THE TWIG Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College VOL. XLLIII MEREDITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C. SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 NO. 3 r. President Weems and Vice-President John T. Kanipe join Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cameron during the Trustee Meeting last weekend. Mr. Cameron is presently serving as chairman of the Board of Trustees. TWIG newshriefs There will be a meeting of’ the Young Republican Club on Wednesday, October 3, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. in the CEA Faculty Lounge. The purpose of this meeting is to try to reorganize the club into an active organization on, as well as off campus. All interested persons are urged to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend and would like to join please contact Loretta Honeycutt or Kathy Lewis in 301 Faircloth. (833-5423). Thursday, September 20, Meredith hosted a beginning synchronized swimming workshop for students from Peace, St. Mary’s and Meredith. The workshop was for those students involved with beginning synchro at each school. Over 75 girls attended the workshop which was hosted by Meredith’s Performance Group. The Sea Saints from St. Mary’s swam a group number and Meredith’s Beth Gray swan a solo to begin the workshop. The participants spent the rest of the time working on basic skills. The history department invites all junior history majors to a coke party on Friday, September 28th at 10:00 a.m. in the Joyner lounge. A carnival for cystic fibrosis will be held on November 3 at either North Hills or Crabtree. Girls are wanted to make and-or man booths. Any group, hall, etc. is (Continued on page 4) Dr. Charles Rust to speak on ^^Christian Thought” Dr. Eric Charles Rust, professor of Christian philosophy at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, will deliver four religious lectures on the Meredith College campus, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 1-3, under the sponsorship of the Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar Lecture Program. The general theme of Dr. Rust’s lecture is “Christian Thought in a Naturalistic Era.” The lectures and informal coffee hours, (which will be announced following some of the lectures) are open to the public free of charge. Two lectures are scheduled on Monday. The first will be held at 10 a.m. in Mclver Amphitheater and the second will be held at 8 p.m. in the College Center Auditorium. Tuesday’s lecture is scheduled at 8 p.m. in the College Center Auditorium and Wednesday’s lecture at 10 a.m. in Mclver Amphitheater. The lecture series is sponsored by the Thomas F. Staley Foundation of New York. Staley, a graduate of Davidson College, established the series to bring Christian scholars and college students together to discuss religious thought. Dr. Rust is a native of Great Britian and held pastorates there before coming to the United States in 1952. He is the author of several books on religion and theology. His most recent book is COVENT AND HOPE: THE THEOLOGY OF THE PROPHETS. His Monday morning topic is “Naturalism and Experience - The Dimensions on Knowledge” and his Monday evening topic is “The Scientific Way of Knowing - Its Strength and Weakness.” Tuesday’s topic is “The Crisis in the Personal - The Historical and the Existential.” His Wednesday topic is “Towards a Christian World - View - Reason and Faith.” Harris and Bell award given to Henry M. Shaw of Raleigh Henry M. Shaw of Raleigh, founder and former president of N.C. Products Co., was honored by Meredith College Friday night by being presented the Harris and Bell Award, the only distinguished service award given by the college. The award is given annually by the college. The award is given annually by Meredith trustees to a man or woman whose personal influence and achievements are judged to have been of historical significance to the college' Trustee chairman C. C. Cameron presented the award to Shaw during the joint dinner meeting of the trustees and Meredith Board of Associates. Shaw is chairman of the board of associates and served as a trustee from 1969- 72. “His (Shaw’s) influence has benefited the college because of his effectiveness as a hard-working, successful businessman, and a Christian gentleman,” Cameron said before presenting the award. “In addition to his church and civic activities, he has served Meredith with enthusiasm and has been instrumental in strengthening the college,” Cameron said. The board of associates consists of recognized community leaders^ from North Carolina and the regional area, organized to promote development of Meredith. Shearon Harris of Raleigh was elected chairman and Victor E. Bell, Jr. of Raleigh was elected vice chairman. Dr. Jesse P. Chapman, Jr. of Asheville was elected vice chairman for the Asheville region, Irwin Belk of Charlotte for the Charlotte region, A. C. Elkins of Durham for the Durham region, Everett L.'. Henry of Lumberton for the Fayetteville region, Mrs. James E. Lambeth of Thomasville for the Greensboro region, Mrs. Charles S. Norwood of Goldsboro for the Kinston - Rocky Mount - Goldsboro region, and Mrs. Dan K. Moore of Raleigh for the Raleigh region. Trustees approve tuition increase A tuition increase, a new faculty salary schedule for the 1974-75 academic year, an Upward Bound program and a cooperative education program were approved by the Meredith College Board of Trustees during their semi annual meeting on the campus Friday and Saturday, September 21 and 22. In addition, the board was presented prelimenary plans for a new music facility, reviewed the audit for the 1972-73 academic year, and received reports from various trustee committees and administrative officers. “The tuition increase of $50 per semester or $100 a year reflects only half of the seven percent cost of living rise we are anticipating for next year,” President John E. Weems said. President Weems noted that Meredith was already absorbing a $50,000 increase in food costs this year that was not passed on to students. “We will have to call on our supporters for an additional $130,000 - $150,000 in additional support over what we received this past year for us to continue our programs,” President Weems stated. Dr. Weems said Meredith was trying to do everything it could to absorb the rising operational costs rather than pass all increases on to its students. The faculty salary schedule adopted by the board for the 1974-75 academic year is broad enough to accomodate an average increase of 5.5 percent, Joe Baker, vice president for business and finance, said. In other matters approved by the Board, the Upward Bound program will bring some 65 underpriviledged high school students with academic potential to the campus for enrichment courses and the cooperative (Continued on page 4) HENRY M. SHAW