THE TWIG Meredith Coflege Ufbwjf Raleigh, Noriii Cirolina Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College Vol. XLV MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., DECEMBER 10,1970 No. 7 Harry E. Cooper Organ Dedicated Dr. Hurry E. Cooper, former Chairman of the Meredith music deparlmenl, sits lit the o^an which he designed and which bears his name. Dedication of the first Meredith College concert organ, the Cooper Organ, was held Saturday, Decem ber 5 at 8 p.m. in Jones Auditorium, The organ is named in honor of Dr. Harry E, Cooper, former chair man of the Meredith music depart ment for over 30 years. Dr. Cooper drew the specifications for the organ and presented the first recital on it. Presentation of the $80,000 or gan to the college was through gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pomeranz of Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Strawbridge of Durham, Miss Margaret Anne Thomas of Quincy, Florida, the late Mrs. W. T. Brown of Murphy and others friends and alumnae. Mrs. Pomeranz majored in public school music at Meredith and her daughter, Suzanne, is a junior at Meredith majoring in music educa tion. Miss Thomas also majored in music at Meredith and Mrs. Brown was a former trustee of the college. Nelson Strawbridge has been Annual Christmas Concert Presented in Bryan Rotunda Something Brewing: Book Tea Covers A Variety of Books The annual Meredith College Christmas Concert departed from the traditional Sunday at 3 p.m. when it was presented in two 30- minute concerts from the three floors of Bryan Rotunda in Johnson Hall. In past years, the Christmas Con cert has been an hour presentation in the auditorium of Jones Hall. However, the newly reconstructed and redecorated Bryan Rotunda al lows three different levels for the concert performances. The Presi dent’s Reception was held between and after the concerts. The 3-3:30 p.m. concert was presented by the Meredith Instru mental Ensemble, under the direc tion of Mrs. Phyllis Garriss and the Meredith Chorus, under the direc tion of Mrs. Jane Sullivan. The 4-4:30 p.m. concert was presented by tlie Meredith Singers, under the direction of Mrs. Siillivan and the Meredith Vocal Ensemble, under the direction of Miss Beatrice Don ley. Selections during the concerts in cluded Arthur Oldham’s “Four Noels,” Benjamin Brittan’s “Cere mony of Carols” with N. C. State University Artist in Residence Joel Andrews at the harp, “Winter Won derland” and “The Christmas Song.” Soloists for the concerts were Miss Jacquelyn Hardy, Miss Ellen Barney, Miss Kathy Williams and Miss Johnson. Pianists were Miss Fair Merriman and Miss Lynn Moore. Miss Susan Stenbuck was the flutist. The Meredith art depart ment decorated the rotunda for the concerts. in This Issue whal is a liumperclink? See Page Two ri-lE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS See Pages Three and Four STUDY ABROAD See Page Five AROUND CAMPUS See Page Six By Debbie Brown Something brewing in the Alum nae House lured a group of critics over to discuss books. The “some thing” turned our to be a Book Tea and the “critics” were Meredith stu dents — some bookwonns and some who needed inspiration to read. Two circles were formed in which the girls exchanged comments on everything from Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist to Erich Segal's Love Story. Freshman Janice Sams was favorably impressed. “That’s what I liked about it,” she said. “There was no limitation to the books we discussed — existentialism to a love story!” Popular new books, including some on the best seller list, were reviewed, such as The Godfather and French Lieuterumi’x Woman, as well as Journey for Joedel, a new book by Guy Owens; My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durell; Davidson’s Amelia Earhart Returns from Saipan; and the mem oirs of Ladybird Johnson entitled Ruffles and Flourishes. Writers such as James Mitchener, R. F. Delder- field, and Harry Golden, who have written several books, were re viewed. True to its name, the Book Tea was highlighted with hot Russian tea as well as other refreshments includ ing sugar cookies prepared by Dr. (Conlimieil on page 5) Students Hold Anti-Litter Drive “The littering of our highways is an abuse of our environment that is most readily apparent to our citizens; and highway littering not only dis rupts the natural beauty with which our state is blessed, but sometimes constitutes a direct danger to motor ists.” These words of Governor Robert W. Scott prompted his proclamation of Highway Clean-Up Day in North Carolina. The Collegiate Academy ■ of the North Carolina Academy of Science sponsored this state wide highway clean up project in which the Meredith Barber Science Club participated. Lyiui McDowell, president of CANSAS, and Nancy Watkins, vice- president of CANCAS, headed the drive. According to Jessie Markert, president of the Barber Science Club, Meredith had ten cars partici pating in the trash clean up on Route 54 to Chapel Hill for approximately 1.5 miles, It was reported that sixty plastic garbage bags of trash were collected in two hours by Meredith elected to a four year term on the Meredith Board of Trustees, begin- ningJanuary 1, 1971. The organ, which was built by Austin Organs, Inc., of Hartford, Conn., has divided chambers with the console sunken in tlie auditorium floor and contains 1,840 speaking pipes. It is built according to the modern concept of classical design. Dr. Cooper’s dedicatory recital program included “Symphony for Organ” by Guy Weitz, “Fantasie in A Major” by Cesar Franck, “Song of the Basket Weaver” by Alexander Russell and “Concert Etude” by Pietro A. Yon. Following the organ recital and dedication, a reception was held in the Blue Parlor, Johnson Hall by the Beta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota. Community Service Projects: Meredith Students Take Part Morehead School Christmas is characterized as a time for giving and the Astros spon sored, for the first time, a Christmas gift drive for the Governor More- head School for the Blind. The idea for the drive originated earlier this year. Jane Davis, presi dent, and Sanne Jones, chairman of the drive, visited the school to in quire about the areas where the most help was need. One of the women in charge of the children’s cottages pro vided them with a list of toys, cloth ing, and other necessities and gift possibilities which was distributed to students here before the Thanksgiv ing holidays. Gathered from the parlors on et'ch floor, the gifts were then sorted by Meredith students and repairs made when necessary. All the gifts will be distributed this week to stu dents at the school for the blind, who range from kindergarten age through high school. Jane Davis said that gifts for the high school students are most appreciated because they receive the least amount of attention. Most of the service groups choose to sponsor parties and other entertain ment for the younger children rather than the teenagers. The results of the drive filled part of the parlor on second Brewer and the president of the Astros con sidered the drive “very successful.” Jane also added that she hopes the tradition of the gift drive will be continued. IFC Food Drive Approximately 30 cleaned, dressed and ready-to-cook ducks made an unusual contribution to a city-wide food drive, sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity Council at North Carolina State with the sup port of the Astro and Phi societies, which began on November 30. The ducks were given by Mr. Pilston Godwin Jr. of Raleigh. Volunteers were also placed at participating grocery stores throughout the Raleigh area. These volunteers urged shoppers to buy aa extra can or package of food to be distributed to needy families in Ra leigh. Winn-Dixie, A & P and Colonial stores in Raleigh participated in the drive which ended Saturday, Decem ber 5. NOTICE Tlie next issue of THE T^VIG will be publislied on Thursday, Jan. 14. All contributions should be broiiKhI (o 110 Jones or 221 New Durm by Friday, Jun. }i. N. C. Symphony Performs Here The North Carolina Symphony is holding its three Raleigh concerts this year in Jones Auditorium on the Meredith campus. The first concert was Friday, December 4. The dates of the other concerts are February 21 and April 21. As a patron of the Symphony, Meredith has 24 student tickets which may be obtained by any stu dents desiring to attend the concerts. These tickets are available in the music office and may be obtained any time before the concerts. These tickets must be returned after each concert In order that they may be given out to other students for the next concert. students. Governor Scott said of the CANCAS and Nancy Watkins, vice- my of the North Carolina Academy of Scicncc, an organization of con cerned college students, has adopted a project of highway clean-up as a group elTort by members to improve our environment, and it is fitting (hat we recognize their active con cern,” Fifty students participated in the project on Saturday, November 21 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The Karhcr Science Club uud friends- pose during Iwo honrs of de>litteriiig Highway 54. with part of (heir 'liaul” coliectedl

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