Raleigh, North Carohna The TUC TIAAI/^ Whafs In' "Heilman Hilton" 1 M r 1 W 1 i This Fall? See Page One III 1 W m 1 See Page Four Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College Vol. XLIV MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., SEPTEMBER 25, 1969 No. 1 New Curriculum Wcrk goes on in Johnson Hall, as this view from the third floor reveals. Gone is the second Roor of the rotunda, where the old library was located. Note thickness of the floor, shown by darker band around wall. Johnson Hall: Beautiful, Practical The renovation of Johnson Hall begun this past summer wilt be done in stages, according to Mr. Joe Baker, Business Manager. The focal point of the construc tion will be the rotunda. Open to the dome will be the floor of the old library. A staircase will be installed to give access to the second floor. Mr. Baker anticipates this construc tion at completion to be “one of the most beautiful spots in Raleigh.” Walls are being removed on the second floor to give more space ' for administrating offices. Among the relocation of offices on this floor will be that of the President. Across from the President’s office will be a secretary and reception area. A priv ate office used in connection with a conference room will be adjacent to the reception area. Also on the hall will be Mr. John Kanipe, Office of Development; Mrs. Carolyn Robinson, News Bu reau, who works in conjunction with him. They will be stationed in the northwest section of the second floor around Thanksgiving, it is hoped. All of the rooms on the second floor will be tied into the central air conditioning and heating system. With the development offices va cated on the first floor, Dean Allen ' Burris will expand his quarters to the President’s old offices and those across from them. Next summer provisions will be made for the ad missions office to move upstairs. Plans are also being considered for the offices of the college minister to occupy a section of the third floor of Johnson Hall. Former Pres, of NEA To Speak in Chapel Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, former president of the National Education Association and now di rector of the Woman’s Bureau of the Department of Labor, will speak on “The Generation Gap” in chapel Wednesday October 1. Mrs. Koontz is billed as one of the most outstanding Negro women in the United States. S!-e is a native of Salisbury, N. C. SAB CHAIRIVIAN Senior Nancy Tyrcn has been ap> pointed chairman of the Student Activities Board, announces SGA President Cindy Griffith. Nancy’s appointment was made by the executive committee of the SGA to fulfill a vacancy created during the summer. New Faces Seen Around Campus New faces are nothing new on any college campus, and they are no ticeable among both faculty and stu dents in the fall. The Meredith faculty this year boasts nine new faces and at least one face in a new setting. New to the music department this year is its chairman, Dr. David Lynch. Dr. Lynch is a graduate of Oberlin University and Eastman School of Music. Prior to accepting his position at Meredith, he taught at Centenary College for Women in New Jersey. The English department wel comes three new faces, Mrs. Joan P. Battle, Mrs. Mildred Everette and Mrs. Helen H. Jones. Mrs. Battle, a graduate of Wake Forest and Duke University, has previously taught at N. C. Weslyan at Rocky Mount. Mrs. Everette received her B.A. from Atlantic Christian College and her M.A. from NCSU. Mrs. Jones received both degrees at UNC- (Continued on page 4) Changes Provide More Choice College Committees Give Students Voice Student membership on standing college committees is one of the matters recommended in the self- study to be reviewed by the Board of Trustees in their meeting Septem ber 26. Up to one-half student member ship on several standing committees is called for in the self-sludy com piled by the Long Range Planning Committee. Most of the committees will have one-third student member ship. Previously, students have been represented on only one or two of the “faculty” committees. The change has been adopted by the faculty and administration and awaits final approval from the Trus tees. In the plan, only the committees on faculty affairs and instructional budget will be without student rep resentation. Ten other committees, including curriculum, instruction and admissions and student aid, will have student members. Students serving in these positions will be chosen from names sub mitted by student government offi cers. New curriculum programs de signed to give the student “more choice” in the courses she will take while at Meredith have been partially implemented this fall on the campus. Further changes are scheduled to take effect in the next academic year, according to Dr. Gloria Blanton, head of Long Range Planning at Meredith. Changes adopted into this year’s catalogue include the addition of a second religion course to the tradi tional Bible courses offered fresh men. The new course, numbered 121 in the catalogue, plus another advanced course in the department may now be used to fulfill college religion requirements. Also implemented this year is the change of physical education re quirements from six semesters to four semesters. Still to come in the next year, notes Dr. Blanton, are further changes in requirements for litera ture. Beginning in 1970-71, students will be able to fulfill required hours (previously limited to English litera ture) with a survey course of major English writers and any other litera ture course offered in the English or foreign language departments. Another change expected to be instituted NEXT year will be the teaching of research paper tech niques in the individual departments rather than in English courses as has been tradition at Meredith. Foreign language requirements are also changing during 1970-71, when students may fulfill prescribed hours by demonstrating a pro ficiency comparable to that attained by the end of the second college year. In all these changes, Dr. Blanton says, the “emphasis will be on com- Meredith Story In Magazine Meredith College will step into the spotlight in a new way in Oc tober. Next month’s issue of the Holiday Inn Magazine will include a three to four page article complete with color photographs of the Meredith cam pus. In addition to a description of the college as it is today, the article will discuss Meredith’s early years and her plans for future expansion and development. The general attitudes and programs will also be presented. The idea for the article originated in 1968 when Mr. Wallace Johnson, President of the Holiday Inns of America, spoke at the baccalaureate service at Meredith. Mr. Johnson had never seen the campus and was impressed by its beauty and tran quillity, according to college of ficials. Interest increased when Mrs. Wallace Johnson was named a mem ber of the Meredith Board of As sociates. In addition, the Johnson’s niece, Alma McCool, is a freshman at Meredith this year. Publication of the article was also encouraged by the owner of the two Raleigh Holiday Inns who is the father of two Meredith graduates. As the Holiday Inn Magazine has a worldwide circulation of 650,000, people in many different states and countries will become aware of Meredith’s position as one of the leading 4-year women’s colleges in the Southeast, officials hope. petency.” The curriculum changes adopted this summer will mean that fresh men have a choice of three courses their first semester at school. A college brochure describing the academic changes is being sent to interested high school seniors. Plus the changes noted above, the publication points out the develop ment of interdisciplinary majors, the freshman colloquium course and changing of area distribution re quirements, whereby students have a wide number of courses to choose from in completing majors in a par ticular area. The brochure reads in part, “The flexibility of the curriculum allows Trustees, Associates To Meet Sept. 26-27 The Board of Trustees and Board of Associates of Meredith College will hold their annual business meet ing in the projection room of the Carlyle Campbell Library on Sep tember 26 and 27. The business meetings will be on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. The guests will also tour new facilities of the college. Patricia Elaine Johnson, Miss North Carolina and a junior at Meredith, will be a guest at the Trustees dinner Friday night for the board members and their wives. A luncheon will be held Saturday for the members of the Boards and their ministers. (Freshmen) and advisors to design a program to meet your needs and interests. There are opportunities for individual study, such as directed reading and research; for indepen dent study undertaken without close supervision; and for off-campus study projects in classroom and work situations.” Also noted are study programs in connection with Cooperating Ra leigh Colleges, Drew University and studies abroad. Dr. Blanton adds, “These changes will call for more effective advising. And students are going to have to take a lot more responsibility in turn.” She cites the work of all involved with Long Range Planning in effec ting the curriculum changes. Dr. Roger H. Crook, religion de partment head, is chairman of the Steering Committee, and Dr. Leslie Syron, chairman of the sociology department, headed the Academic Program Committee which under took the task of recommending cur riculum changes. Dr. Syron comments, “The main advantage will be learning by choos ing — by choosing from the very beginning of the freshman year and then living with the consequences. After all, all your life you’re going to have to make choices.” Seniors Susan Soloway and Ann Carroll were two of the student members of the academic pro gram. Other student members have graduated. Angels Have “Heavenly” Home In New Dorm—Heilman Hilton Have you been wondering what to call the new dorm? Well, several seniors have chosen a name — the “Heilman Hilton.” It’s quite an apt name at that, when one considers the luxurious advantages it offers. Gone are those mornings when cold feet and bath room traffic jams were an excuse for staying in bed. Gone, too, are those hours of phone duty and waiting to make a call. No longer do dresses get that “extra” rinse because they were hanging in the shower; the Heilman Hilton is equipped with dripping areas. The seniors will be throwing more weight around than ever this year, as a result of the kitchenettes on each and every floor and various snack machines on first floor. Several seniors have even dis covered advantages of their new sur roundings beyond those which are obvious. Evelyn Godwin: “I like the com partment beside the bed so I can look at secret stuff at night.” Marilyn Ford: “I like the little tray for my makeup, except I think it’s for pencils.” Bobby Vale: “I love the backrest on my bed; it’s great to snuggle up to.” Susan Maclary: “I like the new dorm because it’s quiet. Now I can sleep Monday, Wednesday, Friday!” Welcome to the Heilman Hilton! And eat your hearts out!! Seniors Ruth Talton and Judy Hasckylo relax in the luxury of their New Dwm room. The girls especially appreciate the lavatory provided in each room, shown In the background.