Page Two THE TWIG April 3,1969 •X “TO PACK UIG-HT 30 X*V\ 40ST TAK\V4Gr ■B^TH^^AGr SO\-T3, MercditK. College Aprils, 1969 Student Life Committee Needed Long-range planning proposals, often the most progressive ideas for campus change, rarely receive an audience larger than the faculty and student committees who create them. Recognizing the potential of many such proposals and the need to arouse profitable discussion concerning them, we would like to endorse the proposal for a Student Life Com mittee made by the Student Personal Services and Activities Committee. College students from Berkeley to U.N.C.-CH are demanding a more responsible part in non-academic decision making on the college campus. This academic year has witnessed many frustrating delays in legislative channels. Under the present system, all non-academic proposals must pass the Faculty Committee on Student Government. The Student Personnel Ser vices and Academic Committee, recognizing the need for more student participation in non-academic legislation, have proposed a Student Life or Student Affairs Committee to deal with changes in regulations. This com mittee, unlike the Faculty Committee on Student Government, would be composed of students, faculty, and administrative representatives. This proposal should be implemented for several reasons: (1) It places the students in a higher level of responsibility, (2) It simplifies decision making channels, and (3) it provides a coordinating group for the MRA, MCA, SAB, and the Student Government. This coordinating group would be ideal for creating policies for the new college center in the future. MOC The Aprtl 17 issue of the TWIG will be the last issue published by the 1968>69 staif. All letters to the editor, articles or other contributions should be turned in to the TWIG room on first Brewer or to 305 Poteat by April 12. The opinions expressed in (he editorials and columns in the TWIG are not necessarily (hose of the administration, student body, or the entire news* paper staff. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Sbera Jackson Associate Editor Marilyn Childress Feature Editors Brooks McGirt, Nance Rumley News Editor. Susan Soloway Copy Editor. Emma Ruth Bartholomew Assistant Copy Readers Carrie Frampton, Paula Tudor Reporters—Corinne Blaylock, Gail Gaddy, Gloria Little, Nancy Rouse, Elna Thompson, Abigail Warren, Helen Wilkie, Debbie Brown, Patsy Brake, Jean Jackson, Vivian Matthews, Linda Kimbrell, Dale Cunningham Cartoonists Linda Burrows, Dolores Little Faculty Sponsor. Dr. Norma Rose BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager. Barbara Pritchard Advertising Staff—Martha McGinnis, Cathy Moran, Hollis Ann Fields, Sarah Jane Hutchins, Lynn McDuffie, Dale Ritter, Louise Foster, Marianne Johnson Mailing Editor. Martha Lyday Mailing Staff. Peggy Allen Circulation Chief. Pam Lewis Circulation Staff. Kathy Griffin, Jackie Briles, Sue Askin, Suzanne George Typing Chief. Anne Pretlow Faculty Sponsor. Dr. Lois Frazier MEMBER Associated Collegiate Press. Entered as seconil-class matter at post oflice at Raleifih N C 27602. Published seml'inonihly during the months of October, November, FebruarV. March. Ai^l and May; monthly during September. December, and January. THE Twio is served by National Educational Advertising Service, 18 East 50th Street, New York, New York. Subscription Rates: S3.4S per year. . . . By DALE CUNNINGHAM Red, white, and blue, the colors of the season, are patrioticly de claring spring and summer fashions to be bolder and more imaginative than ever before, and are dominant in everything from three piece cos tumes to finishing accessories. The newest and sportiest intro duction for the oncoming act on- filled days is the safari suit. De signed as a shirt, bolted and pocketed, or as a longer jacket, with or without sleeves and worn with the ever-popular collared shirt, the safari costume is completed by a pleated or paneled skirt. In addi tion to the vest-like effect of the sleeveless safari jackets, long and short weskets, adorned in bright braid or rick-rack trimming, accent dressy ruffled or tailored shirts and dirndle or front paneled skirts. The longer wrap-aroimd and belted vests are a prominent look in casual pants outfits, as well; the pants bell-bottomed or elephant legged, of course. Depending on the occasion, everything from linen to wild denim prints enliven casual evening get-togethers or sunny beach scenes. Bra dresses, in deli cate piques and ribboned or in bright splashy prints have been re vived as well, to accompany the warm and busy days ahead. The biggest news for the coming months are cheery and striking ac cessories — long, bright scarves are the big thing — worn at the waist, looped through ringed belts or merely sashed, around the neck in hanging square knot or Windsor fashion, and sportively in the hair, the ends loosely hanging or tied around the forehead. Spectators have been imagi natively revived in popularity; the trend of white on black or blue ex panded into combinations of many arrays of bright colors. Perhaps the most fun look as sunny days approach are the versatile “granny” sun glasses — found in tinted lenses of many hues to accent the most formal or sporty of the summer costumes, and in large round, hexagonal, or even narrow rectangular shapes. All of this season’s newest looks seemed to be founded upon com fort and activity, but imaginative versatility is also a key-note in planning any wardrobe. Spring and summer mean color and activity— but especially so in fashion. Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Chicken Surprise, Sunshine salad, Angel’s Breath, homemade bread, cheese fondue, roast duckling, angel food cake torte, fried Carolina oysters, fantail shrimp, and good old hamburgers. . . . Angus Bam menu? No!! Meredith College din ing hall, of course. After three and a half years of eating in the dining hall here and comparing it to that of other schools, we would like to express our thanks to Mrs. Hollar and her staff for their sensitive responsiveness to student needs and desires. It is impossible to please eight hundred people with dissimilar tastes, but we feel that our dining hall staff has certainly come as close to it as possible. It is the little things — Italian dinner by candlelight, background music by the Four Tops, sandwich buffets, Friday night “pick-up” din ners, special snacks during exams, blue eggs for Phi Day, and star- shaped cakes on Astro Day — that make the Meredith dining hall a special place. Preparing food for eight hundred people is time consuming, hard and often thankless, but we feel that we express the attitude of the whole student body when we say Mere dith food is great. Sincerely, Suzanne Ware and an Anonymous Gourmet Tlic Ruth Ann Hubbcll l*rizc, cstab* lislied by a Meredith graduate, is again being offered in an annual con test. Any student enrolled in Meredith is eligible to submit at least three and no more than five compositions writ ten after she entered Meredith. In addition to the compositions, tlie con testant is asked to write a half page autobiographical essay telling of the duration and intensity of lier interest in creative writing. Each contestant is asked to submit three typed copies of lier material. Papers entered should have no mark of identification on the papers other than the titles of the essay, story or poem. At the end of each composi tion the date of writing should be given, i^ch contestant is also asked to enter with her material a sealed envelope with her name Inside and the titles of the compositions od the outside of the envelope. All compositions must be submitted by April 11.