Page I THE TWIG OCTOBER 4, 1973 Blew program sponsored The Raleigh Community Relations Committee is introducing it’s new program, P H D. (Prevent High School Dropouts). This program, under the of H.E.W., is to prevent expulsions, and the Raleigh City which IS sponsorship designed suspensions, dropouts in through planned High Schools, Neighborhood-based activities. This program has three components, which are: 1. Counseling 2. Neighborhood-Parent Organizing 3. Tutoring COUNSELING: This component along with volunteer help will be directing its efforts toward students and parents of students who: A. are showing poor behavior and are being suspended from school; B. who show poor attendance in school; C. lack motivation and exhibit a negative self-concept and attitude toward school; D. and students who have recently dropped out of school. NEIGHBORHOOD- PARENT ORGANIZING: The neighborhood - parent organizing component will primarily focus on: A. bridging the gap between home and school with target parents. This would include the arrangement and promotion of conferences during the school year with parents and school personnel (principals, counselors and teachers); B. working toward improvement of parental involvement in school activities; C. securing and establishing regular neighborhood meetings in churches, homes, and centers; D. information dissemination of school activities to target and other interested parents; E. and securing neighborhood facilities that will allow individual and group counseling, remedial work for students as well as workshops that school personnel would be invited to attend, to promote an understanding of a positive attitude between the community and school. TUTORING: This component is designed to aid students, who been suspended, expelled or who have dropped out of school, in remedial work. Tutors will be composed of students from the Raleigh Colleges and volunteers from the Raleigh community. Along with these three components, professional volunteers who are experts in working with the school and the community will strength to the program. add OFFICE: 228 Hargett St., Carolina Hotel, Raleigh, N.C. - Phone: 755-6129. BUSINESS TEACHERS MEET HERE TO (Continued from page 1) Chowan, Wingate, Gardner- Webb, and Campbell. A similar meeting is held biennially by the host school and the Council on Christian Higher Education of the Baptist State Convention. The new putting green becomes a place for forty winks. The P.E. department would like to see it used for golf, too! ]\CSL bachs bond Jflaid of Cotton contest set MEMPHIS - Cathy Stratemeyer, El Paso, Texas, has been named tour secretary for the 1974 Maid of Cotton program, the National Cotton Council announced today. She will be working with Tour Manager Janet Hawken, a University of Arkansas graduate from Helena who has been employed by the Council for two year. Miss Stratemeyer graduated earlier this year from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in communications. Applications are now being accepted by the Council for the 1974 Maid of Cotton selection. Girls who were born in a cotton-producing state or who have maintained continuous residence in the Cotton Belt since the age of seven or earlier are eligible to enter. Applicants also must be between 19 and 23 years old, at least five feet five inches tall, and have never been married. Twenty girls will be invited to participate in this year’s annual selection. The new Maid will make her first official appearance at the Cotton Bowl Festival in Dallas on New Year’s Day. She will travel extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and the Far East for six months. At the tour’s conclusion, she will be presented a new automobile as a gift from Ford dealers in the Memphis district. Application forms may be obtained by writing the Council at 1918 N. Parkway, Memphis, Tenn. 38112. Deadline for entering the selection is midnight, Dec. 1. Placement office notesi b- p. icr Uo u B- SS::::::::: GROFF’S CAME •repair service. Dial 467-8213 or 'write 209 Gordon St., Cary.; Instamatics also. Several recruiters will be on campus in the next few weeks. They will be available to any student individually: 1. VANDERBILT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY - October 9 from 1:00 to 3: (X) in the Placement Office 2 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - October 11 from 11:30 to 5:00. The representative will speak at lunch on insurance careers other than selling. 3. MARINE CORPS - October 12, all day. The Marine Corps has a program in the Women Officer Candidate Corps which is open to undergraduates. After completing an 8 week summer training course, financial assistance is available. Payments of $100 per month for a 9 month school year are offered. This means that one would receive a total of $900.00 for the year and be required to serve a total obligation of 3 years upon commission. More information is available in the Placement Office. At an interim meeting Sunday, the North Carolina Student Legislature (NCSL), which was modeled after the North Carolina General Assembly and represents more than half of the state’s college students, voted to support a resolution backing the November 6, $300 million school construction bond referendum. The resolution stated that “adequate educational facilities are necessary to provide students with an environment which is condusive to learning,” and pledged that the NCSL will “exert every possible effort to promote the passage of the (school board) referendum” The resolution was passed after Jim Blackburn, representing a group called “Sound Investment in Tommorrows’ Education (SITE)” revealed what he called a “great construct schools areas of the state.’ NCSL Student Governor, Walker Reagan, of Duke University, sited the passage of the resolution as “an example of NCSL concern in an area that is crucial for all North Carolinians.” “We need more schools now,” said the student leader. Cindy Snipes, NCSL Interim Counsel member and Meredith’s delegation chairperson, urges all students to vote on November 6 and to support the referendum. need to many in Representative needed! Earn $200.00 plus each semester with only a few hours work at the beginning of the semester. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SERVICE, 519 Glenrock Ave., Suite 203, Los Angeles, California 90024. RIDGEWOOD BEAUTY SHOP Ridgewood Shopping Center MM 833-4632 VILLA CAPRI RESTAURANT TRY RIDGEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER Brothers Pizza DIAL 833-2435 Palace OFFERING YOU THE BEST IN ITALIAN 2508Vz HILLSBOROUGH Across State Campus FOODS AND PIZZA THE BEST PIZZA, SPAGHEHI OPEN SUNDAYS and LASAGNE OPEN TILL 11 O'CLOCK. P.M. HAMBURGER STEAK, SANDWICHES AND GREEK SALAD TWO GTYS AMERITALIAIV RESTAURAIVT ; All Fresh (No Frozen) oufi df^ccicUtef THE BEST PIZZA IN TOWN! > SPAGHETTI - LASAGNA - SEAFOOD - STEAKS - GRECIAN HEROES- GREEK SALADS Open 11-12 Monday-Saturday 1 12-10 Sunday | BROTHERS ORDER!l>» TO TAKE OUT 2504 Hillsborough St. | THAAK YOU 832-2324 ; All ilem$« to go Phone 832-3664