THE TWIG Meredith College Library Raleigh, North Carolina Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College Vol. XLV MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., OCTOBER 15, 1970 No. 4 Criteria: Scholastic Excellence, Citizenship and Service Twenty Seniors Elected to “Who’s Who 99 Meredith members of the 1970*1971 “Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities” arc upper left hand corner-clockwise): Betty Ailigood, Jane Alligood, Janet Bell, Corinne Blaylock, Anne Bryan, Martha Dicus, Penny Flynt, Gail Gaddy, Jane Holt, Sue Hubbard, Jane Kiser, Elizabeth Leathers, Anne Luter, Fair Merriman, Aimee Oakley, Mary Stuart Parker, Suzanne Reynolds, Janet Traynham, Lavinia Vann and Helen Wilkie. Meredith Board of Trustees Approves Tuition Increase, Student Center Plans An adjustment in tuition, authori zation to prepare working drawings for the new college center, ac ceptance of two scholarship funds, tenure for two faculty members and election of new officers were ap proved by the Meredith College Board of Trustees during their fall meeting. An increase of $100 per student was approved for the 1971-72 aca demic year. The purpose of this increase is to offset the inflation of the prior year so that resources will not be reduced. Such a reduction would mean an abridgement of an ticipated programs. The architect for the college cen ter reviewed the progress of the planning for that facility and pre sented the floor plans. The board authorized the architects to pro ceed with detailed plans. These plans will be presented to the full board at the February meeting, Completed drawings adequate for taking bids should be approved as final at that time. The two-story center which is ex pected to cost about $800,000, will contain approximately 21,000 feet of floor space. A day students’ lounge, post office, bookstore and facilities for continuing education will be housed on the first floor. The second floor will house a recreation area, a short order restaurant and a •faculty dining hall. Approximately 10 months will be required to complete the air-condi tioned facility. The College and Continuing Education Center is the last of five new facilities to be added to the campus under the Meredith College Advancement Program. Gifts to scholarships, endow ments and bequests were reported and necessary action taken to put them into effect, These totaled ap proximately $20,000. The Helen J. Clancy Memorial Scholarship Fund and the String Scholastic Fund were accepted. Both will be awarded annually. A principal endowment of $10,- 000 from the children of the late Helen J. Clancy of Raleigh estab lished one scholarship fund. It will provide financial aid to Meredith students. Members of the family are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Clancy and Mr. and Mrs. John Theys of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bowen of Princeton, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Parkman H. Clancy of Sewichley, Penn. Contributions from students in Stringfield Hall established the other scholastic fund which can be used annually for any scholastic need that officers of Stringfield and the col lege deem appropriate. Action was taken authorizing the Finance Committee to contract with an appropriate fund manager for (Continued on page 4) Campus to Host Students During Merit Weekend Some of the most intelligent young women in North Carolina and Virginia will be at Meredith on Oc tober 24-25, On that weekend the college will welcome the semi finalists and commended students in the National Merit Scholarship Competition. The theme of Merit Weekend will be “Technology Greater than, Equal to, Less than Twenty Meredith seniors have been elected to ty/io’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities for 1970-71. Those named were Betty Alli good, Jane Alligood, Janet Bell, Corinne Blaylock, Anne Bryan, Martha Dicus, Penny Flynt, Gail Gaddy, Jane Holt, Sue Hubbard, Jane Kiser, Elizabeth Leathers, Anne Luter, Fair Merriman, Aimee Oakley, Mary Stuart Parker, Su zanne Reynolds, Janet Traynham, Lavinia Vann and Helen Wilkie. Criteria for selection are excel lence and sincerity in scholarship, leadership and participation in extra-curricular and academic ac tivities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness. Betty Alligood, a history major, has served on the Judicial Board and Interdormitory Board. She was president of Vann last year. This year Betty, who is from Washing ton, is executive vice president of the Student Government Associa tion and vice president of the South ern Intercollegiate Association of Student Governments. She is also a member of Silver Shield and Inter national Relations Club. Jane Alligood, also from Wash ington, was a member of the Mere dith Recreation Association Board her sophomore year. Last year she was a freshman hall proctor and a member of the Long Range Plan ning Committee. She is chairman of the Legislative Board this year. Jane, who is majoring in history, is a member of Silver Shield, National Education Association and IRC. Day Student President Janet Bell, who is from Raleigh, was secretary and treasurer of the day students last year, She also serves on the Judicial Board and Legislative Board. As a mathematics major, Janet is a member of the Honorary Mathematics Club. Corinne Blaylock, a history ma jor, has served as sophomore class vice president and junior class presi dent. She has also been a member of the Elections Board, Student Activities Board and Legislative Board. Corinne, whose home is New Bern, was a junior May Court rep resentative. This year she is chair man of the Elections Board and editor of the Handbook. Anne Bryan, another history ma jor from La Grange, has served as junior class vice president and is now president of the senior class. She has been a member of the Oak Leaves and Twig staffs. Anne, a Dean’s List student, is a member of Kappa Nu Sigma, Silver Shield and IRC. Martha Dicus has served on the Meredith Christian Association Council for four years. She has also served on the Elections Board and Judicial Board. Martha, a religion and sociology major, is now serving as MCA social actions chairman and senior class Com Huskin’ co-chair man. She is from Camp Lejeune. Chief Student Adviser Penny Flynt, an art major from Winston- Salem, has also served on the MCA Council for four years. She designed the cover of the 1970 Oak Leaves and won the Alpha Rho Tau Ar tist’s Award last year. This year Penny is Oak Leaves art editor. She is also a member of NEA and the Art Club. Gail Gaddy, who is from Golds boro, has served on the Student Ac tivities Board and the Legislative Board. Gail, an English major, is a member of the Colton English Club, Silver Shield and Kappa Nu Sigma. She was a May Court representative last year. She is serving as SGA president this year. Jane Holt, who is majoring in music and foreign language, has been a member of the Mereditii Singers and Ensemble for three years and the Chorus for two. She has also served on the Concert and Lectures Committee. Jane was also a member of the Twig staff for two years. This year she is chairman of the Judicial Board and a member of the Raleigh Community Rela tions Committee. Jane is from Smithfield. Sue Hubbard, a religion major, was a hall proctor last year and a freshman adviser her sophomore year. Sue, who is from Fort Thomas, Ky., is president of the MCA and a member of Silver Shield. Jane Kiser, from Lincolnton, has been a member of the Meredith Singers and Sigma Alpha Iota for three years. She served last year as vice president of the MRA and is president this year. Jane, a music major, is also a member of Silver Shield. Philaretian President Elizabeth “Libbo” Leathers, who is a home economics major from Henderson, was a member of the Meredith En semble her sophomore year. She was a soloist in “Tell It Like It Is” last (Continued on page 4) Humanity?” The weekend will begin with reg istration and a coke hour from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday. Gail Gaddy, president of the SGA, will welcome the guests and preside over the morning session. J. Henry Coffer, former member of the Meredith religion department, (Continued on page 4) The 1971 May Court members are (seated l*r) Joyce Jones, senior; Susan Crouch, May Queen; Linda Ball, Maid of Honor; Carolyn Lowder, senior; (standing l*r)' Wllla Gupton, freshman; Mary Elizabeth Bradley, junior; Kathy Shelton, sophomore;: Sally Welling, sophomore; Bonnie Sue Barber, junior; and Jane Sherrill, freshman^