boyd, Sherron Winstead Boyd, Mar tha Carolyn Branon, Alice Virginia Brown, Glenda Lucile Brown, Janet Rebecca Brown, Emily Karen Bry ant, Betty Hastings Carter, Beverley Dale Childress, Connie Rebecca Craver, Kay Bridgets Creech, Mary Elizabeth Currin, Dorothy Hamil ton Dixon, Kaye Perry Dobbins, Adrianne Donna Dull, Doris Phyllis Duncan, Bonnie Jean Eicher, Leta Patricia Ennis, Bettie Jane Ernst, Carole Coleman Evans, Martha Carol Feeley, Mary Pauline Finan, Sandra Carolyn Flynt, Georgia Leah Franklin, Nancy Elizabeth Garrett, Mary Bridgers Gay, Robin Hortense Gentry, Rebecca Ann Grant, Wanda Susan Grant, Judith Kay Griffin, Janet Jo Grogan, Lynn Carol Grumbles, Alma Jo Hall, Julia Lynn Hall, Ann Catharine Hampton, Judy Rose Hamrick, Anita Wilma Hauser, Martha Lil lian Henderson, Ann Estelle Hill, Laura Louise Hill, Mary Elizabeth Hinkle, Sandra Lee Hobbs, Jane Elizabeth Hocutt, Carolyn Louise Holliday, Patricia Nileen Hunt, Betty Hart Ipock. Karen Sue Jenkins, Brenda Carole Jones, Sue Grey Kelly, Jo- Ann Knight, Phoebe Ellen Lassiter, Martha Elizabeth Lester, Patricia News Briefs HAFNER ATTENDS MEETING Miss Mamie Hafner of the Eng lish department represented Mere dith College at the national con ference of the Modern Language Association held in New York City on December 27, 28, and 29, 1964. This conference was largely a gathering of college professors in terested in English and modern for eign languages. Many eminent pro fessors spoke on topics of general interest to the members. Anne Lewis, Frances Carlton Lips comb, Doris Jean Lyles, Nancy Barnes McClenny, Ada Kay Mc- Corkle, Eleanor Leroy Marks, Mar garet Elizabeth Matthews, Eleanor Carol May, Martha Vetra Mills, Janet Kay Morris, Margaret Kelly Murray, Blanche Gilliam Noel, Gail Williams O’Brien, Margaret Anne Parker, Ruby Rebecca Parker, Margaret Jane Parrish, Johnnie LaRue Pearce, Patricia Ann Peter son, Elizabeth Lee Ponton, Anne Pepper Poole, Elizabeth Gray Por ter, Betty Frances Pritchard, Judy Gail Ramsey, Nancy Bridgers Rawlinsonv Shirley Donahoo Rhyne, Elisebeth Stuckey Rives. Katie Corinne Savage, Agnes Florence Schertz, Miriam Rebecca Shaver, Rose Ann Shaw, Judith El liott Sherrill, Margaret Rymer Sim mons, Brenda Rose Smith, Helen Earle Smith, Josephine Peele Smith, Margaret Joanne Smith, Marcia Cornelia Sned, Brenda Melba Strickland, Judith Lee Strickland, Virginia Ann Sutton, Vickie New ton Tart, Marion Elizabeth Thomas, Jennie Ann Turner, Sarah Rebecca Walker, Carol Marie Washburn, Lucy Ann Whedbee, Mary Susan Wilkins, Bettie Carolyn Wilson, Jane AUene Wilson, Judy Carline Woodruff, Linda Diane Wright. Astrotekton Wins Rush by Slight Margin CAMPBELL TO SPEAK On February 16, 1965, at 6:00 p.m., the Colton English Club will hold its annual supper meeting at the S&W Cafeteria. After going through the line for their meal, the members will meet in the Dogwood Room. Following the tradition of past years. Dr. Carlyle Campbell will be the speaker. Dr. Campbell, who last year spoke on “Machia- velli the Prince,” will again present a discussion of a timely event or topic. YARBOROUGH HEADS CONCLAVE On February 16, 1965, at 6:00 Yarborough, head of the biology de partment of Meredith, will attend a meeting of the American Associa tion of University Professors, which will be held on the Pfeiffer College campus. Dr. Yarborough, who is the state president of AAUP, will manage the program for the meeting. STUDENTS ATTEND B.S.U. RETREAT dents from State and Meredith Colleges attended the Between Se mester Retreat January 29-31. Headquarters for the retreat was at Camp Newhope in Chapel Hill, N. C. The Meredith girls were chap- eroncd by Miss Judy McLamb. The group traveled in cars provided by the State students. Reverend Warren Carr, minister of the campus church of Wake For est College, was the speaker on Fri day night and Saturday morning. I His topic, “Relevance of the Church in Our Lives Today,” was discussed by small groups after each talk. Janet Brown was in charge of the devotional Saturday night. The theme was based on West Side Story. The remainder of Saturday night was filled with planned rec reation. Due to snow, Bud Walker was unable to be present Sunday morn ing to lead the worship service as planned. The service given was in the form of a playlet, “Love the Agape Way*.” Jessica Branch was in charge of the production in which the students took part. Meredith students in the play were Joyce Daves, Jane Wilson, Ruth Austin, Judy Wacaster, and Janet Brown. Library Receives Gifts of Money The Public Relations Office of Meredith College reports that $157.- 40 was contributed by the students for the future Carlyle Campbell Li brary. Tulanc Sends Money Tulane University sent $400.00 to the Meredith Library. With this money the Library has bought four ofitstanding micro-card collections. Annals of Congress, Debates of Con gress, Journal of Economic History, and De Bow’s Review. Astrotekton Society . .. From February 2 through 5, the predominant colors at Meredith were blue and yellow. According to tradi tion, the two Meredith societies, the Philaretians and the Astrotektons, presented their respective Rush Week activities for the benefit of freshmen, transfers, and day students who had not yet joined a society. TTie schedule for the week desig nated Tuesday as Phi Day, Wednes day as Astro Day, and Thursday as Cooperation Day between the two societies. Astro sponsor Miss Caro lyn Barrington and Phi sponsor Mrs. Helena Allen actively participated in the society events. In the Friday chapel service, the Astros were announced as the win ners of rush thus bringing to a close a week of fun and work. For complete rush story see page 4 Jr.-Sr. to Be March 5 at Sir Walter Hotel The Junior-Senior will be held on March 5, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. Price Marsh, chairman, announced that the banquet will be held at the Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel. The dress v/ill be cocktail dress and the girls arc urged to come whether dating or not. The chairmen working on the banquet are the following: Bonnie Eicher, menuj Anne Sparger, invi tations; Kay Hedrick, decorations; Sue Hilton, letters to the parents; Anita Hauser and Fran Rabon, en tertainment; Anne Dahl, publicity; and Kay Howard, programs. The entertainment and theme for the banquet have not been definitely decided yet bccause of having had to move the date from April to March because of a convention being held at the hotel. Niswonger Talks; Morals Is Topic Morals: Relative or Absolute? Morals: Relative or absolute? a timely topic, will be the point of discussion at the Meredith Sociology Club’s first meeting of the second semester on February 24, at 7:00 p.m. at a place to be announced later. Don Niswonger, Assistant Minister at Raleigh’s First Baptist Church will be the guest speaker. In the discussion he will relate the idea of changing morals to Mary McCarthy’s book. The Group, and other recent magazine articles. The sociology clubs from State and Shaw University have been invited. All interested Meredith students are welcome. Anyone wishing to join the Meredith Sociology Club for sec ond semester may do so by paying dues of fifty cents to Brenda Strick land. Thad Eure N. C. Secretary of State to speak February 16 Topic: **Importancc of Individual Vote” CoHege marsball Harriet McCloud gives Atiai tabulation to Nancy Crais, who congratulated Astros oo winning Rosfa. Alumnae Attend Regional Meeting Mrs. Morris, Secretary of the Meredith Alumnae Association, at tended the American Alumni Coun cil regional meeting in New Orleans, January 31 through February 3. The meeting included representa tives from the southeastern and southwestern parts of the United States. All types of colleges and universities were represented. The main addresses were given by Miss Beatrice Field, President of the American Alumni Council; George J. Cook, Executive Direc tor of the American Alumni Coun cil; and John A. Logan, President of Hollins College. After the main address the xepresentatives of the colleges went to group meetlng.s dealing with specific situations and problems. Cary Alumnae Plans The Cary alumnae have recently formed a new chapter of the Alum nae Association. They met January 27 at the Alumnae House on the Meredith campus to elect officers. Like most other chapters this one will probably meet two to four times a year. Science Club Hosts Dr. David Grosche, Genetics Professor The Barber Science Club held a meeting January 14 at which Dr. David S. Grosche, Professor of Ge netics at N. C. State, spoke and showed films on the subject of “The Biological Effects of Radiation.” Dr. Grosche, a native of Bethle hem, Pennsylvania, received his B.S. from Moravian College, his M.S. from Lehigh University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He has received the Award for Outstanding Alumnus from Moravian College and last year he received the Comenlus Award from the Moravian College Alumni Society. He has been a member of the N. C. State faculty since 1946. Field Trip Planned At the next meeting of the club, plans will be dlscusscd for a pos sible field trip on Saturday, Febru ary 27, at which time the group will tour the Computation Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the nuclear re actor on the N. S. State campus in Raleigh. AA Officers and Sponsor Attend Athletic Federation On October 24, 1964, Miss Judy Hamrick, vice-president of the AA, Beverly Scarborough, secretary of the AA, and Mrs. Jay Massey at tended the annual State Conven tion of the North Carolina Athlctic and Recreation Federation of Col lege Women at Mars Hill College. This organization is open for membership to any North Carolina college that has women students. Approximately 24 schools were rep resented. At the close of this meet ing state officer schools were elected for the 1965 year. Meredith was chosen to be the recording secre tary. On January 24, 1965, the Ad visory Board for the Athlctic Fed eration met in Statesville. This ad visory Board is made up of a student and a faculty representative from each of the officer schools. Since a secretary had not yet been chosen from Meredith, Judy gladly consented to fill this capacity and attended to take the minutes of the meeting. The purpose of this meet ing was to discuss the problems girls face in attempts to sponsor recrea tional programs and to plan the pro gram for the next state convention. Next year’s convention will be held at Western Carolina College, the president college, in October. The agenda will focus on discus sion groups on the topics of sports days, play days, inter-scolastic com- fjetition, and inter-mural competi tion, and the obstacles faced by attempts to sponsor these events. Friday afternoon of the convention will be devoted to interest groups, at which time the terms, such as play day and sports day, will be clearly defined. The Saturday discussion will be done in regional groups, and at tempts will be made to plan Inter regional competition between the schools.

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