Exam Schedule THF T\Min, Diamonds? See Page Four 1 M 1C 1 VV 1 See Page Three Newspaper oj the Students of Meredith College Vol. XLV MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., OCTOBER 1,1970 No. 3 ATTENTION All seniors who anticipate liie completion of graduation require* ments at the end of the current se> mester should arrange a confercnce with the Registrar. Call or come by the oifice to complete arrangements The purpose of the conference is to maice the final check or ench permanent record to see that all requirements have actually been completed. Concerts, Lectures Series: Exciting Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. George Lucktenburg will present three programs during the 1970> 71 concerts and lectures series here. Special Instructors In Music Department Have Varied Talents The music department announces the employment of several special instructors. Mrs. Almut Burian is special instructor in violin and viola. A native of Germany, she received a diploma from Hochschiile fur Musik in Frankfurt, Germany. She now lives in Chapel Hill where her hus band is attending UNC graduate school. Mrs. Barbara Ann Coffey Hum- Iple is a special instructor in organ. She graduated from Mars Hill when it was still a Junior College and received her B. M. from Stetson University and her M. M. from Southern Seminary. Mrs. Humble, who always uses her complete name t>ecause it spells BACH, has worked as organist and minister of music in Georgia and North Carolina, most recently at Pritchard Memorial Bap tist Church. Her husband is attend ing Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest. Mrs. Joan Meltan Smith received her B.M. and M.M. from the Uni versity of Mississippi and is special instructor in piano. A former Miss North Carolina she is now a candi date for a Ph.D. in musicology at UNC, where her husband is working on his Ph.D. in communications. He is now working as an announcer at WPTF, and they live in Raleigh. Mrs. Vicki Ham, a native of So ciety Hill, S. C., is special instruc tor in piano. She received her B.M. from Salem College and her M.M. from the University of Illinois. She has taught in the public schools in Darlington, S. C. She now lives in Raleigh where her husband is a graduate student at NCSU. Mrs. Lynda Arrington, special instructor in voice, is a former stu dent of Mrs. Jane Sullivan and re ceived her B.A. in piano from Meredith. She is equally talented in piano and voice and has taught both privately. She has taught piano at Meredith and now lives with her husband and two children in Ra leigh. Looking forward to a year of ex citing and varied entertainment, the concert and lectures committee an nounces the 1970-71 series of cam pus events. Opening the season is a three-part program by the husband-wife team of Mr. and Mrs. George Luckten- berg. This accomplished couple will perform a piano-violin duo of the Beethoven Sonata Cycle on October 5 in chapel, the second pro gram being presented at 8:00 p.m. of the same day. Program three is scheduled for October 19, 8:00 p.m., Jones Auditorium. Mrs. Lucktenberg, violinist, and Dr. George Lucktenberg, pianist, have earned recognition through their artistic interpretations and varied programs. Because of their artistry, this husband-wife team is in ever-growing demand for concerts, for clinics, and for lectures. Studying at Austria’s State Academy of Music at Vienna, each of the Lucktenbergs won the coveted Artists Diploma in less than a year. Further recognition of their abilities took the form of a Ford Foundation- sponsored fellowship at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. With this fellowship the Luck tenbergs researched neglected mas terpieces of their special field—18th century sonatas for violin and harpsi chord. Training for their profes sional backgrounds includes studies in violin with Ivan Galamian, Max Rostal, and Ernest Morawec; in piano with Edward Kilenyi; and in harpsichord with Eta Barich- Schneider. Besides the attraction of their talent, the Lucktenbergs also have the appeal of two fabulous instru ments: a Stradivarius dated 1718 and a specially-built nine-foot mod ern concert harpsichord. Presently the Lucktenbergs are teaching at Converse College, Spar tanburg, S. C. In the summer Dr. Lucktenberg assumes his position on the faculty of the National Music Camp in Interlochen, Mich. The talented couple spends between-tour Tryouts for Production At iWeredlth to Be Held Tryouts for Twelve Angry Wom en, the major dramatic production of Meredith Playhouse, will be held Tuesday, October 6, at 7:00 p.m. in 202 Jones. This play, written by Reginald Rose and adapted by Sher man L. Sergei, won an Emmy award for “best dramatic writing.” Twelve Angry Women is the story of a nineteen-year-old boy who is charged with the fatal stabbing of his father. The boy’s fate rests in the hands of the twelve women jurors. The verdict is reached after many tense scenes, re-examination of the testimony, re-enactment of the mur der, and the advent of a new murder threat. Twelve students are needed to fill the roles of the jurors, whose per sonalities range from meek and hesi tant to loud and flashy and from sadistic to gentle. Any student de siring a part in the production or having interest in or enthusiasm for the theater should come to tryouts. Tryouts are open to all classes. Linda Lee Soloman, instructor of speech and dramatics at Meredith, remarks, “I am looking forward with Graduate Record Exam To Be Administered Six Times This Year Educational Testing Service re cently announced that undergradu ates and others preparing to go to graduate school may take the Graduate Record Examinations on any of six different test dates during the current academic year. The first testing date for the GRE is Oct. 24, 1970. Scores from this administration will be reported to the graduate schools about Dec. 1. Students planning to register for the October test date are advised that applications received by ETS after Oct. 6 will incur a $3.00 late regis tration fee. After Oct. 9, there is no guarantee that applications for the October lest date can be processed. The other five test dates are Dec. 12, 1970, Jan, 16, Feb. 27, April 24, and June 19, 1971. Equivalent late fee and registration deadlines apply to these dates. Choice of test (Continued on page 4) great enthusiasm to the production of Twelve Angry Women. The play is an extremely exciting, moving and gripping story which I feel will be a true credit to Meredith College.” Two evening performances are planned for Monday, November 16, and Tuesday, November 17, at 8:00 p.m. These performances will be open to the Raleigh community and surrounding area. time at home with their three chil dren. After the Lucktenberg appear ance, the next scheduled event for the Meredith community is the per formance of Sartre’s No Exit by the Lyric Players, Inc., at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The calendar of the Concert and Lectures Series is open (to be filled later) until March 17 when Mr. Frank J. McEwen, O.B.E., will lec ture on “African Art and Culture.” Mr. McEwen’s first lecture will be presented in chapel, and this Dan- forth lecturer will give a second talk that night at 8:00 p.m. The faculty member chosen for the Distinguished Faculty Lecture of 1970-71 is Mr. Leonard White, Chairman of the Art Department, who will address students, faculty, and guests in Jones Auditorium on the evening of March 30. On an undesignated day in April, Edward Brown, sculptor, will hold an out door exhibit on our campus. The final scheduled affair is set for April 28 when Maynard Mack of the Yale Department of English will visit Meredith as the AENCC Visiting Scholar. Weatherspoon Gymnasium Dedication Ceremony Held Hoof print Club Holds Election, Rides in Show The Hoofprint Club is being re organized, New officers are: Presi dent — Marsha McCutchin, Vice Presidents —Casey McDaniel, Lu- cile Turner, Secretary-Treasurer — Kathy Slude, MRA Representative — Cindy Ramsey, Reporter — Sue Sheriock. An exceptionally good turn-out of neariy forty people attended their first meeting. The membership is expected to increase. Heretofore, many students have misunderstood the membership requirements; the constitution of the club states that any person interested in horses (whether she rides or not) is eligible for membership. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 7, at 6:45 in the Hut. Anyone who is interested is urged to attend. In the Meredith College Class of the N, C. State horse show, results were as follows: 1st Indian Drum— Nancy Liesfield, 2nd Scotch Mist — Carolyn Lewis, 3rd Chilli Mark — Karla Barger, 4th Hara — Martha Verdier, 5th Nosey — Peggy Kar- stedt, 6th Fringe Benefit — Kathy Sluder. Four Meredith horses and riders competed in the Open Pleasure Class with Whodunit, ridden by Barbara Long, taking 2nd place; Tarbaby, ridden by Marsha Mc- Cutchen, was fifth; and Scotch Mist, Carolyn Lewis up, was seventh. A fall schooling show is the next event that the Hoofprint Club is con sidering. The dedication of the new Weath erspoon Physical-Education-^Recrea- tion Building was held Friday, Sept. 25, at 3:00 p.m. About 800 persons, including members of the Board of Trustees, the Meredith administra tion, faculty, student body, and guests of the college, attended the dedication service. Special guests recognized were members of the Weatherspoon family. The dedication was opened by Shearon Harris, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Dr. John E. Lawrence accepted the building for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Law rence stated that “generosity is the mark of a big-souled man.” Accept ing for the Board of Trustees was Shearon Harris, Chairman. Victor E. Bell Jr. accepted for the Board of Associates, and he stated: “The leadership of the Weatherspoons as sures success.” Accepting for the administration were Dr. E. Bruce Heilman, Dr. C. Allen Burris, and Dr. Marie Mason. In accepting the building. President Heilman stated that the members of the Weather spoon family could never be repaid. Accepting for the faculty was Mrs. Wilbur K. Massey, chairman of the department of health, physical edu cation, and recreation. Gail Gaddy, President of the SGA, and Jane Kiser, President of the MRA, ac cepted the building for the students. Mrs. K. T. Boatwright, President of the Meredith College Alumnae As sociation, accepted the building for the alumnae. W. Herbert Weather spoon was presented with the keys to the building. Mr. Weatherspoon is the only lifetime member of the Board of Trustees. In his speech, Mr. Weatherspoon humourously referred to many features of the Meredith campus. He concluded his speech by stating that Meredith can now offer a first class education to any student. Following Mr. Weatherspoon’s speech, the Meredith Ensemble per formed while four students pre sented a modern dance. The dedication was concluded with a prayer by Dr. John M. Lewis of the First Baptist Church of Ra leigh. A reception was held follow ing the ceremony. Danforth Fellowships Available to Graduates Inquiries about the Danforth Graduate Fellowships, to be awarded in March 1971, are invited, according to Norma Rose, professor of English, the local campus repre sentative. The fellowships, offered by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Mo., are open to men and women who are seniors or recent graduates of accredited colleges in the United States, who have serious interest in college teaching as a career, and who plan to study for a Ph.D. in a field common to the undergraduate college. Applicants may be single or married, must be less than thirty years of age at the time of applica tion, and may not have undertaken any graduate or professional study beyond the baccalaureate. Approximately 120 fellowships will be awarded in March 1971. Candidates must be nominated by liaison officers of their undergradu ate institutions by Nov. 1, 1970. The Foundation does not accept direct applications for the fellowships. IRC Big Plans: Trips, Speakers, Tours, Teas After holding its first meeting of the year, the International Relations Club is planning a year full of varied activities. The trips that the club members plan to make this year include: the Embassy Tea and Tour in October to be held in Washington, D. C., the Mid-South Model United Nations, probably to be held at UNC-Chapel Hill, and the National Model United Nations in New York. The Mid- South and National Model UN meetings will be held in the spring. The Embassy Tour and Tea in cludes tours of about eight or ten of the Washington embassies. (Continued on page 4) Community Calendar Wait Until Dark On Oct. 10-11, the Student Ac tivities Board will present Wait Un^ til Dark in Jones Auditorium. Ad mission is $.75. The movie starts at 8:00 p.m. Lucktenbergs In Concert On the morning of Oct. 5, the Lucktenbergs will perform Op. 30, # 1, A Major; Op. 30, #3, G Major;, and Op. 30, #2, C Minor. Th« 8:00 p.m. performance will include Op. 12, #l,DMajor;Op. 12, #2, A Major Op. 12, #, E-Flat Major; and Op. 96, G Major.