PAGE 2 THE TWIG Se,ptzmbo.n, 2S, 197 2 1 Letters To The Editor: DO WE CARE? Last week I wrote of the opportunity which the Meredith Community would have during the Inauguration to work for a totality here. As I watched the proceedings this past week I realized that Meredith does, indeed, have the potential to pro vide this atmosphere. I realized during the processional that a fantastic amount of planning had gone into making this Inauguration a success not only for Dr. Weems but also for all of Meredith. In fact, I actually became quite sentimental about Meredith when Dr. Mary Lynch Johnson emphasized the great care of individuals who have made Meredith a strong educational institution for women. People such as the Massey family, C. C. Cameron, Seby Jones, and countless others have genuinely cared enough about Meredith’s educational program to provide for the oppor tunities offered. This type of caring is what needs to be continued if Meredith is to stay alive as an institution. I only hope that what was indi cative of the care of students, faculty, administration, and friends at the Inauguration will be continued throughout the future. JFS To the Editor; Despite the Nixon lead in the polls, the Meredith Students for McGovern- Shriver retain a glowing confidence in their candidate. The enthusiasm is quite evident by the success fulness of the McGovern cam paign in the Meredith com munity. On Monday, Septem ber 11, students received a copy of a statement the Pres ident made four years ago. These Monday Convocation handouts will continue in or der to inform confused or un decided voters. On Wednes day, September 13, McGov- ern-Shriver information was available in the Student Union from 8:00 a.m. - 5;00 p.m. This was part of an effort to educate the citizenry about the issues at stake in this election. The results of the canvass, which was taken a week ago, added encourage ment to the organization. These actions can only serve as a further example of the spirit which typifies Mc Govern’s campaign throughout the nation. Keep your ears and eyes open - there’s more to come! Cathy Rodenberg To the Editor; For the past three years I have heard complaints from day-students at Meredith to the effect that they were never informed about the activities or special events on campus. Now that I am a day-student I can sympathize with them concerning the inaccessibil ity of the day-student room in the basement of Poteat for most day-students as well as the difficulty in receiving campus mail. (For example, I learned at the last possible moment that I was invited to be a hostess for a platform speaker during the Inaugura tion activities because I was a day-student.). Hopefully the College Center will alleviate these problems. And what about a simple thing like receiving a TWIG or ACORN? For day-students to ever become involved in campus activities they must first be informed. My purpose in writing this letter is to make the point that if day-students desire to be well-informed we must initiate the process ourselves. Mrs. Vandiver has done a wonderful job in stimulating concerned day-students to ac tion on specifics such as a central and convenient place for day-students to pick up the TWIG, receive intercam pus mail, and a locale for information about campus or ganizations and class activi ties. So, stop complaining and come help us bridge the com munication gap. Dianne R. Beal INAUGURATION HIGHLIGHTS Dr. Massey and Mr. Cameron admiring Dr. Weems’ medallion. Are you sure you’ve got this right? This is my life? You’ve got to be kidding! ••A Goodly Heritage” Janice Sams EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Copy Editor Z!;"”!!!!"!!!!"!"!""!;.;" Eleanor'HiH Feature^ Eihto^r Renee Lindsey Claudia Denny, Joy Seaborn, Susan Webster, Mary Reporting Staff Karen Britt, Norma Heath, Catherine Stover, Owens, Barrie Walton Typists ....Deborah Phillips, Suzanne Martin, Susan Webster Faculty Advisers Dr. Norma Rose, Dr. Tom Parramore Business Editor Owen Advert.smg Manager Emily Johnson Circulation Manager Elaine Staff Nancy Alvis, Lou Ann Faculty Adviser „r. T,ois Williams Roebuck, Candy Purvis The Brewer sisters present the Weems with a silver tray given to their father on his inauguration. Member Associated Collegiate Press. Entered as second- clas.s matter at post office at Raleigh, N.C. 27611. Publi.shed f’xcept during holidays and exams. ^ THE TWIG is served by National Educational Advertising ^^th .Street, New York. Subscription Rates; $3.70 per year.